UC 38: 3 Near-Death Experiences That Changed My Life Forever - Michelle Clare

Michelle Clare: I am
literally just catapulted

out of my body.

And I am turned around
standing with three

people that I didn't know.

I'm standing with an
Asian man, an Egyptian

woman, and a Hawaiian man.

And I am facing my body in the
ladder suspended in the air.

And once again, I'm in this.

Blissful, timeless space.

I'm feeling all of this
unconditional love.

And they said to me, what
do you want to do, Michelle?

Do you want to stay
or do you want to go?

And I was trying to understand
because I, in my mind, was

saying my body's going to
hit the floor in less than

a second, but they were
not rushing me to decide.

Rod Bland: I'd like to welcome
to the show, Michelle Clare.

Thanks for being
here, Michelle.

Michelle Clare: Thank you
so much for having me, Rod.

Rod Bland: I'm absolutelyy
fascinated to hear about

your story, about your
NDE's and, and how you're

working with spirit now.

But could you just give us a
little bit of your background?

What life was like growing up
for you and when, and if you

had a spiritual awakening,
what that was like as well?

Michelle Clare: Yeah.

So I was raised Catholic
and from a very young age,

I believed in the angels
and the saints so that I

had this whole universe
of people, light beings

that were, really, really
wanting to help me and

support me on my journey.

So that was very
beneficial for me.

I will tell you though, in
first grade, when my dog

died and I went to Sunday
school and my teacher told

me my dog didn't go to heaven
because it didn't have a soul,

that was the first time
I started realizing

this was my soul.

This might not be the
right fit for me because

even at that age,

I knew that my dog was safely
home in that heavenly realm.

So that's really
how I was raised.

But what happened was
when my grandfather passed

away, I was 12 years old.

And at that point in time,
after he passed, he would

come through and give
me messages and I would

share them with my mom.

And my mom would say,
well, Michelle, that's

what you think he would
say if he was still here.

And So I quickly realized
not everyone was having

these conversations with
grandpa, and I just started

to keep it to myself.

Rod Bland: thanks.

Thanks for your support
there, there mum.

Michelle Clare: Yeah.

Rod Bland: How did that
present itself to you?

Was it just like a voice
in your head or a vision

or how did that work?

Michelle Clare: Yeah.

So it would come, um, I
could fill his presence.

I would have dream
visits with them.

So sometimes I would
feel him next to me and I

could feel the message or
hear what he was saying.

And what I just realized
was that was going to be

my relationship with him.

And I was going to kind of
keep it Private because nobody

else was open to that, but
I would feel him sometimes

give me messages for my mom.

And when I would go to
share those with her, she

was always uncomfortable.

She just didn't understand
it and didn't know

exactly how to process it.

Rod Bland: Yeah, I think
this is a thing, isn't it?

Especially, I think there's
more and more children who are

being born, you know, in the
last decade or two that have,

have these experiences, that
have this sort of awakening,

this, it's like the veil
between them and the spirit

world is much, much thinner.

And, um, I mean, that's
why it's important that we

We talk about what we're
talking about right now,

I think, so that more and
more people, it becomes

more and more accepted.

And when it does come up,
um, you know, I was thinking

like the fact that your mum
didn't really understand,

did that sort of deter you?

Or did that sort of make you
want to like shut down that

particular aspect of you?

Michelle Clare: Yeah, it
absolutely did because I

didn't think I was safe to
share it with anyone because

my own mom, even though she
loved me and I loved her,

wasn't really open to it.

So it really became just
this private thing where I

thought, okay, this is just
between me and grandpa.

Um, and I never looked for
it to expand to be with

anyone else or expected that.

So it was, it was a little
bit disheartening because at

that point he was the closest
person in my life that I had

had that had transitioned.

And I didn't really realize
that no one else was

having these conversations.

Rod Bland: How did
grandpa explain himself?

You mentioned that there's a
feeling like you knew that it

was him just by a sort of a.

intuitive knowing and feeling.

Did he have to explain himself
when he first came through?

It's like, Hey,
it's actually me.

It's grandpa.

Michelle Clare: No, I actually
just knew exactly who he was.

I, I could feel him.

I had a visual in my
mind's eye and I could

understand everything
he was saying to me.

So it was, it was very, I.

One thing that was beautiful,
it was never scary for me.

It was like, Oh, it's grandpa.

He's still communicating.

Rod Bland: So I know
you've had a few NDAs.

So I'd love to talk
to you about those.

Can you sort of go through
in chronological order

what happened there?

Michelle Clare:
Yeah, absolutely.

So before my first NDE, my
grandmother also transitioned.

And when she transitioned,
same thing happened with her.

I was having these
visits with her.

The messages were
coming through.

I'd share them with my mom.

My mom would say
the same thing.

Well, that's what you
would think she would say.

So again, I Learn to keep
this relationship to myself,

but I'm very much aware
that this is happening.

So as time goes on in April
of 2000, I have my first

near death experience.

And in that point in
time, I'm, um, I had only

been married a few years.

I didn't have kids yet.

We were in the hospital
visiting my sister in law

who had had a baby that day
and her RN happened to be

my friend from high school.

So I was in the
hallway talking to her.

And at that point in time,
I had a massive seizure.

And so what I remember is
opening my eyes and I was

laying in this beautiful
white room and the walls

were alive and breathing.

It was like every cell
or molecule in there was

radiating this light and love.

And even though they seemed
solid, I knew they were.

full of light.

And as I'm laying in this
room, I look up and I

see my beautiful grandma
holding my head in her lap.

And she was the youngest
healthiest version of her.

that I could remember.

And I just remember feeling
the timelessness, the bliss,

this unconditional love.

And as I was really
soaking it in, I noticed

that standing next to my
grandma was this angel that

was about 12 feet tall.

And as I looked at her, It was
as though I had been kind of

almost pulled into her energy.

And I remember thinking,
what is your name?

And she answered me.

She said, my name is Madeline
and I'm your guardian angel.

I was really surprised because
at that point in my life, I

didn't know anything about
telepathic communication,

so I didn't know how she
was reading my thoughts.

I remember I wanted to
see her wings because we

all know that angels have
these big feather wings.

And when I went to look
for them, what I realized

was they were actually
made out of light and they

were kind of iridescent and
translucent and they moved

a little bit like the aurora
borealis across the sky.

And there was no
end to these wings.

They literally almost
seemed to span eternity.

So, I was just laying here
in this beautiful, blissful

space, not wanting to leave,
not worried about anything.

And the next thing I
hear is someone yelling,

code, code, code.

And I am shoved
back in my body.

And it felt like I had dropped
out of a 10 story building.

It was hard.

It was heavy.

My arm felt like it
weighed 500 pounds

and I was just back.

And so after this
experience, they admitted

me to the hospital.

They never found out
why I had the seizure.

I've never had another one
again, but it took me a

few weeks to even process
what had happened because

I did not know the term
near death experience.

I didn't really have
anyone that I could talk

to about this, but I
remember that I had never

felt so loved in my life.

A few weeks after this
happened, I shared it

with my mom and my mom
was kind of looking at

me trying to understand
how this could happen.

She knew that, that I
felt that it was real.

And actually what near
death experiencers often

say is it feels more real.

And that experience
than it does when we're

here on planet earth.

And that was
absolutely true for me.

And so my mom knew I had an
experience, but she never

knew what to make of it.

Rod Bland: Wow.

So did I get this right?

So you were actually
in the hospital when

the seizure occurred?

Well, that was pretty
handy, wasn't it?

Michelle Clare: Yeah.

Very convenient.

Rod Bland: Yeah.

And did you have a moment of,
uh, like, Oh God, I've died.

Or how did I get here?

Or where am I?

Or was it just like, does
it feel familiar at all?

Michelle Clare: It felt so
familiar and so comfortable.

Um, I, so in none of my
NDEs, have I seen this tunnel

of light coming for me?

I am always just here
and then I am gone.

And so I think our souls
process getting to the

other side differently.

And for me, it's literally
just like blinking and I'm

there, but it was so familiar,
so comfortable, so loving.

Um, there was no part of
me that was worried about

anything or wanting to leave.

Rod Bland: Hmm.

Yeah, I have a
theory about that.

What I've noticed is that
people who, uh, have been, you

know, conscious of spirit from
an earlier age, at least in my

limited experience talking to
people is that they tend not

to have the tunnel experience.

Whereas those who had not,
you know, being, uh, didn't

ever get messages, weren't
ever connected to the spirit

in any sort of meaningful way,
tend to have the tunnel thing.

And maybe that just makes
more sense for them for

things to be constructed
that way for them.

Because I, what I do
believe is that everybody

has a unique NDE that's
unique to them, that's

specially tailored for them.

So maybe it's something to do
with the fact that you're kind

of used to the whole idea.

So they go, well, let's
just skip that bit.

We'll just get straight, get

Michelle Clare: Right.

We can, we'll skip the tunnel.

I'll just go right there.


Rod Bland: Yeah.

Now, uh, you had two
other NDEs, right?

So you've had one more
recently and he had one.

Tell us about the other two.

Michelle Clare: Yes.

So the next one
happened in May of 2006.

And at that point in
my life, I was married.

I had three little kids.

So I had a five year
old, a two and a half

year old and an infant.

When I had my son in
April, I had had a lot of

complications with him.

So I was in the hospital
about four out of the six

weeks after I had him.

And the doctors finally said,
we need to do a DNC on you

and that's a process where
they clear out your uterus.

It's outpatient, but they
said this should, this should

take care of the problem.

You'll be able to go home
and it'll just be fine.

So I was ready to go home.

I was sick of being
in the hospital.

And the night before the
procedure, I just had this

pit in my stomach and I
knew that I should not go

through with this, but they
had made it sound so easy

and so simple in 45 minutes,
and I'd be headed home.

So the next morning
when I went in, I

talked to the doctor and
the anesthesiologist.

Once again, they said, They
both reassured me that it

would be easy and simple,
and I have had anesthesia

before, before this procedure,
and whenever I've had it,

it was just a blank space.

I didn't have dreams,
I didn't have memories,

there was nothing.

So in this situation, I
remember counting backwards

for the anesthesiologist,
And the next thing I know,

I am opening my eyes in
the operating room on the

gurney and I look over and
my beautiful 102 pound white

German shepherd who had passed
away a few years before came

walking in, she laid her
head on the operating table.

And the next thing I knew,
we were gone and we were

on this phenomenal beach.

There were colors
that we don't have

here on planet earth.

There were sounds, there were
emotions, there were smells.

Everything on this beach,
every cell, every molecule,

every drop of water, every
piece of sand is radiating

this light and love and bliss.

And I just remember
soaking in this moment.

And as I am, I'm looking at
my beautiful German Shepherd.

Her name was Tahoe and
she is looking like she's

about two years old.

She's young, she's healthy.

We are telepathically

She's so happy that I'm
there and we are just running

on this amazing beach.

And as we're running,
I start to notice that

I'm not getting tired.

I'm not getting hot.

I'm not getting thirsty.

The sand feels like clouds.

And I start to have
this realization that

something is definitely
different surrounded

by all of this bliss.

At that moment, I feel my son
who was six weeks old and he

was at the house with my mom.

Um, Calling to me
because he knew I was

getting ready to leave.

In this near death experience,
this is the place where I

realized our souls can be
in more than one place at a

time, because there was this
part of me on the beach with

my dog, and this other part
of me that goes to my son.

And I remember him and I
remember his fear because

he was six weeks old.

And I remember saying, Josh,
I will find a way to stay.

And I didn't know what to do.

So I started praying
and I started saying,

it's not my time.

I need help.

I'm not ready.

My kids still need me.

And the next thing I
know, I'm immediately back

in the operating room.

Jesus comes in and Jesus
came in as like your best

friend, your best buddy.

Like, Hey, I'm here.

How can I help you?

This operating room lights
up with this beautiful white

light, and the next thing I
know I'm waking up in post

op, and my 45 minute procedure
turned into a three and a half

hour emergency surgery because
they had ruptured my uterus

in two places and missed
my artery by a millimeter.

Rod Bland: wow.


Those DNC operations.

The only reason I know
about that is because

I actually had another
guest almost a year ago.

He had the same thing.

They had an NDE
because she had a DNC.

I'm not saying there's
anything particularly

endemic systemic about DNCs,
but it's just interesting

that you're the second
person to talk about that.

Michelle Clare:
That is interesting.

Rod Bland: Yeah.




All right.

Well, we've got,
uh, now you've got,

there's another one.


Michelle Clare: There's one

Rod Bland: person
who's had three NDE's.

This is incredible.

All right.

Tell us about the third one.

Michelle Clare: Yeah, you
know, why have one or two when

you can have three, right?

But I keep telling
everyone, I'm done now.

I figure my next exit
point is I'm out.

So whenever that
comes, I'm going.

Uh, my third one happened
on November 1st, 2011.

So for people who like
numbers, that's 11 111.

At that point in my life,
I had my three little kids.

So, they were five, eight,
and ten, and I have 14

foot ceilings in my house.

So, up above, about 12 feet
off the ground, I have these

battery operated candles, and
I told my younger two kids who

are home, I'm going to change
the batteries, and then we're

going to go get your sister.

So, I remember climbing
to the top of the ladder,

and as I got to the top,
I felt it start to shift.

And I remember thinking,
Oh, this is going to hurt.

And at that moment,
I am literally just

catapulted out of my body.

And I am turned around
standing with three

people that I didn't know.

I'm standing with an
Asian man, an Egyptian

woman, and a Hawaiian man.

And I am facing my body in the
ladder suspended in the air.

And once again, I'm in this.

Blissful, timeless space.

I'm feeling all of this
unconditional love.

And they said to me, what
do you want to do, Michelle?

Do you want to stay
or do you want to go?

And I was trying to understand
because I, in my mind, was

saying my body's going to
hit the floor in less than

a second, but they were
not rushing me to decide.

I had forever to
make this decision.

It was like a freeze
frame in a movie, right?

Just my body and the ladder
suspended in the air.

And as I was watching that,
I saw a different angel

than the first one come
in, and this angel was

dressed in red and gold.

And the moment that I saw this
angel, I had this knowing that

this angel was either going
to take me straight home to

heaven or shift something
so that I could stay.

And as I was in that space,
just kind of soaking it in,

I remember seeing my two
younger kids in the kitchen.

And the minute that I
saw them, I knew I needed

to commit to staying.

And as I made that decision
I was downloaded with a bunch

of information, um, from
my life guides from source.

Uh, it was really this moment
where they said to me, okay,

Michelle, you can stay, but
you need to go back and you

need to do your mediumship
the way that you do it and you

need to, you know, help people
and, and, and be that light.

And they, they explained
to me, they said, your

marriage is probably not
going to survive this.

And you have more
trauma that's going

to come in your life.


They were absolutely correct
about all of these things.

And yet in that moment,
seeing my kids, it was just

like, Oh, I'm not done here.

So what happened was
I ended up falling.

I hit the corner of the
Island in the kitchen with

the back of my head and I
had a five and a half inch.

Skull fracture that went up.

I had a brain bleed over here.

I lost my taste, my smell, my
equilibrium, but I actually

ended up surviving the fall
by literally half an inch

because that was how much I
had missed my brainstem by.

And that was what
kept me here.

Rod Bland: gosh.

So when you, I'm just looking
at their practicality.

So the kids were there, did
somebody, how did that work?

Did one of the, I guess, cause
you had slightly older kids.

The oldest one would have
been old enough to call 9 1 1

Michelle Clare: Oh,
that's a great story.

Let's dive into
that for a minute.

That's actually a,
that's an amazing story.

So, what happened, my
five year old son, Josh,

um, had tried to call
911, but he thought his

call didn't go through.

So, um, After about 10
days, I got out of the

hospital and I came home
and I had a lot of recovery.

I mean, years of recovery.

But about the end of January,
2012, my son started getting

really depressed because
he said, Mom, I didn't

do anything to help you.

My call didn't go through.

And I would say, but Josh,
you opened the door for the

policemen, help was coming.

And he just kept getting more
and more depressed at five.

So, the end of January, my
grandfather, who passed away

when I was 12 years old, came
through to me, and he talked

to me about the accident, he
talked to me about my son,

they've never walked this
earth at the same time, And

he said something about my son
being good with electronics.

And then he said to me,
Michelle, you need to

get the 9 1 1 recording.

There's something on there
that you should know.

And I didn't even
know I could get that.

So I went down,

this is my first huge
mediumship visit to

after the head injury.

Rod Bland: I'm getting chills.

Michelle Clare: I know.

So I go, I ordered
the 9 1 1 recording.

It takes a couple
of weeks to come in.

I get it.

I play it.

And I hear them say, 911,
what's your emergency?

And in his little broken
voice, my son, Josh says,

Sophie, what do I say?

And then he laid the
phone down because he

had called right when
the trauma happened.

And he actually had forgotten
that the call went through.

So for a minute and a
half, you can hear the

operators trying to
get the kids attention.

And then my son says, I'm
going to go push the panic

alarm button on the house.

And my daughter says, hold
on, let me try calling 911.

She hangs up the phone,
recalls, and her call

went through too.

So when he came home from
kindergarten that day,

I just said to him, I
said, Josh, your call went

through, help was coming.

And it was as though I had
lifted this 10, 000 pound

weight off this little boy.

And the gift of this was
what I really realized

at that moment was the
true gift of mediumship.

My grandfather from
the other side had life

changing information that
I didn't even know existed.

And he was still connected
to my son, whom he never

even met in human form.

But came through
with information

to change his life.

Rod Bland: Wow.

That's amazing.

I'm going to be like, I've
got, I'm going to be doing a

bit of this today, I think.


Um, so the, the download
that you got while you were

doing your NDE, you know,
what, what did that contain?

What were, what were the
instructions that you got?

Michelle Clare: Yeah.

So some of it is still
revealed to me over time.

Um, I don't think that I can
remember all of it because it

was so multi layered, but, um,
basically what I was told was

that I was going to survive.

I was going to be able to,
you know, live to raise my

kids, that I was going to lose
my marriage, which is true.

After 25 years, my
marriage ended in divorce.

They told me that I was going
to have more trauma coming.

Um, And if they told me
the specifics of that, I

don't remember it, but,
um, what has happened

also since then is that my
life partner transitioned

by suicide in August.

So there was definitely
more trauma with that.

Um, and what they really told
me was like, just to take the

next step on my path because
I didn't know, um, how to,

how all of this was going to
unfold at that point in time.

And honestly, that first year.

I had so much physical
damage that I was

trying to heal from.

I mean, just being able
to stand up and walk, uh,

that I couldn't really
focus on how am I going

to learn to be a medium?

I was just trying to be a mom.

But with time, the pieces
kept coming into place.

And one thing that I've really
learned from Spirit is that

it, it really is, especially
for me about having just

the faith to take the next
step, even though I might

not know exactly what that
Looks like it will present

itself at the right time,

Rod Bland: Hmm.

There was something you said
then about you were There's

this, the law of free will,
I call it the law because

I've been reading, um, the
Law of One books for probably

about nine months now.

And the one thing that's
really hit home to me is that

the, uh, this free will that
we're given is absolutely

fundamental to our experience.

And that anything that might
impinge on our free will

is absolutely fundamental.

It's really to be avoided
when it comes to, especially

when it comes to spirits.

So when I think about that,
it's like you were given a

little bit of information,
but it wasn't enough to,

you've still got your free
will about how you do that.

But I think when you start
getting specifics about this

is going to happen, that's
going to happen, that's

going to happen, I feel
like that starts to then

intrude upon your free will.

in a way.

So it makes sense to me
that you wouldn't be given

those sort of specifics.

And having said that, I
know, I know that sometimes

people get premonitions
about things as well.

And I think there's this sort
of, there's this fine line

that spirits sometimes treads,
I feel like, between free will

and it's like, well, this is
a probability, you know, but

it's not necessarily going to
impinge on your free will if

I give you this information.

Michelle Clare:
Yeah, absolutely.

I I came back knowing without
a doubt That the deal was I

would follow through with my
mediumship if I was coming

back again, um, and it, and
it was clearly worth it to me.

We have free will on a
soul level and we have

free will on a human level.

So no one's soul is
here accidentally or

against their will.

I believe in pre
life prevention.

So I believe that our
souls create blueprints

and we have ideas and
missions and things we want

to learn and accomplish.

And then we come in, right?

So our soul chose to be here.

And then on top of
that, we, we picked a

blueprint for our life.

And then we come in and our
humanness has free will also.

Rod Bland: So how
did your abilities

evolve after that NDE?

Did things change
for you then?

Michelle Clare: They did
not change immediately.

I mean, the visit that I
had with my grandfather when

he told me about the 911
recording was the most vivid,

brilliant visit I had ever had
up until that point in time.

But I started getting
a little scared.

So I went to a counselor
and the spirit would

have me have it.

They took me to the
right counselor who said,

Oh, Michelle, Michelle.

What a gift.

Let's get you a mentor.

And I wasn't really
sure it was a gift at

this point in time.

So then I found a mentor
and I started training

with different people.

And I did that for
quite a few years.

What was happening was
information was coming through

from spirit, but I didn't feel
like I had control over it.

It would just come
in out of the blue.

And so I didn't
know how to do it.

on demand.

Um, and, and with the
mentoring, I really was able

to train it and hone into it.

Rod Bland: Hmm.

And so how, how does your, uh,
mediumship in particular, I

find absolutely fascinating.

And, uh, I know for
some people it's like

a blending that occurs.

Some people really have
to sort of step aside.

Like people like Riz Mirza
really sort of steps aside

and others, um, other people
I've spoken to, it's not,

it's not like that at all.

And it comes with
their experience.

So how does, how does
spirit come through with

you, especially when
you're getting messages?

Michelle Clare: Yeah.

So most of my information
comes through feelings and

I like to describe that
as looking at someone that

you know well, and you know
exactly what they're going

to say before they say it.

It's just there.

When I'm working with
mediumship, I will

feel the number three.

I'll feel the color blue.

I'll feel that grandpa
felt like he was 5'10 So

it's really about feeling.

Sometimes I will see
things, hear things, or

physically feel things too.

Rod Bland: Wow.

So you've got to translate a
feeling into something that

a person that you're talking
to can actually understand.

Michelle Clare: Yes.

Rod Bland: Yeah.

Did it take, was that,
is that just practice?

Like do you keep getting
better with that or

how did you, how did
you evolve that skill?

Michelle Clare: Yeah.

So I did, I just
started practicing.

I started working with
different mentors and then

I actually spent one year
before I went into business

doing this professionally
Telling everyone I knew,

send me anyone you know that
I don't know that wants a

reading so that I can just
read them and make sure I'm

getting accurate information.

And it was really about
building that trust

within myself that the
information was good.

And then the other thing
that I did was I actually

became a certified medium.

And the way that that is
done, um, what happens is

you have five blind readings.

So they would Skype Wednesday
morning at 11, I would log on

to a blank screen and I would
just start saying, okay, I

have a young male here who
died of traumatic brain injury

and start giving information.

And the person on the
other side of the screen

is actually scoring you
and giving you points.

So after you do five and
you pass them, then you're

officially certified.

Rod Bland: Wow.

I didn't even know that
that was, that was a thing.

Michelle Clare:
Yes, it is a thing.

I know.

I, I think it's amazing too,
because there are a lot of

great mediums who aren't
certified or haven't been

vetted, but for somebody
who's starting and doesn't

know where to go, it's
always great to start with

somebody that actually
has, you know, credibility.

Rod Bland: Yeah, yeah,
yeah, I guess it's good.

I mean, it's, it adds this
sort of element of trust,

especially for people who
may not have ever spoken to

a medium before, knowing,
knowing that you've, you've

been through that sort
of testing and training.

yeah, before we, we got on
the air, we were talking about

whether there was, I've only
recently started speaking to

mediums, like I mentioned to
you before, We got on, let's

hit the record button, and
sometimes I've had my guests

have messages come through
for me or for someone in my

family, um, so I don't, I know
that your, your sort of the

process for you is a little
different, I'm just wondering

whether anything has been
coming through while we've

been having our conversation.

Michelle Clare: You know,
yeah, there actually is.

So I don't know who has
the stronger connection to

water, you or your brother,
but there's a really

strong connection to water.

So I need to acknowledge that.

I also need to acknowledge
him saying that he, okay,

he taps you on the shoulder.

So there's something
about when you're with

the water, whether you're
at the ocean or at the

beach or whatever you're
doing, are you a surfer?

Are you out there
in the water?

Um, whatever this

Rod Bland: I just
really like it.

And I've never been able
to really understand why.

And I should point out my,
because, because we talked

about this before I hit the
record button, my brother

passed away when he was 18
years old, about 30 years

ago in a car accident.

So now people know who
you're talking about

when you say my brother.

Michelle Clare: okay, he,
um, he's telling me he taps

you on the shoulder, so that
connection with water is also

a connection with him, so
I feel like you'll get more

messages or insights from him
when you're around the water,

but he's also talking about
sending you a lot of music

and a lot of songs, so pay
attention to what's coming on.

And He's showing me two coins.

So I think you should find
coins when you're walking

through parking lots or in
the grocery store Whatever

that looks like he's also
talking about too Um with

him so he is he is talking
about wanting to live like

He was very fun and young so
I want to say your brother

was most likely the life of
the party I can feel that

in his energy Where he would
just light up a room when he

walks in so he's sharing that
too and he does this funny

thing Was so who was there
in the military around him?

Did you have a grandfather
or somebody in the military

because he's saluting there's
a salute coming in too.

Rod Bland: Oh, okay.

Well, my, my grandfather was
in the, in the Australian

army during World War II.

Um, yeah.

Michelle Clare: so
let me acknowledge

him coming in because

Your your brother is bringing
him in because I know we're

in the military because he
keeps doing this so he's

Acknowledging that too.

So not only do you have
your brother supporting you.

You've got grandpa coming
in too You Um, and your

grandpa's funny because
your grandpa just has a

different view on life.

And I think what you're doing
right now is almost a little

bit like mind blowing for him.

Um, but he loves to,
I'm going to use the

word eavesdrop on these
podcasts and these things

that you're doing because
he is still learning and

growing from the other side.

And that's really
important for you to know.

Rod Bland: Yeah.

He was a real character.

My, my granddad, so he
passed when I was like in

my early twenties, but he
was just always making fun

of everything all the time.

He didn't, didn't take
life too seriously.

Michelle Clare: Yeah,
he's the one who plays

with your electricity.

So I want to say that.

Um, if you have flickering
lights or the radio comes

on by itself, I want to
connect that to your grandpa.

Rod Bland: Okay.


Michelle Clare: Yeah.

Does somebody have,
um, Well, I don't know.

I want to say either like a
metal or a ribbon or something

that he had because he's
he's wanting I don't know how

what your military uniforms
look like, but in the U.


We have like They have like
metals or ribbons that they

would wear on their shoulder.

And he's keeps
pointing to this.

Rod Bland: I, I'd have
to ask my mom about this.

I know that.

My granddad did have some
medals that came from his

time in service, but I'm
not sure who they are with.

I think they
might be with mum.

Michelle Clare: Okay.

So he's just acknowledging
that too for you.

Rod Bland: Hmm.




Um, you know, I haven't,
it's cause my brother's been

gone for such a long time.

I haven't really like
thought about him for, I

don't, you know, I don't
think about him every day,

but it's, I think about him
more now, especially when

I'm talking to, to mediums.

So, yeah, it's, um, it's
good to know that, you

know, there's a, there's
a way to connect still.

Michelle Clare:
Oh, absolutely.

And you know,
everyone can connect.

So really this is a muscle
that every human has and we

just start practicing with it.

So you can ask him
to send you a sign.

You can ask him to get your
attention in a special way.

Maybe you'll see his initials
or his birth date somewhere

or something like that.

But it really starts whether
we're aware of our loved ones

or not, they are aware of us.

And that connection and that
relationship and that love,

it absolutely lives on.

Rod Bland: Okay.

So I have a question
about, um, uh, ETs.

Cause as in extra,

uh, connections.

Have you ever had any, any,
um, one coming through who

is not of this planet or
is from another dimension?

Michelle Clare: You know, I
actually have connected to,

um, yes, in other dimensions.

I have, I have, I don't
usually have that happen

during readings, but that
will happen for me when

I'm in meditation or going
to get my own information.

Rod Bland: Okay, cool.

I love hearing about
this, these sort of

Michelle Clare: Yeah,

Rod Bland: tell us about that.

Michelle Clare: okay.

So the way that
I do mediumship,

there's a couple
of different ways.

I like to compare
it to a radio.

So I can tune into
a specific channel.

So if I'm wanting to connect
to the angelic channel, I'll

go to channel 111 or if I
want to connect to the ET

channel, I can go to 103.

So I can really guide
and direct it or if

I have somebody Who's
just like, I don't know,

what do you have for me?

Then I kind of open up and
scan like a radio would scan.

So if I'm wanting to connect
with a specific energy,

let's say Pleiadians or
something like that, I

actually target that energy.

And so it would be like, okay,
I'm going into my meditation

and at this meditation, I
want to target Pleiadians and

I want to see what messages
they have for me today.

Very often when I'm
communicating with ETs,

getting messages for them,
and this is true for most

mediums or channels also,
that energy of the ET is

still in a body somewhere.

They're masters at
telepathic communication.

So it's not like
I'm connecting with

one who has died.

I'm actually connecting
with one that is still

in the body somewhere.

And one thing that I've found
is they all tend to live

a lot longer than humans.

Rod Bland: Oh, interesting.


Well, humans apparently
used to live a lot longer

than what we do now.

It was like many hundreds of
years, and it's only been, and

then it sort of went, during
Egyptian times, it really

reduced down to 40 or 50, and
now it's a little longer, but

we've kind of settled on this,
you know, 80, 80ish period.


I know you've probably had
many, many, many experiences

that really stand out, but
is there any one particular,

uh, spiritual or supernatural
experience that stands

out for you that would be
interesting to talk about?

Michelle Clare: Mm.

Well, there's one reading
that I did that was really

amazing, and I was reading
for this RN, and her mom was

in hospice dying, and she
had eight children, and she

was still working full time.

And so when I was in this
reading with her, I could just

feel her energy was depleted.

She was completely body, mind,
spirit, just running on empty.

And Mother Teresa came in.

And at that point in
time, I was like, Oh!

Mother Teresa's here.

And she says, she's
like, well, I worked

with her in Calcutta.

And I was like, Oh my gosh.


So mother Teresa came in and
she said to her, she said,

I never lost sight of giving
like service to myself.

She said, if I had,
I wouldn't have been

able to serve others.

And she was really giving this
woman, this beautiful message

about take care of you so
that you can help your family.

You can help your mom, you can
help your patients, but you've

got to start with yourself.

And I just thought
that was so.

Beautiful to have someone
like Mother Teresa, who we

know is such a giver and
helped so many, many, many

humans to come through and
say, Hey, don't forget to take

care of you first, because
that has to happen before

you can help everyone else.

So that was one of
my favorite readings.

Rod Bland: Hmm.

That's really good advice.

I was only just talking to
someone about this yesterday.

Uh, one of my guests
and when I was, uh, so

I've got four children.

So when my second, so when
my daughter, who's my second

youngest was born, this was my
new, with my new relationship.

So April and I had
just been married.

So we've been married
seven years now.

And I had this real
tightness in my throat.

It was like this.

Wasn't quite pain, but it was,
it was even worse than pain.

It was really awful.

It was a real tightness.

Uh, just, it was always
there with me from

the moment I woke up.

I got to the point where I
just couldn't wait until I

went to sleep because then
I would get some relief.

There was nothing
that could fix it.

And, um, I realised that at
some point that I thought

the right thing to do was, it
was all about, because it was

April's first baby, everything
was about, you know, getting

in the little cocoon.

I had my two other sons as
well, and I thought that Felt

like it wasn't appropriate
for me to, you know, even

talk about anything, what
else I needed, what my son's

needed, you know, how we were
going to make this all work.

And in hindsight, that
was what was causing

this, this not speaking
up, was causing this real

tension and pain in here.

And it's like you say,
it's like you really have

to look out for yourself.

And a lot of people don't.

A lot of people think that
it's necessary for them

just to, that they'd be
selfish if they have to

think about themselves.

But really it's kind
of the opposite.

We, we look after ourselves
and meet our own needs,

then that allows us to
give more freely to others.

Michelle Clare: Absolutely.

And even when we're
talking about our jobs

or our passions, our
hobbies, we really want

to honor our soul first.

So you're right.

We live in a world where
you're taught that selfish,

but here's the thing by me
following my soul's calling,

which is to be a medium
is actually how I help and

serve others naturally.

So our natural ability to help
others comes after we serve

ourselves first, or somebody
who's a neurosurgeon or.

Whatever you want to be
in this world, right?

A baker or whatever, but
it's about following the

calling of your heart and
the passion and inspiration

and serving that first.

And by that you will
automatically serve others.

Rod Bland: Now, I want
to ask you something that

I've not asked any of
my other guests before.

Um, I had this sort of,
revelation yesterday from

what a guest said to me
that because spirit is

in everything, right?

You can say God or the
universe is within everything.

So, um, whatever it is
that you can discuss,

there's, there's sort
of a consciousness to

it and even things like
YouTube channels, right?

So a YouTube channel, I
like the, I'm just, this is

just coming to my head now.

It has its own consciousness
and sort of evolution that's

going to occur and Um, you
can almost say it's own

needs and wants as well.


So I'm, I'm sitting here
going, well, I'm conscious

to making sure that I'm
actually serving the purpose

that the YouTube channel has.

Now, I think that I'm going
down the right, right road,

but I don't really, you
know, I don't know for sure.

And I'm going to have to
stumble as I go, but I'm just

wondering whether you've had,
whether you have any insights

for me with respect to that.

Michelle Clare: Yeah.

With your YouTube channel?

Rod Bland: Yeah.

Michelle Clare: Yeah.

So I'm gonna, the one thing
that I hear Spirit saying

is it's a lot like my near
death experience, where

it's like, just trust the
next step, the next step.

It is going to come up.

It's like the step
on the escalator.

So I feel like it is going
to have, It's a life of its

own for lack of a better, um,
word, but you are the guide

or the, you are the life guide
for that channel is how I'm

going to frame you right now.

And so it's really going
to be about you honoring

your connection to spirit
and the insights and the

whispers and the things that
you're feeling pulled to do.

Spirit talks to all of us,
but it really is usually like

that whisper or that pull.

It's not usually loud
thundering voices, right?

But with that, I do feel
like there's so, so, so

much potential for it
to grow, and it's needed

now more than ever.

So really, the key to it,
whenever we're a small

business owner, or running
a YouTube channel, or

an Instagram page, or
whatever that is, we need

to realize, Those things are
running off of our energy.

So if you are the run one, who
it's your page, it's actually

going to run off your energy.

So when you're feeling
inspired, when you're feeling

happy, when you're feeling
connected, you'll actually

watch it thrive more.

And I would say this.

I have no worries about it.

Just keep taking the next
step because it feels like

it's going to be really great.

Rod Bland: Hmm.

Just keep taking
the next step.

That's really useful.

Um, what advice would you
have for 25 year old Michelle?

Michelle Clare: Oh
gosh, I'd say don't

take life so seriously.

I would also say don't
believe everything you've

been taught or told or
you see on the news.

Um, and I would also really
want to tell her that even

with the most traumatic
heart events that would

come up in her lifetime,
Spirit would always bring

in the most amazing humans.

And that even in those
moments where I could not

take my next breath, there
was always a friend, a family

member, someone to love me,
to help me, to guide me,

and really wanting to remind
myself that none of us are

ever living this life alone.

Not only are we surrounded
by humans that are amazing,

but we have our angels,
our life guides, and our

loved ones in spirit too.

Rod Bland: Awesome.

Now Michelle, people are going
to want to ask you questions.

Uh, is, are you open to
that and what's the best

way for them to do that?

Michelle Clare: Yeah, so,
um, you can reach me through

my website, michelleclare.

net, and you can shoot
me an email or book an

appointment, whatever
you'd like to do there.

Rod Bland: All right.

And tell us about what you
have going on as like, what

sort of services do you have?

Have you written any books?

How does all that work in case
people want to get a brief of

that before they contact you?

Michelle Clare: Yeah, so
I do angel readings, life

guide readings, connections
with loved ones, psychic, I

also do medical intuition.

So all of those are options.

I have just finished
my first book.

I have a couple agents, um,
literary agents that are

interested in it, and it's
called Emergence of a Medium.

It's the longest second
emergence of a medium.

And it got that title because
I asked Spirit, I said,

Spirit, how long would you
say our life on earth is,

you know, when we're talking
about the scope of eternity?

And spirit said to me,
Michelle, it's just

the longest second.

So it's titled the longest
second emergence of a medium.

And I'm hopeful that'll be
coming out within the year.

Rod Bland: Oh, that's amazing.

When your book comes out,
you have to get in touch and

we'll have you back on the
channel to get an update.

Um, all right.

Now, any, any last
messages for people that

are watching this video?

Michelle Clare: You know, I
just want to remind people

that one of our strongest
gifts of free will is

actually in our perception
of situations, right?

This is a place where
we have free will and

we don't exercise it
as much as we need to.

So really take a moment and
think about how you want

to see Situations that have
happened in your life because

we can really look at them
in a way that appears to be

heavy and drag us down or we
can look at them in ways that

make us feel lighter and bring
us actually closer to source.

So really at the end of the
day, yes, you have free will

in your decision making, but
the one way to change your

life is to really focus on
your thoughts and changing

them so that you are seeing
things from a positive light.

And with time, you'll
really be able to look

at the world that way.

Rod Bland: Oh,
that's really useful.

Things happen for
us, not to us.

Michelle Clare: Mm hmm.

Rod Bland: Yeah.

Michelle, it's been my
pleasure to have you

on the channel today.

Thanks for being my guest.

Michelle Clare: Oh,
thank you so much.

It's been an honor and
a pleasure to be here.

UC 38: 3 Near-Death Experiences That Changed My Life Forever - Michelle Clare
Broadcast by