UC 35: An Ex-Corporate Burnout's 5D Shift: The Only Way to True Freedom - Lori Spagna

Lori Spagna: All I know is
the next thing I know, I was,

for lack of a better word,
like tele-transported on

ship and I had room to move.

I had space to move.

I was interacting with
beings that I recognized

and yet didn't recognize,
if that makes sense.

And that is where I think
most of my gifts really

started to be brought online

Rod Bland: I'd like to welcome
to the show, Lori Spagna.

Thanks for being here, Lori.

Lori Spagna: Thanks
for having me.

I'm so excited to
be here, with you.

Looking forward to our time.

Rod Bland: Yeah, me too.

So you've been a light worker
for a very, very long time.

I think it's at least
20 years, right?

Lori Spagna: Mm-Hmm.


It goes back even further

if you count like

Rod Bland: okay, cool.

I wanna talk to you about
what you're up to these days.

But first, can you tell
us how your journey down

that spiritual path began?

Lori Spagna: Yeah, I would
say my big, um, catalyzing,

awakening moment if there was
one, was when my brother died

of an unexpected drug overdose
and I started getting messages

from him pretty quickly.

I didn't know in a
conscious way that I

necessarily could do that.


Or that I had that ability,
but it was very clear

and it took me about
a year to unpack that.

Like, what the
hell's going on here?

Is this real?

Am I making this up?

And after about a year of
like testing it and doing

all those things you do,
like if this is real, show

me this, and all that kind
of stuff, I, I really got it.

It, it was


That was my brother
connecting with me.

And it wasn't long after
that that I started getting

messages and connections
from all kinds of like,

so-called dead people.

That's where it started.

That was just the catalyst.

From there, it was

like I started working with
animals and I was getting all

these messages from animals,
and they were all saying like,

we're gonna help you learn
what we are here to do and how

we are here to help humans.

And it just, it just
kept snowballing.

It just got more
and more from there.

So I could go on with
the whole story, but that

was the catalyzing, that
was the beginning of it.

Rod Bland: So tell us a
bit more about how, how did

the message come to you?

Was it a dream or

were you fully conscious,
or how did that work?

Lori Spagna: No, with my
brother it was all the time.


it was like
constantly coming in.

Hey Lor, this is
how it started.

Uh, my name is Lori.

We're, we were born in
New York, so he, my family

lineage, we all have like this
heavy New York accent and it

would come in like as if he
was talking to me, Hey, Lor,

it's your dead brother, Jeff.

That's how it sounded
in a New York accent.

And I'd be like, like what?

And it just kept coming in
like that over and over again.

Initially, like I could hear
it and then I'd be like,

okay, if I'm really hearing
you, Jeff, show me this.

Show me that.

And you know, there were
sometimes it was eyes closed,

meditative states of trying
to connect with him that way.

All kinds of things
would be lighting up.

Sometimes It was wild
things that would stick

out from bookshelves and.

Even still, that was
just the beginning.

It was like the, the big
kicker was I was living in

Los Angeles at the time and he
had this dog named Herkimer.

And it was like, I knew that I
had never heard of a Herkimer

diner and just one day I was
walking down the street, like

looking at the ground, and
all of a sudden I heard in his

voice look up and I was like.

What, like look up.

So I stop and I look up and
there's this sign, Herkimer

Diner, and I was like, I
had just never heard that

word or that name Herkimer.

That was the name of his dog.

That was probably the, the
moment I realized like,

I'm not making this up.

Like I heard that, you know?

So anyway, from
there, I I, what ended

up happening was just
to elaborate a little.


I ended up quitting.

I had a six figure job at that
time, and I was smoking two

packs of cigarettes a day.

I was like drinking

I was on tons of
pharmaceutical drugs from

well-meaning doctors.

My hair was falling out.

I was just, I was a mess.

I was miserable in corporate
America, and the big message

from my brother was like, if
you don't change your ways,

you're gonna end up like me.

Like you need to quit.

You need to change.

So I quit that job and
I became a dog trainer,

and I started getting
messages from the dogs.

The message was like, the
repeating message was, we are

here to help humans and you
need to like tune into what

we are here to teach you.

If you listen,
we'll teach you.

So that was like
where it started.

Then I ended up
moving to Maui.

And I got into all
the healing arts.

I got my Reiki master.

I started doing like all
these esoteric practices.

I started learning, working
with energy, and I was working

with a, um, a man who knew
he had been studying in

like the Himalayan Mountains
with all these masters.

So he knew how to
work with energy like.

Nobody's business.

And what ended up happening
was I, I do these energy,

we do these energy
works together in group.

What ended up happening
was while I lived in

Maui, my dog at that time,
her name was Kenya, she

ended up transitioning.

I was like broken, like
when she died, I just

wasn't ready to handle that.

And I remember going into
the class with him, that

teacher that day, and I was
like, please, can you just

help me know where she is?

Like I was in just so
much emotional pain at

that moment, at that time.

So he put me in the middle of
the room And now what I think

I know that he did was he
activated the DMT in my brain.

Then I would never
have known that.

All I knew was that I
was like dead according

to what I understood.

There was no body,
there was no nothing.

There was just, I somehow
moved through some kind

of awareness at that time.

This is me sort of telling
you what I knew at that time

where I became, in a sense.

Still my individual self,
but at one with everything.

Like I heard every
thought, every word.

I saw, everything.

Like, I don't know
how else to say that.

And then I met with my dog,
even though she was not

in a physical body either.

She was just her
consciousness and she

was like, I'm okay mommy.

Everything's fine.

Meanwhile, at that same
kind of moment, 'cause

it's beyond time, right?

All these beings who I ever
knew, not only from this

life, like I knew them all.

I saw them all, they
were all there, but

just in consciousness.

Not like necessarily
like bodies.

Although, yeah, anyway, and it
was like, so I was so blissed

out, like beyond bliss, right.

Anyway at some period of
time, but it had to have

been two hours later 'cause
that's how long the class

was on those, that was
a Thursday night class

where my teacher did that.

At some point, I, he
snapped his fingers or

I heard him in a way and
he was like, that's it.

1, 2, 3.

Snapped his fingers.

And there I was like, in
the center of this room.

Now this is what happens
with all that energy.

My body's flopping around
like a fish, right?

Because that kind of energy.

Is more powerful than our
bodies can't really handle it.

I call this floppy fish
syndrome When light starts

moving through the body,
right, your, your body

can't, the physical body
can't really handle that

much light initially.

So, but everybody in the
room, in the circle starts

taking their two fingers
just to put it on me.

Now we go for probably
was like a half an hour.

We're all in fetal positions.

Hysterical, laughing, like
hysterical because that's

what this energy does to you.

From this non-physical place.


It's just, it's beyond love.

Anyway, I'll add one
more piece to this story

since you're listening
so well, right.

With that, what I, I think
what happens to us when

we go through some kind
of like near-death, this

is like a near-death,

but not in a traditional
sense of a, not in

the hospital, right.

But the light that we are and
the consciousness that we are.

Lights up in reality, like
somehow there are so many more

beings in the non-physical and
beyond this physical reality

who become aware of us.

So, or maybe somehow that we
kind of become, they become

more conscious like, ah,
this person or this being

is becoming more conscious.

They're not just like a.

Like a sandbag, like a, you
know, a human walking kind of,

so-called unconscious person.

Sometimes they refer to us
in ways that seem kind of

derogatory, like, you know,
sandbag or zombie or whatever.

But in any case, after
that I had a first

contact experience.

That's where I'm going with
this, because I think there

were beings who became
more a aware of me, and

that first contact was.

That was a very real
lucid experience.

So what I'll say is that
same teacher I was working

with, he would instruct us to
meditate through the night.

He would tell us,
don't go to sleep.

And he would say things like,
you know, get your body to

believe it's sleeping, but
keep your consciousness

aware and stay lucid.

So I would practice this
every night, and I lived

in Maui, so I would do this
on the deck of my house,

which was on a golf course
in one particular night.

I was doing it at some
point, which I remember in

my memory to be about two
o'clock in the morning.

I remember like opening
my eyes and I saw a ship.

Now this ship was too low to
the ground and doing circles,

like, it wasn't like a,
um, you know, a satellite.

It was circles and it was
not like a so high in the

ground, in the sky that it was
a star, like it was a ship.

And at that time I was
already so telepathic, but at

the same time not conscious
enough of how telepathic.

So I just remember thinking
back then, Oh, you, you

must be here to help.

I really didn't get it Rod.

I didn't get it.

I didn't know that there's
like, so-called like

benevolent ones and then
not such benevolent ones.

So I just thought like,
oh, you're here to help us.

Like this is all pre-2012.

I thought they were here to
help us, so I was like, oh,

if there's anything I could
do to help, all I know is

the next thing I know, I was,
for lack of a better word,

like tele-transported on
ship and I had room to move.

I had space to move.

I was interacting with
beings that I recognized

and yet didn't recognize,
if that makes sense.

And that is where I think
most of my gifts really

started to be brought online.

Because I remember like at
one point, one of the beings

did implant me, and I remember
at one point they were like

doing what I would call these
like downloads, which now I

know were activating dormant
parts of my consciousness.

Then I wouldn't have
known that like the next

day after that happened,
I was so freaked out.

I was like screaming.

I was so angry, like what
the F happened and what,

what is all this stuff?

And I was getting all
these downloads like

in my consciousness.

I couldn't make sense of them.

And all I kept hearing
was, you'll know

when the time comes.

You'll know when
the time comes.

So this is what I, anyway,
that is where it all started.

That's a long story.

Rod Bland: It was on
my list was because you

mentioned in your notes
that you're a contactee,

and so that was one of the
stories I wanted to hear, so

that's, that's fascinating.

I've been reading the,
uh, well, I've finished

reading the book of Ra,
so I've read all four

books and now I'm starting
to read the instruction.

I dunno if you're
familiar with that work,

and they talk about how
you've got some of the.

Uh, contactees are, uh,
they're, they're from

the Orion constellation.

There's some who are a bit
more service to self-oriented,

and then there's some
from other places.

So it sounds like you had
contact with some of the

good guys that are more sort
of interested in service to

others in developing that.

Is that right?

Lori Spagna: Well, here's how
I identify with it and, and

the sense that I've made of
it through like regressions

and just years of unpacking
this and working with my

own consciousness on it,
is that, that that group

that contacted to me was
many, um, different groups.

Unified, you know, in terms
of working for the light

and that, that is my, what
I would identify as my star

family through my lineage.

And the way I identify it
now is that I, uh, I, I

connected with a, a so-called
future version of myself

and braided that, I didn't,
my personality self didn't

do it, but my consciousness
braided that future version

of myself in with my present
version at that time and over

time, or the experience of
integration unified in a sense

with other aspects of me.

So I see myself as what I
call a braided star seed.

That the star family lineage
that I'm connected with,

which is multiple, multiple
races integrated and sort of

awakened what was within me.

Which is just really, to
me, we all have all of this.

There's not anything
we don't have.

It's just that's how
my unique journey went.

Does that make sense?

Rod Bland: Yeah.


So when you are walking,
working in corporate

America, that's a.

I, I mean, we'll talk
in general terms.

People are quite, uh,
re realists, you know,

based in physical reality.

So what was it like making
that sort of transition

from there to then working
with dogs and then all these

other things happening?

How did you cope with
that, and how did your

family and friends cope

with that too?

Lori Spagna: That is crazy.

First of all, when that
happened, I, what I didn't

say was within two years
of leaving corporate.


Think this.

After college, I spent
20 years in corporate

America, and in those 20
years, that's when like

everything went wrong.

I started smoking two
packs a day of cigarettes.

I was drinking like
six beers a day.

I was, I told you I was on
those pharmaceutical drugs.

My hair was falling
out, my thyroid was off.

I was really
excessively overweight.

I would drink coffee all
day, alcohol all night.

Couldn't sleep,
couldn't wake up.

Really unhealthy behaviors,
like things that I, if I

had shame left in my body,
I would feel shame about,

but I have healed that.

And then, yeah,
spending crazy.

I had like six figures
in credit card debt.

I was living that way
for 20 years because

I was so miserable.

I would go home every night
after work and I would cry

like to my father 'cause
he was my false authority

at that time, where I gave
my power to my dad, right?

'cause I, that's the
way we're raised.

And I'd be like,
I'm so unhappy.

I'm so miserable.

What do I do?

I'd cry every night and he'd
be like, you stick it out.

Stick it out.

But that was his upbringing.

He wasn't being a bad guy.

That was just what
that's how he was raised.

So when I left corporate
America, what was really

interesting, what happened
was I had this very brief

marriage, like it lasted like
a minute, but that was somehow

what my unique soul needed
was a false male authority to

give me permission to quit.

Corporate America thinking
that I would have this

false mail authority A.K.A.

my husband at that time,
who would stand by my

side and take care of me
if it didn't work out.

But the moment I quit that
six-figure job with the

six-figure credit card debt.

He was out of there because
he was like, dead people, no,

I didn't sign up for that.

You going off your meds?

No, I didn't sign
off for that.

Like he just wasn't on
board with any of it.

But the, so he divorced me.

That's when I moved to
Maui after like a year of

dog training and realizing
like, I can do this on my

own, like I can do this.

And as soon as I moved
to Maui, all that

stuff disappeared.

In other words, I went off
pharmaceutical drugs forever

and I mean, I was on massive
doses of pharmaceutical

drugs, like ridiculous
amounts from, well-meaning

doctors, the six-figure
credit card debt was gone.

Like I was told in
guidance, start forgiving

the banks, forgive them.

'cause I was waking up
to all the conspiracy.

I was starting to
realize that slowly.

So I was practicing
forgiveness 'cause I was

being told, like, forgive
the banks, forgive yourself.

Forgive the credit card debt.

Forgive the credit
card companies.

So I started getting letters
from the banks, your credit

card, this debt is forgiven.

Like, that's insane, right?

Has that happened?

This is like how
it was reflecting.

The smoking went away, like I
didn't even want it anymore.

The alcohol
completely went away.

My, I healed my thyroid
myself because I was

learning healing modalities.

My hair started
growing back again.

I mean, it was just,
everything changed

so much faster.

So 20 years of living in
misery and then two years of

getting rightly aligned with
my, what I call my true path.

My path of, you know, right
alignment with my soul's true

agenda and all those things
were gone within two years.

No, no struggle to get
rid of the smoking.

No struggle to
let go of alcohol.

No struggle to
pay off the debt.

Those were like miraculous
things for me, so

that's pretty amazing.

Rod Bland: Yeah, it is.

So I, I also read you've had
an NDE, it's a near-death

experience at some point.

Can you tell us about that?

Lori Spagna: Yeah.

Well That was the experience
I was telling you about with

the um, the teacher that I
was working with in Maui.

He was teaching us how to
use energy and how to work

with energy, and he's the
one who that night that

my dog died and I went to
class that night and I was

like bawling my brains out.

I was really crying.

I was like, my dog died.

He's the one who was
teaching us how to still our

bodies through the night,
through meditation, through

like letting our bodies
get to that space of just

non like awake and alert
without falling asleep.


And he's the one who
I think, the way I

explain it.

I think what he did was he
activated the DMT in my brain

so that I had that near death.

Does that make sense?


Rod Bland: I, yeah, I,
I, I missed that part.

So it's a bit like, uh, in,
uh, Robert Monroe's books, I'm

not sure you've read those.

His in Journeys Outta The
Body, the first book he wrote,

it was talking about mind,
mind, awake, body of sleep.

So that's what, what
you're achieving.

I find that interesting
because I tend to, I,

I tend to fall asleep.

When, when I try to do that.

So how, was that just through
practice and training that

you were able to achieve that?

Or was there anything special

about what you were doing?

Lori Spagna: Well, let
me say first, I never

read any of the Ra books,

but I'm really familiar from
hearing about them and I never

read any of the Monroe books,
but I'm familiar with them

from hearing people about
people reading them.

Um, but the way, what I
was doing was my teacher,

whose name was Max.

He would just say to us, do
not let yourself go to sleep.

You know, he would tell
us to, to work on being

fully present and conscious
without thinking, without

emoting, without moving.

We were working on complete
stillness and through that

state, if you can maintain
that, the body goes into sleep

paralysis, you basically, your
body thinks you're asleep.

The first few times it
happened to me, it was, it's

terrifying in a way because
you think you're dying and

here's the, which in a way
you are, but you're not dying.

You're just leaving the body.

But the thing is, is like
the moment you have the

thought of a fear, it stops.

It's so annoying, right?

Because you almost have
to go through a few times

where you're like, oh, I
just had the thought, damn.

The moment you have the
realization 'cause you, not

only do you think you're
dying and you have the thought

which interrupts because
the, the electromagnetic

of the thought, Interrupts
the leaving of the body.

You can't leave the body
if you're having a thought.

At the same time,
the energy that it

triggers 'cause the thought
triggers an emotion,

triggers an energetic,
like the energetic is

all Rippling
through the field.

The energetic is fear.

I'm dying.

So it stops the experience.

Does this make sense?

You have to manage to get
through that experience

without having the thought
or the electromagnetic

experience or the fear, right?

If you can do that and
stay still, then you're

basically moving into
another state and what, at

least in my experience, what
happened was there was this.

The best way to describe
it is a moment where I

could hear everything.

I could hear everything.

A moment where I
could see everything.

It was like I heard everyone's
thoughts from everywhere.

I could see
everything everywhere.

And then there was
like experience of

nothingness and from there
everything is there again.

It's, that's the way I best
can des can best describe it.

There was one time, 'cause
like I said, this was

after the divorce with
my husband, then husband.

He was not interested in
any of this and at one

point I decided through like
astral travel to go visit

the house where we lived
in and sort of spy on him.

I wasn't trying to
be out of integrity.

I was too immature at that
time to understand that

that's, that's not Ethical.

Like, that's not something I
would ever do now, nor would

I teach anyone to do that,
but at that time, I just

loved him and missed him.

So I went to go like astral

travel to see like,
what's he up to?

What's going on?

Is he, you know.

Yeah, it's like another form
of psychic spying, I guess.

And um, you know, what
do they call that when

you're haunting someone?

I don't know.

Anyway, so, but what happened
was I get to the house

where we once were, and
there's a picture of a woman

on the desk, and in that
space, it, it wasn't me.

And out from the picture
in a sense, this woman

comes out, but she looks
like me, but she's not me.

And she punched me
in the third eye.

And said, get outta here.

So after that, I had this
horrible vertigo, like

the worst vertigo ever.

Like I was so like Vertigoed
out for like two days.

So I never, I
learned my lesson.

I never did that again.

But you do all kinds of things
when you're in the early

stages, you don't know, right?

You don't, I didn't
know what I was doing.

I didn't have anyone
training me, you know?

Rod Bland: yeah.

Lori Spagna: that's
kind of how you learn.

Now, I would never do anything
like that because over the

years I have learned that
I really am only interested

in serving the light.

I really, that is my desire.

To me, the light is the
expansion of consciousness.

The light is the elevation
of humanity, the upliftment

of humanity, the, um, return,
the restoration of, of power

to the person, to the human.

So I just from that
perspective, I, I could

care less about any
of that other stuff.

I'm not interested
in it, you know?

Does that make sense?

Rod Bland: Yeah.


It's interesting.

There's another, uh,
guest of mine, Darius J.

Wright, who you probably don't
know, but it's fascinating

to me that the way that
you describe, uh, getting

to the out-of-body state
and putting your body to

sleep, and then the fear
that goes with the sleep

paralysis is exactly the same.

exactly the same.


Lori Spagna: I
have heard of him.

I, I don't, I've never
studied with him or taken any

of his classes or anything,
but I've heard of him, so

Rod Bland: Yeah.


So I've got a few more
questions just in relation

to, I know you work with
two-legged and four-legged.




Is that, that's what
I was looking for.

Um, so in, in your, uh,
writings about animal

communication, you talk
about how there's this

intuitive bond between
humans and their pets.

So can you, uh, share an
example that stands out

to you where that bond
was really pivotal in, in

transforming a, a challenging,

you know, behavior
in an animal.

Lori Spagna: Yeah, well.

they're like limitless, right?

Let me say this.

The animals as a
collective, right?

Animals as a collective,
are here to anchor in the

consciousness of, and the
energy of all the virtues.

Which are like the highest
qualities that the human

species is learning.

So the virtues of magnanimity,
like you can put a dog into a

jail and he will love or you
know, you can put an animal

into any horrible place and
he still is magnanimous.

He still loves them all.

No judgment, right?

Or forgiveness.

You don't, they don't have
to learn forgiveness, right?

Or equanimity.

They don't necessarily
need to learn that, right?

They're bringing
these virtues in.

The other thing is
that animals speak a

universal language.

So the language is the
language of energy.

So if humans could learn
this, this language of

energy, we would all be
a lot better off, right?

Because energy is like, if
you think about everything

we're doing, everything we
are, it's all energetic.

If we feel in a contracted
state, a contracted

state is like those,
those energies that that

really weigh us down.

Worry, doubt, frustration,
anger, resentment,

judgment, blame, shame,
grief, regret, remorse.


Those energies are
contracted, right?

And those contracted energies
will contribute to our misery,

our upset, our suffering,
our unhappiness, our density,

and ultimately dis-ease,
lack, limitation, right?

The animals are overall
holding a frequency of

light that is expansive,
elevating joy, love,

like birds are singing,
they're etheric, right?

So overall, they're
bringing that light energy.

Into physicality and helping
us to recognize that.

But they at the same
time recognize like if

their human has some form
of density, the animals

are like sponges, right?

They'll absorb it as a way
to help resolve it in the

dynamic where they are.

So, 'cause the thing is, is
like if an animal is in a home

with a human, they will absorb
the energy to mirror it back

to their human and reflect it,
Hey, this is what's going on.

So going back to your
original question, which I

was more elaborate, let's say
there's a human is having,

um, some form of dis-ease.

Like just today I worked
with a, a client student

and her beloved bird.

This never happened
before in her household.

All of a sudden, in the middle
of the night, woke up like

screaming, dropped off his
perch and was in the cage.

Like screaming, like through
his, his beaks, right?

And she called me
like, what's going on?

This has never
happened before.

Like we were so worried
for this bird and they

love this bird so much.

And so anyway, tuned
in and I'm like, well,

something has thrown this
bird off off his perch.

That's d de-balancing and it's
connected to your husband.

What has gone on with your
husband That is so like

throwing him off balance that
has him so hyper stressed

because that's what this
bird is sharing with me like,

and I'm cutting through it.


The story of it, but
she's like, that's true.

Actually my husband just
had to take a job that

is, he's never had a job.

He's always been his own boss.

He's so stressed
out, he's so upset.

So the bird takes this energy
on to say to the humans, this

is what's going on with you.

This energy isn't
working for you.

You need to change the energy
or choose something different.

So once we communicate
that, I communicate that,

you know, translating
for the bird in a sense.

The woman gets it.

She's like, oh my God, I
have to tell my husband he's

totally going to get this.

And they're like, okay,
we can work with that.


So it's guidance for them.

The animal knows the
secrets in a sense.

The animal knows what's
going on with their human.

Does that make sense?

Rod Bland: Wow.

So animals are like.

They're like healing
facilitators in a way.

Lori Spagna: Yeah.

They, they're healing.

They know our secrets.

They're healing,
they're energy.

I call them energy sponges.

And psychic sponges.

You pick it all up and
they're Helping us, right?

Because what I didn't say.

even in the example with
the bird today, after

the human, the, the
woman got the message.

Then we go back to the
bird and we're like,

we got the message.

Like the bird just needs
to know you got their

message and now you can
shift to the energy.

Like we can't stop the man
from being stressed, but

we can help him to become
realization, you know, more

aware of what he's doing
with his energy that's

causing the stress in his
environment because the stress

he's taken on and help him
to recognize I can start

working with my consciousness
in a different way.

I can start choosing
to recognize like, this

doesn't have to be this way.

I can start trusting like
there's healing energy

that comes with that.

Does that make sense?

And once the bird
gets the message like,

oh, I did my work.

I, I got the message through,
now I can sort of not be,

not have to take that on
as much to some degree.

Because the animal wants
to teach the human.

Once the animal gets it, the
human gets it and the human

goes, ok, I can make change.

I can make appropriate change.

I can either manage my stress
differently, make different

choices, then the animal's
like phew, did my job great.

And as long as the energy
in the household changes,

the whole experience and
dynamic can now change.

The animal doesn't necessarily
have to absorb that

same stress, especially.

Usually it's just a dynamic
that happens regardless.

But if the human
makes changes, then

the energy shifts.

Rod Bland: So you have
this energetic approach

to working with animals.

So how does, how do you
reconcile that with those

who, you know, take the more
traditional approach that

isn't, isn't related to that?

When, when you're talking
to people that say, haven't

got a lot of experience with
training animals and, and you

talk about how you do things,
how do you reconcile the two?

Lori Spagna: Well,
let me say this.

I, I mean, I, first of
all, most of the people

in my reality are into
this stuff, so I don't

necessarily interact a lot
that much with people who

aren't into it because I
find it really draining.

Like I, I do sometimes
interact with people who are

like skeptics or cynics, and
when I find myself interacting

with them, I try to bow
out pretty quickly because

number one, I recognize and
honor that everyone has a

right to believe whatever
they want, but just because

they believe something
doesn't make it true.


There's, there's truth and
truth when truth is known

it's true for everyone
regardless of whether

they believe it or not.

Absolute truth, right?

There's not a ton of absolute
truth in this reality

because we're living in
a reality of perspective.

We're living in a reality of,
of, of dynamics that allow

us with our free will to
decide whatever we want and

to believe through perspective
what is true for us.

But absolute truths do exist.

So when you ask me how

do I interact with people,
if I'm playing with somebody,

playing, interacting with
someone who is in a state of.

You know, either, you
know, skepticism, cynicism,

doubt, disbelief that
frequency bandwidth for me

is so dense and so heavy.

I don't enjoy it.

It's not the best area for
my services because I'm at

a frequency now where I'm
like, okay, if you wanna

stay there, no problem.

No problem.

You have every right to
stay there, but I'm not

interested in playing with
that game because that

skepticism, doubt, cynicism.

It's a blocker.

That's all it does.

It's just blocking.

It's not even inquiry.

I like in gimme
inquiry any day.

Inquiry is, wow.

I, I have no idea what
you're talking about.

It's all strange to
me, but I'm interested.

Tell me more Or
inquiry is, huh?

Like, I don't know, but
I'm willing to listen.

Inquiry I love, but the rest
of it, it's like the moment

I'm, I'm interacting with
that, I'm like, okay, you have

every right to be that way.

No problem.

I'm just not interested
in that story.

It doesn't serve me anymore

because I'm already at a space
where, from my perspective,

I'm so interested in coming
more and more into alignment

with source, which is
the Divine, which is the

expansion and the elevation
of consciousness, the

evolution of human potential.

The, the, evolution of
the light that's here

to help us expand.

Why do I wanna shrink or
contract again, I have

no interest in that.

I'm here to help people get
outta that if they want.

But those contracted
states, to me, that's an

old paradigm game that is
going extinct really fast.

Rod Bland: It's almost like
there's, there's two ends.

There's curiosity on, on
one side, the inquiry you're

talking about, and then
there's the skepticism and

cynicism on the other end.

I like people who are
curious about things, even

if it's something they know
absolutely nothing about and

wanna ask questions about it.

Lori Spagna: Yeah,
curiosity's great.

Curiosity's fun
open-mindedness is fabulous.

That opens the doors, but
skepticism, cynicism, doubt

is just a blocker, right?

So like with those, going back
to your question you asked

like, how do I handle that?

I just, in my
mind, I bless it.

I namaste people all the time.

In my mind, I, I bow to them
in my mind and I just say,

you know, I wish you peace.

Uh, if we have no business
together, we have no business.

We have no business together.

Either I'm here to expand
and uplift and elevate

beings around me in the human
world, which I love that.

Or, I'm here to
recognize them.

Choosing not to have
that experience.

That's okay too.

It's a free will reality

Rod Bland: Yeah, that's one of
the, I think that's one of the

fundamental truths, isn't it?

The absolute truth is that
we all have free will.

Lori Spagna: for sure.

For sure.

Most people don't.


Most people don't realize
that your free will is,

what are you thinking?

What are you believing?

What are you paying
attention to?

What are you buying into?

What are you giving
your intent, consent,

and authority to?

What are you being witness
to and what are you accepting

and allowing to be your
truth or your experience?

Also, what are you
choosing to feel?

How are you emoting?

What are you emoting?

What are.

What energy are you being?

What energy are you
bringing into your body?

What em, what energy are
you radiating out from you

and what energy are you
vibrating at energetically?

These are all aspects of
free will choice that we're

not really aware of yet.


But w this is part of what
I, where the direction

for humanity is going.

For those of us choosing
to recognize it.

Because as we do, we will be
making choices more and more

that are now in this, what I
call this new paradigm, right?

New paradigm is
like we, us, ours.

What's for the good
of all harm to none.

That is where we're going.

What is for the most
benevolent, best of

all beings, zero harm.

That is the guiding force of
almost everything I do now.

It's my highest intention
is serve the light.

What is for the most
benevolent best of

all with zero harm?

How may I serve and contribute
in that direction and

in accordance with that,
which that to me is God's


What is for the most
benevolent best of all, with

harm to none in accordance
with the expansion of

consciousness, right?

Rod Bland: In your bio you
mentioned, uh, the fifth

dimensional, this shift
to a, a fifth dimension.

So, um, I'm not quite
clear about what that is.


you explain, uh, what

Lori Spagna: Yeah,
well that's what I.

mean when I say Old paradigm,
new paradigm Old paradigm is,

you know, the physical world
that we've been living in.

And so this physical world
where everything is based

in a hierarchical top
down corpocracy, right?

Service to the self, to the
harm and detriment of others.

Fear-based false authority
program, like I call

it a program or people
call it a matrix, they

call it third dimension.

It's just an old paradigm,
and in that old paradigm,

everything is primarily
controlled by fear,

dominance, manipulation,
secrecy, coercion.

There is this overarching
energy of fear that, you know,

afraid to step out your door.

You might get hit by a car.

You have no control
over your future.

You're in that old paradigm.

You're basically, my guides
always share, talk about

you're reading the book
of your life, you think.

Most people think that
for the most part,

life is predestined.

They go to their psychic or
they, they think they have

no power or control over
what happens to their body.

You might die tomorrow.

Everybody has the same
twenty-four hours in a day.

In that paradigm,
like time is constant.

I mean, just, you know,
you, you give your power

to a false authority.

Your government leader, your
doctor, your teacher, your

lawyer, your banker, whatever.

And overall, you're basically
pretty powerless in that

reality, and that's how
humanity has been living.

Now, when we refer to Fifth
Dimension, different people

call this different things.

I call it new paradigm
because it's a new way.

It's you restoring your
authentic, your authentic

truth of who you are, your
true source connection.

You're recognizing that you're
a conscious free will being.

That your energy and
consciousness is what

keeps you like through
your choice, through your

energy, your vibration.

You are navigating reality
in a whole new way.

You're bringing in and
awakening more light in

and through your body,
and you're expanding it

because you're much more
than a physical body.

You're starting to recognize
the incredible infinite

power of the non-physical
reality and how to use it.

And when I say power
in this reality, it's

never power over another.

It's power to bring about
greatness for everyone.

It's for the good of all.

With zero harm.

You would never do anything
that would hurt another.

Because in this reality,
you start recognizing I'm

connected to everyone and
everything, and they're

all parts of this source.

So we're all gonna do like
for the good of all, right?

You start functioning from
so much more of the higher

pure frequencies that
are not, and higher is

just relative, right?

That are not based
in contraction.

So they're the, the
frequencies of joy,

excitement, optimism,
enthusiasm, love, peace,

happiness, you know,
those kinds of, you know,

dynamics and those are the
energies you're playing

with more and more.

And you're less and less
attached to those things.

'cause you're like, who
wants to play with that?

That's like not
even fun anymore.

So the change, and you also
recognize time is malleable.

Time is construct.

Everything's construct.

So everything, you're
not reading the book of

your life, you're writing
the book of your life.

You are writing it.

You're saying, I'm not
waiting for some external,

you know, the universe to
show me a sign, because that's

just a reflection right?

Everything you start operating
from an internal, but internal

is not limited to the body.

It's an internal, unified
space of consciousness

where you're like, this
is what I'm creating.

This is what I'm having,
this is what I'm sharing.

This is what I'm offering.

This is what I'm giving.

This is so fabulous.

I want everybody to have
it if they want it too.

It's a whole new
way of operating.

So in order to get from
Old Paradigm to new so far,

does that make sense?

'cause I'm

Rod Bland: It does.


And, and, and the next
question was, okay, for

people that feel like they're
stuck in that old paradigm,

what, what should they do?

So I think you're
getting to that.

Lori Spagna: yeah.


So the first and most
important thing to do is

to recognize that you're
choosing it Consciously.

That you want it and
you're gonna will it.

You're choosing it.

You have to choose it, and
you have to be willing.

Now once you decide, right,
you start claiming a, a

like start saying, I claim,
I claim my authority over

my life and I am choosing
my most benevolent best.

'Cause that is, that
is God's will, that is

the will of expansion.

So you just start affirming
what is my most benevolent

best with harm to none.

You start living in
accordance with that.

Every day you're
making new choices.

What is my most benevolent
best, what is for my

most benevolent best?

'Cause your most
benevolent best will never

include harm to someone
else That's a given.

And you, if you start
asking that and living

in accordance to that

each day, your most benevolent
best overall is going to

be more fulfilling, more
rewarding, more positively

uplifting, more expanding.

It's going to be things
that you enjoy, it's gonna

reveal to you where you're
not living in accordance

with that, and you ask that,
that be lovingly removed.

When you ask, who
are you asking?

You're asking consciousness.

Because we are consciousness.

We're not just bodies.

We're not just humans.

We're not egos.

I really drives me crazy when
people talk about the ego.

'cause that's old
paradigm, right?

There's just energy.

So you're basically asking
a higher consciousness,

higher being just relative.

Which is who you are a
part of your future self

that's already evolved
or your progressed

higher consciousness.

You're saying let this be
done, like guide me that I

may move in the direction
in accordance with my

most benevolent best when,
so-called shadow aspects

of self, which is like old
paradigm fear based beliefs,

belief systems, etc come up.

Emotions, energies.

You have to work with that.

You have to clear it out
and resolve it somehow.

You either need some kind
of pr, you know, practice

that works for you,
that you learn, or some

kind of coach or mentor.

That's how I help people.

But you eventually learn
it for yourself, right?

There's all kinds of tools
and practices that you can

apply to clear, heal, and
resolve those parts of you.

You, meaning all of us
that are still anchored in

that old energy, that old
paradigm energy to resolve

that so that you're not
bringing it into your future.

And so that you're liberated
energetically to be more and

more into this new paradigm.

And one other thing I gotta
say is it's not a here, there,

out there, it's a within.

It's within.

We're not going somewhere.

We're transforming
ourselves from within.

Rod Bland: It does.

You've gained so much wisdom.

So if you were able
to give advice to your

30-year-old self, what,
what would you say?

Lori Spagna: Oh my 30
year, if I was giving

my 30-year-old self, oh

Rod Bland: Yeah.

Lori Spagna: Oh, I
love her so much.

I'm so sorry she had
such a hard time.

I would give her please.

I would tell her, please, can
you just pay attention to me?

I love you so much.

Please follow me.

I'm gonna lead you.

I'm gonna show you.

I wish she knew me.

I wish she knew me back then.

I would give her the
advice and tell her, be

patient with yourself.

Love yourself.

Learn how to love yourself.

Learn how to accept yourself.

Learn how to be in
total acceptance of

who you are right now.

I would tell anybody that.

Just be an acceptance that
you are infinitely worthy,

infinitely deserving,
infinitely valuable.

Infinitely lovable
because you exist.

That's it.

You don't have to prove it.

You don't have to.

Leap off of Tall Mountain.

You don't have to do anything.

Just you are, you exist,
you're worthy, deserving,

valuable, important.

You matter.

You have something to do
here, something to offer.

I would tell her that and I
would tell everybody that.

I wish everybody knew
that like wholly,

in their whole body.

Rod Bland: Do you think that's
why I, I noticed around me.

This, and I've, I'm guilty
of this at times as well.

We have pain and we, we want
to do something about it.

And I think that's what
was going with you.

So there's, you know,
alcohol and prescription

drugs and whatever else you
could get your hands on.

And just so that you
don't have to feel

whatever that pain is.

What do you think is
going on there for a

majority of people?

I notice a lot of
people are really high

functioning as well.

It's not like they're,
they're, you know, they're

holding down their job.

They've got children and
families and marriages, etc.

But they feel a lot of
pain and they're, and

they're always trying to
always do something to dull

it, you know, something


Lori Spagna: Yeah.

It's the way, it's the way,

I mean, it's multiple things.

First, society is really
brainwashed, right?

I mean, if you.

If you actually were to
stop and taste alcohol,

do you think you would
actually like it?

Like that was part of, I
remember how I quit smoking.

I would, my guides and
my angels were telling

me like, just taste the
wholeness of the cigarette

when you breathe it in.

Really let your body
taste it and feel it.

And I was like,
this is disgusting.

Why do I want this?

So on the one level, we do

that stuff to suppress
the pain that we're

afraid of feeling.

And if we could start to
realize the pain is not

stronger than us, it is
not bigger than us, it is

not more powerful than us.

And if we would be willing to
allow ourselves to feel and

experience the pain, whatever
it is we're suppressing or

denying with food, cigarettes,
drugs, alcohol, whatever.

Just to allow ourselves
even, even concepts of

lack or limitation, or
not good enoughness or

this is really common.

A lot of my students
and clients have this.

They're afraid of energy.

They're afraid of
someone else's energy.

They're afraid of dark stuff.

They're afraid of like, you
know, demons or entities.

None of that stuff
has any power over us.

The only reason I it has any
power is because we give it

our power because we think it
has power or because, yeah,

we don't wanna face it, so
we suppress with some kind

of pill or drug or alcohol
or sugar food or something.

So if we're willing to
be with that pain, that

discomfort, or that fear,
and literally say to it, I

teach this in all my classes.

It's called the fear
processing exercise, but

you can apply it to anything
like you say to it you

have no power over me.

I am the love that
you are looking for.

And you breathe in.

You take in the
energy of love.

Just the energy of love.

Look, love is so powerful.

Some people, you think
everybody wants it, but

some people can't handle it.

So you can take in
the energy of peace.

Divine peace.

I am the peace you've been
looking for, like stress.

You could do that with
stress and anxiety.

Anyone who had anxiety, let's
just say the anxiety comes up.

Oh, like they're so
afraid, they're so nervous.

Whatever it is, they're so
worried, and you just start

breathing in divine peace.

Just breathe as
full as you can.

The body starts going into
homeostasis and you just say

to all that anxiety, I am the
peace you are looking for.

And you just keep breathing.

You start, you don't fight it.

Don't fight it.

Just let it know that
it has no power over you

because you decide your
peace, you choose that.

You breathe it in, it
goes away like that.

You start realizing it
has no power over you.

It can't, that energy
just dissipates.

'cause now you're
choosing a new energy.

You choosing to be peace,
or you're choosing to

be acceptance, or you're
choosing to be allowance.


That's a really good energy.

I'm just gonna allow this.

I'm not gonna
fight it anymore.

The moment you just allow
it, like, whoa, that's gone.

That energy that I've
been suppressing with

alcohol, drugs, whatever,
it's gone like, and then

you start realizing you
don't even need the drugs

or the alcohol anymore.

Rod Bland: That's
a great answer.

Um, if people have, uh, well,
tell us about everything

you've got going on, or,
I know you've got books

and you've got programs.

Just could you give us a,
give us a summary of what

you've got going on there
and how people can get in

touch with you
if they want to?

Lori Spagna: That could
take another hour.

Well, so my, I, my, I just
launched a podcast myself.

It's called The
Awakened, Elevated Human.

I'm really excited about it.

Um, my website is

I have a, a Sacred Visionary
mentorship, which I work

with people and I'm helping
them to learn all this stuff

and heal and resolve all
these old trauma aspects.

So that's something
they can learn about.

But I will tell you, I have
an something that's free,

a nine day masterclass.

I teach it in cycles,
and it's called the

Expansion Experience.

It's completely free.

Where people are learning
to work with this energy

and shift it and change it.

And that's on my website
at lorispagna.com, the

expansion experience.

One last thing I'll
just offer people.

If they want to learn
more about how they can

activate their dormant
potential, they can get a

free gifted DNA activation.

That's a huge part of
like awakening what's

dormant in us at

And if they wanna learn how to
work with animals more, they

can go to like communication,
telepathy, psychic abilities.

They can go to

and you can learn how to help
animals on a global scale.

Great stuff in there.

Really meaty



Rod Bland: Terrific.

And do you have any,
anything that final that

you wanna say to people?

Any message that you'd
like to leave people with?

Lori Spagna: Oh my goodness.

I guess what I'd just say,
first of all, thank you.

Thank you guys for
listening and Thank you.

for having me.

It's been really fun and
you're an awesome host.


You gave me a lot of space
to share, so the gratitude.

Other than that, I just
wanna tell people like

reclaim your power,
reclaim your connection.

However you identify with
your source, you may call

it God, or you may call it
spirit or the universe or

the infinite or your higher
self, but just reclaim that

because the greatness that
is within every person, the

brilliance, the magnificence,
we have the solutions

to the world's problems.

They're all stored
up in our dormant DNA

in our unconscious.

They're within us.

And the more, the solution
to everything in the

world is consciousness.

So the more conscious we
become, the more we reclaim

that that connection with
our source, which happens

from within us, the more
this world and everything

magnificent that's available
to us will be revealed in the

physical world, and it's time
for us, it's time for us.

So that's what I will say.

Just know we are
infinitely amazing beings.

Waking up and
remembering that's,

that's what I'll share.

Rod Bland: That's
a great message.

Lori, it's been my pleasure
to have you on the show


Thanks for being here.

Lori Spagna: Thank you so
much for having me, Rod.

UC 35: An Ex-Corporate Burnout's 5D Shift: The Only Way to True Freedom - Lori Spagna
Broadcast by