Clinically Dead for 14 Minutes; Dr Cramer Reveals Her 5-Year Journey in the Afterlife (NDE)

The next thing I know is I'm
floating in the living room,

watching my husband opening the
door to let paramedics in the room.

I didn't know that I had
left my physical body

My guest today is Lynda Cramer.

Linda, I've been looking forward
to this conversation and I really

appreciate you coming on the show today.

Thank you so much for having me, Rod.

You know the pleasure's all mine.

I love getting the word out about not only
my experience, but the training skills

and education that I've done over the
years trying to work out my own situation.

And now I'm in a position where people
all over the world like yourself have

this interest in my experience, which
I'm now fully understanding why I needed

to wait 15, 20 years to tell my story.

Because it gave me that air breathing
space so I could fathom the extreme

situation that I went through.

So when I do now talk about my experience
to others, I talk in a way where it's not

exaggerated or overly exertive, I'm now
natural with it so I can convey the story

in layman's terms so people can understand
what I was actually talking about.

So I'm really grateful that now you
are doing the work that you are doing,

and to find me is an absolute honor
that I'm so happy to be here for you.

Thank you so much.

Oh, you are so welcome.

I do wanna get into your near-death
experience and it's the only one that

I'm aware of so far where you've made an
estimate of how long you were away for,

but it was such a long time, like years.

But I think it would be interesting
to know a little bit about your

background, how you grew up
before you got to that point.


I was born into a military family,
so my dad moved us around a lot.

I've got two sisters older than me and
both of them were sickly children as well.

But in my situation, I was
in hospital quite a lot.

Doctors told my mum that I'd need
heart, lung, and kidney transplants.

Back in the 1960s,
that's a death sentence.

Luckily I never needed
any of those surgeries.

But then you ask, why didn't
I need those surgeries?

Because my earliest memory, probably 18
months old, is sitting on a hospital bed.

I'm looking down.

I can still see my nappy or my
diaper, as Americans call it.

And there's people sitting on the
bed with me that the nurses and my

mother can't see, and they're telling
me everything's gonna be all right.

Everything's gonna be okay Linda.

We are with you constantly.

But the big thing now in this
memory is they weren't human.

They were some sort of energetic beings.

So how long have I had
these being with me?

I would have to say all my life.

So I grew up as a psychic, seeing ghosts.

Having that, knowing that psychics
have, And it was very misunderstood.

Confused by others around me.

Like parents, school, children, society.

So it was something like back in
the seventies and the eighties, it

was hard to understand what somebody
was going through when there's no

knowledge like today with the internet.

Yeah, you can Google what is a ghost
or how does a psychic get information?

But back when I was growing up,
it was extremely hard, obviously.

So there was a lot of criticism,
and I would actually say more

abuse towards me by people who
simply didn't understand who I was.

So I got married when I was 24.

He used to call me the witch.

He loved it when I'd have
premonition dreams that came true,

especially when it's winning money.

So going through life with him
it was I am honest with it.

It was an abusive relationship
and I could not stay with him.

So I left and at that point I'd
already met my American husband

because he was working in Australia.

We worked together and he went back to
America and we stayed in contact by email.

And when I said to him, oh, I
left my first husband, he said

things always happen for a reason.

My dad just died this week as well.

So how about I give you an air ticket
over to have some time out with me.

So of course anyone would jump at that.

So I went over to America
14 times back and forward.

You can imagine that expense.

We got married in August 2000 and May the
following year, May 6th, I went to bed.

Very stressed over my immigration, very
stressed over the life that he wanted

me to have in America, which was not
on par with the life that I wanted.

I'd actually gone out and got jobs, but
he didn't want me to have a green card.

So we were very conflicted.

And so I don't go into what happened
with us, but I went to bed and I woke

up at I think it was about two o'clock
in the morning and I couldn't breathe at

all, so I knew that I had to go to the
toilet because I'm honest with people.

It took about 10 minutes
just to get to the toilet.

And when I got to the toilet, I fell
asleep, and the next thing I know

is I'm floating in the living room,
watching my husband opening the

door to let paramedics in the room.

I didn't know that I had left my physical
body because the body of Linda, even

though when she was in the bathroom,
it had no relevance to who I was now

floating in the living room and watching
the paramedics and the sheriff and

other people coming into the house,
so I did not get confused by this.

It seemed very natural to be there.

So there was no fear, there was no
apprehension of what's going on.

Oh, look at the house.

The house is untidy with all
these people in the house.

There was no thoughts like that at all.

I was just happy.

If you wanna say happy to sit,
float and watch down on all

these people in the house.

And in my medical records it
actually says that it was 45 minutes

that all these people were in the
house before they took me out.

And another pair of ambulance
officers came that I saw all

their equipment, I heard the
conversations, I saw their name badges.

This is people who didn't even
go into where my body was.

So how would I know who these people
were, unless I was actually there.

So they brought out
Linda, cuz it's separate.

She was on a trolley, a gurney.

And I remember looking at her hair and
I thought, what did they do to her hair?

Because it had it was low like
gel or oil through her hair.

And I thought, wow, that, yeah,
that doesn't really look like

a person's how their hair is.

And that's one of those similarities
that I've now found with other NDEs

where they do say, oh, I saw my
own hair and it looked different.

So I'm not sure what that
correlation there is.

But ultimately they took Linda out to
put her into the ambulance and then

the door shut and about 30 odd seconds
later, the door opened again and all

these blue orbs came into the room.

I'm still floating in the room and there's
all these blue orbs floating around me.

And they were intelligent because
they didn't hit each other and

they were like pausing near each
other like they were conversing.

But I could not hear them and I
could not communicate with them.

And then they were

So I'll just stop you there for a sec.

So the blue orbs they actually
open the door to come through the

The door

very polite of them.


Yes, the door.

Now I saw my ex-husband walk
to the door and he locked it.

So how the heck did the door open?

That's, that's one of the
questions that I asked.

Because I saw the door open and there
was also a glass screen door there.

But was that open?

I don't know.

Cause it was at night, it was
like two quarter to three in

the morning at this point.

And so they all came into the room
and I do have pictures, so it's

easier for me to just go through my
book and show the pictures that are

in my book cuz they're in order.

So when the blue orbs came through here's
a picture from my book with all the orbs.

They had little white.

Pure white centers and around them,
it was like energy coming out of them.

So in my picture, oops, in my
picture, they're, they've got little

spikes of energy coming out of them.

So they're all just hovering around
me, just interacting with themselves.

And then at one point they all
just stopped and they all just

went back through the door.

So that's how I knew that they
were conversing with each other.

So then the door shut.

Then I go into what I call the fog stage.

It's like closing your eyes, but
when you open your eyes again, you

are in a totally different location.

I didn't feel myself physically travel.

I didn't feel any movement of my body.

It's just blink and I opened my eyes
and now I'm in this field of flowers

and there's hills with flowers, trees.

And I could see down into valleys,
even though in the valleys are behind

the hills, I could still see them
because I could see everything.

I could see the water in the
stream, even though in it appeared

to be 50,000 kilometers away.

I could see cities and I could see inside
the windows of what was inside each

individual office in those buildings.

Even though that was hundreds of
kilometers away, I could see the mountains

and see each individual rock that formed
the mountains, and I could also see behind

me in pure 360 panoramic view all the
way around me without turning my head.

So I estimate that I was in
this place for about 18 months.

And I base that on the fact that I
generally walk about three miles per hour.

And as I'm walking down through the
cobbled stoneway paths, leading into

bitumen roads, into roads of wooden
paneling, bridges over streams.

And I'm looking at these bridges thinking
in a distance, how far would that be?

Just one of my walks where I walked
hundreds and hundreds of kilometers.

That's like hundreds and hundreds
of hours to do that simple walk.

So I followed and interacted with people.

I didn't speak to anyone because
everything there was telepathic.

It was like a knowing of everybody and
everything, and there was chairs there.

So I understood because I sat on a chair.

And it's a contemplation area where
I can go back through all my own past

lives and contemplate the lessons and
what I've done, and I can also connect

into other people by just concentrating
on one person or plant or animal.

I could become that plant or
animal and become them and see

all the lives they too each had.

So it was a oneness.

Everything was one.

So I am there probably 18 months.

I talk about the flowers in my book.

How when I stood on the flowers, the
flowers move, so I wouldn't stand on them.

They knew my intentions
before I even had the thought.

So in my book, here's a picture
of the flowers that I drew.

Very different to here.

I can't explain the colors because
we have no colors here to even

come close in the color spectrum.

So again, energy coming out of
each pedal little energy bursts

Like the orbs.

And everything was energetic, everything
like there was no physical being at

all because it's all energy, which
is, I would assume here would be a

concoction of my own perception of what
I saw in my own conscious awareness.

If you could fathom that sentence,
you may want to hear that sentence

again, where I talk about my
perception of what I was seeing.


And could you see your own body
is like, did you have a body?

I looked down and I was still in the
pajamas that I was wearing, which

is on the front cover of my book.

Here's me in my pajamas on the front
cover little pajama pants that came down

to about my knee and I had a t-shirt on.

So I always draw from the back cause it's
easier to draw someone from the back.

But I still had on my pajamas.

But I was aware that I could change
into any clothes, any hairstyle,

any tallness, any skin color that
I had ever been, because in this

space I wasn't Linda anymore.

I was my soul, which was a
representation of all the lives that

I had ever lived on earth and beyond.

People say, do we always
reincarnate as other humans?

No, because I watched a
bear turn into a little boy.

I watched a boy turn into a dog
because in that soul they had been

the boy and the dog in previous lives.

So then, I think I was
there for oh 18 months.

18 months I think I was there just
based on how long I walked and how

long it would be to watch somebody
running up a hill playing, rolling

around, turning into another animal.

So that time I try and
put time on that as well.

So I estimate it was about 18 months.

Then I get this tap on the shoulder.

And it was my left shoulder and I
heard a voice say, it's time to go.

I now recognize who that person
is or that being, and it's this

woman who's now always with me.

She talks to me all the time.

She guides me.

She says things like, go outside and I'll
go outside and I'll see something that if

I hadn't been there, I wouldn't see it.

So she guides me all the time, this woman.

So I even talk about her in my
book, but then she touched me on the

shoulder, she said, it's time to go.

Next thing I know, I'm outside
this, it's like a huge cathedral.

and there's arch doorways where there's
huge like brass knockers on the front.

And these are huge because
the door is I would estimate

five stories high these doors.

So the doors open by themselves
cuz there was nobody there.

And I went inside and first thing
I noticed was the floor, the wood

paneling is hundreds and hundreds
of meters, miles of just one plank.

So I was thinking what sort of tree was
it that they harvested this type of lumber

from, because the planks are a hundred
meters wide and they're kilometers long.

So you can imagine the size of the trees.

But then inside the wood there's also
stone, which is melded into the wood.

So the walls were like stone
melded, melted into the wood.

There was huge windows.

Some of them had lead
light windows in them.

Some of them were just plain glass with
really nice cuz it was extravagant.

It was extravagant.

The ceiling was just so far above me.

So I'm walking down and I'm kept
walking down and I'm passing all these,

not like just church pews that we
have here that sit about 15 people.

These pews are long, probably 50
people could sit on just one pew.

Cuz it was just so
intense how big this was.

Was there anyone else in there?

Were they just empty pews?

I was alone.

I was there alone.

But I knew that I had to go in.

That was just a knowing
that I had to go in.

I didn't even think maybe I
should turn around and walk

outside and have a look around.

That didn't even enter my thoughts.

So I didn't even want to pay
attention to what was behind me.

I was just kept moving forward.

So I come up to the top, and at
the top are these three beings,

and I use them as my book cover.

So here's my picture.

There was three of them, and the
middle one would've been probably

15 feet tall, and the others
were about 10 to 12 feet tall.

So the other two were smaller than
the big one in the middle, and they

weren't, they had no body, they
were pure energy, and the energy

went upwards towards their head.

What I call a head and the top was
just this swirling form of energy

that rotated left to right as well
as right to left at the same time.

So it moved back on itself, clockwise as
well as anticlockwise at the same time.

So as I'm staring at them, I
could see into that energy.

So it wasn't just three dimensional,
like what we have here on

earth, I could see into them.

So even their, where their energy was
going up, I could see inside them so

I could see the depth of their entity.

And they were probably three,
four foot beings so the energy was

coming up like a reverse waterfall.

So if you'd imagine like what a
waterfall looks like, a water going down,

that's how the energy moved up them.

And then it was swirling
in this like head.

This orb thing on the top of their beings.

So they did not speak for a while,
but what I was looking at was

this box and it was in front of
them and it was a timber box.

Nothing overly special, like it
wasn't encrusted in jewels or

anything like a treasure chest,
but it was just this timber box.

And I heard telepathically inside
my head and it was a male voice, and

he said, we are not here to judge.


Something like that.

Very clear.

Like that.

Instantly I knew what I had to
do and I knew that I had to look

inside this box and process all of
my memories that it held inside it.

So when I opened this box, there
was no walls or floor to this box.

It was infinite.

I could see forever down inside it.

So I could see the box on the side.

I'm looking at the box, but when I looked
into it, I could see there was no war that

So it was like a portal, like
when you open, it was like a


Like a portal inside.

That's right.

Like a tardis.

Thank you so much.


So inside were all these
round energy balls like orbs.

They were all around this big.

And there was millions and
millions of these little balls.

Inside each one of these little
orbs of energy was a memory.

So I have a picture in my book,
which I'll show here cuz people

like seeing a visualization.

So here's a visualization.

I had to pick up a ball of one
of these energy orbs and I had to

process and heal the emotion that
was created from that instance.

So this is where we talk
about our life review.

Where we have to heal everything
that we've done to others.

So here's a picture that I
drew where it's my hand and I'm

holding one of these energy balls.

So it is dimensional, like three
dimensional, and inside is like a little

video screen where I was a baby holding
the tail of my grandmother's cat.

So I talk about this experience
and how each experience of these

ball, orb, energy, whatever
you wanna call them, memories.

I had to a, I had to watch it as
the outsider watch in this little

child, pull the tail of a cat.

Then I had to become the
child, pulling the cat's tail.

And so I knew how that felt.

And then I became the cat
where I could see my own fur.

I could feel my claws, I could
feel my ears and my head, and now I

can see the child pulling my tail.

So I knew how that felt as well.

Then as I saw both sides of the
story, I could then analyse what

energy that day did I create as
that child where I could heal it?

So that was one memory.

How many of those memories
did I pull out of that box?

I estimate 8,000, 9,000 could be,
and it wasn't just a simple watch and

it's healed some of those memories.

You watch the scene and then you watch
the other scene, and then you sit there

with tears bawling out of your eyes, and
then you're sitting on one of these pews,

so now I know what the pews are for.

Thank you so much.

So you could really analyze, why did I
do that for, why did I react that way

when that person did that emotion to me?

Why did I create that energy
that then rippled to make

other people hurt that day.

So some of these memories I
say, could have taken 45 minutes

to process in Earth time.

Some of them could have
been an hour and a half.

Some of them were simple ones, so they
were done in two or three minutes.

But overall, doing thousands of these
memories, I estimate it would've

been at least half an hour to 45
minutes per memory on average.

You multiply 45 minutes by thousands
and thousands and thousands.

How long does that take in earth time?

I saw myself as a baby, as a teenager
when my twenties, thirties, and et

cetera, cuz I died when I was 36 or 35.

I died.

So it was all my memories before that, so
now I understand words like only the good

die young because the young wouldn't have
so many memories that they have to heal.

So their life review
is actually not so bad.

As we grow and we experience life and
we cause and inflict onto others our own

energy, of course there's negative and
positive that we create in our world.

So we have to heal the good and the bad.

So I talk about a couple of instances in
my book where I did bad things because

I'm not egotistical and I don't wanna
say, oh, look at me, I only did good.

I don't wanna be that sort of author, So I
put in some instances like where I broke,

I deliberately broke a pane of glass.

And in this life review, when I look
back at that experience when I was

only like six or eight years old,
when I broke this window deliberately,

I now had to be the glass and
realize how it hurt to be broken.

So I instantly recognize that glass
has a consciousness where it feels.

So therefore, my pen also has
a consciousness that it has an

awareness the same as my coffee mug.

The same as my computer, the same
as my vehicle, because everything

is made of an earthen product
that's made of natural fibers.

So therefore, everything of the world
earthly has its own conscious awareness.

So we know that when we mow our
grass, it emits a smell, which is a

pheromone, which is a representation
that plant knows that it's dying.

So it releases a pheromone
knowing that it's being cut.

We know that goes into other plants and
that's why other plants around mowed

grass, they bloom into flowers as their
own survival mechanism because they

know that things around them are dying.

So plants now have this conscious
awareness that we're aware of through

science, so we now can understand
why our pen also has an awareness.

So in my Life review, I
think I was there for about.

18 months, I'm not sure.

So then as I go through these memories,
I get the tap on the shoulder again.

So I'll just stop you there.

For you, with your life review, did
you get to the point where you're like,

God, how long is this gonna go on for?

Am I gonna have to keep doing
this until I get to the end?

I, yeah.

I knew that if I was, at that point, I
didn't know if I was there forever or not.


Cuz I didn't know what was really
going on, but I didn't question it.

But it was my understanding that once
you start processing each and every

single one of those orbs in that box,
you don't stop until they're all done.

But I got interrupted and
she said, it's time to go.

And it was then that when I went into
the fog stage where I blinked and

then I opened my eyes and I'm in this
white space with my great grandmother.

She then told me that I didn't
need to process them all.

She said, we let you process enough
for you to remember them for when

you speak of this in 20 years time.

So she knew in 2001 when I
died, that I wouldn't be telling

people about it until 2020's.

When she first came up to me and I say
because there was no walls, floors or

ceiling, she was far off in the distance.

A little tiny being.

And as she walked, she got closer.

She got bigger as she got closer to me.

So cuz there was no floor,
she wasn't walking and she was

in a very plain brown dress.

She had long, straight hair.

And she said, when she came up to
me, she was very angry with me.

And she said, what are you doing here?

And I thought, whoa, where is this from?

Because everyone in heaven
I didn't call it heaven.

I just said, I was thinking where
I was, everyone was so nice to me.

I was contemplating to all these people
and I was becoming all these people

with this oneness of love that I am.

I'd been through for 18 months and
I went and did my life review for

another 18 months where it's all happy
and good, healing all my memories.

And now I've got this woman
virtually attacking me,

saying, why the hell am I here?

And I looked at her and
I said, what do you mean?

And she went, Ugh.

Because she's so frustrated.

And I said, but how do
I don't know where I am?

And she said you are
not supposed to be here.

And I said where's here?

And she said, you're not
supposed to be here at all.

I said I'm so confused myself
because I don't know where I am.

So she started patting down her dress,
like she was collecting herself, and

she says, Linda, do you know who I am?

And I said, no.

And she said, okay, I am Karina
and I am your great grandmother.

And she said, I lived in
18, I think she said 1828.

Cuz you know, it was a lot of
information that I received, obviously.

So I just say early 1800.

She said, I used to live in this city.

She told me about the city.

She told me about how the the
horses, how to feed the horses,

how to care for the horses, how to
dig the hole when the horses die.

So how long was that conversation?

Just about the horses then she told
me about how to just make an axe, how

to pick the right tree and the wood to
make an axe so the handle doesn't break

when you're cutting wood to make a fire.

So she was telling me all these instances
about how to make furniture, how to make

clothes, how to make needles, to make
the clothes, how to make this device

that she would take down to the river.

And she told me how she'd walk down
to the river and clean the washing

of the clothes that she was making.

So she told me all about her
own life in the 18 hundreds.

So how long was that?

I've had phone calls with my
friends where we talk for about an

hour and I get off the phone and I
think what did I say in that hour?

And then I look at what Karina told
me, and it's thousands and thousands

times longer than just that, where she
was just telling me about her life.

Then she started talking
about my future life.

She said, when you go back, you'll
be doing this, you'll be doing that.

You go, you gotta do this.

And I'm just sitting there like
taking all these mental notes.

How do I remember all this?

Because I don't know how good am I gonna
be able to remember all this information?

So there were things that
she told me that I would do.

She told me that I would work
10 years with the police.

She said you'll need two years
off for the emotional infliction

that they create within you.

So I worked with the
police from 2002 to 2012.

10 years.

And I did need to get out of there.

I was medically retired.

Because I got post traumatic
stress disorder, which still

is a burden for me today.

So I struggle with that even
today with my own mental health.

But she knew in 2001 when I died,
all this future stuff about me.

She said, you'll be working as a trainer
to teach others how to look after

themselves when they injure themselves.

And that's a first aid trainer.

And I did that for two
years, exactly as she said.

And it wasn't just two years.

It was January, 2015 to January, 2017.

I was a first aid trainer,
so exactly two years.

So she got that right.

She told me about earthquakes.

She told me about that tsunami
in Indonesia where she said,

A quarter of your units of
millions will perish in this.

The waters erupting from
the sea, which is a tsunami.

So even when she mentioned the
police, she didn't mention the police.

She said, you will work for a
great force who enforces the rules

upon the land, which is police.


So she said you'll be working
with them for 10 years.

So she told me about tsunamis,
earthquakes, volcanoes.

She told me about planes.

She told me about 911, which I have
to believe what she said, even though

in, it's not the same in the media.


So I don't really wanna go into that.

She told me about Covid.

She told me about the vaccines.

She told me about what's
coming in this year.

She said they.

March, 2023.

And she actually said it will start
with the place where you live, which

is a house which is real estate.

She said the, and she didn't call it
the market, but she said the prices

that people pay for their dwellings
will increase tenfold, which is

virtually now what's happening.

Real estate's going up.

And she said, you must remember the
wars of past where real estate and your

financial currency will be afflicted.

And you look now at how many world
banks are now shutting up shop.

So I know what's coming in the next six
months because it's still inevitable.

I don't want it to occur
obviously, but she said that

2023, 24 will be very hard years.

A lot of people will perish.

She told me that.

But in 2025 she said that is the year when
people will come into their own truths.

For all the lies and the deceit that
people have been told for the past

five years will now be resolved.

She said 2025.

Moving forward, health will be important.

People will be going back to
natural medicines and not trusting

those who create the cures.

So that's pharmaceuticals.

So we'll be going back into more
of an alternative, which is really

natural medicine, looking after
ourselves and our own mental health.

People will put more onus on their jobs
and what is truly important to them.

So that's actually what
we're now seeing too.

How many people are giving up their
jobs and saying stuff this I wanna do

a job now that I'm passionate about,
where I get respected in my own right.

So that's all now occurring, just
as she said back in 2001 for me.

So we're having this huge
conversation about us.

Then she says to me, you do realize that
if you go in there, you can never go back.

And I said, where?

So I turned around and she
was pointing at the tunnel.

So here's a picture out
of my book, the tunnel.

There's me in my pajamas,
and there she is.

And she's pointing at this.

I can't call it a tunnel, even
though people call it a tunnel.

It was energy.

And it was magnetic, like an attraction.

So if you look at a magnet, how it
attracts to metal, that's how I felt.

As soon as I looked at this
place inside this vortex, I

wanted to go in there so bad.

It was like a pull,
energetic and emotional pull.

And it was like pulling me and I
had to physically try with all my

mind not to go into this vortex.

And she says if you go in there, you
can never return to where you're from.

She said, you must return.

She told me about my daughter.

So many things have now come
true of what she's told me about.

So she said, if you go into
there, that's where you will

reincarnate and be born again.

So here we go with reincarnation.

She told me about how reincarnation works.

She told me about life lessons.

She told me about our
contracts and how we sign up.

Not, we don't sign up in a life
lesson to be a rich person.

We sign up to be a generous person.

So in that case, we will be born into a
rich family where we can then throw money

at the homeless and people less fortunate.

So we are looking after them, but is
that truly how we learn generosity?

So in that case, we could also
be born as that homeless man.

So we appreciate the value of
someone else giving us just a simple

couple of cents on the street.

So even an attribute of say, generosity,
we could be the rich person or the

poor person to learn that lesson.

And that's why we can have
so many different lives where

we learn just one lesson.

So someone who has to learn, say
patience, which I know is one of mine

now because I've lived so long in this
place where there was no time or space,

that now time is one of those crazy
things that I still don't understand,

where I have to wait five minutes
before a TV show will start on tv.

It frustrates me.

So I know that I must learn that patience
now of understanding time concept

again, even though, and I've been back
here for 23 years, since I died, I

still struggle with time and space.

People say, oh, it's only
a 15 minute drive away.

And some days I think how far is that?

Because I've been so long, five
years is what I call it in this place

where time and space did not occur.

So I have a question about when you're,
is it Corrine, your great grandmother.

So I'm interested in did you have a
sense of why she was telling you about

things that would occur in the future

given that when we come here
we deliberately forget so that

we have those experiences?

Do you have an in any insight into that?

I didn't at the time, and
that's a really good question.

Thank you so much Rod, for asking that.

But I didn't at the time because I just
accepted everything that was happening.

I didn't question anything of it.

But when I look back at what she was
saying and how she was saying you

will need this time to learn your
lessons before you start talking about

what you saw and experienced here.

So I understand why I had to
wait 20 years, but then I also

have a look at why she told me.

What was that benefit of her telling me
that, And I think now being 2023, after

Covid, and how a lot of people have
are now starting to doubt themselves.

Look how many people now are
interested in near, near death

experiences and spirituality.

Because they're giving up that societal
belief of what they've been brought

up with and now they're looking
for answers elsewhere because they

can't trust the governments anymore.

And this is real all over the world now.

Every day now we are seeing riots or
some sort of protest, or people now

are starting to stand up for their
own rights where they didn't before.

It's now global.

Globally people now are standing up
and saying, what else exists out there?

So I have a feeling, cause it's just
an assumption that she was telling

me all that, so now I can offer
some sort of solace or some sort of

compassion to others who are doubting
their existence or their purpose.

Whereby I can be educating others,
helping them find the answers that

they're seeking with their own
true self, of their own conscious

awareness and being on this planet.

That hopefully I can supply those answers
in a way that they can understand and

also in a way that they can believe it.

So then they can create the angelic being
that we all have within us as our soul.

So we can utilize our natural
abilities of our psychic abilities.

Cuz it is all innate
abilities that we have.

Using our intuition, our instincts,
our gut feelings, whereby we make

better choices and ultimately
we live in a more peaceful time.

So I think that's why she
was telling me all that back

then, cuz she didn't have to.

Cuz I didn't ask her for it.



That makes sense.


So at the end of our conversation
she says, now you've gotta go back.

And I said, where do I go back to,
because I don't know how I got here.

And it was like the wizard of Oz.

She looked at me and she said, Linda,
all you've gotta do is think of

your home and you'll go back there.

So I thought about when I was in
heaven and how I would think about

a duck and I would become the duck.

And I thought about the mountain
and I'd become the mountain.

So when I was in heaven, And I thought,
wow, if I start thinking about my home,

and as soon as I started thinking about
where I was sleeping and how I went to

the toilet that night, five years before,
next thing I know is I'm lying on a bed

and they're pulling the tube out of my
throat because I've been on life support.

And I'm, I can hear this nurse, and now
I'm hearing with my ears for the first

time in five years, and she's saying,
squeeze my hand if you can hear me.

Squeeze my hand if you.

So I'm trying to squeeze my
hand and then I hear her say,

she's really squeezing my hand.

Yeah, she's coming back.

She's coming back.

So that was welcome back
to the Earth, Linda.

After this huge event that
I've just been through.

So my ESP, psychic
abilities, from the get go.

One of the nurses that was with me
that first day when I woke up, I

looked at her and I said, how's Motley?

And she said, Motley, what
do you know about Motley?

And I looked at her, this nurse in ICU,
and I said, oh my God, you've been here

all week telling me about your cat.

You keep going on and on about your cat.

He's got long gray hair.

He is 13 years old.

You don't know whether to put
him down or to get another cat

because you've took him to the vet.

He's got kidney trouble.

It's $5,000 for the pills.

She's looking at me and
her jaws on the floor.

She says, Linda, how do you know all that?

Because I do have a cat called Motley.

He is 13 years old.

He has got a kidney problem.

The vet sold me, it's
$5,000 for the pills.

But how could you possibly know all
that because you've been in a coma.

And I have not even been in ICU.

I've worked two floors down
for the past two weeks.

How did I know it?

So I still have that now today.

I can sing a song, turn on the
radio, and it will start as

soon as I turn it on the radio.

She talks to me constantly.

Thank you so much.

She's with me constantly.

She appeared at the pool.

I took my daughter to the pool one
day and she appeared at the pool.

Oh my God.

She was in the pool and there
was no water in the pool.

So there's a picture of my lady who's
always with me the day at the pool.

She looked at me that day
and she said, are you ready?

And I looked at her, everyone
else couldn't hear us.

There was people in the pool with
me and they weren't even looking at

me talking to nobody there who they
could not see cuz I could see her.

And she said, are you ready?

And I said, ready for what?

She said, we think you're ready.

So who is the we?

And it was about a week or so later.

That I started seeing spirit guides.

So I actually have tried to find
others that physically see spirit

guides and I'm one of the few on the
planet who sees spirit guides where

I actually see them and talk to them.

So that's one of my abilities.

Now I see spirit guides.

So one of my books is called Spirit Guides
and Life Past Explained, where I talk

about spirit guides, how to connect, what
do they can and can't do for us, how to

talk to them, what our purpose is in life.

How to communicate with
our angels, et cetera.

Who can be a spirit guide?

Is it just past loved ones that guide us?

Is it angels, arch angels?

Could it be animals?

I had a gentleman I was talking to
a few weeks ago and he said, can you

please tell me what my spirit guide is?

And this yellow four petaled flower
appeared and started talking to me.

So his spirit guide was a flower.

So I said, darling, please research.

Cause I never do it, so it
doesn't compromise my readings

of what they represent.

But I said, please Google,
what does a four petaled

yellow flower mean spiritually?

So I get this email from him a few days
later, and he said, Linda, that's exactly

what is happening right now in my life.

How did you know?

And I say to people all the
time, it's not that I know,

it's what they allow me to be.

We all have that capacity within us.

We can all be like them,
where we know it all.

We can all have psychic ability.

We can all be angelic.

We can all strive to eradicate our own
negativity within us so that it ripples

out of us like a consciousness that our
pheromone that connects to other people.

We can all be like that.

So that's what I do now.

I educate.

So all four of my books that I've got
right now all educates on how to be more

angelic, if you want to say it like that.

So can I ask you, when you first wake
up in the hospital or in the ICU, so

how long had you been in the ICU for?

And then could you tell us a little
bit about your integration, like back

from being away for so long into the
real world and how that panned out.

Yeah, it was extremely
difficult and I will go there.

I don't know time at all,
especially when you're groggy

in ICU waking up from a coma.

I know that I was on life support.

I think it was only three
days that I was out.

In my medical files, it says that I had
suffered chronic respiratory failure.

In my medical reports, it says that
I was clinically dead for over 14

minutes from the time of the 911
call when my ex-husband called 911

until the second lot of ambulances
arrived to where I got defibrillated.

So the first two ambulance officers
that turned up, the two first two

paramedics, they were doing CPR, but
it wasn't until they defibrillated

me that they got a heartbeat.

So there was 14 minutes clinically
dead, but it could have been longer

because it was two o'clock in
the morning and my ex-husband had

to wake up and come and find me.

He said that he found me
and I was already blue.

So how long was I really clinically dead?

I could have been there for half an hour.

Could have been there an hour.

Could have been there for three hours.

I don't know.

But know that I was in ICU and I
remember the room that I was in.

Down the end of my bed past there, there
was a glass wall, and inside there was

a desk, so I could see nurses in there.

Then they transferred me into my own
room where you walk in there was an

en suite with a toilet and bathroom.

And then past that my bed.

There was a window parallel with my bed
and I woke up there and in the corner

past my feet on the bed, there was a
chair in the corner and I had the TV

hanging from the ceiling above my feet.

On the chair there was sitting an old
lady and there was a man, a younger-ish

person, and a child, and a dog there.

The dog was a sandy colored
oh, what would I call it?

It was a big dog, like a gray Alsation
type dog, long long-furred big dog.

So I'm sitting there listening to
them all talk, and a nurse walks

in, she's got a clipboard with her.

She walks in and she
says, how are you going?

And I said, oh, it's good.

I'm just listening to
these people talking.

So she's looking at the chair,
she looks back at me and she

says, who are you talking to?

And I said, there, the old lady's there.

There's a guy, blah, blah, blah.

She said, Linda, there's nobody there.

So I look at these people and I said,
look, if you can let her know that you are

here, can you please bang on the window.

Now instantly, the whole window bang.

And when you bang glass the
whole window sh like ripples.

This nurse dropped her brief.

The papers that she was holding,
she ran out of the room.

And she, I never saw her again.

She did not come back.

Yeah, that would be a bit scary.

It would be a bit scary for those
who don't know what's going on but I

could see them, so I wasn't scared.

When they banged on the window,

it was actually the guy standing
next, he banged three times and

you heard the bang, like bang.

And that ripple that the glass does
when you hit it and she ran outta

the room, she didn't come back.

It was interesting.

Just how attuned my
psychic abilities were.

They were ghosts cuz I see ghosts.

People that had died in the hospital.

Now, 20 years after my NDE, whenever I
go to hospitals, I see so many people

there still waiting to be picked up.

Not knowing that they had fatal injuries
or illnesses, thinking they were

just going to hospital to get a quick
fix pill to fix whatever they had.

So I see people there, I walk into my
local hospital one time and there's

this lady sitting in the front chair.

She's sitting there holding this big
bunch of flowers, got a suitcase next

to her on the floor, and she's just
looking out the door, waiting for

her husband to come and pick her up.

She doesn't know she's died.

She's waiting to be
picked up from hospital.

So it is,

able to help those people
realize what they are or are

they locked in a sort of loop?

So that's one reason why I wrote Ghosts
Explained is another one of my books,

because sometimes we can't help these
souls, unless they know that they've died.

I say like in that movie
with Bruce Willis, I see dead

people, what's that called?

The sixth Sense.

He didn't know he died.

So it was, if we go up to somebody and
say, Hey, are you aware that you're dead?

How would you feel if someone came up
to me right now and said, Hey Linda,

are you aware that you're a ghost?

I would go into this massive psychosis
of trauma, post-traumatic stress.

Where I believe that's where we
get Poltergeist activity starts.

Don't tell me I'm dead.

So I pick up, throw things and
start throwing them at you.

We've gotta be very delicate
when we do interact with ghosts.

Some people out there believe that you
do tell them 'go in to the light' type

things from that movie Poltergeist,
but sometimes we can't do that because

it will only upset them even more.

So I had a ghost that came to my house.

Her name was Shelly.

I actually have about nine
pages of transcripts in my book.

Ghost Explains about what she
said when she was in my house.

She could not understand
that she was dead.

She'd had no memory of it.

So I talk about the
psychology of why they die.

She had amnesia.

She could not understand her own
car accident where she died, and she

was more concerned about the other
people in the car who did survive.

So she said to me, I don't understand.

They put Dave in the ambulance,
but they didn't put me in.


Why couldn't I go with
Dave in the ambulance?

They left me standing
on the side of the road.

That's heartbreaking, so I said
to her, what year is it now?

And she said it's 1976, I
said, darling, it's not 1976.

So I got out a calendar and
I said, look at the calendar.

Look at the date, look at my phone.

And she's looking at my phone
and she can't work it out because

in 1976, there was no phones.

She said, what's that?

I said look, this is how I ring people.

So I'd ring a friend and she'd say no.

This is what she was doing
at my house for three days.

So I was trying very delicately to
let her know that she was no longer in

that time and that Dave would not be at
the hospital if I did take her there.

Very sad situations.

So I explained what happened with
Shelly in my book Ghost Explained.

Then I've also got Psychics Explained
my other book that's all about our

psychic abilities, how to get them, how
to get rid of 'em if we don't want them.


How to, there's all tools and
development in there on how to

raise our vibration exercises.

How to connect with ourselves and all
that sort of stuff is in that book.

Yeah, so I'm an educator.

I try my best now to help everybody and
anybody, that's one reason why I don't

charge for any of my services because
I know what it's like to struggle.

When I left the police and I had
like really bad mental health, unless

I paid someone, I couldn't get any
assistance for my own mental health.

So that was a big lesson for me
to learn in how now, not to judge

others, and I know now that it's
when we are absolutely at our tether.

We are broke.

We've lost our job.

We've lost our house.

We've lost our partner and family.

When we lose everything.

They're the ones that I mostly
do want to help because I know

that money is only a sustainable
three-dimensional necessity in this world.

But when we go out of this existence
of our three-dimensional society,

we don't need currency of money.

What we need is currency
of emotional acceptance.

So I teach emotional
acceptance, self-worth,

self-respect, self-appreciation.

So now people are building
their own self-worth, which

is our own self currency.

So when we truly love ourselves,
we can then manifest and create

abundance, success, and most of
all, prosperity of our own future.

Based on that emotional output
that we can create ourselves.


Thanks for sharing all of this, Linda.

So where do you see
your life going forward?

What's living a good life for you now?

What's living a good life
for me now is talking with

beautiful people like yourself.


Oh, how?

How do I explain?

Wherever you are and wherever I am
doesn't matter because it's only

geography at the end of the day.

But ultimately, I talk to people
now in all countries of the planet.

I've got people who email me and say,
Hey Linda, I spoke to you six months ago.

I live in Brazil.

Can we please take a time to reconnect?

I want to be there for everybody and
everywhere because I understand that my

body is just a physical cocoon of my soul.

Yet my soul is an energetic
being that is everywhere.

So I want to be everywhere at once
like I was when I was in heaven.

So I love it now that we have Zoom
and Skype and Riverside is what

we're using today so we can connect
all over the planet, and that is

what makes me sleep good at night.

That's what helps me with my own stresses
and anxieties that we all get in life.

How I get through my day is knowing that
I'm doing my utmost to be the purpose

that other people need to be as well.

So I've got a big job on my hands.

I know I do.

And it's only through people, gorgeous
people like yourself who interview me

where I can get the word out about.

Cars don't matter.

We, it doesn't matter what
sort of job or title we have.

It's who we are on the inside,
how we create energy that emits to

others, so then they feel who we are.

And not what society dictates
what we should be through a title.

So it's a hard one, it is
a hard one to learn it.

I've got a PhD, so I call myself doctor.

I've also been ordained, so I'm also
a reverend, so these are titles.

But at the end of the day, when
we look at like the prophets of

Religion, Mohammed Buddha, Jesus,
et cetera, they didn't have titles.

And everywhere they went, all
they did was to spread their word

of how good other people can be.

We never hear Moses or any of
the prophets out of the Bible.

We never hear Jesus,
Muhammad, Buddha, Krishna.

Dalai Lama, when do we ever hear
them say, I, this is my story.

They always talk about how others can
be their best version, and that's what

I strive to be myself, but I'll never
compare myself to them ultimately,

cuz I'm, I don't have an ego.

But as long as we try our best in life.

To be the best version that we can be.

And then we create that in others.

Man, that's what heaven is about, creating
that love where we unconditionally

accept everyone without judgment.

We don't accuse anyone.

There's no sarcasm.

There's no hate, destruction.

It's all about creating emotional love.

And when we look at why we come here
to learn lessons, so then we value

what we have when we go back there.


The world needs more of that.

So what's the best way for people
to get in touch with you if they

want to, or to find out more
about what you do in your work?

I do have a weird name because
hello thank you to my parents

for spelling my name wrong.

My name is Lynda with a y l-y-n-d-a
and my surname is Cramer, c-r-a-m-e-r.

So put me into Google, you find my links.

I've got a website,

I've also got YouTube
@drlyndacramer is on YouTube.

I've also got a paranormal group
on Facebook and that's called Dr.

Linda Paranormal.

So I do have some educational
help, how to clear your own energy

fields, et cetera, all development
videos that people can watch.

That's a good little group of a
couple of thousand people there.

Yeah, so I just tried my best
to just get the word out.

What is paranormal, what is supernatural,
but ultimately it's all just natural.

And once we acknowledge that all this
weirdness is actually innate, natural,

then we can accept it and truly learn our
own capacity of what we can strive to be.

Okay, great.

Listen, I really appreciate
you taking the time today.

Thank you so much for

you so

onto the channel.

And I wish you well, I really hope
things go well for you in the future

you too, darling.

that you're doing.

So thank you so much for
having me today, Rod.

Clinically Dead for 14 Minutes; Dr Cramer Reveals Her 5-Year Journey in the Afterlife (NDE)
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