UC 33: Doctor's Freak Earthquake Birth Story Ends With Heaven's Chorus (NDE) - Dr Lotte Valentin

Dr. Lotte Valentin:
Just a split second

I'm outside my body.

But this second experience is
so different from the first.

And now I'm just tumbling
through darkness.

So it's more like
a Star Wars movie.

Like I'm traveling
through space as a soul.

And I get to this place
that I call the midstation

only because I knew
that there were levels.

Rod Bland: My
guest today is Dr.

Lottie Valentin, a physician,
a medical medium, an ancestral

healer, and an author of
Med School After Menopause.

And she survived two near
death experiences that

gave her psychic abilities.

And she's here to talk
to us about that today.

Welcome Dr.


Dr. Lotte Valentin:
Well, thank you so

much for having me.

My pleasure.

Rod Bland: So could you
firstly, just give us a

little bit of background
about what it was like for

you growing up and then why
don't we jump into your NDE's?

Dr. Lotte Valentin: Yeah,
So I was actually born

and raised in Sweden,
which is in Scandinavia

or Northern Europe, just
underneath the Arctic pole.

The reindeer lives in my
country, Santa Claus, right?

So growing up in, in Sweden
was, uh, obviously different

cause it's in Europe.

Um, my father was a physician.

I had three older brothers
and, my mom went back to

work when I was 12 and
worked as, um, like a

hospital floor administrator.

So I was always surrounded
by medicine growing up.

All my parents, friends were.

We're all back then in the,
cause I'm born in the 1950s.

So I grew up in the 1960s
and back then it was unusual

for women to be doctors.

The women tended to be nurses.

All my parents friends, the
man was the physician and

their wives were nurses.

So it's such a classic setup,
almost sounds like a movie.

So I was always
surrounded by medicine.

It was always medicine
was the number one

conversation in my house.

So growing up around
that, um, I always knew

I wanted to be a doctor.

And I would tell my
dad, when I grow up, I'm

going to be a doctor.

And he would look at me
and say, no, don't be

a doctor, be a nurse.

And it was just a time period
that I grew up in the 1960s.

So anyway, then I grew
up, went to high school,

um, The advisors in school
said, Oh, you're really good

in the science subjects.

You should do the
science major.

Cause we actually
major in high school.

So when you get out
of high school, you go

straight to medical school,
straight to law school.

There is no four year
of college required

before you go.

We do a lot of those
prereqs in high school.

And so.

When you go to high
school in Sweden, you can

come out of that being
like a daycare provider

or, um, an automobile,
like, like a mechanic.

So we, we get a lot of, um,
we get a lot of training

in high school compared to
here in the United States.

Everybody sort of requires
you go, you, you know, go

straight to college and then
you get to decide what to do.

So you're much younger
when you go into, you

know, starting med
school over there.

Anyway, I didn't, I didn't
go the science line because.

I looked at the other kids
in my class and there were

maybe two or three girls
that are, you know, young

ladies that were going
to go the science line.

And I said, I am not going
to have any friends if I

do that in high school.

You know, being a teenager,
boyfriends were much more

important and having friends
were much more important.

So I majored in
languages and business.

And then I, then
I met an American.

Who was an exchange
student in my high school.

And I ended up marrying that
man by three years later.

So I moved to the United
States when I was 21 and I

had started at Stockholm's
university and I was studying

economics, which I thought
was terribly boring because

this wasn't who I was, right?

So I studied economics
and then I went to, um.

To the United States and I
worked my first year here

in the United States and I
worked as the secretary at

the Biomedical engineering
department at Boston

University and I was typing
research papers all day long

for these professors that
were doing research I had

no idea what I was typing.

It was just words, right?

So I'm just typing along and I
remember asking the professor

what kind of pig is a guinea
pig that has long hair because

I thought it was a real pig.

I had never heard
the word guinea pig.

It's not a word you learn
in an English class, right?

So, um, I mean, they had
so many laughs because

I never knew what it was
I was actually typing.

And, then I, They
convinced me I should

go to Boston University.

They said, the professors
there said, Oh, you're,

you have such a good
knack for computers.

You should be an engineer.

And I said, no, I don't
want to be an engineer.

And then again, I said, you
know, maybe I should follow my

dad's advice and be a nurse.

But the language
barrier was so great.

I didn't think I could
handle those science classes.

So again, I majored
in business.

I majored in business
and computer science.

And then I graduate and I
work for IBM as a programmer

and systems analyst.

So, And I was a
complete atheist.

I didn't believe in anything.

I didn't believe in
angels, the spirit

world, life after death.

That was just not even
part of my vocabulary.

I didn't, a mediumship, I
would have laughed if somebody

said, let's communicate
with the spirit world.

And you know, I'm going
to connect, you know,

with my, with my loved
ones in the spirit world.

I would have laughed at
them and said, you're crazy.

Like that is impossible.

That can't be.

So I was, Very
scientific, very logical.

And so here I am working as
a programmer and then, um,

I took a leave of absence
because we got, my husband's

job took us to California
and we had our first child.

And so then I was at home
and then I had a second child

and then I had a third child.

That's when life
really changed.

And that's when I
started to have the

near death experience.

So I can tell you that story.

If you want me to
continue, I don't know

if you had any questions
about anything so far.

Rod Bland: no,
that's that's good.

Yeah, but go ahead.

Let's hear about
the the first NDE.

Dr. Lotte Valentin: So,
so then I had had two

children, two boys already,

so they were six and three
and a half at this point.

And I was pregnant again
and I was, I gave birth to

a baby girl, which was not
a normal birth in itself.

So we lived in California
at the time in Huntington

Beach and I gave birth in the
Eastern part of, if people

know where Disneyland is,
it's in Anaheim, California.

In the eastern part of that
city, Anaheim, that kind

of borders the desert and
that's where the hospital

was when I gave birth.

So I'm contracting about
three minutes apart.

So the baby's right, you
know, my, my second baby had

been born in like two hours.

So as soon as I had a
contraction, we headed

to the hospital and I was
already, you know, close

to delivering that baby.

And a 7.

4 earthquake hits.

Rod Bland: Whoa,

Dr. Lotte Valentin: I'm
lying on this table.

Luckily, the people, not
many people have heard of

this earthquake because
it was centered in the

desert, but this hospital
was literally the last

building before the desert.

And it was a new hospital.

So it was built on rollers.

And so that building, I
mean, it's just rolls right

back and forth because
to take the, the The, the

impact of the earthquake.

So I'm lying on this birthing
table in the birthing unit

and the midwife, the nurse,
my husband, everybody's

just leaning over me.

I would have flown off the
table because that's how

much that building shook.

And just, you know, we're
just petrified that this is

the moment I'm going to die.

That's what I thought because
there were these windows

all the way from the floor
to the ceiling and then

all those ceiling tiles
that, you know, are common.

And I, I said, this is it.

Like these windows are going
to cave in or the ceiling

tiles are going to cave
in and we're just going to

be buried in this rubble
as everything collapses.

So the building just
rolled and rolled.

We lose all the electricity
and it's, and it stops and

we're all just, oh my God.

We're still here and
it's just dead silence.

We hear the generators kick
in and we have the light of

like a nightlight that you
have in the bathroom at night.

That was the lighting now
because this was at, you

know, early, early in the
morning, maybe five o'clock

in the morning or something.

And so it was dark
still outside.

And, and then, uh, my
contractions actually stopped

because When you are, you
know, if you're in the jungle

and that lion is coming to
eat you and you're giving,

you're about ready to give
birth, you're going to stop

giving birth, get yourself to
safety and then give birth.

Cause it's just, you know,
instincts where all animals

will do that and things
will just stop and you

get yourself to safety.

So my labor actually stopped.

And then about half an hour
later, it started back up

as I started, you know,
saying, okay, we're okay.

Gave birth to my
daughter and we had a

second earthquake hit.

And that was a 7.


And now we're like, okay,
well, this is really

bad, but it's not as
bad as the first one.

So we know it's okay.

You know, they can, it
can get worse or it can

get a little better.


And then they finally gave me,
you know, the baby to hold.

And as soon as they gave
me the baby, I'm just like

leaning backwards, yelling
for my husband, take

the baby, take the baby.

And I was in this
excruciating pain.

And then, um, there was
all these, uh, blood clots

that came out and they
started massaging my uterus.

And, you know, today I'm
thinking, I mean, there's

not much they could do.

They were operating on
generators at this point.

So they put an IV in
and that helped contract

the uterus down.

And then I stayed an
extra day in the hospital.

So after 48 hours, they
said, well, it looks good.

It looks like the bleeding
has slowed way down.

It looks like a normal flow,
like postpartum and we're

going to send you on your way.

So they sent me home
and then I had all these

pain is, I mean, imagine
swallowing a bowling

ball and it's just this.

It's very kind of heaviness
and it would just hurt so

much like down my legs.

And I would constantly
have to sit down.

Anytime I picked up the
baby, it was so much pain

and I'm thinking, why is
this birth so different?

I mean, I did hemorrhage
afterwards, but that

stopped and I couldn't
figure that out.

Well, then about
10 days later.

Uh, my friends are
having a baby shower

for me in the park.

Cause I had a girl and I
had two boys before and

they were all excited.

They weren't getting in
me, give me all these girly

clothes and everything.

So I get there.

And I feel like I have
to use the restroom.

So I take my kids with me, we
go to the restroom and this

enormous blood clot comes out.

I mean, it's like the
size of the baby's head.

I mean, it's just huge.

And I'm looking at that
in the toilet going,

this is not good.

This is not normal.

So I to take my kids, I
run back, tell my friend,

I have to leave right
now, something really

is really, really wrong.

So I'll, I drove home,
which was only about five

minutes from this park.

My parents were there from
Sweden visiting, uh, to help

with the kids and everything.

So I tell them what happened
and they call my husband.

He comes home.

We go to the ER.

I get to the ER.

They come in, they do
a manual inspection,

and they say, Well,
everything seems fine now.

There's not much
blood coming out.

Keep me there for two
or three hours, and they

say, Well, it looks good.

We're going to send
you on your way.

Uh, could have been a
second lining that came out.

We're at home next day.

I go to the bathroom.

It's like five or six
in the afternoon, same

thing happens again.

And my husband calls the
hospital and I'm yelling

at him, lying on the bed.

I am not going.

If the bleeding
stopped, they're not

going to do anything.

It's pointless.

So they decided I should see
the doctor the next morning

in Huntington Beach, where
we lived in California.

Next morning is
Friday morning.

I go to the doctor.

It's like 10 o'clock in
the morning, same thing.

Manual inspection.

Well, it doesn't look like
you're bleeding that much

now, but, uh, you know, no
blood work, no ultrasound,

nothing, just a visual
inspection saying, doesn't

look like much is happening.

Send me on my way.

I go home.

Same thing happens again,
four or five o'clock in

the afternoon, another
huge blood clot comes out.

So we said, all right,
well, this is the third

day this is happening.

Something is definitely wrong.

So we went back to the ER.

Same thing.

Doctor comes in, says, well,
nothing much seems to be

happening now, and leaves
me there for observation.

We'll keep you here for
two or three hours, we'll

see if anything happens.

So I'm just lying on this
table, doors closed, I don't

have a bell to ring, this is
1992, and I start bleeding.

So I'm thinking, finally, I'm
finally bleeding, I'm in the

hospital, they're going to
figure out something is wrong.

So I'm lying there, not
thinking much about it, I'm

like, well, this is, you
know, this is the fourth

day I'm bleeding now.


And then a nurse comes
in to check on me.

I swear the spirit world
sent her because the timing

is, you know, had she been
there a minute or two later,

I probably would have died.

I mean, it's that it
comes down to seconds.

So she comes in, she opens
the door and she has this

you know, terror look on her
face, like, Oh, you know, it's

like her jaw is on the floor
and she's just, Oh my gosh.

And I can hear the call
on the loudspeaker, you

know, OBGYN stat to the ER.

So I'm thinking,
wow, this is good.

Finally, they figured
out something, you

know, is wrong with me.

So she cleans up everything,
puts new paper down.

The, this middle aged doctor
comes literally running

full speed with a younger
physician in tow, which

is probably the resident.

And I'm thinking.

I finally get a doctor
that's middle aged.

He's been around the block.

He's going to know what to do.

And he did because
he saved my life.

So again, we do another
manual inspection.

So they said, all right,
let's take a look,

see what's happening.

Another huge blood
clot comes out.

So this is the fifth
time I'm hemorrhaging

in three days, right?

I've lost so much blood now.

So I try to sit up and
tell this doctor, I

don't feel too good.

So He knew exactly what had
happened because, you know,

when he came in, he said, how
much have you been bleeding?

And I said, well, I've been
bleeding since Wednesday.

This is my third day
that this is happening.

So he knew I had
lost a lot of blood.

So as soon as I said, I
don't feel good, he just

pushed me down on the table.

The whole room filled with
staff, nurses, and he started

tipping the table backwards.

My head goes
towards the floor.

My feet goes up in the air.

And, you know, I got a
nurse on my right that's

got the blood pressure cuff
and she's quoting my blood

pressure as it's dropping.

And I got a nurse on my left
trying to place the IV that is

going to save my life, right?

And I'm lying at this table.

I feel like I jumped out
of an airplane and I'm

just doing a free fall
and it's probably my blood

pressure dropping, right?

So I just feel like
I'm falling through

space at this point.

And I'm thinking, Oh,
what's taking her so long?

Why can't she get that IV in?

But the veins are collapsing
because once you go into

shock, your veins collapse.

And when you go to the
ER today, now, they often

place an IV with just, you
know, water, basically,

you know, body water.

And it's so they
have, they have access

to the vein, right?

So they have, now they're
already in your vein.

If something goes south when
you're in the ER, now they can

just inject, because you have
a port now, into your vein.

But back in 92, they obviously
didn't do that because they

waited until you're almost
dead to place that IV.

So I'm lying on this
bed going Wow, what's

taking her so long?

Why can't she get that IV?

And as I'm thinking that,
the nurse on my right yells,

50 over 15, hurry.

I mean, at this point, I
barely have a pressure to

support the heart, right?

And then it just
keeps falling.

And it was shortly after
she said that, that I

knew that I was dying.

And that was very different
from that earthquake

experience, right?

Or I've been in an airplane
that also fell out of the air.

That is very different from
the thought of thinking,

Oh my gosh, this is it.

I'm going to die, right?

And a lot of people have
been in these scenarios.

You're almost in a car
accident and you can somehow

get out of it, right?

You can almost see your life
flashing before your eyes.

This was very different
because it was a knowing

that I was dying.

I knew that I was
dying at that point.

And the atheist that
I was, what do I do?

I said, well, if there is
a God, this is my chance.

So I said.

God, please save me.

I have three children
under the age of six

and they need a mother.

I was thinking my husband,
my husband can never do this

Like there's no way he
can raise three kids.

So I just pleaded
with God to save me.

And it was shortly
after that I just got

pulled outta my body.

So then I find myself
floating, you know, like

in the middle of the room,
kind of above my body.

And the first thing
I'm thinking is.

Wow, how can I be outside
my body and still be me?


That's the first thing.

So you are still you and
you know that you belong

to that body down there.

That's me down there, right?

I didn't, some people
turn around and they see

themselves on the table.

I didn't see myself
on the table.

I'm just kind of
like out there.

And I, but I know I
belong to the body.

It's almost that people
talk about the silver

cord and things like that.

It's almost like you're
on a string, right?

There is this knowing
you belong to the body.

But while I'm outside
my body, first of all,

it's this complete peace.

And, you know, you just
feel, wow, this is so nice.

There's no pain.

There's nothing.

You're just kind of there.

But also there was a knowing
that there was no time in

that state and that I could
access any information

past, present, and future.

There was no time.

And it drove me crazy for
years trying to figure out why

is there no time over there?

And, and then as quickly
as I had gotten sucked

out of my body, I get
sucked back in and I don't

even have words for it.

So then the next day, so
then of course they keep

me in the hospital and I'm
hooked up to all this stuff.

And the next morning the
nurse comes in and she says,

Oh, you know, did anything
unusual happen yesterday?

Uh, you know, in the ER.

And I said, no,
no, nothing at all.

I was petrified.

I figured if I tell her
what I had experienced,

they're going to lock
me up in the psych ward.

I'm never going to
see my children.

So I was just, no, no,
because I didn't believe

in any of it, but I still
had that experience.

I'm wondering, what is this?

Was that my brain

Or what was that?

So I'm lying in this
hospital bed and then I

hear my sister in law who
had passed away about 10

days earlier and I hear her,
she's in the left corner

of my ceiling and she says,
everything's going to be okay.

And I'm just lying there
thinking, okay, yesterday

I thought I left my body
and I had this whole

experience and now I think
I hear my sister in law,

like what is happening?

And it wasn't until my
mother in law came to visit.

I didn't even tell my parents.

I didn't tell my husband.

I figured everybody.

They're going to
think I'm crazy.

So I couldn't
even tell anyone.

And then my parents kept
changing their ticket.

They stayed for another
three or four weeks.

I just slept because I,
because of the shock and

having too little blood.

And then my mother in
law came and I call her

my earthly spirit guide.

And she was very spiritual.

And she said, what
is going on with you?

And I told her about
the experience.

And she said, Oh, what
you had was, it's called

a near death experience.

And she went out and she
got the book, uh, by Raymond

Moody, Life After Life.

And so then I started
understanding that this

was some kind of experience
that other people had

had, so at least I
didn't feel as kooky now.

And then, you know, over
the years she helped me,

you know, understand that
there is life after death

and all these other things.

So then I got really sick
and it took me Six months to,

um, well, after six months.

So my daughter
was born in June.

By that Christmas, we all
got pneumonia and I didn't

get a blood transfusion.

So the first thing they
wanted to do was give

me a blood transfusion.

And I'm looking at the doctor
in the ER and I turned my

head and he says, he just
yells, don't move because

he was so afraid I was
going to go back into shock.

And I'm, and he said,
I'm going to have to give

you a blood transfusion.

And I look at him and I
say, Do you have to give

me a blood transfusion?

And he said, why, why
don't you want one?

Do you have like a religious
belief that prevents you from

taking a blood transfusion?

And I said, no, but everybody
that gets a blood transfusion

gets AIDS because it was
that big AIDS epidemic.

And we didn't have any way of
testing the blood back then.

I said, I have three kids
under the age of six.

I was young.

I was, you know, 34 years old.

I was in perfect health.

Otherwise, I don't want
to wake up, you know,

six years from now.

When my, with three kids say,
having AIDS, so he said, okay,

we'll see what we can do.

You're young and very healthy.

I just studied nutrition.

I had a nutrition degree.

So I was like super healthy.

We didn't even have
white sugar in the house.

It was that crazy.

So, So he said, all
right, I'm going to give

you some supplements.

We're going to give you
some medication, make sure

the bleeding stops and
inflammation or, you know,

infection and all that.

And so he said, it's going
to take you a little bit

of time, but you know,
you're making blood quickly.

They kept me an extra
day in the hospital and

said, you know, you're,
it seems to be working.


You're not going to
feel too good for the

next three months or so.

And I basically just slept.

I mean, that's what I'm told.

I just slept a lot
and I was freezing.

I had my hands and feet for
ice cold under a wool blanket

in June, July in California.

So, you know, I had like no
blood and I couldn't keep

my head on a pillow because
my head would be pounding.

Because there was so
little blood in my body.

And I was so dizzy, I
couldn't walk from the

bed to the living room
without passing out.

I would, you know, everything
would just sort of blacken

by, you know, taking 20 steps.

Just throw myself on the
sofa to get into the next

room so I could at least
talk to people now and then.

So, after six months,
we all, all the,

everybody got the flu.

And my husband was in a new
job and here in the United

States, we have to wait three
months for the insurance

and this we want to pay some
astronomical amount, which

you can't when you're young
and you have three children,

you're in your thirties, you
can't afford that, right?

So many times you just wait.

And my husband kept
saying, are you sure?

Are you sure?

Like I said, yes,
I'm getting better.

I'm sitting up now, like
just take this new job.

Well, he ended up taking
three new jobs that year

because right when this
whole birth happened, his

company got sold and he was
like a regional manager.

Everybody got laid off
from top to bottom.

And so he just had to
take the first best job.

It's not like you have a
lot of savings when you're

in your early thirties and
have three young children.

So he took the
best job he could.

And then three months later
when we were just about to

get insurance, he would get
another job offer and then

he would take that job.

So that whole year, the
entire year, we had no

insurance that first year.

So at Christmas,
we all got sick.

We went to a walk in clinic.

Everybody had like pneumonia
and the flu, ear infections,

we all got antibiotics.

And then eight days after
being on antibiotics,

everybody was well again.

My boys, my husband,
I was even sicker.

So I go back to the walk-in
clinic and they said, wow,

weren't you just here?

And I said, yeah, um,
like eight days ago.

And they said, all
right, well, something

is not right with you.

So we're going to
check your blood.

So they come in, they do
a blood test, they come

back in, I'm just lying in
this, I'm there forever.

And they come back in and
they say, all right, do

you have leukemia or AIDS?

You have like no
immune system at all.

Like it's not, you don't
have any white blood cells.

And I said, well, the good
news is I don't have AIDS

cause I refused the blood
transfusion, but something

happened with the bone marrow.

And so I wasn't making blood.

So people can get this thing.

It's called a idiopathic
aplastic anemia.

And it's when the bone
marrow gets suppressed and

you're not making, you know,
platelets or white blood

cells, red blood cells,
everything gets suppressed.

So, They said, all
right, well, you have

no immune system.

You have to go to the ER.

And I said, I am
not going to the ER.

So they said, well, you
can die if you don't go.

And I said, okay, uh, I'll
promise I will go if I get

worse, any, any, any smidge
of being worse, I will go.

So they sent me home
with, you know, steroids

and they injected me with
antibiotics and who knows

what, and sent me home.

They called the next day
and said, how are you doing?

And I said, I'm a
little bit better.

So they said, okay, good.

And I managed to
come out of that.

And then two months later,
now I start bruising.

So I get, so now,
now it's May.

In May, so it's 11 months
after I gave birth, I bump

into the baby's changing
table and something that

would give you a bruise
of like a small coin.

I had a bruise that
spanned my entire hip.

It was purple.

And so did I understand
that something was wrong

after growing up in a
household of My father always

talking about medicine.

Yes, of course I did.

I understood what
was going on.

And so I said, all right,
I'm going to have, and

I was getting pneumonia
again, and it's May.

Nobody gets pneumonia
unless they have an

underlying condition.

So I, I get myself to
this private doctor.

We still didn't have insurance
and I get there and he's

listening to my lungs.

And then he sees the
big bruise and he

jumps in front of me.

He looks at me and he said,
how did you get this bruise?

And I said, I bumped into
the baby's changing table.

And he doesn't believe me.

He thinks that my
husband's beating me now.

So luckily I had all
my kids with me and he

raises the shirt and all
my kids and says, okay.

I believe you.

And I said, look, I'm
telling you the truth.

My father was a physician.

This is what happened
to me, but we're getting

insurance July 1st.

I only have six weeks to go.

And I have, I said, I am
so much better now than

I was six months ago.

Cause I put my children in
the car and I drove myself

here to get here to see you.

So of course he gives
me all the labs, which

I don't do because.

If I had done those
labs, I would have had a

pre existing condition,
which means I wouldn't

get insurance July 1st.

And I said, all right, well,
I have the labs and I just

took all the medication.

And again, I managed
to come out of it.

But what happened was that,
you know, that whole bone

marrow suppression that
lasted for a couple of years.

And this is how my second year
death experience comes about.

So during this whole
time, I'm really sick.

My watch has stopped.

We can talk about that later.

And, uh, how do you have
this electrical interference?

And I hear the
spirit world talking.

So two years later,
Uh, I, every day I

have this issue, right?

I can't even stand up
to cook for my kids.

I have a stool in the kitchen.

I remember my 90 year old
grandmother had this stool

in the kitchen so she
wouldn't have to stand up.

So, I, I got this stool so I
could sit down because making

pancakes would take too long.

I would pass out.

So, I could sit and
flip the pancakes.

So, and I had this feeling
that the soul was always

trying to leave, right,
just like during my

near death experience.

Every day, several times
a day, I would be, nope,

we're not leaving, I'm
going to hold on to you,

like come back in the body.

And I would sit down, put
my head down, get some more

blood flow, blood flow going.

And many times in the middle
of the night, I would wake

up and Have that, you know,
pounding head, take my head

off the pillow because I was
just blood deficient, right?

I didn't have enough blood
that going through my system.

So two years later,
same thing happens.

And you know, it probably
doesn't take much because when

you already doesn't have any,
that amount of blood, right?

So your, your blood is,
you know, keeping your

blood pressure high.

So people, uh, for example,
who have POTS, that postural

orthostatic tachycardia.

So they bend over, they
come up too quickly.

They get dizzy.

It's very common, especially
after the pandemic.

We see a lot of more
people with that.

And many times you
just need more salt.

You need more, more fluids.

You need more electrolytes
so that you can keep that

blood pressure high too.

So you don't pass out.

Well, I didn't have
any of knowledge about

anything back then.

So I was constantly,
you know, on the verge

of passing out and
constantly had to sit down.

So, I mean, all it would take
is for me to be dehydrated

that day to have another
near death experience because

I already was deficient
in the blood because of

the bone marrow issue.

So here I am in the
middle of the night.

And I always joke that they
saved me too quickly the

first time, so I didn't
get the full effect.

It didn't, it didn't, I didn't
have a course correction

for my life path, so let's
do it, let's have, let's

have her have another near
death experience so we can

really get her on track.

So here I am in the
middle of the night,

which happened often.

I wake up, my
head is pounding.

I feel all lightheaded, feel
like my soul is leaving.

Take my head off the pillow.

And I just, and it's just,
I just, again, just a split

second I'm outside my body.

But this second experience is
so different from the first.

And now I'm just tumbling
through darkness.

So it's more like
a Star Wars movie.

Like I'm traveling
through space as a soul.

And I get to this place
that I call the midstation

only because I knew
that there were levels.

So there were levels above
me and levels below me.

It's like you go into a
skyscraper that has a hundred

floors and you say, Oh,
I need to go to floor 50.

You get off a floor 50.

You know there are
floors above you and

floors below you.

You're just, you're
not seeing them.

But it was that kind of
a sensation that I was

at this med station.

And as I get to this
place, I'm just in a

soul, like a soul, like I
don't have a body, right?

I'm just in a soul.

And I hear the most
beautiful music.

You can't make this
music on earth.

And I, I tried.

I sat at a synthesizer for
days with over 200 sounds.

Is that any sound that sounds
remotely similar to the sound

I heard that you can't make
this music on earth because

it's more beautiful than that.

So I hear this incredibly
beautiful music and

I'm thinking, where is
this music coming from?

And so I look to my right and
I see this little log cabin.

And I always laugh.

It looks like a Swedish
sauna, like the things we

see, but that's what I see.

I see this little log cabin.

So I, I look at it and I
open the door and I look

inside, but it's empty.

It's like, wow,
that's so strange.

So I look to my left and
I see another log cabin

and it looks just like
the one on the right.

It's like a mirror image.

So I opened that cabin and
I was like, wow, it's empty.

And still hear the
music, but then I become

aware of the light.

So this bright white light,
the best description I have is

if you take like a spotlight,
like a stadium spotlight and

shine it through fog, right?

So it's this kind of,
you're just immersed in

this bright white light, but
it's coming from behind me.

So as I'm turning around
now, I, and face the

light, there is an
outline of angels in this.

Bright white light and
the music is coming

from the angels and
I'm completely aware.

I'm like, I'm looking
at angels, but I don't

believe in angels, right?

So I'm very aware of it.

So why am I seeing things
that I don't even believe in?


So the music is coming
from the angels, but then.

There is this awareness,
this, this light that is the

divine source that we come
from the, from the light.

We are light.

We are, we carry
the light within us.

We return to the light when
we go on, you know, when we

leave this earthly realm.

But we come from that,
that is the divine source.

You can call it anything.

I call it divine source
because as soon as you

label it, You know, God,
you get stuck with a

religious dogma, right?

People wrote the Bible.

God did not write the
Bible or divine source

did not write the Bible.

There were people that
decided what should be

in the Bible or any other
religious text on the earth.

And, you know, if you go
back in the day, we all had,

we had all these goddesses
and the divine feminine.

Well, then we got Christianity
and we got rid of all

the goddesses and we all
became, you know, men.

So, depending, you know,
if you do the research

on that, I'm not an
expert on that at all.

But, uh, we really clearly,
you can see that you can't

call it, you can't label
it with a religious name.

So that is divine source.

But then I become aware
of two spirit, called

the spirit guides.

There's one on my right and
one diagonally, diagonally

to the left in front of me.

And they're talking to each
other, but I can hear them.

So the one on my right says,
Oh, what is she doing here?

She can't be here.

She has to go back.

And I'm like, wait a second,
it's been two years and I was

still trying to process my
first near death experience.


So I'm saying, no,
no, no, wait a second.

How can I be outside my
body and still be me?

You know, how does this work?

And the spirit guide on my
left says, well, if I showed

you, right, you're not
going to remember because

there's something about
what we get to remember.

I think there's some kind of a
mechanism, control mechanism.

So then all of a sudden it's
like I'm standing on the moon.

It's, imagine just the
movie screen just appear

in front of you where you
know, it's just all of a

sudden you just see things.

And I see the earth as if
I'm standing on the moon

looking down on earth.

But then around the
earth I called it.

So this is, you know,
1994, we didn't have

internet barely back then.

I see it's, I call it the
silvery, glittery, fishnet.

So it was this kind of
diamond shaped silvery.

Sparkle, sparkly, glittery
net around the earth.

And I call it the fish net
because I grew up in Sweden

and there is, you know,
the archipelago in Sweden

with over 20, 000 islands.

And so I spent my
summers on an island in

the archipelago with no
electricity, no running water.


I would row the boat for
my grandmother as she

laid fish nets in the
ocean and would catch fish

for the family to eat.

So early in that early morning
sun, as I'm rowing, you know,

I'm like seven, eight years
old rowing this boat and

she lifted these fish nets
out of the water, they're

kind of diamond shaped, but
when the, you have the water

droplets on that, it's sort
of shimmers and sparkles

in this morning sunlight.

So I'm looking at this and I
feel like I'm standing on the

moon looking down on earth.

So to me, it.

Looks like the sparkling
fishnet because that's, you

know, now you can Google it
and say, grid around the earth

and all these images come up,
but we didn't have that then.

I combed the San Francisco
library for any information

on this, could not find it.

And so anyway, so here I am,
and he says, Everything on

earth is connected to each
other, but everything on earth

is connected up to this grid.

And with that information,
I got sent back.

And so all these years later,
so that was 1994, right?

It's since the past three
years, maybe like since about

2020, it all makes sense.

So that's how long.

It's taken to put all
those, that little

message to understand
what that really meant.

What is the grid?

How does it work?

How are we interconnected
to each other, right?

Now we have more knowledge
about that and quantum

physics and, and how that
all, and how we are actually

all connected to each other.

So that was my, that
was my near death

experience in a nutshell.

I know it's a long story.

Rod Bland: In your first
NDE, your deceased sister

in law spoke to you, who
had died 10 days before.

Was that when you started
hearing other voices from

the spirit world as well, or
did that not come till later?

Was it just a one off?

Dr. Lotte Valentin: Yeah.

So it started the day after.

And a year later, before
my second NDE, uh, I was

lying in bed in the middle
of the night and all of

a sudden I become aware.

I couldn't see him then.

Now I see, often see the
spirit world mostly, but then

I didn't, I didn't see them.

I just knew.

And I was like, wow,
my uncle is here.

And he said, I have passed on,
I've gone to the other side

of, you know, I'm leaving.

I'm just here to say
goodbye and checking in.

And it was my mom's brother.

And I knew he had had lung
cancer, but not that he

would be passing away.

Nobody had said anything.

I think it was kind
of a surprise that he

did go at that time.

And so the next day I'm
thinking, okay, my mom's going

to call me and let me know
her, her brother passed away.

Nobody called.

I was like, wow,
this is so strange.

Another day goes by.

So this was the night
from Sunday to Monday.

Nobody called Monday.

Nobody called Tuesday.

Wednesday, my mom
finally calls.

So she's, you know,
doing the chitchat.

How are you doing?

How are the kids?

Blah, blah, blah.

And then she finally says,
well, I have, you know,

some sad news to share.

And I said, yes, your brother
passed away three days ago.


It was just dead silence
on the other side.

She was like, how
did you know that?

And I said, he was here.

So then she said, Oh, wow.

You're just like my mom.

You're just like grandma.

Cause grandma always knew
when people passed away.

So, and I have memories
too of my grandma.

When we were on this island,
and she was so upset one day,

I was probably only about
seven, and she said, you

know, my friend, so and so,
I don't remember who it was,

uh, passed away at 2 a m,
because this bird flew into

my window and, and told me.

And I said, okay.

And so we have to, we had
to get in this little boat,

this little rowboat with an
outboarder motor and drive

15 minutes to an island.

Another island that actually
had a pay phone on it, and

so that she could call her
friend and get confirmation.

And sure enough, she was
absolutely right, but I

think there was also more
experiences that I never knew

about because I was so little.

My mom probably
knew a lot more.

There's something in
the family about that.

But, um, so the spirit world,
you know, was, came in.

It started, that mediumship
started literally the

day after my first NDE.

I started here in
the spirit world.

Rod Bland: And you mentioned
there was, there's electrical

disturbances that occur, is
that when they're nearby?

Dr. Lotte Valentin:
So the watch story, so

it was, let me think.

So it was nine months later.

So my watch, I had put my
watch on, um, You know,

during the fall, I think
it was September or so.

And it, it died after
like five or seven

days, my watch stopped.

And I was so, I was so
mad because it's a watch.

Now I don't have time.

And we didn't have
cell phones back then.

So now I didn't have a watch,
but I also wasn't well enough

to go get another watch.

And I was like, well.

I'll just wait, you know,
until I get well enough.

Well, it was nine months
later in March, I finally

had the energy to put the
kids in the car, drive to

like the store, go inside.

The watches were right inside.

The, the entrance, picked
out a watch, paid and left.

So I wore that watch for about
five days and it stopped.

I said, wow, it was so
much work to get that

watch, you know, because
I was not well at all.

It was when the bone marrow
suppression kit was coming on.

So I said, all right, I'm
going to wait a week or two.

Then I returned, went back,
returned the watch and the

ladies, you know, at the, that
desk where you return things

said, Oh, that's so strange.

We haven't gotten any other
watches, but go ahead,

pick out another watch.

So I got the same
watch, worked for five

days and it stopped.

It's like, wow.

Bad luck must be some problem
with quality control with

this particular manufacturer.

So went back a third time
and again, the ladies at the

desk were, well, we haven't
gotten any other watches back.

That's really strange,
but go ahead and pick

out another watch.

So I picked out a different
brand this time because I

thought there was definitely
a manufacturing issue.

So I picked out a different
watch, different brand,

wear it for five days.

So then I tell my
friend, my friend comes

over with her kids.

So my kids could have
some playmates and I

tell her about the watch.

And she looks at
me and she goes.

It's not the watch,
it's you, honey.

I was like, what do you mean?

It's me.

So she says, well, you're
the one that's doing,

killing the watches.

So, but now, you know, we
know if you, you know, go

to IANDS, International
Association of Near Death

Studies, there is a lot of
research that has been done.

Uh, for a long time and
probably 50, 60 years.

And a common problem is
actually that the watches

stop and people get sick.

Uh, people get divorced
within seven years.

Um, people have a hard
time with loud noises and

all these different things
that have physiological

and psychological issues
that come, um, after

somebody else had a near
death experience and the

watches is one of them.

So it took me.

12 years.

So when my daughter was
about three, I had 16 or

17 watches in my drawer.

Rod Bland: Huh.

Dr. Lotte Valentin: I
would just get a new watch.

And then, so I started
saving the watches.

I said, well, you never know.

They might start
ticking again.

So after a while, so when
the watch died, I would

put in a drawer and I
would, I would always get

a watch with a second hand.

So I knew if it was working.

So, wow, this one is ticking.

Look at that.

The second hand
is moving again.

So I would wear that
and I could wear it for

about a week or two.

So, After, after about
one year, my watch

lasted about a month.

After two years, it
lasted about two months.

After three years, it
lasted three months.

And so it took me 12 years
for my watch to take almost

to the day, 12 months.

And at that point I said,
12 years, that's it.

My watch worked for a year.

I'm healed.

So, and that's when,
now I've heard.

The spirit world for 12 years.

And I would get warnings
about accidents.

I saw my kids, I remotely
had remote, you know,

remote, um, my kids almost
got run over by a truck and

I saw it even though I was
a half hour car ride away.

So they were in San Francisco
and I was in East Bay,

San Francisco, where we're
at home in the house.


All of a sudden, I'm
thinking, okay, well, the

kids are going to be home
in an hour or two, I should

start prepping dinner.

So, my middle son was,
uh, about 17, and my

daughter was like 14,
so he was driving now.

And, so, he's in the car,
he's driving, his girlfriend

is in the front seat, and my
daughter's in the back seat.

So, I'm walking to the
kitchen, and all of a sudden,

it's like I'm standing on
the street in San Francisco.

I see Our car, I see my
son waiting at a red light.

He's trying to make a
U turn and he's waiting

for the light to go.

He's going from yellow
to red and he's going to

whip the car around before
the other cars come.

Well, he's waiting for that
yellow red and he says, okay,

now I'm going to go because
the other cars are stopping.

Well, there's a truck that's.

Coming in the
opposite direction

and he's not stopping.

So the truck is accelerating
to get through the light

before it turns red,
instead of slowing down.

My son is counting on that.

The truck's going to stop.

So he whips the car
around, but the truck

isn't accelerating.

So I see them turning around.

I see my daughter getting
flung in the backseat

as he's just stepping
on the gas pedal.

And I, I mean, it's
like an inch away.

I see the truck like
right behind our car.

And I see them speeding down
the street and my heart is

pounding and I'm just sitting
down, you know, at the kitchen

counter saying, Oh my gosh,
thank you, spirit world.

Thank you for saving them.

And I did, it took me like
10 minutes to, before I could

even start prepping dinner.

I knew they were safe.

I saw them speed off.

And then, you know, two hours
later they come home and I

knew they were really hungry,
so I let them eat first.

And as they finished their
food, my daughter looks up

at me and she says, mom, we
almost got hit by a truck.

And I look at them and
I say, yeah, I know.

I saw you on Embarcadero.

You made a U turn at a red
light, at the red light.

And the kid's jaws just,

Rod Bland: Ha ha.

Because they were making up a
story that they thought would

be palatable to you, no doubt.

Being teenagers.

Dr. Lotte Valentin: is, you
know, really fascinating how.

You know, we have so many
abilities that, and you

know, there's so many
stories like that, especially

moms seeing their, knowing
that their kids are going

to be in danger, right?

They see them in danger
or they know they're

going to be in danger.

So that interconnectedness,
that, that grid that I saw

and how we are all connected
to each other and we're

all connected up and out.

I could not, you know,
that is exactly how

things are working.

And that's my work today is,
you know, to help people heal.

Uh, help them understand
why it is they're sick

and how they're connected
to their ancestors.

As much as I would like
to say we are individuals,

uh, and we're not.

Affected by our ancestors,
and I'm not talking about DNA.

I'm talking about their
actions, reactions, and

interactions with other
people, their own trauma,

their own emotional trauma.

We are absolutely
connected to that.

And they actually even know
that, um, they see the DNA.

They have done, um,
research on Holocaust

survivors and they can
see now into the third.

the next generation, the
grandchildren of those

Holocaust survivors, that
there's a changes in the

DNA and they've identified
some genes like the FKBP5

gene and some other genes.

So they can see, we actually
transfer trauma via the

DNA to our offspring.

So those emotion, those
emotional issues that our

grandparents had, you know,
grandfather served in the war.

He thought it was
going to die, all that.

You're carrying that on
your DNA, but also, We

are connected through
quantum physics because

we are entangled
through quantum physics.

So the people that won
the, got the physics Nobel

prize last year, the three
physicists that proved that

two atoms meet and then
whatever, then they separate

the atoms, whatever happens
to atom A affects atom B.

Even though they're
separated, right?

So, like, think of this, and
then if the items have babies,

they're also entangled.

So, if you have an apple,
they meet the other apple, you

put one apple in Australia,
the other apple in Sweden,

whatever happens, the apple
A in Australia is going to

affect apple B in Sweden.

And that's how it is.

We know that from All the
intention experiments, like

Lynn McTaggart's work, that
started back in 1980 or 1990.

So we can see this, I mean, we
can prove it scientifically.

What I'm doing as I work
with that, uh, with people

with ancestral healing and
the entanglement that we

have with our ancestors.

So It's fascinating because
this happened in 1992 and

94, but it wasn't until
basically, you know, 2020 or

2018 or something that things
finally started to make sense.

So it always takes a long time
for things to fall into place.

You don't become a
medium overnight, right?

It takes years to develop
it takes years of meditation

takes years of listening
to the spirit world.

Rod Bland: You mentioned
something about, uh, when

you were in the, when you
crossed over into the spirit

world after your NDE, that
there was no time, but it

took you many years to kind
of wrap your head around that.

What did you work out?

Dr. Lotte Valentin:
You're right So, oh my

gosh, you drove me crazy.

So I had the experience
1992 or 1994, right?

And then we moved to
San Francisco year 2000.

And so it was in the early
2000s Between 2000 and 2004,

and my kids were going to
school in the city, so I

was in the city every day.

I had drove them to the
city and the San Francisco

Public Library, which is
a huge library, was five

minutes from their school.

So I would go to that library
and look for anything,

any information on that
grid that I had seen.

Any information on time,
I would read Stephen

Hawking books on time.

I would skip those
crazy math calculations.

It's like, I have no idea what
you're talking about here.

Skip that.

Just give me the
English text, please.

Could not figure out, you
know, why is it that there's

no time on the other side?

But now, I mean, if you
listen to the physicists,

they're like, oh, there's
no time on the other side.

It's just an illusion, right?

We have the illusion, just
like we have an illusion

That we are separate.

We, when we come here to
have this earthly experience,

we're under the illusion
that we're separate from our

ancestors and what they did,
all the things they did wrong

and treated people wrong
has nothing to do with us.

I'm separate from them.

No, we're not.

And I work with, I work
with a lot of, I work with

people all over the world,
but I think it's especially

fun, uh, you know, when you
work with somebody who's a

psychotherapist, a physician,
counsellor, and And then they

said, like, I don't understand
why I have this issue.

And then you point something
out and put all the

pieces together for them.

And they say, wow,
I do this for other

people, but I couldn't
see it in my own life.

But we're so entangled with,
you know, first of all, we

have so many emotions about,
you know, our parents or

siblings or however, you know,
raised us and the environment

we're in and school issues
growing up that we can't.

We can't quite see it and we
can't put the things together.

And it's not until you start
looking at the whole family.

Well, tell me about
your grandparents.

Tell me about your aunts
and uncle and who ran a

business, who didn't treat
their employees right.

Oh, there it is.

And you can see how these
patterns of how other people

were treated by somebody
else in their family.

But that is the burden
they're carrying.

It's, it's fast.

It's absolutely fascinating
because we, we're under,

we're under the impression
that we're completely

separate and independent and
we're not related to these

crazy relatives of ours.

Everybody has crazy relatives.

I don't, I have, there
is no such thing as

a perfect family.

Everybody has a
crazy relative.

Everybody has somebody
in their family that when

you were a little kid
and you said, you know,

what about Uncle Billy?

Your mom turns to you
and says, we don't

talk about Uncle Billy.

It's like, oh no, no,
we're not bringing that up.

Grandma's here now.


And we sweep all those
things under the carpet.

And it's those unresolved
issues of our ancestors

that were swept under the
carpet, the wrongdoings,

the traumatic events.

That gets swept under the
carpet that nobody ever

resolves, that's what gets
passed down, but it doesn't

mean You know, if you have a
crazy family, there's a lot of

trauma in your whole, like all
your family, it doesn't mean

you're carrying all of that.

No, you, you picked
like maybe three or

four things out of that.

Somebody else got another
three or four things.

I feel like it's a division.

You're up there in the spirit
world and it's, we say, all

right, well, you know, I
need a life where I'm going

to learn about these things
and you need a life where

you need to have a mom like
this, and I could be your

mom and do that for you.

And we write these soul
contracts and then we

come down to earth and we
have no memory of that.

It's all gone.

And then we just go through
life and try to jump over the

hurdles as they come along.

But we're so connected
to our ancestors, but we

think, but it's an illusion.

We're not.

Rod Bland: Now, at some
point after your second NDE,

something, you must have
decided that you were going

to go to medical school.

Tell us about that.

Dr. Lotte Valentin:
Yeah, so it was so

after 12 years, right?

My watch ticked for
an entire 12 months.

I'm like, that's it.

I'm healed.

And I knew that I was
now it was well enough.

I could actually
move on with my life.

It had been a long, long time.

So I started like a kids
quality toys business

online back when there
was no templates for

making a website.

You literally had to be a
programmer to, you know,

I just read an HTML for
dummies and then put it

together in like a day, right?

Because I had the
coding experience.

So it was easy for
me to make that work.

I literally started
my business on a

sample floppy drive.

Rod Bland: Wow.

Dr. Lotte Valentin: And that's
how I just, you know, use

that and started my business.

Cause I thought I was
never going to be well.

And then, and in 2004,
I was like, wow, I made

it like I'm healed.

And I, my kids were in
the city at school and

I got on the computer
and I said, you know.

When I go back to work,
I can't go back to being

a Programmer Systems
Analyst because now I was a

completely different person.

And I knew I had to work with
healing people and that was

really my calling and I had
always wanted to do that.

So I'm thinking, well, maybe
there is some online degree

I can do, you know, build on
my nutrition degree that I

had gotten back in the 1980s.

So, I stumbled across
this website and it says

Naturopathic Medical School,
become a naturopathic doctor.

They get trained in
pharmaceuticals, they get

trained in botanical medicine,
acupuncture, homeopathy,

you know, supplements,
nutrition, and it's like

the whole holistic package.

Then I realized it's
a real medical school.

I'm like, wow.

That sounds really cool,
but I can't do that.

And there's only five of
those medical schools in

all of the United States.

As I said, four year degree
is a real medical school.

You become a real doctor.

And I mean, if I did it, I'm
in my forties now, right?

So if I did it, there's
no guarantee they

would even accept me.

And I got to do all the
prereqs biochemistry, like

the chemistry, biology,
physics, math, just to

do the prereqs, right?

So I can even apply.

So I'm like, okay, fine,
I'm closing the computer.

I'll go start dinner
and I'll look tomorrow.

There's got to be
something out there.

So as I'm walking towards
the kitchen, I become

aware of the spirit
world dropping in on me.

So the spirit world says
you have to go to medical

school and you have to
be a doctor and you have

to combine East and West.

I'm like, okay, East and West.

That's kind of
naturopathic medicine,

like old and new kind of.

And, uh, you're to
write two books.

No, wait, three.

And, and I also knew that, um,
how am I supposed to do this?

And they said, you're also,
so they also said, you have to

bring messages to the people.

I'm like, Matt, what
are you talking about?

What am I supposed
to write about?

Like, I'm not thinking
of myself as an author

or a writer, never have.

And, and then they say,
no bringing messages.

I'm like, what messages?

And they're like,
don't worry about it.

When the time is right,
we will tell you for now,

just focus on getting your
doctorate degree because

you need that degree for
the work you're here to do.

So after listening to the
spirit world for 12 years,

having gotten warned about
accidents and people dying

and people being sick, I
mean, I could talk for hours,

right, about all the different
things that happened.

And I said, okay.

And within two weeks
I was enrolled.

I, it was right before, it was
two weeks before the community

college started, started.

So I was enrolled within
two weeks and I had to

start from the beginning
because I was a business

major as an undergraduate.

So I didn't even
have the biology.

So I had to take high.

Advanced Placement High
School Biology to get into

the biology pre rec class.

So, really, let's start
from the beginning.

So, I did all those classes
and, uh, then applied

to medic, only applied
to two schools and was

accepted to both of them.

And then I went to,

started medical school
when I was 54 and

graduated when I was 58.

And that, oh,
that is a journey.

Um, and then as soon as I
graduated, Um, I went to,

so it takes you two months.

You take the board.

You take, first you take
the science, um, the science

boards two years after
med school and pretty much

the same as the boards
that the regular MDs take.

It's all about the science.

It's all about anatomy,
biochemistry and

all that physiology.

And then when you graduate,
you take the clinical boards

and it's three days of exams
and you know, it's just.

Hours and hours of
testing and reading cases.

And what are you going to do?

You can, you, you arrive at
the scene and you still have

the four patients, you know,
this is upon is doing that.

You have a child that's
vomiting and you know,

blah, blah, blah.

It's dehydrated.

You got a woman that's
screaming, she's going to

commit suicide and you got
somebody else who's doing

something else and you
have to then, you know,

and you can only read the
question, look at the quest,

look at the answer, look
at the multiple choice

answers, select the ones.

You basically only have
time to read the question

once because there's
too many questions.

You read it.

You answer, you read it, you
answer, and it's hours of

testing and so that they can
see that you're using your

knowledge and you're using
your, your wisdom, right?

So you're going to give
that child the IV because

that's the craziest, the most
vulnerable, the young child,

the seven year old that's
dehydrated and vomited and had

diarrhea in a car all night.

So you know that that
child is going to go

into shock in a second.

So you're going to
go with the child.

So they check to make
sure you can triage a

situation and know which,
which person needs So you

can save the most lives.

So you do exams
for three days.

So I did all that.

And then it literally
takes, so the exams were the

first week of August, and
it's not the first week of

October that you find out
if you passed, because all

the tests are given at the
exact same time across all

of the United States so that
there can be no cheating,

and then they have to

coordinate the, when
they correct the test.

So, you know, all the, all
different doctors that sit on

these boards and write these
questions, but sometimes it

could be two answers that
might be correct, right?

And so then they have to
throw that question out

because they realize half of
us answered A and the other

half answered B, but both of
those answers are actually

correct, depending on how
you look at that situation.

So then they have to
throw those questions

out, but they have to do
it for the whole country.


So it has to be graded
exactly the same.

So that's why it
takes so long.

So while I was waiting on
getting my license, and

I didn't even know if I'd
passed my boards yet, I

studied craniosacral therapy.

And I meet this woman and, and
the class is in San Francisco,

but I'm living in Arizona.

And she says, we never got to
work with each other, but we

knew we both lived in Arizona.

So I said, well, you know,
I'm, I'm like two hours

outside, uh, Phoenix right
now, uh, working in a

clinic, but I'm come down
to Phoenix a lot for like

conferences and stuff.

So when I'm down there,
uh, let's have dinner.

So we made up for dinner
and it's September, so I'm

still waiting for my license.

And she says, you know,
um, and she's like a

high position, like
she's very well, super

educated, this woman.

And she says, amongst other
things, I'm a medium and I

have somebody here who wants
to like speak to you and are

you open to receive messages?

And she says, all right.

I said, okay.

And I'm thinking, oh,
this will be good.

Like she's, there's no way
she's going to be able to

know anything about me.

I grew up in Europe, like.

You know, it's so different.

Well, sure enough, she
has my mom and All these

messages come through and
she says, you have to go

to Arthur Finley College.

And I'm like, I can't go.

I don't, I don't even
know my, I don't even

have my license yet.

I have to work.

I just graduated.

I need money.


I'm like living on
nothing at this point.

I just came out of med
school and she says, no, she

keeps saying you have to go
to Arthur Finley College.

So after the
third time I said.

Okay, fine.

I will go.

I will figure out a way.

I will get over there.

Well, six months later, I was
at Arthur Findlay College in

England, studying mediumship.

Rod Bland: Wow.

Dr. Lotte Valentin: And
I had a reading with

one of my teachers.

And my teacher says, Oh, you
know, your mother is here.

And da da da da da, she
knows everything about me.

And I know it's my mom
because, you know, we're

talking about fishing
and the rowboats.

So I knew it was my mom.

And She said, Oh,
your mom tells me

you're writing a book.

And I had, all I had was
literally an outline of

the chapters at that point.

I was kind of trying to
figure out what to write about

and how to, you know, write
the structure of the book.

And she said, Oh, your
mom says that you're

to write two books.

No, wait, three.

And so that was the exact
same message that I had gotten

in my living room, right?

Walk into the kitchen in
2004 and I have gotten

that message also from that
friend that sent me to Arthur

Findlay College She also
said your mom is telling

me you're writing a book.

Oh, no, wait, two.

No, no, wait three.

You're writing two books
No, wait three that message

it keeps coming through.

So I've gotten that message
Four times from four different

mediums that didn't know
anything about me and it's

always the same message Yeah,
yeah, you're to write a book.

No wait, you know, you're
writing two books No, wait

three and it's always the same
wording every single time.

So I'm like, okay,
I've written one book

So I got two more.

So the next one Kind of,
it's, it's brewing in my head.

And so I think that's going
to probably start this year.

And I had a, I had a reading
with one of my teachers,

Arthur Finley, somebody
who doesn't know me.

I love having readings with
people who don't know me.

And it was right before
Christmas and she said,

you're writing a book.

And I said, well, not yet.

I haven't started yet.

And she goes, same thing.

It's in your head.

So it's brew.

So that second book is
brewing, but it's going

to be very It's going to
build on the first book.

The first book is,
uh, is about my near

death experiences.

It's about, uh, the most
embarrassing moment in my

life, which is really funny.

Um, and then the, being
on the airplane that

fell out of the sky.

Um, it's one of those,
you know, like a airplane

horror movie when everything
flies through the cabin.

I was on one of those flights.

It was another moment when I
thought I was going to die.

and then it has just
a lot of things that I

learned, stories about.

how the spirituality came
about, how shamanism came

about, you know, how do we
tune into that other reality?

How do we become more
intuitive ourselves?

So we can tune into all this,
all this information that

is readily available for
us, but we don't know how to

use that intuitive ability.

So that's what I
do in the book.

I, I try to give a lot
of examples of things and

how it happened for me.

And then.

Each chapter has a little
lesson at the end, so to

easily incorporate into
everybody's life and

say, Oh, I could do that.

That's easy.


And sort of take them on
that journey so that they can

develop their own intuitive
abilities and sort of tune

into the spirit world by
just kind of going through

and how it happened for me.

So the second book
will be more about.

will be a deeper level of
spirituality and healing and,

uh, how we're all connected
through time and space.

Rod Bland: And if people want
to ask you questions, Dr.

Lottie, are you open to
that and what's the best

way for them to do that?

So the best way
to work with me

Dr. Lotte Valentin:
is you go to drlotte.

com, d r l o t t e.

com, drlotte.


And so I offer a lot
of different sessions.

I work as a medical medium
or medical intuitive.

I mean, I use my intuitive
abilities, but I work with

the spirit world all the time.

Uh, it's not something that
I can shut off at this point.

You know, I work
with somebody, the

spirit world is there.

And so they work with me.

Uh, so I work as a medical
medium or medical intuitive,

whatever you want to call
it, and, uh, I work as a

remote, like remote health
consultations to help people

because I get a lot of people
that they've been to the

doctor They've been around
the block and they tell them

there's nothing wrong with
you And then they finally

land on my screen and I'll
say no, I know what you have.

This is your problem This
is how you're gonna fix it.

So it's kind of fascinating
because I feel like the

spirit world sort of guides
people Like go over here.

She'll know how to help
you and then I do Uh, a

fun session, a really fun
session that's called messages

from your spirit guides.

So I could, I have not been
able to draw my whole life.

And so I'm at Arthur
Finley College and they

say, Oh, you know, you
should take an art class.

You can draw.

And I'm like, no,
you don't understand.

I can't draw.

I've always wanted
to know how to draw.

I draw stick figures
like I cannot draw.

I can't draw a dog
or a bunny or a face.

I don't know how to draw.

And they're just, no,
you know how to draw.

I don't know.

So during the pandemic,
Arthur Finley College has

an, a drawing class, like
how to draw faces throughout

the spirit world online.

So I take this class during
the pandemic, so she draws

one face and we're trying
to follow along and she's

like, all right, that's it.

Now I'm going to put you like.

Work with somebody else and
you're gonna draw one face.

Now I'm supposed
to draw a face.

Well of course you draw a face
like five in five minutes.

You've sketched out this face.

You see what it looks like.

It is.

It is just amazing.

But that's the spirit
world that's kind

of working with you.

Once you open your channels,
you have all so much more

information available.

Uh, then you think you do.

So I do this thing
called messages from

your Spirit guides and.

So I see this, I see the
spirit guide, uh, and so

I sketch it and it usually
takes five or six minutes to

get a sketch of that spirit.

Guide on paper.

And once I see the spirit
guide, I know a lot about

the client on the screen
because you're like a

mirror image or a reflection
of your spirit guide.

So whatever the spirit guide
tells me, okay, you have

this kind of a spirit guide.

I know you have, um, uh, you
know, let's say, well, the

funniest one I think is, I
had a warrior once, I asked

them, it's three times I said.

A warrior?

You're a spirit guide
and you're a warrior.

Am I hearing you correctly?

Yes, I'm a warrior.

I'm like, okay.

And I'm looking at the
screen and I have this petite

looking man and I'm thinking
he's probably an accountant.

He's got a warrior
spirit guide.

What is this?

So I tell him, okay,
well, you're The spirit

guide says, you know,
he fights for justice.

He fights for, you know,
protecting people and he's

like, he's a warrior, but
he's a good intentions because

he's doing the right thing.

Uh, he can live in the
woods for a week with

just a knife and he is a
survival, blah, blah, blah.

And he starts laughing.

And the guy says,

I'm a retired police officer
and I still work like for

justice and corruption
and things like that.

So it was really funny.

I think that's
the funniest one.

Uh, you know, somebody has a
monk, for example, I know if I

see a monk, I know this person
is on a spiritual journey,

so I already know, okay,
so you are very spiritual.

You meditate all the time.

You're trying to connect
with the spirit world.

Like it just comes because.

If I see a monk, I know that
that's a reflection of them.

So it could be
anything, right?

It was whatever comes
in that spirit guide.

That is, you have a lot of
spirit guides that come and

go all the time, but you
also have a main spirit guide

that's with you all the time.

And that main spirit guide
is the one that comes

in during that session.

And it's always a reflection,
the deeper reflection

of what that person
is here to do, right?

So, um, they show me things.

Sometimes people come to
a crossroad and they, they

don't know what, you know,
I'm tired of what I'm

doing, but I don't know what
I'm supposed to be doing.

Am I even doing
the right thing?

And then the spirit guide
might show me, you know,

like, Oh, I see you, you're
teaching people, you're

guiding people, or you're
counseling people, or you're

healing people, or, you
know, whatever comes through.

And then sure enough,
that's exactly who they are.

And that's exactly
what they're drawn to.

And so it sort of helps

people get on the right track
of what they incarnated to do.

It's absolutely fascinating
because, you know, it's just,

it's their spirit guide.

But then we have spirit
guides that come and go,

you know, if you're fixing
your car, let's say you've

never fixed a car before, you
might have a spirit guide or

a relative that was really
good at fixing cars and they

come in and sort of gives
you these little nudges and

you feel really smart because
you're saying, now I know,

I remember, I should do this
or I should try that, right?

But many times it's It
comes from somewhere else.

And when I wrote my book, I
knew somebody was helping me.

And cause English is
my second language.

And sometimes that
would be, how do you

say this in English?


Somebody was like
downloading information.

I didn't know who it was.

And it was before, um, I
had only been to Arthur

Finde College once.

So that whole mediumship was
opening up and understanding

who I was communicating with.

And so I get to the Arthur
Finde College and this,

the teacher is reading
me and she says, Oh, you

know, the spirit world
says you're writing a book.

And I said, yeah.

And she says, somebody
is helping you with that

book in the spirit world.

And I said, yes.

I don't know who it is.

And she said, well, the
person that's helping you is.

Somebody, he says, is a man,
he says he passed away too

young and he studied English
in college but he never

worked with English and I
said, I know who it is, it's

my brother in law, he passed
away in a car accident.

And so I told his, you
know, his kid, my nieces,

I said, hey, guess who
helped me write my book,

your dad, in the spirit
world, and he is the one.

Because he knew English
so well and he, you

know, and it was close.

He was family members.

It was easy maybe for
him to connect, uh, and

downloaded that information.

So I would say, Oh,
that's how you express it.

And I was like, he
would give me the words

like, no, use this word.

That's how you express it.

So it's really fascinating.

We get help like this all
the time, but we think.

Oh, you know, that's just
coming from somewhere,

but maybe it's your spirit
guide, or maybe it's a

relative of yours that
is actually helping you.

But we don't, we don't
see that because we

don't believe in it.

Like I didn't believe in it.

And so we, we sort of tune
out and we think it's just

us, but they're very actively
helping us all the time.

Rod Bland: Do you have a
final message that you'd

like to leave people
with before we wrap up

our conversation today?

Dr. Lotte Valentin: Yes,
I would say, you know,

we're all connected.

We're all one, we're
one human race.

We're all in the same boat,
riding this boat together.

Everything is divine and so is
every listener on this show.

We are a part of that
divine grid and a divine

experience that we have.

Rod Bland: Thank you for that.

It's been my absolute
privilege and pleasure

to have you today.

Thanks very much for
coming on the show.

Dr. Lotte Valentin:
Well, thank you so

much for having me.

It was a pleasure.

UC 33: Doctor's Freak Earthquake Birth Story Ends With Heaven's Chorus (NDE) - Dr Lotte Valentin
Broadcast by