UC 47: I Met My Angel Manager at Starbucks (Here's How to Spot Yours) - Michael André Ford

MIchael Andre Ford: I
was at a Starbucks in

Northwest Austin meeting a
book editor and a woman is

staring at me from the front
section of the Starbucks.

And in my mind's eye,
it's like 200 feet away,

but no building is that
big for a Starbucks.

She's also dressed completely
opposite of Austin in Santa

Fe, New Mexico, garb, white
outfit, turquoise jewelry.

Never seen anybody
dressed like that.

She's just sipping
her coffee and staring

at me the whole time.

And that was, an angel
who's one of my business

managers, Charlotte

Rod Bland: With me today
is Michael Andre Ford.

Michael, welcome.

And thanks for
coming on the show.

MIchael Andre Ford: Rod,
thanks for having me on,

love your show, and, um, it's
a real treat to meet you.

Rod Bland: Yeah, likewise,
uh, you describe yourself

as an angel intuitive, so
you help people connect

with angels, guides and
passed over loved ones.

So can you start off by
just sharing a bit about

your background and how
you first discovered this

ability to facilitate
those kinds of connections?

MIchael Andre Ford:
Sure, and, uh, it's just

basic listening, feeling,
seeing, so anybody who can

just slow down a little.

Gets to do this
and it's direct.

So I really try not to
tell anybody anything,

but it's a video show.

Uh, it's a show.

I got to tell you
something here.

So I have had a little
bit of ability throughout

childhood and stuff like that.

Um, but it really
kicked into gear after a

layoff in New York city.

I got an hour's notice
with 72 other people right

after the Lehman crisis.

And, uh, that was it.

The job was gone.

I was working at a
billion dollar law firm.

I was a public relations guy.

I'm really, hopefully pretty
good at public relations.

I'd done 1, 100 plus media
interviews that I personally

set up for people, you
know, an expert on one

side, journalist on the
other, the year prior.

Was making kind of CEO pay.

Uh, but I was excited
because the news meant

I could move to Austin
where I'd bought a home.

And I didn't know that
I'd be using my public

relations skills later on
with angels, guides, figure

from figures from India,
you know, your grandmother

on one side and you on the
other, doing the same sort

of matchmaking much later.

Uh, but it was when I
moved to Austin to the

home that I started to
have, uh, some experiences.

Kind of popped out of
thinking with the layoff

and some other experiences,
kind of a perfect storm

and realized that thinking
was thinking and there was

something beyond thinking.

Um, and in seeing everything,
uh, hearing, I grabbed a sure

shot camera and took photos
of angels, fairies, Plato,

the philosopher, I used to
hand the camera to folks.

And nowadays people can just
see directly, like maybe

out their window in their
yards, they don't freak out.

Uh, but you can see full
on these figures and

just have a direct chat.

I basically step
out of the way.

Rod Bland: So you've got some,
um, some interesting photos.

I don't know how well
they'll come out on the

screen, but I was quite
fascinated to see those.

What made you actually
think, Oh, I'm going

to take a picture now.

And because I can see this,
or was it that you took the

picture and then it later
on, it showed up and you

think, wow, what's that?

MIchael Andre Ford:
Uh, sheer panic.

Uh, you're seeing
balls of light.

What do you do with it?

And you have to talk to other
people who are psychic mediums

or have been in the business
and asked what's happening.

Uh, I didn't grow up with
any knowledge of any of this.

I mean, Oprah was my local
Baltimore news broadcaster

back in the seventies.

When I lived in Annapolis,
Maryland, but I got lucky.

There's a, a fairy, uh,
and four archangels, even

though they're triangle
shapes, you just kind

of kind of roll with it.

This means something it's
in light energy form.

And the bottom line is, so
I had really no background.

I skipped half my Plato
reading, uh, during my

political science classes
back at Middlebury

college in Vermont.

Uh, so as sort of a
leg down, so to speak.

And, uh, what's kind
of cool is if you're

just open to this, the
universe is really big.

The universe kind of
already has a plan for

you to just acclimate.

And I would call this
just settling into

who you really are.

You kind of had it as
a kid, whenever in your

memory of your prior part
of your life was smooth

going, you had a lot of fun.

It could have been
when you were five.

When you were in high
school or uni, um, that's

what I'm talking about.

When sort of you, the
world was your oyster.

Uh, that's what I'm talking
about now is you can kind

of just do a little less
thinking and judging and

drop into your heart.

And then you kind of see a
broader relationship with

the world and how flows work.

Whether you want to
call it a flow state.

Allowing, manifesting is a
really popular thing, but

there happen to be loving
guides, your relatives,

all these figures out there
that if you do want to pay

attention, you can meet them,
see them, get direct advice.

I think people are kind of
already getting influenced

though right now indirectly.

Uh, if you're in the middle
of a golf swing, you're in the

middle of a tournament, you're
most of the, you're, you know.

You're in the lead of
your local tournament.

You're on the 17th
hole and you decide

to get pretty cocky.

You're about to
hit it really hard.

Your brain, your, your
intuitive voice says,

let's smack this and
go for a hole in one.

Let's just crush it.

It's your day.

Um, may not be your voice.

It may be either your higher
self, your grandmother, who's

your biggest golf fan, and
maybe your guardian angel.

It may be Plato, who knows?

But if you actually heard
your grandmother's voice, Play

Doh, your guardian angel's
voice instead of your own,

you might drop that club,
flee the country club, and

never finish, never play
another hole of golf again.

It would freak you out.

So, there's something to
this that, um, defies our

reality up here, but makes
sense when you're here.

Rod Bland: So when your
job finished, uh, in the

Lehman crisis and this big
change, what was the general

response from your family
and friends about that one?

MIchael Andre Ford: Well, I
mean, I had an empty house

in Austin, and so I had to
learn to, uh, kind of pick up

cooking, decorating the walls.

I used to think
I killed plants.

I got a green thumb.

I've started doing a lot
more color around the place.

I mean, I had to
learn how to live.

When you live in a big, big
city, it's easy to just do

the rinse, repeat, you know,
work, rinse, repeat, and kind

of go very one dimensional.

I mean, I was having
fun at the job.

I talked to everybody,
cab drivers, security.

Uh, doorman, you name it.

Uh, but there was
still more growth and

expansion to be had.

Uh, I had two parents
pass, uh, when I was two

and when I was turning 23.

So my family circle and
my friend circles, you

know, a little smaller,
maybe the normal.

Um, but that was a part
of my path as well.

And now hundreds of
people have met and seen

my parents, even though
they're passed over, they

show up in their twenties.

And, uh, it kind of takes
again, the pressure off of

me for, you know, If you walk
around saying you've got two

deceased, you know, relatives,
that's pretty heavy.

Uh, I look at it differently
now that they're with

me and they're always
available, but there's

my mom and dad, you know,

when I was,

Rod Bland: so young.

MIchael Andre Ford: Yeah.

And he passed when he
was just turning 26.

I think he was a few
days into being 26, US

Navy off of Naples and
an F4 Phantom crash.

It was his time to go.

Uh, and she passed
when she was just about

44, 45 brain aneurysm.

I was just turning 23.

It was her time to go.

I mean, you kind of
have to trust in this.

If angels tell you
something or they tell you

something, maybe it is so.

Rod Bland: I guess what I'm,
I'm digging at is there,

there seems to be, there's,
there's like a shift in

perspective for you that made
you open to these experiences

that wasn't there before.

Was it when your
parents passed or was

there something else?

I mean, obviously there
was a sort of a catalyst

with the job change,
but I feel like there's

something more than that.

MIchael Andre Ford: Well,
I mean, I can give a random

example would be, I think
it was my sophomore year or

freshman year in college in
Vermont, I had an internship

at this one company.

Uh, smack middle of
Middlebury downtown.

I must be like 50 buildings.

It would be tiny
on any city scale.

Uh, but I'm, I'm in
this advertising agency.

A guy from the West
Coast has started it up.

It's a C shaped office.

I'm there for 10 minutes,
my first 10 minutes.

The last thing you would
ever say to an employer is,

Hey, do you guys ever
have any ghosts here?

I did that.

The whole place stopped.

The owner pulls me aside
out of earshot and he's

like, did you see something?

And I'm like, well, no,
but it just feels like.

You could have ghosts here.

And he's like, we just had
an exorcism a week ago.

I need to know if,
uh, you see anything.

And later I saw a cat that
literally ran into the largest

bathroom I've ever known.

It must've been something
else, but they put

a bathroom in there.

And so it's like, you know,
the size of an office and

there's no place to hide.

I followed that cat
in and there's no cat.

And I was like, okay, but.

At that stage of my life,
I just dismissed it as

fast as I could, never
thought about it again.

It would be like playing
backgammon and you call

doubles before you throw
doubles three times in a row.

I used to do that a
lot in high school.

And, um, all I can say is
there's something about when

you're in a flow state, when
you shoot pool and run the

table, when you read six
books in a row, you're in the

books, whatever the letting
go is, and you're here.

Artists know it.

Musicians know it.

We all know it.

But we give ourselves
no credit for it

when we're up here.

We do too much thinking,
worrying, reacting,

stress, you know, fear.

Um, so whatever that is
versus this is kind of

what we're talking about.

Awareness, limitless, no time.

Like on the pitch,
playing football, soccer.

Uh, you just feel everything
speed up or slow down.

You know you're going
to get the goal.

You're Pele in the moment.

Uh, so whatever that
is, is kind of what

I'm talking about.

Everyone knows.

How to do basic listening,
feeling, and seeing.

But because we're talking
angels, the universe, cosmic

beings, your grandmother,
uh, you might get a

little jittery about it.

Rod Bland: So tell us a story
about the most interesting

phenomena that you've observed
that's made you think, wow,

there's, that's amazing.

MIchael Andre Ford: Uh, sure.

I mean, I was at a Starbucks
in Northwest Austin

meeting a book editor for
my glow sticks end book.

No one should ever read it.

Tremendously long, uh,
uh, But beautiful book,

um, and a woman is staring
at me from the front

section of the Starbucks.

And in my mind's eye,
it's like 200 feet away,

but no building is that
big for a Starbucks.

And you're supposed
to be looking out.

That's the people watching
section, usually a

raised piece of wood.

You sit, you look out.

She's doing the opposite.

She's also dressed completely
opposite of Austin and

Austin has a lot of different
kinds of communities.

She's not dressed as a cowboy.

She's dressed in Santa Fe,
New Mexico, garb, white

outfit, turquoise jewelry.

Never seen anybody
dressed like that.

She's just sipping
her coffee and staring

at me the whole time.

And that was, uh, an angel
who's one of my business

managers, Charlotte.

If you can allow for angels
to show up in human form.

And just to give it a
little flavor so people

don't think it's orbs or
circles, there's a silhouette

of my guardian angel.

And again, the photos
just run the gamut.

But I guess my point on
this is, I ask the important

questions of angels over time,
not who killed Kennedy, but

when they're here, do they
really drink the coffee?

The answer was yes.

And I'm going to just
mention, you can actually see

angels out and about town.

If someone's gung ho in the
audience watching, listening

right now, they're gung ho.

And you're like, Hey, why not?

I could use a little
pick me up, put it to the

universe, ask somebody
from your crew to show up.

It'll be a sparkly eyed
fellow or woman holding the

door open for you saying just
what you said at the dinner

table the night before, or
from the movie that you were

watching the night before.

And, uh, you'll
probably feel something.

In that intuitive guidance
system, whatever people call

it, that's you, that figures
out do you like it, do you

not like it, um, angels are
a little more available these

days than people realize.

So it's nice that I've got
photos, it's nice that you

can see directly, it's nice
you could hire somebody to

help you, but I'd make the
argument that you're already

perfectly, uh, well endowed.

To get this done on your own.

Rod Bland: So why is it
that angels are a little

more available these days?

Cause you know, in my line
of, line of work, I, I talked

to a lot of people about
angels, but it does seem

there's more of those people
are talking about angels.

Uh, what's, what's
happening there?

MIchael Andre Ford: Uh, I
think just mankind's ready

for a little teeny, I know the
word shift is a little cliche

now, but a little bump up
in awareness, consciousness,

like actual awareness down
here is on the horizon for

man just means a little less
thinking, uh, a little more

love, gentleness, kindness.

Um, think of it this way.

If people listened more all
across the planet, there would

definitely be less conflict.

Whether we're talking to
workplace relationships or at

the country level and so on.

Uh, we've got it pretty good.

If we would just.

Pump the brakes a little.

Uh, I think a lot of things
would sort themselves out.

Rod Bland: So you, you took me
through a practical exercise

before we, Press record.

But I think it might be
interesting for people to

see, um, and to try the
exercise out for themselves.

And I think it translates
okay for video.

So how about we do that?

MIchael Andre Ford: Sure.

Uh, how about I light sage
first as sort of a baby step.

And if, if you don't mind sort
of an allegory metaphor here,

picture 70 baby steps to get
from the brain to the heart.

Now, for some of us,
it's a decade or two.

We get shut tight like an
oyster, you know, trauma,

car wreck, six divorces in
a row in a six month period.

We're just really
unlucky picking.

You know, the wife,
uh, or the ex wife.

Uh, the bottom line is we
get locked up tight up here.

We think we know
something, but it actually

precludes possibility.

There's a broader knowing or
just allowing that happens

when you're in your heart.

And that's why
I love athletes.

I love business people who
are open, uh, musicians

and artists, cause they
just kind of get it.

Um, but I'll blow
some sage and it'll go

through two screens.

And I've done this for
other Australian show hosts.

I've done this
around the globe.

You could be watching,
you know, your channel in

2028 and still smell it.

So it's.

A lot less time and
space than we think.

Um, I've only got one
bit of like structure

or rule if you want that
set your intent at home.

And, uh, if people don't mind
me telling you what it is,

it would be, Hey, angels,
universe, um, get me out of

my head, into my heart, help
me smell some sage smoke

that I'm lighting right now
and leave your eyes on this.

If you're already kind of
hyper intuitive or whatever

the word is you like to say
for kind of connecting, um,

you may taste this on your
mouth, there's no one way.

And if you're also
pretty open, as you

see the smoke, you can
ask for flowers on top.

Why settle for just ho hum?

Yeah, get sage, but
you can get flowers.

You could even get an
ocean smell if you're

in Australia right now.

You know, catch noose
of beach on the air if

you're nowhere near it.

If you're over in Perth.

Okay, so catch some sage.

Give yourself permission.

I'm going to tell one dad
joke to tie up your thinking.

Thinking something.

is the only block to
smelling sage, to kicking

that ball into the goal,
to uh, finishing the last

chapter of your book you've
stalled on for two months.

Um, thinking something
is really not giving

a hug to the dog.

Uh, giving a hug to
the dog is actual love.

So just catch a little sage,
catch a little bit of flowers.

Here's the dad joke.

Um, Santa's Reindeer, Blitzen
and Dancer, just those two.

Nobody needs to
know who they are.

But why do Blitzen and
Dancer drink so much coffee?

Answer, because they're
Santa's Starbucks.

And as Mother Teresa
said, laughter's love.

When you're laughing,
you're letting go.

When you're breathing,
you're letting go.

When you're smiling,
you're letting go.

There's about a million
ways to get to here.

But last time I checked,
there's about 14 million

ways to be stuck up here
and to avoid the one

place we don't want to go.

So catch some sage,
catch some flowers.

Rod, are you already catching
a little in the studio there?

Rod Bland: Sure.

MIchael Andre Ford:
And, uh, hey,

Rod Bland: it's
something else.

Like I get a
different, it's weird.

I get a different
smell, but I can't put

MIchael Andre Ford:
campfire or campfire or

Rod Bland: Hmm.

MIchael Andre Ford:

Rod Bland: Yeah, maybe
that's what it is.


MIchael Andre Ford:
People have been getting

sandalwood lately.

I can't explain it.

Hey, so just blame the
universe and angels.

Don't, don't look at me.

And, uh, I'll
mention it this way.

I mean, everything is light.

I hate to sound
really like kind of.

Cheesy or too cliche, but
everything's consciousness.

How about that?

Your table, your rock, the
trees, it's a little easier

to believe even your house,
obviously your dog, your pets.

Uh, I mean,
everything has been.

Life force to it, if
it's easier to say it

that way, but you can
see that light everywhere

and it gets really wild.

Like, I could give
a good metaphor.

If you just have a best
friend, a bloke that

you're comfortable with,
um, put your two hands

together at a supermarket.

So this is obvious.

You can feel each
other's heat.

You're touching
each other's skin.

You're like, duh, I
know, I know it's real.

I'm feeling something.

And if you go like this, uh,
go like this, you still feel

the heat because it's pretty
close, a couple centimeters.

At some point, we hit
the thinking wall.

When you're like this, uh,
this far apart, you're like,

well, I don't know if I'm
really feeling it or not.

Your brain's getting involved
in starting to judge.

Your heart's like, no, I
actually feel the energy.

You can go all the way to
one end of a supermarket

and the other and feel
that vibe, but you got to

be kind of cocky about it.

And let's throw in the wrench
for the whole psyche, the

judging, evidence based
science, and everything else.

You can see the light
flow the whole time.

And when you see the light
flow and you go that far

apart, or you're on the, on
the pitch, the soccer field,

you're at one end of the
goal, uh, one end of the field

and the other, and you're
seeing the light, and then

ask the universe to make a
butterfly of light come out

of it or hearts or something.

There's people who
have done that.

Not a big deal.

It sounds like a big deal,
but what I'm trying to

say is what does no limits
look like to anybody

who's listening right now?

I mean.

Maybe if there are no
limits in life, there

are really no limits.

Good luck with that.

We all have thinking
we're doing adulting.

I, you know, I
know what I know.

I'm stuck.

My situation is, my problem
is, Rod, you don't understand.

I'm on my 19th divorce
and I got 12 dogs.

Um, so there's a lot of
reasons we can't for anything,

but, uh, if you'll kind of
remember back or hearken

back to the, you're being a
kid when you were going to

climb the tree, become a NASA
astronaut, you know, prime

minister, um, you know, You
had no limits at one point.

You never lost that sort
of zest for life, that

quoi, the joie de vivre.

And so, uh, the other
way to say it is maybe

like, love is a constant.

Love is everywhere.

Open your eyes to see love.

But if people like the word
enthusiasm, creativity,

you know, there's a million
of those high vibe things.

It's gotta be your language.

And guess what?

You're the only person who's
watching out there that

can figure any of this out.

Uh, and so good luck, like,
how are you, how's any of

us doing in our daily lives?

lightening up a little more.

Put the news on, get
stuck in traffic, bad

news at work, you get into
this with your neighbor.

Um, there's a lot of ways to
get caught up in the little

eddies, kind of mean nothing.

Uh, and it keeps us
from just showing a

little, being a little
more love, showing love,

being a little more kind.

So I would just argue the
rat race is really up here.

Uh, and the big picture
is awareness is kind of

on the horizon for man.

There's certain people
who are really groovy.

Relaxed, you know, the
great musician Tame Impala.

Uh, I have a feeling
he's pretty plugged in.

I have a feeling Einstein
was pretty plugged

in and guess what?

You can talk to Einstein,
meet Einstein, see

him, ask him directly.

Don't listen to me.

Rod Bland: So tell us a bit
more about angels for, you

know, I kind of think of
angels as Ethereal beings

with wings and what's, what's
your perspective on what they

are and what their purpose
of, and as far as they're

interacting with us as humans.

MIchael Andre Ford: Yes.

No, I'm kidding.

Um, so yes, uh, but you
can see them without

wings, with wings.

They come in all
shapes, sizes, and

colors, all different
sorts of backgrounds.

Now I've done this like
12 or 13 years for a

few thousand folks.

And by the way, if you do this
stuff separately, like your

own listening, feeling, and
seeing, you can do it jointly.

So joint seeing,
joint hearing.

So, I mean, I feel like
I'm off the hook, truly.

Photos, a few videos of
angels, but so here's

the, here's the catcher
or the catch, uh, or the

wrench in the whole thing.

You know, after 12 or
13 years, you think

you know something.

Good luck with that.

Um, one angel about a month
or two ago, maybe three

months ago, just said,
Hey, I've got an Andromedan

background, you know, with
all the UFO, UAP disclosure

talk, uh, and you know,
the cosmos, the universe,

whatever you call it is really
big, I kind of suspected.

They've always said some of
them, they're from really

far away, but they're
just on conditional love.

And from their perspective,
they don't want to interfere.

You have to ask for the help.

Um, so he's from
Andromeda, another

angel's from Andromeda.

Uh, my guardian
angel's from Sirius.

Uh, you know, I'm not trying
to be serious, but the

Sirius that's out there.

Uh, and then another
one is from Orion.

So that has just, uh,
thank God I've got 12

years under my belt on
this to allow for all that.

Had it been 10 years
ago, I probably would

have run for the hills.

Um, It's just, look, all of
this is a lot for people,

but let's take angels and
spirituality and woo woo

woo and the fact that you
might be able to see light

or just experience a more,
a little, like, smoother

path, see consciousness.

How are people rolling daily?

What are we really
allowing for daily?

Forget, you know, again,
spirituality and all

this extra stuff, extra
help you could get.

Um, I would argue a lot
of us are kind of up here

and feeling pretty stuck.

Or frustrated, or this or
that, lower vibration stuff.

And, um, we're probably
not, like, a U.


Army slogan being all
we could be as it is.

So, uh, we're still
spending our energy.

And we don't know
whether we're doing it

out of here or here.

And if you could just see
that energy, which you

can, uh, it's kind of a
waste, like ego is fear, a

waste of energy and time.

And I'm not knocking it.

I'm going to do it
like later tonight.

I'm going to do it tomorrow.

Thinking unfortunately is
not going away for man,

for me, for you, we're
all going to do some.

So what this is really about
to try to make it sound

like the easiest New Year's
Eve resolution ever, New

Year's resolution ever is 7
percent less thinking daily.

I'm quoting an angel on this.

Um, and that would just
be 7 percent more love

or peace or kindness or
gentleness or reading a

book or swimming in a pool.

Uh, daily.

I don't know what 7
percent is of 24 hours,

but I think it's between
an hour and a half, two

hours and 15 minutes a day.

And that's according to
an angel, the Olympic gold

medal standard for equals
smoother path in life,

more wisdom coming in.

You sort of just.

Grow into that really
relaxed person that

everybody just congregates
towards at the pool party.

Rod Bland: So how do
you incorporate that 7

percent less thinking idea
into your life, Michael?

MIchael Andre Ford: Um, yeah,
it's not, well, it's not

do as I say, not as I do.

I do running.

I've been, uh, if I'm 56, I've
been running since I was 14.

That seems to be my big thing.

Uh, long runs, getting as
in, getting in as many miles.

And I never would have
thought of this, but an

angel said, uh, exercise is
also a form of compassion.

You don't have to just do
the mindfulness practice,

the meditation, go read
a poetry book or go to an

institute or an ashram, um,
you know, finger painting,

hugging your kids, just
walking hand in hand, uh,

with your kids or taking your
dog for a walk, uh, barefoot

in the grass, anything
to break the structure of

the routine, you know, the
rinse, repeat, rat race

thing, uh, I think counts.

Rod Bland: My wife recently
just bought a couple

of dogs, their little
miniature dash hounds, and

I haven't had a dog or a
pet for a very long time.

And, uh, I just got
reminded, you know,

just holding on to them.

It just, just, it does.

It takes you right out
of your, out of your

head with, with pets.

Um, people often ask, you
know, do pets have souls?

Are we able to commune with
them after they're gone?

What's your perspective there?

MIchael Andre Ford: The
Buddha and nature question,

if we're talking Buddhism,
but, um, dogs have, and

cats have guardian angels.

Uh, you can meet them
on the other side.

So you don't have
to die to meet, to

reunite with your pet.

You can, um, I always do
a few angels first, if

that's okay for folks.

If someone's from India,
they might be really

insistent and they want
an Indian figure first.

Like Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, the
one from a hundred years ago.

Do a few angels.

I make sure the person chats
with angels to get permission

to see the relative.

Or, uh, the loved one or
the pet, uh, just cause

I don't feel like it's
my place to just assume

that's, that's cool.

And it can't be your uncle,
who is a really bad guy

who died in an FBI or
national police shootout

yesterday, robbing a bank.

You gotta, you gotta have
some space for them to adjust.

Um, but again, it's direct.

You do the full on seeing,
uh, for an angel, Einstein,

Jesus, Mary, Muhammad, Buddha,
and then you'll see your

cousin come in, your mom.

Uh, and, you know, it
can be a tearjerker, but

usually it's those 75 steps
to get from here to here.

And it sounds complex,
but just blowing sage,

smelling sage, you probably
took five of those steps.

And one act of letting go
could get you from here to

here, and it's all 75 steps.

The reason why I say that
is letting go is letting go.

Details are Details
Thinking is thinking.

Um, how do I say it?

This is thinking, this
is being open down here.

And, uh, it's the degree
of difficulty of flipping a

light switch, brushing your
teeth, falling asleep at

night, turning on that shower
and enjoying the shower.

Um, Eckhart Tolle
said it pretty well.

I think Wayne Dyer had his own
version of a can't be upset,

taking a nice hot shower.

But the quote is, uh,
ego implies unawareness.

And awareness and
ego cannot coexist.

So you're either
here or you're here.

You can't be half pregnant.

And guess what?

Most of us are up
here most of the time.

And it's the Casablanca
movie, um, when the chief

of police walks into
the casino and says, I'm

shocked to see there's
gambling going on here.

I mean, there's gambling going
on across the whole globe.

There's a lot of us
doing a lot of thinking.

Meanwhile, you know, the
waiter slipping him his

gambling winnings and he
says, thank you very much.

So, uh, you can't be shocked.

There's some thinking
going on that just means

judging, but I'll talk
about knowing real quick.

Most of our currency.

among man right now
is, uh, knowing that

precludes possibility.

We see it in science.

You and I discover
something, a new type

of resin or plastic.

It lasts for two weeks.

And then Joe and Bob and
Susie invented a better resin.

We're out of business.

Um, stuff is only for so long.

And then, uh, there's
a greater form of, uh,

awareness or a greater
form of expansion.

Uh, the growth and
expansion doesn't stop.

We do kind of Polaroid
snapshots with the mind.

And we think that's, uh,
very fixed in reality.

It's why if you and I were
living next to each other and

Bob or Susie 10 houses down
was a complete jerk, and you

and I agree, we took a survey
in the neighborhood, almost

everyone agrees they're a
jerk, um, calling them a jerk.

If you could just see
the energy you generated,

it's negativity.

Uh, you would recoil
if you saw that light

or the negative light.

Um, and so all I'm trying
to say is it's not actually,

if you did love instead,
you're giving that person

a little bit more support.

To get out of their situation.

I don't like to make it sound
too direct because they're

making their own choices.

They're spending their energy,
how they're spending it.

That's, that's for all of
us, where you put your focus.

If I learned like two things
in 10 or 12 years now,

it's where you put your
focus is where you put it.

Um, how you spend your
energy is how you spend it.

And love is truly the
fabric of the universe.

You just have to
trust this much more.

And you can call it faith,
religious, not religious.

It's, um, I just call it
letting go to get to here.

And again, athletes know it,
artists, musicians, and a

lot of people, uh, out there,
but they only know it in a

compartmentalized way, if
they would just trust that

the way they handle their
artwork is the way they could

handle their relationships,
it's all the same.

One moment can
be like the next.

Uh, that's kind of the key.

So I think we're into a
philosophical zone now.

Rod Bland: Yeah, that's
where I like to be.

You mentioned exercise
as a way to sort of get

from here into here.

And I completely
agree with you.

So it's like a daily thing.

Um, Is there any other
practical advice you can have

for people to sort of get
more out of their head, into

their heart, so to speak?

MIchael Andre Ford: Yeah.

Um, I mean, literally the,
there's so many experts

on now giving advice,
um, but a meditation,

mindfulness practice, just
walking nature, uh, you'll

find yourself though,
meeting your ego a lot.

Your ego will tell you,
yeah, it's a great idea.

Let's go for a walk.

Two hours later, you
haven't gotten out the door.

One thing after another.

So it's really identifying.

Tik not Han,
pieces every step.

That little teeny book is
so chock full of how to

generate a reminder practice,
a reminder to be mindful,

appreciative, allowing.

Um, attention, you know,
all that other stuff.

So, uh, it's really just
being in the moment and

realizing that when you're
changing the kitty litter,

it's not the end of the world.

When you're doing dishes,
it's not the end of the world.

You put the headphones in
for the flowers and you're

mowing, uh, and instead of
hitting the flowers, you

find that if you enjoyed
it, mowing the lawn, it goes

in half the time and you
didn't hit the flower garden.

Um, there's something about
being here versus here.

Once you figure that
out, you're off to the

races for the rest.

You've got a unique life path.

The universe will bring
it to you indirectly.

You can ask for it.

Dream time.

Uh, you can have lucid
dreams, uh, with angels.

I should just mention
before I maybe show people

the light on my hands,
the aura chakra thing.

Um, you can, you can have
like a lucid, uh, connection,

but I don't really like the
description lucid, maybe

more interdimensional,
India can come to you.

Tibet, you just sit like this.

And if you've at least
met a few angels or a few

figures from India or Native
American chiefs or whoever,

again, they make it nice,
and five minutes of our time

is ten minutes over there.

So it's Nepal, Tibet,
India, the Middle East.

I love Hawaii because
You can go surfing like

a professional, but you
don't know how to swim.

You've never surfed before.

Somehow angels make
it just really nice.

You can also walk the Akashic
records, get a tour, but

I'll give you an example.

I had two show hosts in
America, one on the West

coast, one in Florida.

So they know each
other well, and it's

a three way zoom call.

And they've met angels,
you know, in a frontal

assault fashion.

They've gotten some answers,
felt some hugs, um, caught

some sense, maybe whatever
you do to meet angels.

Uh, and then.

They shut their eyes.

They kind of listened to my
voice for just a little bit.

They go to Hawaii and
meet a few more angels

who are their tour
guides, their surf guides.

When they went surfing
in their own realities,

they got to see each other
on, you know, the wave

over and wave high, wild.

And at Omega Institute during
my three day event, there

were two women who came into
the, uh, what do you call

it, a workshop, a program.

They already knew each other.

There was a third.

It was kind of their vibe,
like late twenties, high vibe.

All three, when they're
sitting there doing this,

they got to see each other.

So not really lucid dream,
more interdimensional.

Again, five minutes of our
times, 10 minutes over there.

And what's wild is people
just get what they need.

I just make sure
you come back.

I don't think there's
anything dangerous about it.

It's just love.

Um, but that's what people
talk about sometimes with

the OBE thing, the out
of body experience, the

near death experience for
near death experience.

I don't want to make this
sound anything, but what

I'm trying to say is there's
sometimes a very high point

of the near death experience,
a beautiful experience where

you're seeing some of your
cheerleaders, uh, or you're

on a beautiful mountaintop.

You can have that experience
again, just the high end.

You don't have to go through
the death part, the surgery

part, that this part, that
part, uh, you can just

ask for that and have it
sort of recreated for you.

Um, a lot of times we get very
sensitive about that though.

So it's just much
easier going to Tibet.

Or going to, uh, yeah,
Tibet and meeting up with

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

A few of his students
from the seventies got

to reunite with him.

A few people have met
Mother Teresa have gotten

to reunite with her.

I've got a Swede who gave
a beautiful testimonial,

who adopted two infants
or babies from her.

She went to India in 1997, met
Mother Teresa, got to do this.

I think it was around 2020.

It's up on my website or
on my YouTube channel.

Um, so when she got to meet
again, Mother Teresa, she,

you know, burst into tears.

Um, but it was deep.

It was moving.

It was loving.

And there are a lot of people
on the planet, not a lot, but

there's a little portion of
people today that like doubt

Mother Teresa's authenticity.

I would argue, you
know, if you're meeting

anybody on the other
side, they're reconciled.

They're unconditional love.

You don't have to
fear, doubt, or worry.

Uh, it's just, um, uh,
they can handle their

own and they can handle
their own reputation.

Rod Bland: Awesome.

You've got, uh, something more
practical for us to play with.

MIchael Andre Ford: Yes.

Uh, I'll show my light on
my hands for folks at home.

Just again.

Take it easy, take a deep
breath, shake your hands

like you're finger painting,
but you're not actually

spraying paint everywhere.

Um, do the only setting the
intent thing again, just,

hey, angels, get me out of
my head and into my heart.

Help me see with my heart
a little bit of light

on Michael's fingers.

It's out of the movie
Celestine Prophecy that

they do it this way with
the fingers straight,

although some people have
said, uh, in the 70s they

also did it that way.

In India they do it this way.

I'm standing up, so it's kind
of a pain to do it this way.

Give yourself a break, breathe
through your mouth, open

your mouth a few moments.

And again, one more dad joke.

Where in a hospital is
the worst place to play

hide and seek in the ICU?

And just see a little filament
of light between my fingers.

Is it white, gold, green,
yellow, five colors at once?

What do you see, Rod?

Rod Bland: It's the same,
the same white one for me.

MIchael Andre Ford: Cool.

I'm not crazy,
you're not crazy.

Be sure to play this back and
be sure to watch this show

two or three times in a row

to boost his analytics.

But also, uh, it's the vibe,

not what I'm saying.

I'm gonna mention it's
the Hindu chakras.

So, I mean, I can never
get it exactly right.

I think it's like red, Yellow,
orange, green for the heart.

I got that.


blue, purple.


And then the white

is all the colors combined.

So it's actually a big deal,
but the rainbow light, if

you've got rainbow light
and you've only been running

five kilometers a day
on your run, you've been

thinking about doing 10.

It's time to do the 10.

Um, imagine what angels
are like as coaches.

They just know when you're
going to get injured and

you shouldn't push it.

They also know when you're
sandbagging, maybe it's

lifting at the gym, you're
sandbagging, you're only

doing half the weight that
day and you could handle more.

They make the best
athletic coaches.

Imagine what they can do
for your relationships,

for your business.

Um, are you willing to listen?

Most of us.

You know, we're off to
the la la land of daily

routine, so we're not
really paying attention.

It's why we have all the
health crises, trauma, you

know, this has to happen
to us to get us to pay

attention more in life.

Um, and I'm shocked.

Rod Bland: Now, because
you mentioned your age,

Michael, and I have a very
high interest in health,

it's clearly you are doing
something right because a lot

of people would like to look
the same as you at your age.

So, you know, give, give
us a little rundown on, on

some daily practices that
you have that is part of

your vibrant health there.


MIchael Andre Ford:
looked young.

So like, Hey, when I was
getting out of college,

trying to get a first
job, it was tough.

I worked on wall street
for a couple of years and I

must've been about 23, 24,
just after my mom passed.

But I looked like I was 14.

I had a great phone voice.

But every client I met in the
conference room, they'd never

do business with me again.

I was selling stock ideas,
uh, to portfolio managers and

they just, um, they couldn't
take advice from someone

that looked that young.

So I got out of that, did
public relations the rest of

my day where the horsepower
up here was all that mattered.

I was super creative.

I used to put people on
the front page of the wall

street journal, uh, on CNN
back when the media was

sort of normal financial
times, New York times.

And just absolutely
love the creativity

of matchmaking there.

But somehow this came
along, it's the exact

skill of matchmaking.

But remember, we all have,
we're all reticent somehow.

It's like a New Year's
resolution, you know, whether

it's exercise, or I'm going
to go finally take a vacation

I've held off for five years.

It's just called living more,
allowing more, loving more.

It's the scariest thing
in the world because you

all found a way to retreat
from the one place, the

only place you can go.

And I think it's, um, Seth,
that new age, uh, you can

meet Seth, a light being, but
the Jane Roberts, Seth books.

In the 1970s, but also
Peaceful Warrior, the

movie with Nick Nolte, Amy
Smart, or the book, Way

of the Peaceful Warrior.

And even, um, The Alchemist
or it's Esser Hicks and

Abraham Hicks talks about
the only place that any of

this can be found is here.

And that's why artists
have discovered it.

Athletes are trusting their
heart to just do performance

on the field or wherever,
on the balance beam.

Um, so it's the only
place you can go.

It's not going to
be found externally.

I mean, I, I still say
go to Machu Picchu.

Machu Picchu.

Do the ashram if you have
to in India, although you

could close your eyes and
have the India come to you.

Um, but at the end of the
day, it's kind of like,

and I'm going to quote
out a little book called

Listening to Angels.

Uh, I didn't write it if
anybody thinks that I did.

I mean, I typed, but
I saw balls of light

as I was writing it.

Um, it's kind of like
the classic treasure hunt

with X marks the spot.

But instead of like an
external treasure, it's here.

You get to find yourself.

So you just get to pay
attention more and rediscover

the you that never went away.

So that's what this is about.

Uh, and as for good health and
all the rest, I mean, yeah,

it's probably the running.

Rod Bland: All right.

So tell us, tell us everything
you've got going on.

Programs, books, anything,
just so that people know

the ways that they can
get in touch with you if

they want to and learn
more about what you do.


MIchael Andre Ford:
It's just youtube.

com forward slash, you know,
Michael Andre Ford or C

slash Michael Andre Ford.

But I've got a show
that's not so new now.

It's just over a year old, uh,
50 episodes last year called

Angels, Positivity and Love.

And I'd love to have you as a
guest this December in 2024.

Um, but I've jumped it
to three shows a week

airing, uh, June 1st.

And I'm already
booked into December.

Uh, and most of those shows
will be complete by July 1st.

Uh, so that's pretty
exciting and some really

big names for a small show.

Uh, we've got Rod
Bland maybe coming in

December, if you know him.

Uh, and then I'd just
like to mention, uh,

Listening to Angels.

It was a number two.

Amazon bestseller.

I don't think anyone's
ever gotten to claim twice.

It's been a number two
bestseller endorsed by

Anita Morjani that, you
know, three times New

York times bestseller and
near death experiencer.

Um, but it's a beautiful
little book, 15 minute read.

It's got photos of angels.

It's your best bet.

If you wanted to skip me,
uh, and just check things

out, it's a probably 7.

99 these days.

And my Amazon author
profile is easy.

It's just amazon.

com forward slash author
forward slash angels.

And an angel named Charlotte
told me to pick that moniker.

And I was like, no
way the word angels is

going to be available.

It was, I grabbed it.


Rod Bland: you got lucky.

Well done.

All right.

We'll put all that in a,
in the show notes for you

anyway, so that people know
how to get in touch with you.

Uh, anything final that you'd
like to leave people with

who are watching this video?

I might've actually just,
you know, skipped to the end.

MIchael Andre Ford: yeah,
no, uh, this is so simple.

It's ridiculous.

Like I'm literally, people
think it's a big deal and is

a big deal when you go through
it and you have your first few

experiences, you freak out and
you get over it at some point,

it's like driving a car.

There was a point when
you're 13, 14, 15, whenever

it is, whatever, wherever
you live, it depends, uh,

you're so excited about
driving a car, but maybe

you had trepidation too.

Now, flash forward to
when you're 25, 30,

35, do you even care?

You touch the keys, you're
stuck in traffic, you're

complaining about this,
complaining about that.

A few people are enjoying
the eagle flying by or

the caracara, uh, and
appreciating life regardless

of how bad the traffic is.

That's a great metaphor for.

Um, but I would also
just say you don't

have to know anything.

You don't have to have
some sort of philosophical,

religious or other
type of thinking.

It's just not about
more thinking.

It's about a little
less thinking.

So just trust
that angels exist.

Um, your answers
and more will come.

And if you are kind
of shy about this, ask

for like nighttime.

Dream time.

Uh, I don't mean like
visitation, so you freak out,

but just like a pleasant dream
where you're like, huh, there

might be something to this
and then ask for some signs.

I mean, that's probably
the easiest way to go

if you're really shy.

Uh, but you can go
full on direct, uh, get

answers for anything.

Uh, and it's not just all
languages and, uh, dialects.

It's also just the
way you need to hear

it, your personality.

And imagine that there's 8
billion of us on the planet.

That's a lot of navigating,
a lot of personalities

and thought forms to
deliver a message.

Rod Bland: Michael,
it's been my pleasure

to talk to you today.

Thanks for being a
guest on my show.

MIchael Andre Ford:
Thank you very much, Rod.

UC 47: I Met My Angel Manager at Starbucks (Here's How to Spot Yours) - Michael André Ford
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