UC 28: I Was Yanked Out of My Body During Suicide Attempt: Incredible Near-Death Experience

Kevin Jeffers: And
so I prepared myself

to take my life.

And as I was about to engage
in this process that would

have been a termination
of me, my body, I was

yanked out of my body.

Some part of me, some
essential part was yanked

out, and I went right
into this portal of light.

Rod Bland: My guest
today is Kevin Jeffers.

Welcome to the show, Kevin.

How are you?

Kevin Jeffers: Hey, Rod.

Thanks for having me be here.

Rod Bland: Well, it's
my pleasure and thanks

for reaching out too.

So I understand that you
had an NDE some time ago and

you've had a number of other,
uh, experiences as well.

So would you like to give us
a little bit of background

and tell us what happened?

Kevin Jeffers: Before I jump
into the, uh, near death

experience, I would say
that I've been experiencing

unusual things ever since
I was a young child.

And that regard, I was, uh,
I would see energy forms when

I was, I remember, I have a
remembrance when I was five

of seeing, uh, very colorful
geometric forms shaping in

front of me when I would
go to sleep at night, just

before I just, just before
I went to sleep and it was

entertaining as a five year
old, just move your hands

around and everything,
all these, uh, yeah.

Geometric shapes would take
whatever form that I was,

uh, doing with my hand.

Then I realized that
something unusual was

going, but I didn't know
that until I got older.

You know, when you're
young, you just don't

think about these things.

They occur, and
then that's that.

Rod Bland: Yeah.

You think everything's normal
when you're young, don't you?

Like it doesn't matter
what it is cause you've got

nothing to compare it to.

Kevin Jeffers: You don't
think it's not normal.

Plus, it had the benefit
of keeping me quiet so

my mom didn't yell at me.

So this, this went
on for a while,

and then it's like
I hit a pause.

In seeing energy, I call it
seeing energy in hindsight,

looking back over my life.

I said, well, definitely you
were seeing energy shapes.

You were seeing energy.

I took a pause as I
went through, uh, you

know, elementary school,
high school, and.

it started again.

When I was in college,
I started seeing these

forms again, but they
were more articulated.

I'd be talking to one of
somebody, a friend or an

instructor, and a massive
cloud of color would

come between us and as I
experienced this more and

more, I began to realize that
the color had significance

and meaning and was Later,
I found out, well, that's

an aura, but in the, but at
that time, I just said, wow,

that's really a cool color.

And I went to art school,
so I would draw all this

stuff out and add color
and do this and do that.

that went on, then I joined
a group called the ARE, the

Association of Research and
Enlightenment out of Virginia

Beach, the Edgar Cayce people.

And we had, uh, meditations,
weekly meditations,

discussions about, uh,
extraordinary things.

And I met a guy who was
doing past life regressions.

Now in those days,
there were no past life

regression hypnotists.

There were hypnotists
who tried to have people

experience a past life,
but they were, they were

very much in the minority.

So I thought that
was very interesting.

That was good.

And then I went to visit
him, laid down on his

couch, and he went into
his, uh, hypnotic routine,

which in his version was a
countdown backwards from 100.

I was going 100, 99,
98, and by the time

I hit 92, I was gone.

I felt myself lifting out
of my body, went through

the, his roof, the ceiling
and out through the roof.

And then fast forwarded to a
location that I thought, well,

this is just interesting,
but then suddenly I was in,

I was on a ship and the ship
was full of Vikings and the

Vikings were approaching a
battle with more Vikings.

And then you probably
know from history, Vikings

were not a, not a very
sociable, nonviolent society.

Everything was about
plunder and so on and so on.

But I was very young.

I was about 17 years old.

I knew that at the time
I was very young and my

brother was the captain of
the ship, my current brother.

So he sent me on
top of the mast.

Uh, he said, well,
be the lookout.

But you know, I understood
that it was stay out of

trouble and get out of
the way, go up the mast,

no one's going to split
your skull up there.

So I was watching the battle
and having a great time.

And remember, this is
all in the regression.

And I'm experiencing this
vivid, extraordinary time.

And then I felt a
thump in my chest

and it was a spear.

And I looked over and I said,
that's a problem and died.

So I've always had a
birthmark on my chest

and I went to the
hospital and I said, now,

is this a birthmark or
is this an indication

of a bigger problem?

And the doctor was very
concerned because it had

some kind of shape or color
or whatever they look at.

He said, let's take an x ray.

And they went in and we
did a male mammogram.

In those days, it was x rays.

There were no, there
was nothing else.

uh, he said, no,
that's a birthmark.

Don't worry, you
don't have cancer.

So I had the birthmark.

I still have it.

It's exactly in that
spot where I recreated

that life or experienced
that life, depending

on how you look at it.

And, uh, I use that for
myself as a bit of evidence.

That either I dreamed up
this extraordinary event,

remember it's the first time
I've done this, so I was in

a high state of doubt, and
then I just kind of settled

into it and I said, okay,
well, that's a past life.

And then I went back
to see the hypnotist

a couple of times.

I experienced different
things, different lifetimes.

Uh, one time I went with a
girlfriend and it turned out

we had had this wild, hot
relationship in the French

period during the 1700s.

She liked that.

I thought it was a little too
much, but anyhow, this, this

would continue and continue.

And then took a trip.

I just felt this impulse, 18
years old, you, you don't want

to hang out around the house.

So I went to Greece and I
felt a strong attraction to

Crete, the island of Crete.

while I was there, I looked
around and saw things.

And then I, I felt this
impulse to go to this place

that I always knew was called.

The Prince's Palace.

And I didn't even know
there was a Prince's Palace.

But sure enough, I had
someone, I talked to

someone and said, yeah,
it's down the road there.

So I walked down the road,
it was a couple hour walk,

and I was walking with a
friend of mine, and trying

to figure out how I'm
going to find this place.

Because I know it's there.

The closer I get to it, the
more I become aware of having

an affinity for that place.

And we get to a
split in the road.

One road goes
straight to the left.

The other one is a
zigzag up the mountain.

And I just transitioned to a
different place where I was

a child in a cart driven by
an ox with my grandfather.

And we were going to the city
and the city was up the hill.

So I said to my friend, I
said, let's go up the hill.

He said, no, no, no,
that's not the way.

I said, I'll tell you
what, I'll meet you there.

So I went to this switchback
road, went to the over

the hill and there was
the ruins of the city.

And I explored it and a
lot of emotions running

through me at the time.

And I went to the,
the Queen's Chamber.

It's there, it's made
out of alabaster, it has

some, some artwork, some
frescoes up on the wall.

And I felt very sad and I
took a piece of rock And put

it in my backpack I wouldn't
do that these days, but in

those days, I was just 17, 18.

I didn't know any better.

It's just a little piece,
throw it in the backpack,

took it back home after many
more months of travel through

Turkey and experiencing
these incredible memories.

I went back home,
home was in Chicago.

I was living with my
mother at the time.

My sister was there.

My brother was there.

My sister introduced the
mother of a friend of hers

who said she was a psychic.

And I had never met a psychic.

I didn't know what
a psychic was.

I, you know, they just
like got transmissions from

somewhere and new stuff.

So I thought that
was fascinating.

So we're sitting,
she came over.

She wanted to speak with
me because she had her,

she had her reasons.

I didn't know what they were.

She said, Oh, I heard you
have a rock from Greece.

I said, yeah, I
have one of those.

So I went out and I got
it and I brought it back.

And it's this white alabaster.

It's really a.

Non script white stone.

And she said, Do you mind if
I do a psychometric reading?

So I looked at her and
I said, Come on, what's

a psychometric reading?

She said, it's when you hold
a stone and it starts you

pick up the vibrations and now
it's getting strange for me.

I mean, I could see energy,
but I didn't know about

this vibration stuff.

So she was holding the
rock and we were all quiet

waiting for stuff to happen
and stuff did happen.

We're in the kitchen, in
Chicago, they have the

double doors because it
snows a lot there, very cold.

The outer door opened, and
it's one of these sprocket

doors that's supposed
to stay closed, but it

opened and it stayed open.

And then the inside door,
which had been locked,

that opened up too.

Rod Bland: Oh.

Kevin Jeffers: There were
like five people in shock.

How did that door open?

Two doors that opened up.

And then this cloud came in
and it was just extraordinary

because you knew a
presence was in that room.

then the psychic is kind
of like concentrating.

He said, I'm talking to
her and I said, who's her?

This woman came with the
rock to ask your forgiveness.

I said, I don't
know any ghosts.

She said, no, you had a
relationship with this

person when the prince's
palace burnt down.

of what she was responsible
for the fire, you went

to retrieve her and died.

So she's come back to
ask you for forgiveness.

And I'm a little bit
of shocked myself.

So I said, okay, forgiven.

Let's go.

You know, enough is enough.

And then suddenly this,
the smell of lilac

came into the room.

It was incredibly
dense and intense.

And I said, okay.

I mean, I really
felt bad about this.

If this was a true story, I
said, I felt bad about it.

I said, okay, you're forgiven.

Let it go.


And then the presence went
out of the room and the inside

door slam closed and the
outside door slam closed and

we're like back to normal,
except for this lilac smell.

So I looked at everyone
and I said, you know, I'm

smelling lilacs right now.

And they said, yeah,
we can smell that too.

There were no
lilacs in the room.

It's in the middle
of the winter.

There's no like lilac plants.

And that smell continued
in the house for

about a week for me.

And I would go to this
place in the house,

it would follow me.

And then I'd go to
the next one and the

smell would follow me.

And being young and
kind of embarrassed

about these things.

One time I was going
to the bathroom and

the smell came in.

I said, okay, okay,
you're, forgiven.

Everything is good.

I want some privacy when
I go to the restroom.

Can you just go?

And it was kind of like a
sigh, and then the smell

was gone, the presence
was gone, and I never had

that experience again.

So that's like a wake up call.

This is really,
real intense stuff.

Then after that, I just
started not so much hearing

things, but knowing things.

It was like, uh, something
would run through my mind,

and I started hearing things.

that was interesting because,
don't know, maybe at that age

everything is interesting.

And that went on for a while,
and um, The lady who I'd

met who did the, who was the
psychic, did the psychometric

readings, was a healer.

A traditional healer,
Christian healer.

And she wanted to teach me
how to heal, and I thought

that was a good deal because
people benefit from a healing.

If it actually occurred,
I was good for it.

So she spent a couple of years
training me on healing, inflow

of energy, using spiritual
energy to heal a person.

She taught me how that worked,
and then I went out and I

started doing that myself.

And, um, finally just
ended up giving classes.

I think I was about 30, 31
years old and I was having a

class with 30, 40, 50 people.

We would talk about these
kinds of things, we'd

talk about healing, and
it was all interesting.

And until finally I
just decided it was

interfering with my life.

So I cut the classes
out and I thought that

was the end of it.

Well, it wasn't the end of it.

I'm, I've always been kind
of a business minded person.

Um, I own a number of
companies that I started.

I'm inclined in that
direction, but all my degrees

are in art and sculpture
and painting and drawing and

all these kinds of things.

So it was kind of like
a balance, a big reader.

And I started reading
more and more about.

Spiritual things, psychic
things, uh, the old, uh, like

the Theosophics, Theosophical
Society, Rudolf Steiner,

um, Andrew, Andrew Ford.

And it was just like an
accumulation of data and

it went on and on and on.

And then one of my
businesses failed and it was

actually my key business.

And like overnight I was
broke and I had a family and

I had kids and I got just
depressed and more depressed.

And it was like.

That circumstance was
pointing to me and

saying, you're a failure.

You're terrible.

You lost all your money.

And I was feeling worse
and worse and worse.

And I really didn't
understand the, the effects

of depression on your self
confidence and your life view.

And I wanted to end it.

I wanted to end my life.

I was tired of the depression.

It was just, it was too much.

So I got to the point
where I was going to

end it, end my life.

And I think when you're
in a, when you're in

that stage of depression,
you're really not thinking

things through clearly.

You're just enough is enough.

And I did have medication.

We didn't know about
medication at that time.

And so I prepared
myself to take my life.

And as I was about to engage
in this process that would

have been a termination
of me, my body, I was

yanked out of my body.

Some part of me, some
essential part was yanked

out, and I went right
into this portal of light.

And in those days, there were
no tunnels, and there were no

entryways, and there, at least
for me, there was nothing.

It was just a portal of light.

And I got right up and got
to look inside what's on

the other side of the light.

And it was beautiful,
colorful, vibrant.

were having a good time.

I was not having a good
time, but they were

having a good time.

And then this bright
white figure stepped

in front of me and held
up, held out her hand.

It was, it was a she, a
female, held out her hand.

It kind of pushed me on
the chest and I went slant

right back into my body.

Now, the interesting effect
of that was the depression

was gone, the self doubt
was gone, the resolution

to continue was there,

and I never had that
experience again.

Rod Bland: Wow.

Kevin Jeffers: It terminated
it right there on the spot.

So even in the worst
circumstances and the most

difficult in my business and
my personal life, I never had

that depression come back.

Which was a relief because
it's, it's not, it's not good.

Depression is not good.

And I have no interest in
doing anything as radical

as ending my own life.

That just went out the door
and never came back again.

So my life went on and I just.

The intensity of the healings
and the seeing things and the

experiencing things increased.

And I'd be, I'd feel this
impulse to go to some city

like Rome is a good example.

I just knew that I had
died in the Colosseum as

a, as an early Christian.

And I went there and I
could see it all again.

I could see what had happened.

I could see people
being killed.

I could, and then I reached
the point where I saw myself

being killed by a lion.

And I was with my sister,
my current sister, who

got scooped up with me.

And she died and I died
and, um, it's just all

very, very emotional,
very dramatic thing.

But then the impulse
was released when I re

experienced the event.

And I've traveled all over
the world many, many times,

um, spent a lot of time in
Asia, 30 some years in Asia.

And everywhere that I
would go, I'd feel this

impulse to go was like
what I would call...

A recovery is some aspect
of myself, and I didn't know

what that was about, but now I
know that when we die, we pass

on, we leave an energy, we
leave some part of ourselves

behind in our physical bodies.

And I would collect that
missing part, and I would pull

it back into my energy field.

And every time I did
that, the impulse to go

that place was ended.

But then I would feel myself
more complete and I've done

this for a long, long time,
been to many places and, um,

now I'm kind of at the end of
the road and I'm realizing,

well, I pretty much have gone
everywhere I wanted to go.

I've got a couple more places
I want to go, but that's it.

And I wrote that into
the book, some of

those experiences.

I wrote a healing
experience into the book.

Um, initially it started
out with this thing I call

the pattern, which is,
An experience of higher

levels of consciousness.

And it's, in a sense,
somewhat boring because

everything is good.

The spiritual life
is a good life.

The spiritual life is an all
knowing present moment of now.

So my editor said to me, Well,
Kevin, you better put in some

of your personal experiences
or people are going to read

your book and fall asleep.

I said, okay.

And then remembering
and writing it down was

very difficult for me
because I don't like

talking about myself.

I learned to.

So I wrote down, I just went
back to my notes, things

that I've experienced,
meditations, energetic

exchanges, and started putting
them into the book, a couple

of healing experiences.

That's pretty much a
rough draft of what

I've gone through for
the last 50 some years.

Rod Bland: So I wanted to
ask you about the, when you,

before you were planning
to take your life and you

popped out of your body,
that presence there, um,

who do you think that was?

Was that like a, a, a
guide or your higher self

or have you got an inkling
of who that might've been?

Kevin Jeffers: I don't know.

I think there was, I
didn't care at that point.

As I was out of my body
and it was like, I'm

talking with you now.

It was that real.

Rod Bland: Hmm.

Kevin Jeffers: Then when
this figure put their hand

out and stopped me from
entering into the light,

I was very disappointed.

Very distressed about that
because I liked that place.

It was gorgeous.

It was like, you know,
getting a first class

trip for a couple bucks.

And, um, so no, I never
identified who that was.

I didn't have a guide.

I didn't have like an
angel next to me guiding

me into the light.

I just, I went, and
it was just a thought

and I was there.

But what I did notice,
and this took a while for

me to put this together,
was that when I touched

the light, it changed me.

The connection with that
figure who touched me

and the light changed.

Shifted my reality to
a greater understanding

and a, and a greater
awareness of energy and

compassion and love.

And hence the increase
of the efficacy of my

healings was because I
would go into people and

be with them and heal them.

And I think all of that and
knowing things, all of that

was related to that experience
of going into the light.

I'd had experiences of
traveling out of body

before that, but they
were more mundane.

Just go out of the house,
look around, go to this

place, go to that place,
meet some interesting souls.

But going into the light
expanded the whole game.

It was, it was a shift into
higher consciousness, a

higher consciousness than I
had ever experienced before.

And therefore, it's
like a domino effect.

It impacted my life for
the rest of my life.

Now I've been back many times.

Now I go into the light
and it's not so dramatic.

I don't have to do things
to myself to get there.

I don't have anyone stopping
me from going there.

And it's now a deeper
familiarity with the

light, which is spirit.

The light is a high frequency
spiritual expression.

And I've met people that
belong to my soul group, as

I call it, my total self.

And it all started with
that, you know, the higher

experience, the more
impactful experience.

Started when I went to the
light, and I can't say I went

into the light, as many people
with NDE's have said, you

know, I went into the light,
I met the family, I met my

spirit guides, they showed me
what a screw up I was in life.

No, I didn't have that.

I just was kicked out.

Rod Bland: Yeah, I've spoken
to a few people that kind of,

it's almost like a threshold,
you know, for them, that was

as far as they were ever going
to go, was to be able to see.

But not actually enter,
and for others, you

know, there's an entry

Kevin Jeffers: No, it's
like on Star Trek and they

put aliens into this room
and you can see through it.

It buzzes when they touch
it and they can't get out.

There was a, there was
a barrier between me now

and me there, me here,
me there, I call it.

I differentiate between
the me here and the me

there because it's a
different, it's a different

expression of energy.

I'm not at the point in
my life and I don't, I

have a feeling I'm never
going to achieve it.

Where I am in a constant
state of spiritual reality.

It's like a, it's like the
ocean and the waves and it

flows, it hits highs and it
hits lows and it hits highs.

And depending on how much
wind there is or a storm

affects that experience.

Rod Bland: After your first
sort of encounter with

the light, did that impact
on how effective you were

as a healer after that?

Kevin Jeffers: Oh, absolutely.

Because then I could
see what I was feeling.

I could see what I
was experiencing.

It wasn't like sticking
your finger in a little

vibrator and you know,
you start buzzing.


I was, I would see the
energy, I would see

what was happening, and
that was the difference.

So when I would work into
a healing with someone,

I, the energy would come
through me, out of my hands

and into their body, and I
could see the effect that

it was having, or no effect.

Not everyone can be healed.

There are restraints on
the healing process, and

would chalk it up to karma.

It's not your time to
be healed, you're not

allowed to be healed.

Or you're there to
learn something.

It's all about learning.

When I've gone back again
into the light, my, and I

finally did find a spiritual
guide, which I was relieved

because everyone was talking
about it, would look at me

and say, what did you learn?

At every stage of my life,
when I've encountered

a spiritual being, the
spiritual being wants to

know, what did you learn?

And it's, there's
nothing else.

There's no shame.

There's no guilt.

There's no.

accusation of any kind of
behavior because spirit

understands we come back
and we come back and we

come back and we are many
things for the purpose of

learning and experiencing.

What did you learn?

And I've talked with people
that have had the NDE and

they said that's pretty much
essentially their experiences

after all of the things that
they go through in their

heads, looking at their
lives, seeing, seeing reels.

Seeing movies of their past
lives and their current

life is that the individual
or the group wants to

know what did you learn?

What are you bringing
back to them?

Rod Bland: So I've been
reading the book, the Book of

Ra series of books, uh, over
the last couple of months.

It's, it's pretty heavy going.

And I think it was in
book three, they were

talking about healing in
particular, and that a

healer, really is, doesn't
actually do the healing.

It's, it's kind of like
an interface for somebody

to allow themselves to be
healed, which I thought

was an interesting idea.

And what do you
think about that?

Kevin Jeffers:
I totally agree.

When we have an innate
core of energy that we can

use to do some healing.

But it's the more,
it's the more simple

version of healing.

I've dealt with people
that have had some very

bad life threatening
experiences that I could

feel this spiritual energy.

I like to call it
spiritual energy.

I really can't describe it as
anything else, but it's energy

and it comes through me.

Moving into a person
and healing them.

And I take no credit
or responsibility other

than to be the available
channel for that energy.

Rod Bland: So speaking of
channeling, um, have you,

uh, has channeling something
from the other side, either

messages or input, has that
ever occurred with you?

Is that something that
you've explored in your life?

Kevin Jeffers: I've
gotten not messages

like we're talking now.

Some people say, well,
you know, someone was

whispering in her and
telling them things.

No, not like that.

I just know things.

I see the shape of energy
and the knowing of the thing.

But I'm not being talked to.

I'm not having some
spirit lean over my

shoulder and whisper the
secrets of the universe.

I just know when things in
my life are happening and

I tend to know how things
are going to turn out.

It makes for some
interesting betting.

Rod Bland: You, um, my
understanding is that there

is, everything's possibility,
like there isn't, uh, and

there's a, there's a certain
amount of momentum that gets

going towards Certain outcomes
and the more, uh, if we talk

about sort of outcomes for
humanity, the more sort of

momentum, the more people
that are sort of behind that,

that particular outcome,
then the more likely it is

for it to occur, uh, rather
than it being, well, this

is actually a definite set
in stone thing that occurs.

Is that, is that how
you view it as well?

Kevin Jeffers: My view is
a little bit different.

Everything in my experience
comes out of imagination.

If you can imagine it,
you can do it because

you have a shape and an
energy to the imagination.

And there are two things
that are coupled together.

One is the imagination,
you can imagine it, and the

other one is the intention.

A powerful intention, guided
by imagination, will help

things occur in your life
that you want to occur.

And another example of that
is that you want more money.

You gotta pay the bills,
you're broke, you don't know

what to do, the kids are
sick, you need some food.

I've discovered that
through intention, directed

intention generated or
powered by the imagination

is that I can create that.

And I wasn't quite sure that
that was reality or my wishful

thinking, but over the years
it's proved to be the reality.

When I'm healing, I intend
for healing to occur.

When I want to have some
success in a venture, I

intend for that to occur.

I might feel after
I've gone through this

process of imagining and
intending that it's not

going to happen because
it's not right to happen.

The guiding principle
of our experience is

what we know as karma.

You're here to learn.

You're not here
to have a joyride.

Rod Bland: Is it for some
people, um, in terms

of learning, like we
come here to learn and

I, I agree with that.

And why is it that some
people seem to have

particularly, I don't know,
brutal is the right term,

but particularly difficult
lives, whereas others seem

to have a easier time of it.

Kevin Jeffers: Well,
look at it this way.

You're an eternal spirit.

You never die.

You're immortal.

And you're a spirit,
which implies not having

one of these things.

And you decide you want to be
born, you want to experience

something, you want to balance
the scales of karma, you want

to contribute to society.

I mean, you want to do
something, but then the

deciding portion of entering
into the physical life is what

is going to be your skill set?

What is going to be
your access to energy?

How difficult or easy is
your life in relationship

to what you need to learn?

So some people, many,
many people have a very

difficult life, but then
I step back and I look at

what I see and I realize
that they chose that life.

They chose that
level of difficulty.

It's like when you go into
the masters or the pros,

the level of difficulty
increases proportionally.

You're not in the backyard
playing baseball, you're

in the big leagues.

You are playing baseball
with professionals.

It demands more skill,
more attention, and

that's what life is.

decide to come in with
a set amount of skills

and energy and talent to
accomplish your goals.

And maybe you want to
accomplish greater goals, but

you have limited resources.

How do you accomplish
a greater goal with

limited resources?

You stress.

You push.

You intend to accomplish
those goals because those

goals that you want to
accomplish are built as like

a blueprint for your life.

Your current life
is a blueprint for

accomplishing something.

And maybe what you need to
accomplish is to be poor or

to be starving in a big city
or to be a victim of violence.

That's what you need.

And that's kind of a brutal
look at people scratch

your head and say, well,
how can you say that?

And I said, it's
simple because you're

an immortal being.

Your soul is forever.

When you go into the
higher, higher levels of

consciousness, nothing
can touch you because

you're a creator.

And then when you come
to earth, you're not

a creator anymore.

You've just entered
into the predator world.

You have to survive.

You have to eat, you
have to find shelter.

There's a lot that you
have to do when you

come to this earth.

And it's true of every
form of consciousness.

Whether it's an animal or
a frog or a plant, even

rocks have consciousness,
but they have their own

battles of consciousness.

It's all about the uplift
of consciousness on the

planet earth to bring us to
the next level of reality.

We're working hand in glove
with everything to accomplish

that uplift of consciousness.

And that's what, in my view.

What we're going through
now is a shifting in

our realities and the
uplift of consciousness.

We're seeing a lot,
a lot of crazy stuff.

And we're also seeing
a lot of good stuff.

Then, you know, the, they did
the, constantly in the news

is this polarization that's
occurring between the people

who want to be in charge and
the people who want to be left

alone and live their lives.

Or the rights and wrong,
or the righteous and

the not righteous.

This polarization that I'm
seeing in the world these days

is nothing more than man's
struggle to lift consciousness

above what he came into.

If you project yourself out,
this is not surprising at all.

But if everything is gauged
and tested in the immediacy

of your reality, your life
now, It makes no sense.

Rod Bland: Yeah, you have
to take that alternative

viewpoint, isn't it?

Rather than sort of saying,
okay, this, looking at the

totality of your experiences
this particular lifetime,

when you look at that in the
context of, well, it's one of

many, many lifetimes, it does,
it does take on a different

colour, the experiences

Kevin Jeffers: Sure.

When you people that
are suffering, you say,

why are they suffering?

And I'm not suffering.

You know, it's just like, you
want to suffer with them or

have some level of compassion
in their experience.

And it makes no sense.

Why am I, why am I sitting
good and looking good?

And they're looking bad and
they're not in a good place.

It's really, in my view, a
function of what they chose to

encounter when they were born.

The parents, the
relatives, the city.

The social economic
influences, the political

influences, they know that
this is the place they need

to be to experience what
they should experience, what

they chose to experience.

Then when you die,
you're out of it.

You go into the light,
you're out of it.

And then you meet all of
your old buddies that have

been around for hundreds of
thousands of years and you

hang out and have the angelic
equivalent of a beer and

talk about your experiences.

Rod Bland: I find the,
the idea of being able

to access past lives
fascinating and always have.

I've never actually done any
sort of regression myself,

but given that we come here
and the, the forgetting of our

previous lives seems to kind
of part of that experience.

Why is it then that we do,
some of us are able to recall

what those past lives were.

It sort of seems like, well,
why forget if we've actually

can, can get access to that.

Kevin Jeffers: Well,
that goes back to what

I had mentioned before.

You come in with a blank
page and everyone has a

different skill set and
everyone has a different

agenda, a different reality.

And many people come
in choosing to find

themselves, find their
spirit, find the light.

That's their struggle.

That's what they
chose to have.

And once again, some people
come in and they've got

all that part handled and
they've got to take care

of another part, maybe a
physical handicap, maybe a,

a mental disability, that
the list goes on of things

that are occurring in life
now that are on the outside,

horrendous, terrible.

But an, an interesting
thing is that people with

hand, with that kind of
challenges, I call them

challenges because they're
challenging themselves.

Tend to be more open,
more compassionate, more

loving than people that
have everything together.

If I ever run across anyone
who says they have it all

together, the radar, the radar
starts working over time.

Watch that person, see
what's going on there.

Because no one
has it together.

We build our life constructing
ourselves, our bodies,

our appearances, uh, how
we present ourselves.

It's all a construct,
a belief system that we

pull into ourselves ever
since we're little babies.

What mom and dad said, and
what siblings said, and

then what the school said,
and then what society says.

We construct ourselves.

But then when we
die, when we pass, we

release the construct.

But what's left
is the knowledge.

Rod Bland: So for those
who are wanting to explore

their own spiritual path
or get in touch with what

their spiritual path,
I'm one of those people.

What advice do you
have for those people?

Kevin Jeffers: Don't quit.

Rod Bland: So when you
say, when you say don't

quit, you mean like don't
give up on life or don't

give up on that, that
things can actually improve

Kevin Jeffers: Don't give
up on the things that

you feel you need to do.

Don't give up on life
because you're just going

to be slammed back again.

Um, many psychics have said
they've talked to people

that have committed suicide
and the, and the, then the

theme is regret and a very
light spanking by spirit.

We gave you the body, we gave
you the life, we gave you the

opportunity to be more than
your impulse and you blew it.

Now you have to go
back and the game is

going to be up for you.

It doesn't get better, it
gets worse, until you reach

that point where you're
just going to live your

life in a righteous fashion.

And some people commit
suicide for righteous reasons.

Not everyone is,
is a bad person.

Many people suicide out of the
righteousness of their life.

And that's more understandable
than someone who just takes

their life because things
aren't going well and they're

feeling bad about themselves
or they're experiencing.

Some level of
depression or sadness.

So I would say to people that
want to, want to experience

these things and learn these
things, is that it starts

with an interior discipline.

And usually that
looks like meditation.

Sitting in a, I have
a meditation chair.

It's a, it's a gray
colored lazy boy.

That's where you'll pull the
handle and the legs swing up.

Rod Bland: Yep.

Kevin Jeffers: And I've
been using it for years

and years and years.

I would not have gone
in this direction.

I went and the experiences
I've had without that

discipline of meditation,
because that's when

I quiet my life.

I quiet myself.

I put aside my worries and
concerns, and I'm available

to the experience of spirit.

So be available.

I would say, this is going to
sound a little strange, but...

Pulling spirit into
your life is almost

like a beauty contest.

You want to look good.

You want to be attractive.

You want to be worthy.

Spirit will go
into the open hand.

It's not going to batter
on your door usually and

say, come on, come on,
wake up, wake up, come on

out, you know, do your, no,
it doesn't work that way.

We need to draw a spirit into
our life to experience these

incredible spiritual things.

And the denser we are, and
I was one of those guys

who was just very dense.

It took a lot of shaping
and reshaping and creating

an attraction to spirit.

And then one day it was
a whisper in my ear.

Hi, I'm here for you.

I think I was 21, 22,
something like that.

And then that awareness
just never left.

Even in the moments where
I doubted myself and

doubted everyone around me.

That presence never left.

So now when I travel,
I call it traveling.

Um, that presence is with me.

It's kind of like a guide.

I think the term guide is
very appropriate when it's

a true spiritual guide.

Then there's pointers
on where to go.

You're presented
with a puzzle.

And it's up to you
to figure it out.

So you looked at your
guide and your guide

said, Well, maybe you
want to consider this.

And maybe you don't
want to do that.

Well, there's kind of a,
uh, tussle that goes on.

And then finally you follow
the guide and things work out.

Rod Bland: So the guys don't
tell us what to do, but

they do help us find the
answers out for ourselves.

Kevin Jeffers: Yeah,
they provide clues.

Like that clue game where
there are so many people in

a room and someone killed
somebody and they're trying

to figure out who it is and
you have to collect the clues.

It's your life.

Your life is about collecting
the clues to find the

direction you need to go,
and in the process, you

expand your potentiality,
expand your energetic field.

Rod Bland: Kevin, so if people
want to ask you questions,

is, uh, is that something
you'd be open to and what's

the best way for them to
get in touch with you?

And if you've got anything,
what else have you got

going on that people

Kevin Jeffers: Well,
I have a website.

It's info at the pattern,
T H E, pattern, P A

T T E R N, dot P U B.

P U B is short for publisher.

So, info at the pattern dot...

And then I look at
all of the, I look at

everything that comes in.

I have some other folks
that work with me.

They look at what's coming in.

And we make an earnest
effort to reply to questions.

Rod Bland: Great.

And, um, do you have any
other programs or anything

people, like if they're
wanting to, you know, do

something further or learn
something further, have

you got anything like that?

Kevin Jeffers: No, I have a
website called the pattern.

pub and the website has
podcasts, it has interviews,

postings, things that I've
written out of the book.

And from my point of view,
it's interesting because when

I was writing that book 30
years ago that I culminated

in publishing it last year, A
lot of the times I didn't even

understand what I was writing.

I do now, mostly.

Rod Bland: Was it the act
of writing it out actually

helped you understand it?

Is that what you mean?

Kevin Jeffers: Yeah,
some of it was like a

transmission that it
would almost unconscious.

I would sit down and I would
write or they didn't have

computers in those days, so
everything was typewritten.

But still now I've trained
myself to be receptive to a

communication and that I get
my telephone out and I go to

messages, you know, dictation.

I dictate it.

I wish I'd had that
30 years ago, man.

Rod Bland: I can't remember
the name of the author.

It was, uh, he wrote
The War of Art.

I think it was like the
reverse of The Art of War.

The War of Art.

Kevin Jeffers: hmm.

Trans do.


Rod Bland: Yeah, I forget
what, um, but he was an

author who wrote this
book and, and in his view,

that was what writing was.

It was, it was really
didn't come from him.

He kind of like was
a conduit for what it

was he was writing.

Kevin Jeffers: when you're
available as a conduit,

it's a heck of a lot more
interesting than if it's

coming from here, but when
it's coming in through here,

it gets really interesting.

Rod Bland: Hmm.


Kevin Jeffers: Because
you're really not blocking

anything at that point.

You're available.

It's just transmissions or
messages, they come in because

you're not blocking it.

when you're sitting there
with a piece of paper in

front of you and you try
to remember a conversation

or create a dialogue or
some kind of action, it

can be very difficult.

Rod Bland: Yeah.

Uh, Steven, Steven Pressman
was the one I was thinking of.

That was the author.

Yeah, he was, he was writing
about his experience of

writing and how he went like
20, 30, he was a very, very

successful author now, but
he went through a space of

25 years where he was just...


And, and finally he's
going to kind of realize,

well, to stop trying to
produce it, just allow it

to sort of flow through.

So I try to, I try
to, I've always

remembered that message.

And it's something I always,
I try not to prepare too

much or try to sort of
control things too much.

Just kind of let them flow.

It doesn't always work,
but yeah, I'll find it's

Kevin Jeffers: it
probably works sometimes

Rod Bland: Oh yeah.

Kevin Jeffers: it's probably
more interesting than if

you were making it up.

Rod Bland: Yeah.

Yeah, and it's much more
enjoyable too, being in

that sort of state of flow.

Um, alright, have you got
any final message that

you wanted to leave people
with before we wrap our

conversation up today, Kevin?

Kevin Jeffers: And the message
that I've been developing and

having these talks is that
the first one is don't quit,

never, never quit in your
effort to seek out spirit

and the second thing is
that life is interesting,

it's not boring.

If you have, if you have
a boring life, or what you

consider boring, then probably
it's time to remap your life.

Because unfortunately we
have so many years in which

to fully express ourselves,
and learn, and move on, and

then it comes to an end.

So while you're here, and
if you have an impulse

to heal, or you want to
get, become a transmedium,

whatever it is that appeals
to you, be available to that.

Because closing that door
closes off who you are.

You're a spiritual
being encased or inside

of a physical body.

This is the vehicle.

This is the tool.

That's all it is.

You are not a nothing.

You're not impervious
to spiritual influence.

So don't ever quit trying.

You are more than who
you think you are.

That's another piece.

You're more than who
you think you are.

Rod Bland: thoroughly enjoyed
our conversation today, Kevin.

This was really good.

I feel like there was...

Sometimes I have these
conversations and they're

just like, they were
just made just for me.

But I think a lot of
other people get something

out of what you've
said today as well.

So, I appreciate you
coming on the show.

Kevin Jeffers:
Well, thank you.

Thank you.

I enjoy talking about
these things sometimes.

You created an environment
for me to discuss these

things, which is very safe,
and I appreciate that.

Rod Bland: It's
been my pleasure.

UC 28: I Was Yanked Out of My Body During Suicide Attempt: Incredible Near-Death Experience
Broadcast by