Conversations with Archangel Michael: One Man's Life After an NDE

Hey everyone, this is Rod.

I'm the creator of this
channel, and I wanted to bring

you this special episode of
previously unreleased footage

from the interview that I
conducted with Jason Janas.

I originally left out this
footage because I felt it, it

made the story go too long,
but when I went back and had

a look at it, there are some
absolute gold nuggets in what

Jason has to say, and he talks
more about some things that

have occurred with him since
his near death experience,

including his relationship
with the Archangel Michael.

Some new, what I would
call supernormal abilities

that he's developed.

How his relationship with
God or consciousness or

source, or whatever you like
to call it, has evolved.

And some other insights
and messages that he has

that I think can help us
all live better lives.

If you haven't already
seen it, I recommend that

you watch part one of the
interview with Jason, which

I'll put a link to in the
description of this video.

And without any further
ado, here we go.

Man, that's a hell of a story.

It gives me a bit
of perspective on my

own life for sure.

It's like everyone's
got challenges.

I've read so many books,
but it's really, really

something to hear your story.

It's, it's pretty amazing.

Everybody's gonna have
it and everybody has.

I've asked my spirit guide.

He called himself Jeffrey.

And I said, Jeff, I
can't call you Jeffrey.

That reminds me of the
Toys 'R' Us giraffe.

And I said, I'm
calling you John.

So I asked Jeffrey, I said,
how many times have I died?

And he gave me
the number, 3,200.

And I was like,
that makes sense.

He says, you're ancient.

And I said, what?

What does ancient mean?

So I'm still trying
to figure that out.

But yeah, your guides
are around you.

Your guardian angel
is around you.

Now I found out that
my guardian is Michael.

So he's now manifesting
in the physical form, so

we can actually physically
communicate and talk.

And it's just beautiful.

The love that we share
between each other is

beautiful, but in the same
time, it just drains me

like there's no tomorrow.

I mean, it just, it really
zaps me of my, of my energy.

But in the same aspect, I'm
talking to an archangel,

so it's, it's beautiful,
just, it's beautiful.

And, I know that everything,
and you should know that

everything that's going
on, everything is okay.

We're right where
we need to be.

You can manifest change.

Even though you made a
contract to come here,

you can still manifest and
say, I don't want that.

I want this.

And you can create it if
you believe it in here,

and you can create it here.

That's how powerful we are.

We can do that.

You can change.

You can tell your higher
self, ah, we're gonna

kind of rewrite the
rules a little bit.

So, it all comes with that
absolute belief that you can.

There's no uh, or what if, no,
it's do you believe or do you

not, and then you just simply
make it happen and you can.

So, That's awesome.

That's beautiful, man.

It's beautiful.

Oh man.

I really appreciate
you taking the time.

I like how you've covered,
there's things that I've,

I've heard you say before,
but there's more recent things

which are pretty amazing
and it seems like a fairly

common theme where people
have an NDE and then it

kind of opens up some latent
abilities that kind of evolve.

So it sounds like that's
what's happening to you.

You've got these new
abilities, sensory

abilities that are sort
of super normal, I guess.

And it sounds like they're
continuing to sort of expand

as well, since your NDE.

What had happened too is
I've become an empath,

was when I started talking
to people and stuff.

I've noticed I could
feel their pain.


I could feel the happiness.

I could tell whether
they were upset or, or

whether you're lying.

I just, it's, I can
feel who you are.

I can feel your
energy, your soul.


I didn't know what
it was for two years.

I was like, what
is going on here?

I don't understand
why I'm so emotional.

I could feel this person's
heartache and or happiness.

And I'm like, he took
me aside and he said,

you're an empath now.

And I'm like, I
didn't ask for that.

And he said, well, God
gave it to you whether

you wanted it or not now.

So I was just like, it took
me a long time to, to adjust

to that because , there's
a lot of emotion out there.

I can feel you.

And I'm not talking just,
people sitting next to me.

I could, you know, through
a Zoom or, or whatever.

And it was really hard for me
to get under control because

like I said, it's just a
lot of emotions that I feel.

And it's, some of 'em are
just utter heartbreak.


But, so I know how to handle
it now and it 's like I said,

once your third eye gets
opened up, unless you really,

really force it to close.

And I don't, cuz I ask
God every day, I want

more, I want more.

And more and more
just keeps coming.

So I wake up every day and
people, how do you know that?

I'm like, I just know.

It's just there.

I wake up a different
person every day almost.

That took a while to get
used to cuz I might be saying

something, I'm like, huh?


It's just like, I just know.

It's just like, how do you
know you're breathing air?

You would tell him,
you just know, right?

You're just
breathing air, right?

Prove it.

You can't.

You just know.

So, yeah, so much is happening
and it's gonna continue

to happen and I'm moving
upward and upward and more

and more positive things.

So, I can just
say I'm blessed.

I am truly blessed.

He changed my life by
answering the door.

When I called out to him,
he answered the door.

I have been forever changed.

And , father or God, he's
the first in my life.

He comes before me.

He comes before my
children or anybody.

It's the first thing I
say in the morning is,

good morning, father.

And the last thing
I say before I go to

bed, goodnight father.

I love you.

And I'm blessed, truly no
matter what situation I

am going through, because
I know it's not real.

It's just something
I needed to learn.

It's something I chose
to do, and when you look

at it in that aspect,
it's really not that bad.

Yeah, it's a good
way to think.

Good way to be.


I guess some of what the
earliest interview I've

seen with you is maybe
like six months ago, but

there's quite a difference.

Like I can see you're a
lot healthier just, in

your general appearance.

You mentioned something
about how you didn't really

kind of look after yourself.

Is that something
else that's changed?

Well, what I did was,
cuz I was, it, it took

a toll on my body.

What I went through.

Drowning, losing
all that weight.

When I got out, I
was basically a 50

year old invalid.

I couldn't walk, I couldn't
talk, I couldn't eat.

I had to teach myself how
to walk, talk, and eat.

I just began to eat healthy.

Like I said, tomorrow's
not guaranteed.

You don't know whether you're
gonna wake up tomorrow.

And when I tell people
this, I'm like, I need you

to look at it this way.

God's not waking you up
tomorrow because he needs

you to take another breath.


He doesn't.

God's waking you up
tomorrow because somebody

out there needs you.

They're depending on you
to meet their contract.


He's not waking you up
just to say, hey, well

you get another day today.


He's waking you up because
somebody out there needs you.

Maybe a couple other
people need you, okay?

So I began to, to eat
healthy, drink more water.

I live in Wisconsin,
so it's like eight

months of winter here.

So I try and get as much
exercise as I can now.

I know it's gonna sound
cliche and weird, but,

my life isn't my own.

Yes, I created it, but, people
are out there dependent on me.

Not just my children.

This interview could be part
of, could be part of it.

I'm helping you out to
get mm, something you

asked me to do for you.

We just don't remember.

So when I look at it that
way, I look at it as I don't

have the right to short
somebody of their mission

here on earth for them
to do what they gotta do.

So when my time's up, my
time's up, but I wanna be

there for that person or
people that ask me to do these

things for them, or support
them or do whatever for them.

So I've begun to become
healthier, so to speak.

So I can make sure
that I get those things

accomplished for them.

Because it's not about
you here, really.

Yeah, it's your life.

But, there's a lot of
interactions and things

you've done in your life
that are for a reason.

You may not know
what they are.

A lot of other people
are depending on you.

And you're depending
on them too.

We're all just forgetful
of the dream right now.

That's why I tell
people, don't become so

immersed in the dream.

Wake up.

I'm here to wake people up.

There's so much more that
you need to know that it's

not about the car, it's not
about materialism, not about

money, it's not about this.

It's that smile when you walk
into the grocery store at work

and say, hey, good morning.

How are you?.

Because you don't know
whether that person's ready

to commit suicide or not.

And that simple smile,
that simple hello, may have

changed their entire world
and they're gonna pass that

beautiful happiness on.

It's the ripple effect.

They're gonna say,
wow, and they're gonna

say, good morning.

And then, you just don't
know what that simple

smile did to somebody.

And it may seem like just a
simple smile to you, but it

may have saved their life.

You don't know what
they're going through.

So their child may
have died yesterday.


And that simple,
hello, good morning.

A simple smile, and it's free.

Didn't cost you anything.

Love one another.

Jesus said it a million
times during his life here.

Love one another.


We are love.

So yeah, a lot of
things have changed.


Well I'm so very grateful.

Thank you very much for the
time that you've provided.

And there's always a first
and, well, you are my first

in this particular part
of my life journey, so

I'm very, very beautiful.


Thank you.

Thank you for having me.

Appreciate it.

And I'm glad to hear that
things are going well and,

and it sounds like things
are really looking up for

you as far as your job
and other things as well.

So, yeah, I'm interested to
hear about how that develops.

Yeah, it's, it, it's going
so, I'm going through

a change right now and
people could say, well,

get real lost in it.

They're like, you worried?

They go?

Not in the least.


Everything's already
taken care of.

When you live without
fear like that,

it's just beautiful.


You don't get caught
in the details.

You just, just live
it, live your life.

And that's what I'm doing?

And all these beautiful,
wonderful things are going on.

So anyway, God
bless you, brother.

Thank you for having me on.

Yeah, me too.

I'll be in touch once
we've done the edit and

once we get it online.


All thank you.

Thanks brother.

Have good one.

Yep, you too buddy.

See you then.


Conversations with Archangel Michael: One Man's Life After an NDE
Broadcast by