5 Surprising Signs You've Chosen Your Life Challenges (Tough Love From The Afterlife) - Jason Janas

So my name's Jason Janas.

I'm going to be 53 this April.

My near-death experience
happened in 2020.

I was Catholic.

My whole life went through
the sacraments, went

through the whole thing.

A firm believer in
the Bible back then.

A firm believer in heaven
and hell, God and the

devil and all of that.

From a very early age going
through the sacraments and

going to church, I just
felt like something wasn't

right, something was wrong.

It never sat right with me.

I always felt like I
wasn't good enough.

I was like, why is God
waiting up there just to

send me to hell because
I keep messing up.

Reading the Bible, especially
the Old Testament, there's

nothing good in it, really.

It's mean, it's vindictive,
it's just, scary.

And I'm like, I'm just
not gonna go anymore.

So as a young kid, I just
quit going to church.

I just saw no point in it.

I'm like, if I'm gonna
burn in hell, then, I

guess that's where I go.

I don't know.

Then why did you even bring
me down here was my questions.

I grew up in a very abusive
household, so I don't want

to go into it too much,
but it wasn't that great.

So, I always think as things
like that go down, it's like,

why do you hate me so much?

Why aren't you helping me?

If you're all of this love
and all of this, then why

aren't you helping me?

Why am I getting beat?

Why am I having to protect
my sister from this stuff?

And so I quit having a
relationship with God.

So this is like
1978, probably 79.

I was like eight or nine.

So I quit going to church,
quit having a relationship,

quit talking to him.

Never prayed,
never did anything.

So now, I kind of went through
life as a very angry man,

teenager and all that stuff,

and still never prayed,
never went to church, never

had a relationship with him.

Just kind of abandoned
him and, and Jesus.

So now we're gonna
fast forward.

Now it's April 2nd 2020.

Pandemic starts.

I was feeling kind
of tired that day.

I came home from work, sat
down, started eating dinner.

I started coughing up blood.

It got real hard to breathe
to the point of where it

was almost nonexistent.

And I had made a frantic
phone call to someone cuz I

didn't know what else to do.

The next thing, I know, I
wake up in, in the I C U,

I've got a tube in my
throat, my hands and feet

are strapped to the bed.

IV in my neck,
stuff in my nose.

Doctors and nurses, who
you are, what's going on?

And I'm like...

but from the time I awoke, I
had turned to the left, up in

the left and I had a big room.

My IC room was big.

I mean, way off to the left
was a nice, like waiting area.

Lots of chairs and
stuff like that.

But up in the corner
of there, was a tv.

Someone was standing
there, someone was there.

As clear as day.

I couldn't physically see
it, but I could feel it.

Like just breathing air.

So I'm just staring at this..

at the tv.

I couldn't talk, I had no
idea what was going on.

And I was in that ICU room
for a month and that entire

time, up on the left,
that presence was there.

Unmistakable, and I
was just drawn to it.

I just wanted to get as
close as I could to it.

And, it had never left.

It never moved, it
never did anything.

It just stayed right there.

So lo and behold, I get
better, and at the end of the

month I'm off the ventilator.

The IVs out, can
breathe on my own.

They had stopped
the blood flow.

COVID had caused tumors
to, to rupture in my lungs,

so I was, I just basically
drowned in my own blood.

They pumped out
12 cups of blood.

But the entire time, so I'm
still staring at the tv.

I'm lethargic.

I lost 75 pounds.

No one happened to be in
the room at that time.

It had to be, well,
I'd say a spring day,

so it was, maybe 4:30.

Beautiful, beautiful,
sunny day out.

And I just cried out to God.

I mean, I was, I was
talking to the tv.

I must have looked like I was
nuts, but got on my elbows

and I was trying to talk.

I couldn't, so I was
begging him not to die.

Very emotional.

I am sobbing uncontrollably.

I mean, when you come that
close to death and actually

do, it puts your life
into a big perspective.

How insignificant and how
quickly your life can change

within a matter of minutes.

From being okay to
physically dying.

So I called out to him.

And now I hadn't called out
to God in over 42 years.

And I called out to him.

Please don't let me die.

Please, please
don't let me die.

Emotional, I'm crying.

I'm sorry for abandoning you.

I'm sorry for
abandoning Jesus.

Please forgive me.

I love you both
with all my heart.

I said, please don't take
my daughters away from me.

Please let me see
my kids, please.

I love them with all my heart.

And I kept going

and there was somebody special
in my life that I said,

please don't take her from me.

I wanna hold her
hand, I wanna hug her.

I want, I want
a life with her.

And it was in that moment
that everything stopped.

Now, if you can imagine,
just the thought coming

into your head about
turning on a light switch.

Before you could even
get done with that.

I could see
everything around me.

There was no more pain.

I was out of my body.

I could see the trees
soul, the grasses soul,

the colors that I was
seeing did not exist.

They simply don't exist.

They were the most
beautiful colors.

I could see every blade of
grass moving independently.

Like I could see the
veins in the grass.

I could see everything
around the ICU room

instantly behind me.

And that all took place

before you could think of
turning on the light switch.

That's how quickly
it happened.

So when I describe that
moment to you, that's

how quickly it happened.

And I, as I'm out of
my body and I'm still

staring at the tv,

I'm young again.

I mean, I felt like I was
maybe 18, 20, 21 years

old and invigorated,

like somebody had plugged
me into the universe's

battery and I I was
like, no pain existed.

And I was enveloped in this
unconditional love and light.

And when I say unconditional,
there's simply no words

to describe the love
that flowed through me.

It was like being placed
in the middle of a

deep river, sort of the
water moving around you.

This water, this love
flowed through every

part of my being.


It was as warm as the sun.

And in that moment I spoke
and I, well, it was a

thought and I said, I'm home.

And a place it seemed
so familiar, I was

there before many, many
times and I knew it.

I, I said, I'm home.

And as I'm looking at the,
at the grass and the trees

and, and everything I said,
again, it was a thought.

I said, what a
beautiful day to die.

Like once again that I,
that I had done it before.

And it was all so familiar.

It was home.

I was literally home and
I was just there above

my body, just enjoying

and I know who was
in front of me.

It was father, it was God.

I was embraced.

As he was holding me, I
began to feel unworthy

and because of the,
the choices that I

had made in my life

and the things that I've
said and done to, to other

people, and, all of that.

I wasn't really
a, a nice person.

I felt guilty and ashamed that
I shouldn't have been there.

And the more unworthy
I felt, the more love

that was given to me.

And the more, the
more ashamed I felt,

the more love he gave me.

And it just, I was
just embraced and held

in, in God's arms.

And I was like, okay.

I knew then that I, that
I had done nothing wrong.


And in that moment then, then

Jesus showed up.

So I'm now, I was, my stare
was to the left and then it

went just straight in front
of me, like 12 o'clock.

And I felt his
presence show up.

And it was more love.

There was so much love and the
only way to describe it in a

human form would be stifling.

Like somebody cover up your
mouth and cover up your nose.


It was so much love, and I
was just engulfed and embraced

in unconditional love.

And it was simply the most
profound and beautiful

experience I had ever
experienced here because,

my NDE was more of a even
though I did die, that's

not when my NDE occurred.

Mine was more like a oh,
what do you want to call it?

Divine intervention.

Like I was calling out
to God, I was like,

please God, please,
please don't let me die.

And he answered the door.

He answered the door
and let me come home

and said, I'm here.

I am, I'm here.

And that moment has
profoundly changed my life.

I don't even want to say
it, but I'm gonna say it.

I left Christianity because
everything I thought that

Christianity was, was
proven wrong in that moment.

God doesn't care about
your religion, religion

to God and to, let's say
heaven or home or Jesus is

meaningless and pointless.

He doesn't care.

God wants a
relationship with you.

Talk to him.

He doesn't need you on your
hands and knees praying.

He doesn't need you doing
anything other than having

a simple conversation like
you and I are right now.

That's it.

That's all that
matters to him.

That there is no
right or wrong.

There is no good or bad.

This is simply a dream.

This is the matrix.

We chose our life,
we chose our parents.

We chose the things that
we want to accomplish

in this, on this earth.

Whether it's being married,
having children, getting

a house, getting a college
education, whatever.

Now we said, well, where
does free will fit in?

Free will fits in on how
you want to get to those

points in your life.

When you wanna go off do
you wanna do it right away

and be the good little
boy and girl and go there?

Or do you wanna go for
a half a month and then,

zig-zag back and forth.

But eventually you're gonna
get your degree, eventually

you're gonna get married.

Eventually you're gonna
buy the house, right?

So how you get there,
that's your choice.

How you interact with
everybody, it's your choice.

And you've just, you've
created your life.

So when somebody says,
no, it's God's will,

it's not God's will.

He's just allowing
you to live your life

the way you chose it.

And when I was shown
that, when I was given

that information, it just
proved everything that I

ever thought to believe
in this world wrong.

It was like, I
did nothing wrong.

When I came back, it was like,
I want you to talk about me.

I want you to let everybody
know that I'm here, that

you're all okay, that
you are loved, you are

seen, you are heard.

I hear all of you.

You are not alone
ever in your life.

No matter what you are
going through, how horrific

or how happy or whatever,
father is going through

it right there with you.

You are not ever alone.

And that, that has become
so comforting to me.

That I have begun and I
truly have begun to live

without fear, because
fear does not exist.

You create the fear.

If you wanna live in whatever
accident happened to you or

whatever, you went through,
and you wanna live in that

fear and become depressed
and all, that's your choice.

That's your free will.

But it doesn't exist.

It's only up here.

God is love and anything that
is not of that pushes you

further away from Father.

And he's gonna allow
that to happen because

it's your free will.

So I've truly begun to
live my life the way

it's meant to to be.

He wants you to
live your life.

Live it, okay?

Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

So, you will have regrets.

And that's on you.

That's not on Father.

That's not on God.

Live your life.

Don't live it out of fear.

If you want to go do
something, go do it.

No right or wrong,
no good or bad.

And now I've begun to live
my life that way, and I

realize that I have no
longer become materialistic.

I have no love of
money, no need of it.

Anything materialistic,
I really don't

care about anymore.

I sold most of my stuff in
my house or my apartment.

I just don't want it.

I have no need for it.

I live very, very simply
because as I said earlier,

that none of this is real.

This is the matrix.

This is the dream.

We are, we are all still
at home with God, with

Father, with Jesus.

This is simply an avatar
that we're in, that your

parents created and you
now inhabit this avatar.

And I had no love of my body
at all when I left it, none.

I had, didn't care about it.

I didn't care about anything
because at that moment,

like I said, when everything
happened to me, I knew also

that everything was exactly
what was supposed to be

taking place in this world.

Where my children, where
were my grandchildren were,

where Covid was taking place.

Everything that was
going on was meant to be

going on at that moment.

We were all right where we
needed to be, and it was

such a comforting thought.

And I live my life now.

There's nothing
to get me angry.

There's nothing to get me
upset or worry about because,

when you wake up and
realize that it's just a

dream, it's just easy to
get along in life because

when you're going to work
that none of this is real.

This is just, just a game.

And it's just, I've learned
to play the game now, so,

when I talk about my NDE,
the biggest thing I want

people to come away with is
that one, you're never alone.

Don't for one minute think
that you are alone just

because you're alone in
the house or, or whatever.

You are surrounded by
unconditional love,

and you are love.

You are love.

You are light, and
you are energy.

That is all you are.

You are created from God,
therefore you are a God.

So when Jesus said
that in the Bible, in

Proverbs, I do believe.

And when Jesus said, I and
the Father are one, that means

you and the father are one.

If you and the Father
are one, what is Father?


Well, God created
a miniature God.

You are not the God,
but you are a God.

So it's just an amazing
realization that I've come to.

I've had another out
of body experience.

Going on, it was last year.

I was coming outta
bed and I was kind of

emotional that day.

And I was like, why
did you leave me?

And now here me complaining
about having the most

wonderful thing in my life and
now I'm complaining about it.

So I said: Hey, why did you
keep me in the hospital?

Why couldn't I
really come home?

Everybody gets to go home
and you, you, I floating

here on the, in the top
of the ceiling here.

And I, I'm like,
why couldn't I go?

So I come from my bed.

I was doing a couple things,
and I laid down on the couch

and I was instantly pulled
out of my body instantly.

I mean, I entered the void.

And when they mean the
void, it is utterly

void of anything,
light, sound, anything.

And I began to travel through
this completely pitch dark

tunnel at a very fast speed.

I would say almost at
the speed of light.

And I kept just traveling
through it, and I'm talking

off in the distance.

Again, I don't know, there
was no sense of time in the

first NDE in the hospital.

And again, no sense of time.

I, I don't know if I was
in there for 30 seconds

or 30 hours, don't know.

But often the distance
was like the tip of a

pin of light in just
this utter void of black.

And then light began to come
through the tunnel, and I felt

the unconditional love again.

And then it dawned on
me, I'm going home.

I was like, he's,
he's listening to me.

I was just so happy.

The love was flowing
through me again, and the

light kept getting closer
and closer until it just

encompassed everything.

And it's the most beautiful
white, it's pure, just

unfiltered, beautiful white.

And I mean, I got so close to
it that, I mean my nose hairs

were just about to touch it.

And then I was back into
my body and I'm like, I

got a big smile on my face.

And again, it was just
validation that, Father.

God, he's listening.

He hears you.

Everything you say to
him, he's hearing and

feeling and seeing.

Had I crossed into that light,
had I crossed that threshold,

this body would've died.

I was home.

There's no coming back.

I'm still, I still
have things to do here.

I know what they are now
cuz I'm doing it with

you and everybody else.

And I'm in the process
of writing a book, but

we're getting there.

It's, it's complex.

And then this last November
I had a visitor at work,

and this last Saturday
I had the same visitor.

So I'm at work, it's
5:30 in the morning.

Nobody's there yet.

And I'm doing something,
out of nowhere,

this person appears.

I mean literally out
of nowhere cuz it

was a long corridor.

And I was in the section
with two locked doors.

I grabbed stuff and
he was standing there.

I was taken back.

I'm like where
did you come from?

, I'm thinking in my head is
like, where did you come from?

There's no one here yet.

He said, well, I'm just here
to clean, you know, I need to

go in the bathroom clean off.

And so I go in the bathroom
and I follow him and

he's just smiling.

I mean like just smiling
like you are right now.

He's just smiling and he had
this like glow around him.

He was just so happy.

And I started to feel this.

We were connecting, so I was
feeling a lot of love from.

Because I've become an
empath so I can really

feel people's souls now.

And I was really
feeling a lot of love.

So we just started talking
and I started talking about my

NDE and about father and love.

And he just put his head
back and just smiled.

This went on for
20 minutes or so.

And, he says, well..

He goes, Jason right?,

I didn't meet, I didn't
give him in my name.

And I said yes.

And he put his hand out,
and he shook my hand.

He says, Jason, it
was a pleasure to meet

you and his strength.

I'm telling you, when
he squeezed my hand, he

could have pulverized it
and turned it into dust.

I mean, it was non-human.

The strength was unbelievable.

And he started to walk
away and he stopped and he

looked over his shoulder.

He says, Jason, I'll
see you again soon.

I, I didn't know
what to think.

I didn't, I was stunned.

So I grabbed my stuff
and I went to, cause

I didn't get his name.

So I went to go out,
get out the door.

He walked, hey, he was out
the door maybe three seconds.

So I walked out the door.

No one.

Gone, no smell, no sound, no
sight, nothing, just gone.

And I'm like, I, I
need to go sit down.

This is really bizarre.

And so I went and sat down
for like an hour and I'm like,

I was trying to process it.

He knew everything about me
and I knew nothing about him.

So I, I'm, I'm sitting
there processing for a

couple weeks and then I
realized, I saw, and I was

just going through some
NDEs and someone had showed

a picture of Archangel
Michael, and that was him.

His, his whole
face, everything.

He didn't have the long
hair and stuff like that.

It was just short, brown.

Brown hair, beard, short hair.

But that's exactly who it was.

And I was like, what
is Archangel Michael

talking to me for?

I mean, what's go,
what's going on?

So now fast forward,
that was last November.

So now this last Saturday I
was out with my girlfriend.

We had come out of a sushi
place and there was maybe a

half a dozen cars out there,

but right next to my Jeep
was this homeless guy.

He had a cane and just
wearing a ratty coat,

ratty baseball cap.

Same style beard,
but red hair.

So it was red beard, red hair.

And again, again, it
didn't dawn on me.

And he goes, hi.

And he was smiling again.

He says, can we talk?

And I'm like, okay, sure.

And we just started talking
and he said some things to my

girlfriend that terrified her.

She's like, there's no
way he could have known

these things, none.

And she's like, I wanna go.

Can I?

Yeah, go sit in the car.

She took off, ran and sat
in the car, locked the door.

So I'm sitting out there
talking to him and he's

just saying things to me,
very personal things that

no one else could know.

And he, he mentioned,
he goes, really it's

all about the love.

And he, he gave me a fist
bump and his skin was so cold.

Like there wasn't, it
was just cold, clammy.

It's just, so I was like,
man, it's really weird.

And I said, I said, yeah,
really, it is about the love.

We are to love one another.

And I said, I had an N D E.

And he goes, I know you did.

And I'm like, okay.

All right.

Something's going on.

And he says, you mind
giving me a, you know,

walking down here?

And I, I said, sure.

And I told her I was
gonna go take him for

a walk and help him.

He stood up.

No problem.

And for a bum you would think,
he'd be all dirty, ratty.

His shoes were brand new.

They weren't dirty.

His pants weren't dirty.

Coat wasn't dirty.

And he's starting to walk.

He doesn't need the cane.

So we're walking and he,
he was saying some things

that were going to happen.

And he says, money is
coming your way, basically.

And he said, it
was a lot of money.

And I'm like, wow.

And he says, oh, I forgot
you're Jason, right?

And I was like.

And it still didn't
dawn on me who he was.

And I, I was like, yeah.


And he says, so are you
willing to relocate?

And I'm like, to where?

I mean, where do
you want me to go?

And he says, like Sacramento
or something like that,

somewhere out there.

And I go, sure, yeah.

And he goes, beautiful.

We get in there, we're
starting to walk in,

get in the restaurant.

He goes: you'll
hear from me soon.

And I then, as I was driving
while I got him in there,

he shook my hand again.

He says, Jason, it was
nice to see you again.

I'm not thinking in the
way he's talking because

I'm still in shock about
what's taken place.

And I left him.

I put my hand on his, on
his shoulder and I said,

it's been a pleasure, please
take care of yourself.

And he said, I'll
see you soon.

And I'm walking out and
driving away and I'm like,

really tired all of a sudden.

And I'm like, that was
just, that's weird.

Nobody, there's no way he
could have known these things.

So we're driving back and
she, my girlfriend, was

like, what was that about?

And I just looked to
her and I said, that

was Arch Angel Michael.

I said, and that's
the second time.

I showed her a picture of him.

She goes, I knew
it wasn't a bum.

How could he know
those things about me?

I said, come on now.

I said, that's, that's
the way it rolls.

And it's, but why us,
and why you so much?

And I said, something
big's going down.

And I told her, that
there was changes coming,

that I can feel it.

I said, I just can't place it.

I said, one of 'em, I was
gonna find a really good,

healthy relationship.

That's you.

That money is coming, and
clearly significant amounts

of it are coming now and
that we're gonna have a, a

nice home and and family.

And he, because he said,

he said, financially, we're
really struggling, aren't we?

And I said, I am.

And he says, Okay.

Not for long.

I was just, it was so bizarre
because we had just walked

in to go get some sushi.

We may be in there for
40, 45 minutes and out

of all the cars could
have sat by any place.

But he was right next to my
car, knowing I'm in there

waiting for me to come out.

It just freaked her out.

So all of these things are
happening right now to me

and being in a wakened state
and having that third eye

open and can feel things
and it's just, I just

live life differently.

So that event in that hospital
profoundly changed my life.

I know who we are, I
know what we are now.

I know what's important,
what's not important, and

the only thing that really
matters and the only thing

that is gonna continue
throughout time is love.

Love is what makes
the universe grow.

All of our love, we
are all the same.

We are all one.

There's nobody on this
earth, past or present

that was not the same.

We are all tied together.

If you can imagine like
a spiderweb, just one

little strand, all of us
are connected that way.

We are all one.

No one is better than anybody
else, and that's that.

And the only thing that
matters on this earth is love.

That's it.

That's what we are.

And, we all came here
to experience and

do different things.

That's it.

This, we just came
to the playground.

The earth is a school.

When we come here,
all we know is love.

We don't know what getting
slapped, punched, getting

shot, getting whatever it is
that you want to experience.


So when we come here, we
come here with that prefaces.

So we come to father
with our plan.

I'm gonna try this, this
is, and he might even

say, that's gonna be hard.

I know I can do it.

Now we come here and then
we get the umbilical cord

cut off, and now we're
like, I didn't deserve that.

Why did, why did
that happen to me?

Well, it happened to you
because that's what you chose.

It's like you going
into a grocery store.


And how many people do you
talk to in the grocery store

when you're out shopping?


Except you might
talk to the cashier.


Are you striking up any
real in-depth conversations?


Your timelines aren't
meant to cross.

They're not meant
to be in your life.

The people that are in your
life are meant to be there.

You chose and they
chose for your timelines

to merge and cross.

That's it.

Other than that, they're not
meant to be in your life.

So when I say to people,
well, I didn't deserve this.

Well, you deserve had
nothing to do with it.

It's just what you chose?

So, and I wouldn't
choose that.

Well, you're, you're
thinking with a linear

mind and a physical mind.

When you choose these
things, you've asked your

friends to do these, you've
asked soulmates to do these

things to you or be rough
to you, be mean to you.

There's always been somebody
in your life that has

just been hard on you,
that just won't let up.

It's because you ask them to.

Everything that you go
through here, whether

it's challenging or not so
challenging is for a reason.

It's a lesson.

There's a lesson that you
have to learn out of that.

And if you don't face that
lesson, it's gonna keep

getting harder and harder
and harder and harder.

Until you meet that challenge
and you face it and you do it.

No matter what the outcome
is, it's gonna be there.

And if you don't finish it in
this life, then when you come

into the next life, you will.

Because all your timelines are
playing out all at once right

now in multiple universes,
in multiple time dimensions.

Past lives, your life
right now and your future

lives are all playing out
simultaneously right now.

So you're in different
universes, different galaxies,

different time dimensions,
and you're all living your

lives right now, all at once.

So it's, it's really
a beautiful thing.

As I tell people, we're in
the biggest love story ever.

We just don't remember it.

And we choose to forget when
we come down here is God

not taking it away from us.

We choose to forget it
because if we didn't,

we would look at what we
gotta face and go, oh, no way.

No way.


That ain't gonna happen, . No.

So we choose to forget,
so we can go through

these experiences because
that's how we grow.

That's how our soul,
our spirit grows through

these experiences.

And that's eventually what
we're trying to do is become

an ascended master like
Jesus did when he was here,

or Yeshua I should say.

When Yeshua was here, he
became an ascended master

so he could heal people,
he could, raise the dead.

All these things
we can do too.

We just can't do it right now
because we haven't reached

that ascended master stage.

And all my knowledge
that I gained when I

transitioned out of my
body, God didn't gimme that.

I merged with my true self,
who I am back at home.

I just merged with
who I was and I knew

instantly where I was.

I'm home.

So yeah, there's just so
much to go through and , it

just seems like there's
just not enough time.

To ever get through it all
because, we're all growing,

we're all learning, we're
all doing what we need to do.

And then, when we fulfill our
contract, well, you go home.

And it's simply the most
beautiful transition

you will ever see.

But you're just not around
that to tell anybody about it.

And your loved ones
are always close by.

They're just in a
different dimension.

We can't see or hear them
because we're not meant to.

Once we gain that knowledge
and, transition to the

other side, everything is
right there and available.

So, yeah, it's a
beautiful thing.

Beautiful thing.

5 Surprising Signs You've Chosen Your Life Challenges (Tough Love From The Afterlife) - Jason Janas
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