UC14: Paralyzed and Helpless: The Night I Spent With the Holy Spirit During My Near-Death Experience

And the windows started
shaking again and my heart

started beating and the
palpitation, and then it

got harder and harder.

And this time it
became harder.

I literally thought, my
heart is gonna explode.

Hi everyone, it's Rod,
the channel creator.

I just wanna let you
know that today's episode

contains a description
of a sexual assault.

Now, we don't go into very
much detail at all, but if

that kind of thing makes you
feel uncomfortable, then you

might just wanna skip all of
minute 36 of this interview.

And with that said,
I really hope you

enjoyed today's episode.

My guest today is Ana
Christina, who had a near

death experience around
14 years ago, and she'll

be sharing with us the
details of that today.

Ana, welcome and thank you so
much for coming on the show.

Hi Rod.

Thank you for having me.

All right.

Well I'm looking forward
to hearing your story

cuz it's way different.

I've had a lot of near
death experiencers on the

channel, but yours is way
different than any other

that I've had, so I'm not
gonna give anything away.

Would you give us a little
bit of background on your life

up to the day of your NDE and
then we can go from there.

Okay, so I'm born in
Alexandria, Egypt.

And we migrated with my
family at the age of seven.

I was born to a Coptic
Christian family and we went

to Canada because my younger
brother Steve was born special

needs, so we wanted to get him
better medical care in Canada.

At the age of about 10, my
father decided to bring us

back to Egypt for the few
years so we can learn our

culture and not forget it.

When I was in school by
the age of like 13, 14,

I was having trouble
with the Arabic language.

So my father hired Sam,
a tutor that helped me

in geography and history,
which were taught in Arabic.

And and that was
really helpful.

It didn't take long.

Actually I was only 14
and we fell in love.

And then right after my father
sent us back to Canada to

continue life in Canada, so
I stayed connected with Sam.

We wrote letters, and
every time I went to

Egypt, we would meet up
behind my parents back.

In Egypt, you're not
allowed to date until

you're married, so it's
very conservative family.

And then by the age of 20
we wanted to get married.

So Sam asked for my
hand from my dad.

Dad really liked Sam but Dad
said over my dead body, and he

was adamant about it because
Sam was Muslim, and as I

said, I was Coptic Christian.

And we don't mix in Egypt.

That's just a no-no.

So we tried and I thought
by living in Canada, dad

would agree and no one would
know us and all that stuff.

And he said no.

So I learned that I had to
go back and just move on and

forget about Sam, which I did.

About five years later, I was
in California and I met Paul,

and Paul became my husband.

And it didn't take long after
the honeymoon to find out that

Paul was a typical narcissist.

Back then narcissist was
not a part of my vocabulary.

We didn't have internet,
didn't know what was going

on, did not know that
it's a character disorder.

And It doesn't,
you don't change.

But I struggled with
Paul for about 13 years

where, he was selfish
beyond, you can find, the

definition of a narcissist.

And I think in Wikipedia, and
I keep saying you'll find his

name there in the beginning,
that's how bad he was.

But it was difficult
to try to leave Paul.

First I had two children.

I had Colleen and I
had Andrew, which was

the best thing that
happened in the marriage.

But Paul threatened to,
to kill me if I left him.

He once threatened that if
I hired a divorce lawyer,

he would hire a sniper.

Another time he threatened to
slit my throat and write on

the wall what a whore I was.

So the kids would grow up
knowing what their mom is.

So he was that kind
of obsessed with me.

But after 13 years, I
was lucky to find a good

lawyer, got me a restraining
order, and Paul was removed

from the house and I just
wanted to just taking

care of my children.

And then I receive a call
out of nowhere from Sam.

The guy I left.

It was about 25 years
we hadn't connected,

and he found me.

And at that time I had just
become a born again Christian.

So I never thought, I didn't
think about communicating,

like seeing him again,
except over the phone.

And then until six months
later, I went to Egypt

and we met up I thought
my heart was guarded and I

would never disappoint Jesus
by falling in love with a

Muslim again, which I did.

And at that time
I couldn't resist.

It was hard after so
many years living with

a very cold individual.

Sam was a very, I found
him to be very kind and a

listener and everything I
was looking for in a man.

I was astonished.

I didn't remember that's how
he was when I was younger,

but that's what he was.

And we, it didn't take long.

And we got married.

We did get married in a
church, but nonetheless,

he was a Muslim.

He wasn't a practicing Muslim.

We would go to Cal
Church together.

He would read me the
Bible when I'm stressed,

so it wasn't like,
I became a Muslim.

I just continued living in
close relationship with Christ

and Sam came along with it.

I was the breadwinner.

Sam couldn't get a job,
a decent job in Canada

in the States due to
his language barrier.

So I worked as an executive,
as a chief financial officer,

and Sam took care of the
house and everything else.

Over time there were
became flags and signs

that I saw that something
was off and something

was wrong and I needed to
get out of the marriage.

It was about nine years.

And I don't wanna go into
that cuz there's just

so much that happened.

But I was able to talk with
Sam and convince him that

we need a divorce and we
would do an amicable divorce.

After the ugly divorce
with Paul, I didn't wanna

go through another ugly
divorce, so Sam agreed we

filed a divorce, but he
asked me to stay in the

house for three weeks,
until he finds something

some other place to go to.

So that's the
background for my NDE.

I know it's a lot.

it's a, it is a lot
of years, isn't it?



All right, well, let's go
from the day of the NDE

and what happened then.

Okay, so it didn't take
long after we filed an

amicable divorce about a
few days, and I started

waking up feeling aches
and pain all over my body.

The worst part
was the headache.

The headaches was so bad
that I couldn't blink.

That's how bad it was.

The blinking was
really painful.

I just sat on the couch
trying not to move my head.

And then finally, Sam agreed
to take me to urgent care

to see what's going on.

At urgent care they
didn't do much.

No blood tests, nothing.

They assumed I'm coming
down with the flu.

And they told me to
go home and just rest.

They gave me painkillers
and sent me away.

The painkillers helped the
aching and I was able to

go to work and function
again to a certain degree

with the pain medicine.

It was year end and as
a cfo there was just so

much to do at the office.

So on January 8th, 2009, I
was driving to the office

early in the morning
and I saw a vision.

Now I don't see visions.

I've never seen a
vision in my whole life.

And here I am driving on the
five freeway going north.

And this vision showed
my family members

and there was death.

Somebody had died.

And right away I assumed
it was Steve, my younger

brother, who we were always
told he's not gonna live

too long, past 35 years.

So because a couple of years
before that, I had a bad

experience losing my mom
and not having, not taking

the time to go see her.

I had a project at the
office and I had to finish

a computer conversion.

And by the time I finished and
was going to see her, she had

fallen into a coma and passed.

That was the biggest
regret of my life.

So this time I felt God was
warning me and he's just,

So that I don't go through
what I had just gone through.

And he's giving me a
warning that Steven

is, that Steve is sick.

So I went to the office,
I told them that I need to

go and travel right away
that my brother is ill.

And I called Sam and
I told him that I was

going to leave that was
a Friday and I was gonna

leave Saturday or Sunday.

He said, okay, he'll be there
in the house till I come back.

He asked that I would
leave Colleen at the house.

I said, no, Colleen
will go back to her dad.

And then I called the office
staff, everybody and I tried

to delegate and work out
things because I knew I was

leaving at a very bad time.

And in the middle of my
meeting with all of them,

I could feel my head.

The pain again in my head.

And I remember just sitting
down, sitting on my desk and

then holding my head just
so that it doesn't explode.

And as I did that and I
closed my eyes, I felt,

something I felt somebody
telling me leave everything,

stop thinking and go.

I just felt that message.

I don't know how I felt it,
I wasn't hearing a voice.

I just got that message
and right away, immediately

I dropped everything.

I told my staff that I have
to go now and most likely I'll

come back tomorrow, Saturday
and I'll leave Sunday.

And I left the office
right away, drove home.

And as I'm walking now
from the parking lot

going up to our flat.

Now I hear this voice and it's
revealed to me, and this time

there's a voice talking to me
and immediately I recognize

it's the Holy Spirit.

It wasn't like what
I felt in the office.

It was a clear voice as I'm
speaking to you right now.

And I don't know
how I recognized it

was the Holy Spirit.

He didn't say, I am the
holy, he didn't say that.

And I didn't relate
to the Holy Spirit.

I didn't understand the
Holy Spirit before then.

I was more connected to Jesus.

I knew about God the father,
but never got the Holy Spirit.

So I basically ignored the
Holy Spirit in my life.

So it was strange that
he started talking to

me and I recognized hi.

I recognized him right away,
and he did this motion to keep

my mouth shut, like I was not
supposed to reveal what he's

saying and the conversation
we're having, and I kept

on going, went upstairs.

Sam answered the door
and his first question

was, are you leaving
tomorrow or the day after?

And I looked at him and I
said, I can't think right now.

I will let you know tomorrow.

I need to rest today and
I'll let you know tomorrow.

And he said, okay, I'm
gonna prepare dinner.

Just go change.

And Colleen came from
her bedroom and said, hi

mom, how are you doing?

And I just kissed her,
hugged her, and she

ran back into her room.

She was a teenager
at that time.

They spent all the
time in their room.

And I changed, I came
out to the living area.

We had, there's the
kitchen and then the

living areas there.

And I stood at the kitchen
where there's a counter,

and behind me is a fridge.

And Sam had left a
plate for me where he

made me my favorite
dinner, which was rice.

And it's an Egyptian dish.

It's green bean casserole
with pieces of Fillet Mignon.

And I really love that meal.

And I looked at it.

I had no appetite to eat
something with so much sauce.

It's with the tomato sauce.

So I removed the beans
and I was left with the

rice on the plate, and I'm
looking at the rice and I'm

contemplating, now how am
I going to even eat that?

I'm, without an appetite?

And it just looks so dry.

the Holy Spirit
said out of nowhere.

He goes, child, turn
around, open the fridge

and get the plain yogurt
and put it on your rice.

And I'm just standing
there with the plate and

I'm going, come again.

Like you care about that
little, you care about

the yogurt on my rice.

And his response was,
child, every little

detail of your life.

When he said that I was
taken it I felt ashamed that

I was 48 at the time, and
for 48 years, I ignored him.

He's telling me he's in every
little detail of my life and I

didn't acknowledge him, didn't
even know anything about

him, and I felt so ashamed
that I missed out on him.

But I did what he said.

And this is actually, I
love rice and plain yogurt.

It's another way we
eat our rice in Egypt.

And I put the plain yogurt
and I went on the couch and I

sat there and I ate my whole
plate of rice with the yogurt.

And the Holy Spirit was just
chatting with me at the time

and what I remember, I just
don't remember the joke.

I remember he s he
made a joke, he had a

great sense of humor.

And I started giggling and
Sam looked at me and asked

me, did I stop at a bar
or did I stop for a drink?

He didn't understand.

Why am I sitting quietly
and I'm giggling to myself,

but I just ignored him
because I didn't wanna

break the conversation
with the sweet spirit.

I wish I remembered that joke.

I just, anyway, so right
after that It was time.

I finished my dinner, put,
got up, put my plate in the

sink, told Sam goodnight,
and I'm going to my bedroom.

Said goodnight to
Colleen, brushed my teeth.

And as I'm doing all of this,
I am in awe and confusion,

not understanding why the
Holy Spirit is speaking to me,

what is going on, but I'm just
following, but mess, like,

just not quite getting it.

And then I went into, I,
I laid down and I covered

myself and I'm lying there
wondering what is going on.

And he said, child,
it's not you.

It's not your brother.

It is you and Rod, no
one is ready to hear that

statement going to bed.

I remember as soon as he said
that, my heart dropped and it

was just so heavy on my chest.

I started tearing up thinking
of my daughter of Colleen

coming in the morning
to wake me up and she's

gonna find a dead body.

She's gonna find her mom dead.

That killed me.

I just I couldn't
cope with that.

It was just so hard to accept.

And and for Andrew as well.

And I couldn't get up to say,
to hug her for another time.

It's like when Spirit
of Death is on you,

you can't do anything.

It's too late.

It was like, it's me.

And the Holy Spirit sensed
the heaviness on my heart,

and he reminded me of a dream
I had several years prior,

like maybe three years prior.

And in that dream I was
walking, it was Colleen,

Andrew, and myself walking
along the meadows with Jesus.

And he's walking with
us and he had his arm

around Colleen and Andrew.

And they had, and me somehow.

And we each had our arm around
his waist and were laughing

and walking in that meadow.

And I do remember in
the morning when I woke

up and I don't usually
dream of Jesus like that.

That was a dream I
remember significantly.

that morning after the
dream, I was confused on how

did we all the three of us
walk and walk next to him

somehow and not tremble on
each other's feet, and he

made it clear that night
that I will be there with

them, but I am in spirit,
but he's got my children.

And as soon as he reminded
me of that and confirmed

that he's got them.

It lifted the heaviness
off of my chest.

It was like, it was okay.

It was okay to surrender
my children to him, and it

was okay for me to die at
this point, knowing that

he'll take care of them.

And I breathed again easily.

And I told him, okay,
what do I need to do?

And he said, relax child.

You are going on a journey
and you'll come back

and be my ambassador.

And as soon as he said
that, it was like, here,

a few minutes ago, I'm
prepping myself, I'm dying.

And then he says, it's a
journey and I'm gonna come

back to be his ambassador.

It was like I.


Like, this is great.

Okay, now what do
you want me to do?

And again, he goes,
I need you to relax.

I said, okay,
well, I'm relaxed.

He goes, no, no child.

You need to hold to be still
like, to stop thinking.

He actually used the
word stop thinking.

And it was weird to me because
I'm an analytical person and

my brain goes everywhere.

And it was so hard to stop
thinking, but I'm trying

and I'm go, I'm trying to
relax and I'm uptight, of

course not relaxing because
now I'm trying to not think

so hard couldn't figure
out did I stop thinking,

did I not stop thinking?

And he was such.

He was so patient with me.

I felt like he was
just gonna give up on

me or, slap me around.

But he was just so
patient until I finally

managed to relax and
and stopped thinking.

And when I got to that
point, he said, okay, now I

need you to shut your eyes.

And no matter what happens,
do not open your eyes, child.

And I said, okay.

He said no, this is important.

No matter what happens,
do not open your eyes.

And I said, okay.

So I shut my eyes and
immediately I could see, even

though my eyes were shut,
whether I could see or feel

this bright light that show
like it was in my whole room,

a light that was so powerful,
I couldn't, I've never seen

anything like it or feel
anything like it so bright.

But it wasn't just
a bright light.

There was a presence.

There was a presence.

What I felt was God,
the Father, it was like

a humongous presence.

It was just something
that it's hard to

describe in words.

And of course, I kept my
eyes shut because, you are

told to keep your eyes shut.

And then the window next
to me, there was a window.

The wall was here
with the window.

The window started shaking,
and it was like rattling,

and it felt like there's an
earthquake just in my bedroom.

And then my heart
started to palpitate

and it palpated slowly.

Like it started slowly, and
then it started to increase.

And it was going,
like, I could feel

it, it was like, boom.

And I, and that scared me.

And as soon as I got scared,
the whole process shut down.

My heart stopped palpitating.

The window stopped
rattling, but immediately

the light disappeared.

Like the light vanished and
the whole process shut down.

And I'm sitting there
and I'm going, shoot, I

screwed up my death and
it was like, no child.

This one you can't screw up.

And I'm just sitting
there feeling awful.

He goes, I just need
you to relax child,

I need you to relax.

You need to relax more.

And again, here, this whole
thing is happening and

he's so kind and sweet and
just coaching me slowly.

And he goes, I want you
to stop thinking again.

And I went back into that.

It was like a meditation
where you stop thinking.

And it was, again,
it was hard.

But I got to that point.

And then he softly
said, remember, do

not open your eyes.

You are to close your
eyes, but remember you

are not to open your eyes.

And I agreed.

And he said, do not open
your eyes, child, remember?

And I said, okay.

And I did shut my eyes and
then the light came again

and the presence of the power
of the Lord it was back.

And the windows started
shaking again and my heart

started beating and the
palpitation, and then it

got harder and harder.

And this time it
became harder.

I literally thought, my
heart is gonna explode.

Like I thought, okay, I'm
having a heart attack and

maybe that's how it happens.

But I wasn't afraid and I
didn't shut the process down.

I just was okay with it.

And I kept the process
going and then it stopped.

Everything stopped after a
while, and he said, the next

step child is an annoyance.

And I'm going, okay.

And he goes, it's
an annoyance child.

I need you to remember
only an annoyance.

I said, okay.

And right away I felt like,
like pain just came over me.

A wolf of pain, but
more in my legs.

I remember my legs.

The pain in my bones
was just so much.

It felt I always related
to somebody taking

a sledge hammer and
breaking your bones.

It was that strong.

And, but I'm feeling this
and he's comforting me,

and he's saying, child,
it's an annoyance child.

It will pass child.

It's only an annoyance.

And as he's saying this, the
pain is not as excruciating.

I'm focusing on him and what
he's saying in such a gentle

tone and just comforting me.

And I was able to concentrate
on him and not on my

legs and the pain that
was really happening.

And he kept
saying, it'll pass.

It'll pass.

Child annoyance, child.

And I hung in there, and
then the pain stopped.

And it was such a relief
when the pain stopped and

I didn't feel anything.

Anymore, but I didn't feel
anything to the point where

I literally couldn't feel
from my head to my toes.

I I was like numb.

I couldn't feel my body.

And I'm lying there and I'm
asking him, am I paralyzed?

And he said, I'm
sorry, child, you are.

And I'm going no.

Can I move my legs?

He goes, no.

I said, can I move my toes?

He goes, no child.

I go, can I try?

And he goes, okay, child, try
and I'm trying and nothing.

You know when once
you're paralyzed, you

don't feel a thing.

And at this point I
felt Sam coming into the

bedroom and he's getting
ready to come in and I'm

thinking, okay, he's gonna
notice that I'm paralyzed

and he's gonna call 9 1 1
and rush me to the hospital.

He comes in, he sleeps
on his side of the bed.

We had a two bedroom.

Colleen was in
the other bedroom.

So even though we were
separated, we had agreed that

we each, we were civil to each
other, of course, and each one

of us sleeps on their side.

But he went to bed,
didn't notice me, and gave

me his back and slept.

And I laid there paralyzed.

But had no fear, had no
anxiety, had, it was the most

beautiful night in my life,
spending that night with the

Holy Spirit, the comforter,
the whole night He downloaded

scripture in my mind and
things that I didn't know.

He answered all my questions
that I had over the years

without me saying a thing
or asking a question.

Like I wasn't or what
happens when no nothing.

I'm sitting there and he's
going answer by answer

of every question I had,
and he's explaining it

in a sweet matter and I'm
talking about questions

that I'm sure we all have.

Like, why is there
so much tragedy?

Why are children dying
of hunger and poverty?

Like the questions
that we all have?

And he answered them.

And when he did answer
them, they made sense.

Somehow they made sense.

But what is interesting is
those answers are the only

thing in my encounter, other
than his joke that I, that

he erased from my mind.

I know, and I remember
he answered them and I

remember going, oh my,
yeah, that makes sense.

That, but they're gone.

And it makes sense to me that
he would erase these question,

these answers because
they're still, mysteries

we're not supposed to know.

And he must have just, he
appeased me for the night and

was just telling me things.

And then like the men
from black, you tell them

things and then you do
something and it's all gone.

Because I don't
think he wanted me to

share those answers.

These are answers we're
all gonna find out

about them when we die.

But Rod, he was the most
beautiful like teacher.

The he, the way he was
explaining things, he

wasn't going too slow.

He wasn't going too fast.

He was just, he made
everything perfect.

He showed me
visions all night.

I spent seeing visions of
things, just an amazing night.

And it didn't matter that I
was paralyzed, that was gone.

Like, here I am, I'm
paralyzed, not knowing

what's gonna happen.

Didn't care.

He was overpowering

His presence was just amazing.

And then I remember I needed
to go to the restroom.

And like I tried to get up and
that's when I remembered and

realized that I am paralyzed.

So I'm sitting there, I know
I need to go and I'm going I

need to go to the restroom.

And he goes, go, child.

And I'm going, go?

And he goes, yes, child.

It was like, okay.

So I just went and there
was just so much water

coming outta my body.

I felt like Sam was gonna,
he's gonna wake up feeling

a flood coming towards him,
but no, nothing happened.

He continued sleeping.

And then towards, it was like
break of dawn, around six ish.

I could feel Sam getting up.

He went to the restroom
and I thought, okay,

he's gonna notice me and
he's gonna call 9 1 1.

He came back and went to bed.

And I stayed there again
with the comforter.

Did not leave me for
one second, about

another hour or two.

And that's when Sam
got up and I heard him.

Now I had my back to Sam and
he was pushing my back and

he's going Ana, are you up?

And of course I
couldn't respond.

So I'm thinking, okay,
he's gonna notice.

So he turned me towards him
and he came over me looking

at me and he opened my, one
of my eyelids and I could

see him at that point.

And then he opened the other
eyelid and let it go, and I

could see him staring at me.

And then he grabbed
one of my arms.

And he let it go
and my arm fell.

He grabbed the other arm
and let it go and it fell.

And I'm going, okay, now it's
proof that I'm not responding.

Something is going on.

And then he got up and came
on my side of the bed and

started taking off my jewelry.

And I'm thinking, why is
he taking off my jewelry?

I'm going, okay, maybe
he doesn't want them to

get lost in the hospital.

And then he takes a pill
and he puts it in my mouth.

Now because I'm paralyzed,
my teeth are locked

like this, so he can't
put it inside my mouth.

So he's grinding it in
my teeth, grinding it

until it got dissolved.

And I could tell it was Xanax.

And I'm thinking, why is
he giving me Xanax eight

o'clock in the morning
and he's doing all this?

And then he took a mint
and he put it in my mouth

and again, but he just left
it between my mouth and my

teeth because he couldn't
put it through my teeth.

And I'm thinking, boy, I
must have horrible breath

that he's, taking time
to put mint in my mouth

before he calls 9 1 1.

And then he touched my
body and my clothes and he

goes, oh, you wet yourself.

Here let's get
you out of these.

And I'm going,
okay, that's nice.

He's gonna change me
before he calls 9 1 1

so it's not embarrassing
that I peed myself and

put me in warm clothes.

And he starts taking my
clothes off and I'm naked

now and he's on top of me
and he starts raping me.

And at that point
I'm just puzzled.

I didn't know
what was going on.

I didn't understand why is
he raping a paralyzed woman?

Why isn't he rushing
me from to 9 1 1?

What is happening?

It just didn't make sense.

And then he got up and
went to take his shower.

I could hear him in the
shower, and he left me

in the middle of the
bed and he finished his

shower and came back.

And he and I could hear
him running water for me,

but I could feel, I could
hear, it was like, wasn't

like a shower, it was like
he's filling a tub for me

and he's coming around and
he's pulling me off the

bed to take me in there.

And as he's pulling me, as
soon as I got to the edge of

the bed, he couldn't carry me.

And he dropped me on
the floor and he goes

oh, I can't carry you.

And I'm going, okay, well
I'm thanking God that I'm

chubby now that he's not
able to carry me because I'm

not sure what's going on.

And he drops me there and
I land, like on my side,

crumpled together naked, and
he leaves me there and I'm in.

I don't wanna say awe, I'm
in shock, just confused.

But the Holy Spirit,
the comforter again,

did not leave me.

He's there, but I'm puzzled
how, that's a better word.

Puzzled of what's going on.

And then Colleen, you
can, we heard Colleen's

TV got turned on.

She was next to us, so
he dropped, he left me

and went to tend to her.

And she told me later
that he told her mom does

not wanna be disturbed.

She's crying over
Steve, Steven in Egypt.

And she took a few
xanaxes and she doesn't

wanna be disturbed.

So Colleen respected that
and didn't come and check

on me, and he comes back
in the room, but then he's

got a jug of ice water.

That he starts
pouring over my body.

And at this point I go into
shock cuz my body is warm.

I don't know when you're
paralyzed and then this

ice water comes on you.

And I felt like there's
needles all over my body.

And it was definitely not it.

It was like, I don't
want it torturing me.

Like, and he was doing it
slowly and it wasn't ending.

And the comforter saying
it'll pass child, it'll pass.

It's an annoyance.

And I'm concentrating on the
comforter so that I don't

concentrate on the pain of
the needles all over my body.

And then I see a vision
of Christ Jesus's hand.

Next to me on the floor.

And I just see the hand and
I see the hand as they're

piercing the nail in his hand.

So I see the hammer and
the nail and the blood.

And when I see that, I'm
I'm embarrassed of my own

discomfort at this point
because it was nothing

compared to Jesus's pain.

And when I saw that, it was
like, I can handle whatever.

That's nothing compared
to what he went through.

So it helped me endure that.

And then it stopped and
I could breathe again.

And he went out and he
came back, and he started

doing the same thing again,

and he started the ice
water on me and it put me

in shock again And the sweet
comforter is just telling

me it's an annoyance child.

And I see the vision of
Christ's hand again, and I'm

just heartbroken over him that
I, that my pain is nothing.

And the comforter is saying
it's an annoyance and he's

pouring the ice and I'm, my
heart is heavy for Jesus.

And then it stopped and
he left the room and I

was relieved to not have
any pain or discomfort.

And then he came
back, but this time

he went over my body.

And he bent down and he
grabbed my nose and he held

my nose shut for a while.

And because I'm paralyzed, I
can't breathe from my teeth,

I can't breathe from my mouth.

My mouth is shut, and he's
got my nose shut so I'm not

breathing and he's holding it.

And suddenly I go I open my
mouth and it's like a reflex.

And as soon as I, my mouth
opened up, he let go.

He let go and left the room.

And this is when I remembered
my million dollar life

insurance that I had
forgotten to cancel after

we filed the divorce.

And he was still the
beneficiary of half a million.

The kids got half and
he got the other half.

And it made sense to me
what was going on and why

he's not calling 9 1 1.

And then he came back and
he did the same thing again.

He bend down.

He held my nose and tried
to hold it as long as he

could, and I'm suffocating.

But thankfully a
reflex happened.

I go, ah, again.

And he gets startled
again, and he leaves and

I'm lying there and the
comforter is still with me.

And I'm not stressed.

I'm not anxious.

I'm at peace.

I'm at peace.

It didn't matter what
was happening to my body.

It didn't matter who
was doing what to me.

The focus mainly was on
the comforter and his

beauty and his sweetness.

It just, just a beautiful
encounter when we're dying.

The spirit of death.

He, I call him the
spirit of light when he's

there and comforting us
no matter what kind of

death we're dying from.

He just, it takes over.

It's it doesn't matter what's
happening to this body.

And then he came back and
he did the same thing again.

He bent down and grabbed
my nose, but this time

he gently put his three
fingers over my mouth.

So it was like that,
and he covered my mouth.

And when he did this
Rod, there was no

reflex at this point.

There was no air, there was
no way that I knew it was it.

I couldn't breathe.

My lungs were collapsing,
and I knew that was it.

And again, at this point, I
wanted to go it didn't matter.

It wasn't like I wanted to
stay and I saw Jesus standing,

but I could only see up
to his knee in his robe.

And he had his hand
reaching me, like, and I

knew at this point that
he can remove the hand.


Like he can remove
Sam's hand from my mouth

and stop the process.

But I didn't want
him to do that.

I didn't want him
to go without me.

And I'm now calling to him.

I was actually singing to
him in my mind and telling

him, I don't wanna let go.

Don't go.

Like, I didn't want him
to go without me, and I

was ready to just die.

And I was so afraid he would
leave or have this guy, remove

his hand, but he didn't.

And I kept on going.

And I remember looking back
and it felt like, as if you

take off a coat, a heavy
coat, when you're moving

to the other side, there
isn't a division, like

there isn't an end, and
then there's a beginning.

There isn't a feeling
of, oh, I'm dead now, no

you just keep on going.

You don't realize
that you are dead.

You're like, look, and then
when you look back on your

body's back there, that's
when you realize, oh,

okay, but your spirit, your
soul just keeps on going.

And it's a very liberating
feeling and beauty.

And I remember the first
thing I saw was white clouds

that covered the sky and
they were just the most

beautiful white clouds ever.

And then they opened up.

And revealed the sky, but they
revealed animals flying around

the sky and these were animals
I've never seen before.

They were big animals
flying and they were animals

with multicolors colors
you don't see on earth.

They were just so bright and
beautiful colors and they're

flying, and I always compare
them to the colors on the

animals in the movie avatar
that came out later that year.

I remember being at the
theater and seeing these

animals fly, and right away
I said somebody had a near

death who had something to
do with this movie directed

or something, because
these colors and the way

these animals were flying
was just what I had seen.

And then I found myself at
an open meadow just standing

there and it was like
beautiful greenery, just, I

couldn't see the end of it.

And from where I was standing,
I saw they were rushing and

preparing like a wedding.

I could see a bride standing,
but her back was to me,

and they're preparing
a wedding, excuse me.

And I'm going, who is that?

And I'm now, I'm thinking to
myself, is this my wedding?

Because in the Bible
Christians, like, we're

told that when we die, we
are the brides of Jesus.

So I'm thinking, oh, that's my
wedding, but I wanna go see,

I wanna go and see her face.

And I'm trying to go there
and somehow I couldn't

get in front of the bride.

So I couldn't see who it was.

And I continued and I came to
some kind of like a hallway.

I went inside, there
was a hallway and it

was a long hallway and
I started walking in it.

And there's like beautiful
beams or something like

just, I don't know what
they were made out of.

And I'm walking and then I see
this majestic chair, sitting

there and it had a lady
in it, but she had a veil.

Over, not just her head.

It was a veil from her
covering her and the chair.

So you couldn't, I couldn't
see who it was, but I

wanted to see who she was.

And I'm looking, and
I'm walking, but I'm

trying to look to
figure out who is that?

And I couldn't figure it out.

And I kept on walking, but
there was somebody there

that I managed to ask
and I said, who is she?

And his respond was,
she's the blessed of all.

And I just said, ah-huh.

And I kept on walking.

Like I didn't go back to try
to see, I just kept on walking

and I came upon another
doorway and like an opening

of a door something because
I saw this spirit of light.

It was a body of light
at the entrance of this

door, and immediately I
recognized it was my mom.

And there was no
facial expressions.

All it was, she was
a body of light.

But immediately I recognize
we recognized each other.

We knew who we are,
and I don't remember

hugging her or anything.

I guess we don't hug up
there, but it was just an

overwhelming joy to see her.

And she took me in and
we kept on walking.

She led me inside,
an open area.

And then in that open
area, I saw my sister,

Nadia come towards me.

And again, and she
was a body of light.

And as soon as I saw Nadia,
that was like joy on a

different level because Nadia
had committed suicide when she

was 35 years old and she had
fallen into a deep depression

and wanted to go and meet
Jesus and Dad because Dad

had died of a car accident
several years before that.

And Nadia was very
close to my dad.

But in our church, and most
churches, they say that

suicide is an act of murder
and you don't go to heaven.

So I always wondered
where she was.

I knew she wanted
to go meet Christ.

But I didn't really know,
and seeing her in heaven

was the highlight that
was on the other side.

And here I am with Nadia
and she ended up taking me

and walking me into a room,
and we left mom behind.

And in that room, she's
talking to me and I'm

standing there with her.

And all I could think about
is I start complaining to her

that I just have so much joy.

That I can't contain it.

I am so overwhelmed now of
joy and I'm complaining about

the overwhelming joy, and I
don't know what to do with it.

Like, how stupid is that?

We complain about stress, but
now it's too much joy and I'm

going I can't take, I don't
know what to do with it.

It was so overwhelming, Rod.

It's you just don't
know what to do with it.

It just kept, it's hard to
explain that overwhelming

joy to the point that you are
just, it's hard to explain.

And she looked at me
and smiled and she said,

Ana, with Jesus, it
keeps on getting better.

And I said, I
couldn't comprehend.

How could it get better?

Like I'm already
at the maximum.

I can't imagine
it getting better.

And we both walked out
and as we walked out next

to mom was my father, and
he was standing there.

And again, he was a spirit.

He was a body of light.

And seeing him was a
different level of joy.

And I'm standing there
with my dad, mom and Nadia,

and just, I don't know
how we're communicating,

but we're communicating.

And Nadia says,
hurry up you guys.

We have a banquet with Jesus.

And I'm going, we're having
a ban, like she said, it in

such a simple, as a matter
of fact kind of thing, like

it's not a big deal, we're
just going to a banquet.

And to me it was like,
we're having a banquet with

Jesus, like, just like that.

Are you kidding me?

And they said yeah, let's go.

And they started going
and for some reason

I didn't follow them.

And I found myself
going to another room.

And in that room at the end of
the room, there was somebody

standing there and that person
was not a body of light.

I recognized him and he
was the late Pope Corollas

who was like a late Coptic
Orthodox pope who was very

sweet and kind and humble
and everybody loved him.

And he was standing
there and I'm looking at

him and he goes, child,
where have you been?

And I'm going, like,
and I'm looking around,

is he talking to me?

Like, he was like,
scolding you.

Like, where have you been?

And I'm going I've been
going to Calvary Church.

And because once I
married the Muslim, I

couldn't, we couldn't
go to the Coptic church.

So we went to Calvary
and he goes, why child?


And I said, well, I
did not see acceptance

in the Coptic church.

And and I'm struggling
with words here.

And he goes, And I said,
acceptance and kindness.

And he looks at me, he goes,
child, what is your name?

And he was saying it in a
rhetorical way and I responded

with my Egyptian name,
which is not, an Ana

Christina's my pen name.

And I said my Egyptian name.

And he goes, what
does it mean, child?

And I look at him and
I say, my name meant

tenderness and kindness.

And he goes, child you are
looking outside for this, but

we, but you are what we need.

Hurry up child,
hurry up child.

There's no time.

There is no time.

And he started kicking me out
and he just kicked me out.

And as I'm moving out, I
go back on the hallway and

I see the majestic chair
again, but this time it's

empty and the veil is on it.

So I ask somebody,
where did she go?

And they say, she
went on an errand.

And I keep on walking fast,
like they're rushing me out.

And as I'm rushing out, a
face reveals himself to me.

And this time it was
the face of Jesus.

But he was revealing
it slowly, like it

was, here is his face.

But it was like
being revealed that.

And I remember it took
a long time for him

to reveal his nose.

He had a long nose.

And in my mind, I'm going,
you're Jewish, aren't you?

And I'm stereotyping here
and he's just smiling.

And I saw his whole face.

Now I was in awe seeing his
face, but at the same time,

it wasn't the face I grew up
with thinking was Jesus' face.

I grew up thinking Jesus
looked like Jesus of

Nazareth, the green or
blue eyes, that pretty boy.

And he wasn't a pretty boy.

He had more of a rugged
face like the olive skin, a

more middle Eastern figure.

And I'm thinking to myself,
He it was embarrassing because

I'm thinking to myself, he's
not as pretty as I thought,

or he's not as handsome as
I thought, and I'm trying

to stop the thinking because
I know he could read my

thing and I didn't wanna
hurt his feelings, so I'm

just trying to stop it and
like, that was not cool.

But then I saw myself
on top of the freeway,

out of nowhere.

I'm out of there.

I'm on the other side now
and I'm looking down on the

freeway and I was where the
five freeway, we have a five

freeway and a 4 0 5 freeway.

They come together and
they're called the Y And

I'm watching this and I'm
seeing the earth as so dry

compared to where I was.

Then I see my bedroom
and Sam is lying there.

He's on the bed and he
finally got my body next

to him and he has me next
to him and he's holding me.

And whether he's crying or
what, like as if he's sad

now that he killed me, he's
sad and he's holding me.

And as soon as I went back
in my body, I jumped from his

ha arms because I couldn't
stand him touching me.

So right away I jumped
and I stood in front of

him at the end of the bed
and I'm standing there.

I was still naked, but I'm
standing there looking at

him and the look on his
face Rod, like I still

feel, I wish I had cameras
in that room because it was

priceless to see his face
and see me at this point.

But it was great coming back.

And that's it.

I was on the other side.

They kicked me out.

It wasn't my time.

That is an unbelievable,
excuse me, that is an

unbelievable story.

Firstly, I just wanna say
your bravery in telling that

story the whole thing, you
could easily leave parts out,

but I've just acknowledged
your bravery in doing that.

And I think that other
people who have had similar

experiences will, gain a lot
of comfort from knowing, well,

I'm not the only one that
this has happened to, but it's

the fact that you're still
a functioning human being

after going through all that.

I just, if I had a

hat, I would take
it off to you.

It's unbelievable.

Okay, listen we are actually
running outta time we talked

about this at the beginning.

I have so many other
questions, but I think

what may be better is that
we'll have you back on the

livestream and then that
will be an opportunity

for other people to
ask questions as well.

And I have several more
that I wanted to ask you.

What, the first one is some
people are gonna want to reach

out and ask questions to you.

And is that something
that you're open to?

Do you have the facility
for that or how would

you like to handle that?

Yeah, they can
ask me questions.

Well, they can go to my
website, anachristina.net, and

there's a way to contact me.

Sometimes you
can chat with me.

I don't wanna say buying the
book because I know you are

in Netherland and it's not
easy maybe to get the book.

Hopefully there's electronic
books that they're so

cheap, like maybe $2 and 99
cents, something like that.

I think

it's on Amazon.

I'll put a link
in the show notes.

I'm pretty sure

yeah, it's through Amazon
and they can access it

and get the whole story.

But if they can't do that,
they can contact me and

I'll answer questions.



And before we wrap up today's
conversation do you have

any last message for people?


I do.

It's the message
of the comforter.

Do not wait to, until you are
on your deathbed to discover

him like I discovered him.

It'll be too late.

We have a sweet spirit living
with us and counseling us,

and he doesn't come and go.

He's like, like he
told me in every little

detail of our life.

But what we have to
do is acknowledge him.

So a lot of people send
me and say, well, how

do we connect with him?

Just start by acknowledging
him and once you start

acknowledging him, the
relationship starts.

So that's what I would
like everybody to hope,

like I wanna say it as
loud as possible about

the friend that we have.

He's like, Casper,
the friendly ghost.

I don't know if you guys
are aware of that, but he's

there and no one can see him.

It doesn't mean
he's not there.

So take advantage of him.

He's so sweet.

And he is the true soulmate.

He's been my best friend.

He's been my buddy.

He knows everything about me
and he will know everything.

He knows everything about
you, so utilize him.

He's just sweet.

Well, Ana, thank you
for that message.

I'm looking forward to
continuing this conversation

and thank you for being
a guest and allowing me

to interview you today.

I really appreciate it.

Thank you Rod, for having me.

Take care.

UC14: Paralyzed and Helpless: The Night I Spent With the Holy Spirit During My Near-Death Experience
Broadcast by