Retired Police Officer Reveals How She Caught Criminals With Psychic Visions - Nicky Alan

So I'd signed the Akashic records
and I've been told that I could

look into people's souls if I wanted
to, if it was for the greater good.

So I've never abused it apart from
stalking ex-boyfriends, joking.

My guest today is Nicky Alan, who really
needs no introduction, I don't think.

And so thank you so much for
coming on the show today, Nicki.

I really appreciate having you here.

Seriously, I appreciate you being
on my screen right now, okay?

Because it's 10:00 AM here in the UK and
I'm looking at the most handsome man ever

on the planet thinking, how lucky am I?

I don't, do you know, I'd be luckier
if I was actually in Australia

because it's blinking freezing here.

But look, come on guys,

when you watch this, you must just
have to keep going back saying,

is he actually talking right now?

Looking into those

Oh my God.

my day.

Thank you for having me.

I think if I could go redder, I
probably would, but thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, really?

You've got a nice kind of like little
tan going on there, but nothing too bad.

Obviously you've got to be safe in
the uh Australian Outback and stuff.

Oh no, you're not the Outback, are you?


yeah, that's, I actually, I
grew up in the Outback but,

oh, see, look, I'm

that's a whole nother story.

The psychic vibes are
coming through already.

I grew up in the bush,
in Western Australia.

Oh, wow.

How fascinating is that?

I should be interviewing you.

You you could book me
in later if you like.

That'd be a good idea.

I just gotta work out Zoom first.

I gotta work it out.

Every time I'm a like a guest,
the hosts are magnificent.

They've got it all sorted and
it's all this fandangled stuff.

It looks a bit like, I dunno, something
I you find on airplane is things

flashing and all sorts of things.

And I, I'm so rubbish at technical stuff.

And the problem is because of
what happened to me, and I had

this new life I had to deal with.

I now gotta do loads of social media.

I haven't got a clue.

I haven't.

I've just worked out how to
do YouTube and it's press this

button, do this affiliate things.

I'm like, I just don't
know what I'm doing.

I just haven't got a clue.

And I just just wobble along.

I'm the most unprofessional person ever.

You're doing okay.

Your YouTube channel is going just fine.

Trust me

Yeah, I

what you're doing.



This is, I've got such a
lovely community on there.

There's a real good, I call
'em up at the tribe and it's

grown magnificently recently.

I'm so pleased.

As soon as the book launched,
everything's gone woof.

It's gone massive.

To the extent where I'm now
getting interviewed all over the

world and now I'm in Australia.


So yeah, it's been magnificent.


I'm so pleased.

And YouTube, I just want that to
grow and grow now because I did

work it for a number of years.

I think it's in Me, Myself, and I, when
they got me to go onto, oh, YouTube

and I worked it, it didn't really
go anywhere and I thought, well it

doesn't feel right, took a step back
and then suddenly it just went bang.

So it's lovely because when I was a
child I used to, it is almost like

a, prophecy of what I was gonna do.

As a child, there was like this
chrome side on our oven, and even

as a littl'un six, seven years old,

I just used to sit and
talk in front of it.

Like I was pretending
I'd been interviewed.

So even then I was like chatting
away to this unseen camera.

I just, I love it.

I love being able to reach people
this way and teach them and show

them the afterlife heaven and
everything that is to do with that.

The angel realms.

And it's just gives me so much
joy to reach so many people.

People moan about social media,
but for me it's a beautiful gift of

reaching people, especially in their
darkest times, cause I used to do it.

I used to do it as a police
officer and now I'm doing it

as well what could you call me?

Psychic medium.

Spiritual advisor.

Spiritual tutor.

Pick author.

Author, pick a title.

Also is the emails you get, the love
you get from, from all over the world I

was saying I was feeling a bit poorly.

A couple of days ago.

A bit exhausted and from my M.E
(Myalgic Encephalomyelitis).

And I've got just a flurry
of emails, are you okay?

Have you tried this?

I've had people send me health
supplements and it's just so lovely

and I have got a big following in
Australia as well, which I'm so proud of.

And I'd just love to come
over there at some point.

I will at some point.

It's one of my ticky boxes.

I'm doing Florida this
year and United States.

So the next stop has gotta be Oz.

Cause I dive as well.

So when I can dive, I'm gonna be in there.

The barrier reef.

The lot.

You have to.

And I'm really glad to hear that
you're well enough that you can

do that kind of traveling as well,
which is, that's pretty exciting.

I was saying to you before reading your
book, I'm up to the part where it's still

debilitating your illness and hearing you
say that you're gonna be traveling or, and

actually getting on a plane, go overseas,
that obviously means that you've improved

quite a bit, which is good to hear.

I Absolutely.

I think that for people that don't
know the book, oh, hang on a minute.

Oh look, it's here.

This one you're talking about that one.

Me, myself, and I,


I'm up to chapter 20.

That one.

Obviously I was suicidal most
days because at the end of the day

the prognosis was I was gonna be
in bed for the rest of my life.

And during that five years, it was
the most tortuous hell on earth.

However, it's the most enlightening
as well because of all the

angel and spirit phenomena that
took place and in visitation.

And I, and me being quite, skeptical
of things now and then, and I was

thinking, was I really seeing that?

But my dogs were going wild.

And it wasn't until I
surrendered and thought I've

got to now grieve my old life.

Which was amazing.

Absolutely amazing.

And adapt and think what can I do now?

And obviously, you've,
oh no, read the fake.

Oh no, I can't tell you.

It's a spoiler alert.

I can't tell you that bit.

But hence to say I end up, obviously
being able to get out of bed.

What happens is though, with this,
it's like, for instance, the Orlando

Conference I'm doing I will have
to have many days rest before and

many after, and it is called pacing.

When you have to, everybody knows
this, who's got M.E., chronic

fatigue syndrome, more fibromyalgia.

You have to pace yourself cuz you
can't live like a normal person.

So it's just adapting and
listening to your body.

And when it says that's enough,
then you just literally stop what

you're doing and you have to sleep.

And the thing is with that is you
lose lots of friends over it because

you're always canceling or saying,
I, I can't do this, I can't do that.

But it's all about mindset.

And this is another thing
I try and get across.

Not only are we not alone in both books,
I show people literally that we are never

ever alone whether we believe it or not.

And I think I dip into that
in Me, Myself and I, because

I thought they'd abandoned me.

I thought, where are you?

Hang a minute.

I'm part of a bloodline that
goes back hundreds of years

where we've served you lot.

I, it was a bit more
colorful than that, darling.

There were a few F bombs in there.

I'm not gonna.

Where are you, which the
F-bombs are in the book.

I was so raw with it, I just
thought I'm gonna chuck it all in.

And I was like, you've just left me.

But I ended up realizing that
my energy was so dense and so

low and I'd done it myself.

I created that blockage
myself and just cut them out.

They were all still there and in the
end they're like, ah, do you know what?

We've had enough of her bleeding.

Let's just go and stand in her bedroom.

And so it most probably will be the
last time I ever have, like my guides

physically standing in the room and
angels physically standing in the room.

And my Dad, who is in the spirit world,
and I sat talking to him for five minutes

and he was like, just a solid man.

I don't think that's
ever gonna happen again.

But I think they thought I was in such
crisis that they're like, oh wait, on a

minute, she might just take herself over.

We can't have that because she's got
so much more work to do down here.

So we need to intervene and do
some pretty miraculous stuff.

And so even now, sometimes I, when
I talk about the books and talk

and look back in my journals, I
think, I can't believe it happened.

But it really did.

And as I said, when anything come
into my bedroom, whether it was

an angel spirit guide, one of my
loved ones, the dogs would go crazy.

I've got two little Shitzu's
and they would go mental

looking at whatever was there.

So they backed it up, because I was
always worried, oh, am I making up?

Cause I'm so desperate and I'm
making up cause I'm on so many drugs.

Medication drugs.

And it wasn't, it was magnificent.

It was just pure magic.

And they were just showing
me that nobody's ever alone.

We think we are.

And when we go through the dark traumas
of our life, especially with grief

and loss, we just think there's nobody
there helping us because they've taken

someone away we love, and they've
gone off to a different place and I

hate the world and God would never do
that, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

But they are, they're all standing
in the wings, just waiting for

you to go, do you know what?

I need your help now because
I've got nothing left.

I dunno what else to do.

So I need you.

And that's when you start
experiencing the true magic of it.

And you don't have to
be a medium for that.

You don't have to be someone
that's connected all the time.

It can happen to anybody.

And I have so many stories of people
that either have, signs or physically

their husband in a spirit will
come in to say, it's okay, love.

I'm okay.

Angel visitations.

It happens everywhere.

But the weird thing is it's still,
there's still a stigma attached to it.

There's still a Oh yeah.


Because there's people that don't wanna
face the fact that we are eternal souls.

And I think what they get scared
of, and I think this is the biggest

fear, is that, oh I don't wanna
lose my husband when I go up there.

I don't wanna lose my dog.

I don't want an eternal soul,
I just wanna keep this life.

But when they get up there, they realize
that this is just a tiny little speck.

Of a completely infinitive existence.

And in my next book, I'm writing at
the moment, which is what happens

when we die I literally describe what
happens from physical death or even

just before physical death, right the
way through to when we incarnate again.

Because they've given me, when I,
you obviously, you have loads of

wonderful stories of near-death
experience on your channel and

I'm like, oh, that's really good.

But I've realized that I have the
death experiences without dying.

Do you know what I mean?

Perhaps my soul died when I
was in bed for five years.

Bloody hell.

But it's just, I can go
up there whenever I want.

And the one time that I saw it and
I thought, wow, this is incredible.

Cause that's when I started getting
interested in it because for people

that don't know me, I don't read books.

I don't, I haven't studied anything.

Everything I've learned and what I've been
taught comes from them through meditation,

dream state, or physical visitation.

And then they'll back it up with another
sign to show me that they really were

there, and so my uncle died in Spain
and I thought, do you know what?

I wanna know where he is.

Cuz Auntie was so distraught.

She's over in Spain and
he's, his passed over.

There was a lot of illness before and I
thought I wanna have a look where he is.


Ages ago I'd been, I didn't
even know what I was doing.

It was only until,


so I dunno why they picked me, Rod.

I really dunno.

Why, because I do, I see things and then I
say to someone, do you know what that is?

And they go, Are you kidding me?

And this was the Akashic Records, right?

The Akashic Records.

And I went, oh, I had to sign a
book called Akashic or something.

And I was in this like Hall of Learning,
he said, and his name was Meta something.

He went, oh my God, you're
in the Halls of Learning.

You signed the Akashic.

He goes they're all symbols.

When he goes, that's Aramaic.

And he said, and you're with
Archangel Metatron, the scribe of God.

And I'm like, was I?

And they and people go, oh
my God, she's got no clue.

How advanced she is and where,
what planes she can go to, what

celestial layer she can go to.

So I'd signed the Akashic records
and I've been told that I could

look into people's souls if I wanted
to, if it was for the greater good.

So I've never abused it apart from
stalking ex-boyfriends, joking.

And and so I, I basically thought
I'm gonna see where my uncle's gone.

And they took me from literally the
physical part in the transition, and

they showed the people around him.

And it was lovely because I didn't
know these older generations.

So I said to my auntie,
oh, who's so-and-so?

She goes, oh my God,
that's his mom-in-law.

That's my mom.

Who's this?

Oh that's my nan and that's his nan.

And I was like, oh, great.

So they were all there for him.

And then he literally there was this
massive energy, which like a milky

white color and the name Azrael
come up, which I've never heard of.

And so then they then take him his
soul up, which was just like loads of

glitter and orbs with all different
types of sentient knowledge in

each of these orbs within the soul.

And then he gets taken to a temple.

And funnily enough, I recognized
his temple when I was in Thailand.

They have a thing called a spirit hut.

Which is where they put their
bodies for the souls to go up.

It's like a portal in these spirit huts.

And this is what they were like and when
I found them in Thailand went, that's

what it looks like when you go up there.

That's the huts they put you in.

People think.


All right Nick.


And so he's then put out his soul
is then unfurled in a plinth and

Archangel Azrael hands over the
soul to someone called Jeremiel.

So I don't know any of this.

I'm like Jeremiel, I remember that.

Google it later.

And he comes in with this big black
square hat and black robes and he

almost puts his hands on his shoulders
and then it all goes a bit and it's

humming and buzzing and all weirdness.

And I said, what's going on?


It's his life review.


So he had his life review.

And then I found out later on that you
see who you feel most comfortable with.

So if you were religious the image
that Jeremiel will show you is Jesus.

If you are a Muslim, it would be Mohammed.


So they sh he will change the image that
you are familiar with, that you recognize

as a higher power deity, if you'd like.

And then after that, there was all this
green energy around him, which was healing

the soul, dealing with any transitions.

And after the life review if there is
too much trauma, I was told you'd get

taken to the celestial gardens where
the Seraphim are, and they pour this

translucent water, which turns out
to be the Fountain of Life, fountain

of youth, whatever you wanna call it.

And it heals the soul.

Ready for you to go into the
reality layer, which I go to this

place called the Crystal Palace and
there's all different layers and they

create it for humans to understand.

So they give images so
that I can create a map.

So I've drawn this massive map of
Heaven and there's a place called the

Reality Layer, and it has got huge
gates, but I think they just do that.

Oh yeah, there's sort of
pearl gates there, just so you

understand it, human being.

And you walk through and it literally
is like walking through a town.

You're literally walking in and
there's people going, Hey, hi.

And these are all spirit peoples.

This is heaven that I'm walking through.

And so I walk along and then they say
what happens is then is that the family,

that right there at the beginning will
gather Ron up my uncle and take him

to their area in the reality layer.

And then they show me it's so
funny of all the things he could

be doing, they then create, you
can then create your own reality.

So if you like the times I've
seen people doing their hobbies,

and then I say to their, the
audience member, he's doing this.

She goes, oh my god.

He loved yachting or whatever.

So he was, then he had his
red Ferrari t-shirt on.

That was his favorite.

And he was down the bar having a beer.

And I said, is that all you're gonna do?

I said, you've got people
here that have died years ago.

Have a bit of respect.

Pretend you missed them.

He goes, no, we're all right.

I know they're there.

I'm just gonna have a beer and
then I'll pop in and see 'em after.

They're just getting
the house ready for me.

I said, you are so lazy.

You are so lazy drinking beer while
they're all running around for you.

And then he had all these
women, oh, come on, Ron.


And they were all like, Totally
spoiling him like a little child.

And it turns out that he was like that.

His mum really spoiled him as a kid.

So when I said this, oh yeah, that's
typical of her, to spoil him, he'll be

looked after, he won't do anything there.

And funnily enough before I had a chance
to speak to my auntie, she had dreamt

of him and she phoned up in the morning.

I went, oh my goodness,
Nicky, I can't believe it.

I've just seen Ron.

He's having a beer, wearing a red T-shirt.

And I thought, yes.

I said, thank you very much synchronicity.

And obviously backing up what I'd seen.

And then I showed her where
he was and what he was doing,

and she went, oh my goodness.

I said, so we've both come to the
conclusion he's still drinking beer in

a bar wearing his red Ferrari t-shirt.

And it was just and from then
I became so obsessed with going

up there and learning different
things from the different layers.

I went into this haven which was
the omnipresence, which is, I

suppose you could call it God,
the source of the universe.

I've been to all different places,
and the beauty of it is that they will

always back it up when I come back down
here with some sign or synchronicity

to prove that I've been up there.

So I don't, again, I don't abuse
it too much, but most of the

time I'll go on meditation or
I'll just sit for 10 minutes.

I'm so lucky because I live right by the
ocean, so I just sit there on a rock and

I just take myself up there and see who's
about, I'll have a cup of tea with my Nan,

I'll go walking with one of my old dogs.

It's just, and this is what I'm trying
to show people, that anybody can do

that if they raise their vibration and
regularly heighten the levels of their

consciousness through meditation or
mindfulness, they can do it themselves.

And that's why I've created a lot of
guided meditations, one of them being

visiting your loved ones in heaven.

Because I get emails going, oh my
goodness, I've just spent like my whole

day with my daughter and then I come
back and I was only out for half an hour.

And that's how it works.

You can all do it.

So she regularly now sees
her daughter in meditation.

And what the wonderful thing is
as well is that they also tell you

things that are going to happen.

So when I was up there with my
nan, the same nan that you are

talking about, go on the Facebook
thingy of all the things to say.

Do you know what I mean?

I've seen all this big glow in the hall.

My nan's shuffling in, go
on the Facebook thingy.

I'm like, you've come all the
way from heaven to say that.

Don't believe it, but
you'll see why it's amazing.

And yeah, so it's just a magical
place that I want to show everybody.

Everybody's open to it.

Everybody's open to go to the angel
realms, to sit with arch Angels, to go to

the halls of learning, to understand more.

And this is what I'm trying to do now.

And my dad said to me, and I,
you would've read that in Turkey.

He said, you're gonna work in a
completely different way, a profound way.

It's nothing like you've done before.

Cause I thought I was here just to
prove the afterlife through mediumship

and demonstrations and he's right.

It's a whole deeper level now, of looking
into the soul's existence and learning

from the Crystal Palace, cuz I'm lucky
enough to be able to go up there whenever

I want and bring stuff back down again.

And that's what I love about it.

I just love that I can do that.

And so rather than, people
say, I need a reading.

I need a reading.

No, you need to get into your soul.

Get into your personal power, meditate
more and be more aware of yourself,

of who you are, what you need,
and you can connect in yourself.

This is what I'm trying to educate
people with to lighten their energy.

Cuz let's face it, the last few years have
been a nightmare worldwide, haven't they?

With Covid?

The political scene, the financial scene
every, I dunno what it's like over there,

but it's just rubbish here to be honest

Very similar.

That kinda thing, and so
we need to find an escape.

We need to find a layer
to disappear off to.

I don't even watch the
news anymore, darling.

Do you?

I just depresses me.

Do you know what I mean?

Like real life is nah, you can have that.

I'm just gonna go back up there
and talk to Archangel Michael.

But I do, if I'm walking along, like
I've got this meeting place, I go and I

decide which area I'm gonna walk around,
and then perhaps Michael will come in

or somebody will come in and then I end
up having a conversation or whatever.

I know it sounds a bit human, but it's
easiest way to say it in layman's terms.

And then I come out and then, perhaps I'll
take the dogs down to the park and someone

will go, Michael, come here Michael.

And you think, yes.

So that's what I mean.

When they back it up, they will always
have a circumstance happen here, a

synchronicity happen here to back
up exactly what's happening there.

And so going back to my nan, the
wonderful thing is she said, what was it?

oh, oh.

She said oh, Carrie is gonna have another
fall, that boy, and that's my nephew.

And so a week later he just
literally slipped in a toilet and

ended up getting really severe
concussion rushed to hospital.

And so you even get them
talking of the future.

So if you have a doubt, if it's
your imagination going up there,

they all say things and tell you
about things that are coming up.


And then when that happened,
I was like, oh my God.

She goes, you'll be all right though.

You know what?

He's he's always falling over.

My nephew, bless him.

And so she said, he'll be all right.

Don't worry.

But that's happening.

She did it for my mum with breast cancer.

And so you just know it's coming
and I what's gonna happen?

Is she going up or is she.

No she's all right.

She'll be all right.

And my mum was full makeup, sitting
there wanting a glass of wine after

she just had a breast removed.

I was my mum all over.

That sounds like you actually.


What you would do.


Like me.

I dunno about the makeup.

But yeah, I think I could have a
nice glass of wine if that happened.

She smoked like a chimney
and drank like a fish.

My mother, bless her heart.

Formidable lady.

Formidable lady.

But even, it's even my dad
cuz I go back well with fourth

generation as far as we know.

And there were seven sons.

After seven sons, which is like
the main spiritual port of mediums.

We've got the biggest energy
or whatever to go up there

You mean with people who
have psychic abilities?

It goes a long way back in your family.


Yeah, everybody's a
medium, psychic or healer.

My brother's a full-time working medium.

My sister's a healer.

She's psychic as well, but she is
more, I dunno, she dips into it

and comes back out of it again.

But all my family are, so I grew up with
Tea leaves in teapots tarot cards, and

I just thought it was the norm, really.

My granddad was formidable.

I was the one that broke the
seventh son, seventh son legacy.

But yeah he could send his
soul anywhere, my granddad.

He used to help Scotland Yard with murder
cases and things like that under the, cuz

it was back in the fifties and sixties.

And they didn't want people to know.

So he did it quite secretly.

But he was just, he was incredible.

My, my cousin went missing.

She ran off with someone,
she was a bit wild child.

And so they all come in and said, oh
dad, no, to my granddad, where is she?

Where is she?

So he went, hang on a minute.

And the thing is we're
all East End London.

I'm Essex, but they're all East
End, so we are not all Oh, I can

sense this coming through now.

We're not those sort of people.

He was like, a bit of a, orright he
says hang on a minute, I'll have a look.

So he's just closed his eyes and he is
literally, he could send his soul and

astrally plane wherever he wanted to.

So he could have dual consciousness,
he could remain conscious plus, yeah.


And he literally floated
around looking for a energy.

When I say it, it sounds so
unbelievable, but it's true.

It's true as a day is long.

And he said she's in flat.

I can't remember flat number five.

It's a blue door at the
end of the corridor.

Go now because he's out.

My uncle's get in the car and it's
about 70 miles away, 80 miles away.

They're roaring up there.

And on the say of my granddad
they literally go to this block

of flats, go to the end room,
which is this door, kick it in.

And she's sitting there like that,
thinking, how the hell did they find me?

And then they just dragged her out
cause she was with the wrong man.

It was just a wrong'un this bloke.

And yeah, my, and they just, she came
back and that they all had a go at her.

And it's does anybody realize that
granddad's just disappeared off and found

my cousin in a random place in Essex
and we got her back and it's oh my God.

It was all completely normal.

My, my aunt used to sit there
automatic write say this is gonna

happen and that's gonna happen.

And my granddad had a Victorian
scry mirror, which I've got.

Crystal balls, everything.

They were all old school psychics
and they were absolutely brilliant.

Absolutely brilliant.

And I miss that because it seems that as
soon as someone's got a psychic ability,

they're on here saying, yay, pay me money.

I'm psychic.

And there's some amazing psychic mediums
out there and it's the people like that

give us a bit of a bad name cuz there's
still a modern day witch hunt going on.

Let's face it, we are still in the back
pages of a magazine with a little advert.

Do you know what I mean?

It's such a shame when we can bring
so much completion to someone's

soul when they're grieving and
even, it's like in America.

I dunno if this happens in Australia,
they even help the police out there.

Do they, does that happen
there, do you know?

I think it's a little more under
the radar like it is in the uk.

I, it seemed, in my impression, and it's
definitely not one that's based on a great

amount of knowledge, but my impression
is in the States it's a little more

official in the way that they help that

Yeah, it's, yeah,

persons cases and that sort of thing.

I'm not so sure about it here, though.


It's a shame that we are not used for
that really, because I've seen quite

a few programs over in the US and they
literally are deemed as an expert witness,

which I think he's fantastic, because
I can't remember the lady's name, but I

watch her, I can't remember her name now.

And she just, it's just located
so many like dead bodies.

And missing people, but, and it's
just like, why don't you use this?

And I always phone and I had I
remember once I was doing a circle,

I, in my, I call it my old life of
my psychic mediumship, which was me,

like all over the place on television
and just about to tour Australia.

I was just about to tour
Australia, absolutely gutted

just before the road accident.

And so excited to go as well.

And basically I was doing a circle
and I go in and I just check where

everybody is so my soul can go around
and check where their souls are, just

to make sure they're all doing okay.

But then this girl come up to me and she
was soaking with this long straggly hair.

Do you know like the ring,

like the ring?

Oh yeah.


It's a





I'm like, oh my God, the demon come in.

That's it.

I know I've never seen anything bad
in my life apart from when I've done

paranormal investigations, but she
was like, oh, you are super scary.

Are you right?

And she wasn't all right.

And I saw the name Nicole and I thought
that was her first name, Nicole.

And she was just looking at me
soaking where obviously passed over.

And I could tell by her
face that she was lost.

Nobody had found her.

So this was in the October, right?

And oh, you would've think you
would've read about this actually.

Did you?

I think I've put it in
rise and fall, haven't


I remember this one.




Other people haven't read the book.

And literally she and I came back
round and I had, and I knew where

she was, it was near Ipswich, which
is like just north of Essex here.

And so I said, oh my God,
someone's been murdered.

You're gonna hear about it.

So I'm thinking, I'm being
a, don't worry, I've got it.

Like you're gonna find out about this in
the next couple of days and you're all

gonna go, oh, Nicky, aren't you amazing?


So I'm, I've described her with a long
black hair and she's in a ditch or this

kind of like little stream somewhere
and there's an industrial estate just

behind it and it's near Ipswitch.


Week after week, nothing.

And I'm like, oh my God.

And I thought I'd feel so embarrassed
cuz I'm supposed to be teaching

all of these beautiful students.

I've got it totally wrong.

Do you know what I mean?

And it wasn't until six weeks later that
I get a phone call to say, oh my goodness,

get on the telly now there's someone
being found called Paula Nicol.

I'm like, Oh my God, I thought it was
her first name and she's got the long

dark hair and she was found exactly
where I said she was bedraggled, in this

stream next to an industrial estate.

And she was the first of many
of a serial killer that was

killing prostitutes at the time.

So then they all started coming
to me, giving me information

and I was phoning it in.

But the weird thing is, only a
few years back I was the major

investigation detective taking
the calls from the psychics.

So I knew exactly what was gonna happen.

It'd be, yeah, right love, thanks a lot.

Go in the bloody bin.

Do you know what I mean?

But then luckily I knew a couple of
the cops that were on there and I

knew the senior investigating officer.

And so I said to her, the next two
victim's gonna be found near Kirk Soen.

And I said, and there's a big
green Electric box next to

the one you've just found.

She goes, how'd you know that?

And I'm like, oh my God, how
many times I gotta tell you?

Because they remember
me as a police officer.

Lots of people knew I was psychic as well.

But then to come out of it and
be the other side, it was really

frustrating because I could have
implemented that, which I did in

my police career a number of times.

And they all came to me and there
was nothing really I could do.

I, I described and got a full
profile of the person that had

done it, even down to what his
house and his address looked like.

But they did never came
back to me, unfortunately.

But the beauty of that was
because I'd connected with them.

I think lots of murder victims come
to me, because obviously that's what I

dealt with when I was a police officer.

And they come, they came to me and then
they obviously went off to their family

members, these ladies that were killed.

Cuz then I got random phone calls
and I didn't know who they were.

There was a bloke called, I think it
was Paul or something from Scotland.

And I was talking to him.

I went, oh my goodness.

Your sister is one of the
girls, who was murdered.

And and then I, and then the
family just found me randomly to

give messages from their girls.

It was just incredible how it worked out.

So it was really nice to do that
part of it, frustrating that nobody

wants to listen to you when you've
got information that they should

really stand up and listen to.

And that's just from feelings, that you're
feeling in the vibration of the universe.

If you could get hold of something that
belonged to them or go to the crime

scene, imagine what we could do then.

But it's just one of those things.

I don't think it's ever gonna
transpire unless I've moved over

to the states and I could become a
professional one with the police.

They wouldn't have me.

I'm too unprofessional.

I was so unprofessional.

I wasn't unprofessional.

I was cheeky and naughty in the
police, I just I hated doing things

like nicking people for speeding.

And parking tickets.

And I'm like no.

So they got me out of uniform
as quick as possible and

started put me on crime squads.

They're like, just let her
loose with the bad people.

Just don't put her in a uniform.

Get her out.

I was in my element with the naughty
people because I was a naughty person.

But not badly, just cheeky and hard to
manage because I was very headstrong.

And I think I was a good cop.


And it certainly helped having
psychic hunches and visions

and stuff as I was going along.

You must had a good did you have
a good case solve rate, compared

to your non psychic colleagues?

It's, it is hard really, because
we all worked as a team on

the major investigation team.

We all worked as a team.

I'm not gonna lie though, there's one
particular murder that I got the motive

for, and again, I'm sure I put this in the
book as well, where Oh, bless her heart.

Tina, she was murdered by her husband
and nobody, but nobody knew that

she'd basically gone back for lunch.

He'd phoned her and said, oh, do you wanna
come back for lunch during a work day?

And that was it.

And the next thing she was
found in a rug, burned in a car.

Basically the car was set alight and
it was a nightmare because the thing

is that I need to be professional and
you have to watch what you say for

court purposes and all the rest of it.

But on the same token, I'm
seeing what's really going on.

It didn't happen all the time, but
I went to the scene where the car

was found burnt out and I just said,
Tina, just help me or get your family

members to help me and show me what I
need to do to help you to get justice.

Because we had an inkling, it was the
husband Richard, but he had an alibi.

He was all covered and he was just, We
just couldn't get anything on him, even

though he just feel felt a bit off.

So I remember doing a interview
where I had to interview the nephew.

This is how low people go on this
planet, and it just, oh my goodness.

So the nephew, right?

So I walk into the interview room
and if you can imagine, I've got to

be, keep my mouth shut, get down,
put the tape on, what time of day

it is, who's present, blah blah.

And then I'm looking at him and the
problem is I can see him rolling his

auntie up and she'd just been strangled
with a dressing gown belt by the husband.

So I'm seeing this in
my head and I'm going,


but I'm trying to concentrate and
I can't because all I, every time I

look at him, I know that he turned up
as soon as she was murdered, offered

money to then go and burn the car out.

He wrapped his own auntie up for
some insurance money for 700 pounds.

And as

In the end I couldn't stand it.

And, my partner at the time, my
crime, my detective partner Nick,

he's going to me you all right?

And I'm like, yeah, I'm fine.

I'm fine.

So I'm desperately trying to get this
vision out, so I'm trying to get him to

do all the talking, my colleague, and
thank God this boy themed some sort of

seizure, so we have to stop the interview.

And I'm like, thank God for that.

What'd you do with it though?

You can't go to, a judge and say,
can we have a warrant, please?

Because our detective is
psychic and she's saying.

You can't do that, can he?

You gotta get the evidence.

So I'm like, oh my God.

He definitely did.

But luckily, as I say,
it was a team effort.

So the team found him on CCTV at the
local train station, and he'd been stupid

enough to leave his train ticket outside
his front door that he threw away.

So it was sewn up that he possibly was
in the area, but it was circumstantial

and we still didn't have a motive
or who murdered Tina, the girl.

And so anyway, had another inquiry
again with Nick, my colleague.

We knocked on the door and it
was just, we were just visiting

the friends of the family, right?

Friends of Tina and the husband.

And it was just to sit and have a cup
of tea and see if we could get any

background information because obviously
they'd known them, all their lives.

So I've gone in there, sat down,
and then it's all quite pleasant.

We're having a cup of tea.

I nearly snorted the tea out on
my nose because the daughter comes

downstairs and she's what, 15, 16.

And as I look at her, I'm seeing
pictures of her doing naughty

things with Richard, the husband.


There's the

thinking, oh my God no.

I can't be seeing this.

Every time I look at her,
I just wanna go to her.

Oh my God, you're
sleeping with the husband.

But I think it can't be right.

She's a young schoolgirl and
they're friends of the family.

It's like family.

It's like incest, almost like her
uncle, I'm like, it can't be right.

Can't be right.

So I can't look at her.

I'm trying to stay focused.

Anyway, we come out the house and went,
oh my god, Nick, I can't believe it.

I said, she's sleeping
with Richard, the husband.

That's the motive here.

He's got rid of his wife,
so I can be with her now.


How can you prove it?

I said, I don't know.

So I go back to the police station.

And it started, then the old tingles
on the scalp and the back of my neck.

And I'm thinking, oh,
hello, what's going on here?

And then the vision was I had to go
into the exhibit room and get this

notepad that was taken from his van.

Husband's van.

And so I got the notepad, I made
photocopies of it, took it back

to the house and went through
it when I got home after work.

And then it's typical.

Do you know like you have the movies
where the detectives have got a glass

of wine and they're doing their work.

I'd never do that, but I
had to do it on this case.

Do you know what I mean?

They carry on working.

What is wrong with them?

Go to a bar, have a life.


But no, they sitting there aren't they?

With a glass of wine trying
to work out the case.

Anyway, I'm going through the
pages and it was like a torch

light was under the page, right?

And it had like numbers and
letters and so at the time I was

with a partner who had children.

And I said, come here Chelsea.

I said, what does this mean?

She went, duh.

She goes, that's Love
Marry, or Avoid game.

So I'm like.

She goes, if you look, if it's a secret
one, you'll see the two names in random

pages and they're working out and
apparently the numbers in the alphabet

of the letters all add up and, it's just
a love game basically for school kids.

And so when I look through the notepad,
I can see her name and her working

out her numbers, and on another page,
his name, it's all in her handwriting.

So following day, go in and
say we need to approach her

with this because this is gold.

This is gonna, either blow it
open or we got one step closer.

So we went and got her.

I got her in the back of the car
and I said, so I said, what's this?

I said, you're in love
with him, aren't you love?

And she went, no.

I went no.

I said, no, you are with this man and
this proves it because you wanna know if

you're gonna just love him or marry him.

And then she just broke down.

It was perfect.

And she said, oh my God.

I always said to him that he
can't divorce Tina because

they're friends of the family.

I couldn't deal with the guilt of
it so I could never be with him.

And so she said it all and he
basically killed his own wife

so he could be with this girl.

Oh my goodness.

And we got the motive for the murder
and he got I think got minimum 41

years life, maximum life sentence.

And so I was, so yes, I
got the motive for it.

But then obviously there's all the
investigation team are getting all

the other exhibits and everything
together to, get the case solidified.

But I can definitely say without a
doubt that I got the motive for that

murder and we managed to arrest him cuz
that girl made a statement to say, yeah

I've been sleeping with him, had
an affair with him for however

long it was, and he got rid of her
because he wanted to be with me.

So it's a good one, isn't it?

It's a good one.

It's like a, it could be a
plot for a TV cop show easily.

I know.

Because I, when I I had a lot of
celebrity friends, friends, there

were people that obviously loved me
because I could tell them what show

to go to and what agent to go to.

And I was at a celebrity party and
I actually said this to a producer

there and said, you know what?

This would make the best show ever,
you know my kind of character.

And someone even emailed me an
actress a couple of weeks ago and

said, this is gonna be a show.

If it is, can I play you?

I said, yeah, you can be really slim.

Nothing like me.

You can be all slim and gorgeous.

And and I said I said this to
them, to this producer and said

it would make, he goes, oh my God,
that makes such a good series.

Then spooky enough, a series did
start about a year later, but it

was a man, it was a Swedish actor
and he was like a psychic cop.

But it was a bit dark and it was,
and I thought, I wonder if it was him

that got that idea and done it or not.

It was just perhaps coincidence,
but I thought it would make

for great, wouldn't it?

If he got a really down to earth,
loud, bubbly, vivacious cop and

then suddenly getting help, with
murder investigation inquiries.

It would just be amazing.


I think I would love a series
like that because the thing is I

think that, most paranormal, most
supernatural what, whatever you're

talking about that they put on the
telly, it's all scary, isn't it?

It's all hauntings.

And when spirits attack
and Do you want us here?

Do you want us to leave?

And it's no, we need to have more
educational series and I'm crossing

my fingers because there was a
series that was coming up that, that

didn't get funding, but it's just got
funding for Netflix called Intuition.

And it's just been worked on now.

And that is gonna be lovely
because it's going to show the

lighter side of everything.

It's gonna be educational, but it's
not gonna be all scary hauntings

and all that kind of stuff.

But yeah I would like to see better
stuff, wouldn't you on the telly, being

a bit more ethereal and a bit more
respectful of it, and actually looking

at it with, a proper observational eye
rather than, oh, you're just a rip off.

You are just, and taking
the mickey out of people.

So I did a show, I think
you have it over there.

Come dine with me.

with me.

You have, do you have that over there?

Yeah, we do.



And I even then I thought it was gonna
be respectful, big learning curve.

I actually write about this in my book
as well, don't I, that I went on there

and I spent the whole night
showing them how to do a paranormal

investigation cuz it was my friend's
house and it was really old cottage.

And so we got a bit of phenomenon there.

And then I gave them all readings and a
couple of them ended up crying their eyes

out because their mums come through la.

But then I didn't have editing
rights and I was so naive

cause it was my first TV show.

And so when it came out, the narrator
is literally ripping me to pieces and

just taking the mickey and they even
get the people who had the readings

go, oh, no, it's a load of rubbish.

They were the ones crying their
eyes out saying, it's my mom.

It's my mom.

I can't believe you talking to my mom.

But, and I, it got, I got really,
it was almost like I was the jester.

I get the psychic in, and I was
quite disappointed with that.

But then

they weren't ready for it,



And we did angels and that was beautiful.

How people's lives were saved
or changed by angels basically

intervening with their lives.

And that was beautiful.

That was a lovely show,
and I wish that carried on.

But the person who was in charge of
that Sky Channel didn't want any more,

paranormal or, ethereal, celestial,
whatever you wanna call it, programs.

He rather, he wanted my
fat cat rather than angels.

Why's that cat?

Or whatever.

I dunno.

Do you know what I mean?

But it's not all about the television,
but, I do like to have that

option only to bring, and if it's.

Meant, for the greater good to
just keep spreading the love and

knowledge because we so need it.

We so need it.

And even

I've even watched like the dynamics
change of the demographic of who come

to me or who emails my emails, me or
who watches things, on my channels.

And it's so many more men.

more men

It never used to be, they used to
be dragged along by their wives.

Bingo, come on, we're
going and see Nicky Alan.

They're like, oh god.

And they'd walk along.

But there's a lot more men and I think
everybody's trying to reach for something

because they're not getting it here on
the earth plane, if that makes sense.

So they're looking for something
else to try and explain perhaps

why there's so much crisis or
escape it, as I said earlier.

And so I, yeah, there's lots more
people coming in, younger people as

well that are coming in and interested
in this type of, spirituality.

It's so easy to do.

People say to me, Oh, how
do you live spiritually?

It's not like a training session
or you have to, like a diet.

I naturally acknowledge the
angel realms, the spirit world

most probably every half hour.

Not intentional, but I
just go, I'm so lucky.

Or if I need a parking space.

I did that yesterday.

I was running late and I'm like, please,
can you just get me a parking space?


And there always is one,
they're so good at that.

And it's funny, if I don't order
it, there isn't a parking space.

I think, ah, I forgot to
order it with the angels.

And I said that once with the window
open and this bloke looked at me like

she needs to go in the nutty bin.

There's something wrong with our,

something wrong with.

and it's just meditating and
just being open, plugging

into the source you came from.

I have a friend of mine, Jules, who's
very spiritual and she got me into the

idea of there's the parking princess.

And then occasionally I'll remember,
and nine times outta 10 it works.

And, but then when you forget, it's
oh, I didn't book it early enough.

Damn it.

But that's what I say.

And even things like if I need
to, as I say, I ordered again, I

can't remember which book it's in.

I think it's in me, myself, and
I, where I ordered this bungalow,

which is I needed it all one level.

Cause obviously I can't do stairs.

I needed it right next to the beach.

So literally I can hear the sea now.

It's really rough.

And there's a park there and everything.

And so I ordered that for
the dogs to go across.

I can't even remember
what I was gonna say.

Oh yeah.

And so I basically, if it looks a
bit dodgy, the sky looks a bit dodgy.

I go, Archangel Arial, she's the
archangel of the planet, animal

kingdom, that kind of thing.

And I said, can you just not make
it rain just for half an hour so

that I can sit and the dogs can
have a run around in the park.

It worked.

I've even done a TikTok
video on it and you, YouTube.

Cause I went, I was sitting in the car,
excuse me, I was sitting in the car

went there, bright sunshine, right?

And then got in the car and as I turned up
on the driveway, it just started to rain.

Got them in and it pelted
down for the rest of the day.

It literally was a slot.

And I'm like, that's really weird
that I I really think I did that.

I think I did control the weather.

I think what it is really is that, cause
I, and then I thought that I didn't

control the weather at all, did I?

So I think what they do is that if you
send a thought up to whatever source

it is, and this was Ariel, right?

I feel that they then
nudge you and say Walk now.

Walk the dog now.

And so you walk cuz they know there's
gonna be that half an hour of sunshine.

And I think that's how it works.

And it's the same as like
synchronicity, so it's either like

your spirit loved one or a guide, or
a guides or an angel or something.

If you walk along go into the shop now.

Go into the shop now and you walk into
the shop and it's your, your husband's

favorite song or something, so I think
they just inspire you to do things.

It's so weird.

There's a Robin just landed there.

Oh, I wish I could turn the camera around.

I think it's just gone.

Did you, I dunno if you'll
see that go through there

no, it's a bit blurry,

but yeah, so it's just beautiful how they
nudge you in the right direction, and

they push you go there next, and then you
hear the song again in a different shop.

Or they like, oh, just do this
first and then get into the car.

Because when you get into the car,
you'll turn it on and that'll be

another song your husband loved,
and I think that's how it works.

It's rather than them magic in
everything, it's them nudging us

and putting us where we need to
be exposed to that synchronicity.

That's how I feel that it
works and I just love it.

And when I, when it's like I do
my prism living course, which is

a spiritual awareness course and
it's also tools for how to clear

the shadow side of yourself out.

It's all the tools that I learned
being in five years in bed and to

watch people like, I think, yeah, okay.

I'll have session one.

And then they go through
that and then session two.

And they're like oh my
goodness, this happened.

And they have their first
synchronicity, like a major one, and

it, they absolutely are like, wow.

I'm like, welcome to my world.

Everybody can have this.

Just work it.

Just send out the thought.

Just ask for a sign, meditate,
do what you need to do.

Go walking in nature, and you'll get ideas
and they'll come to a beautiful fruition.

And to watch them open and
awaken is just such a joy.

These people come to me broken, or
they've come, they're in grief or

they hate themselves, or they've got
issues, addictions, and they go through

the calls and they find themselves
and then they suddenly find that they

have access to all of these realms
and it's just, ah, I just am so lucky.

I just love what I do.

And to see people suddenly think,
wow, there's something in this.

And then they become these sponges,
these spiritual sponges that then send

me, oh, have you've seen this person?

Have you seen that person on?

Because they're literally grabbing all
this ethereal knowledge, all this esoteric

knowledge from everybody they can.

And that's what I aim to do,
is spread that so that we can

cope with this human experience.

Because it does get tough, doesn't it?

Really tough.

See what led you, for instance,
what led you look at me, I'm

becoming the bleeding nose now.

What led you to do this to bring
knowledge of all of these wonderful

stories, all these guests you have on,
what made you feel that pull to do that?

It wasn't anything.

Okay, I, what I did was I saw
another interview like this and

I thought, I've gotta do that.

That was really it.

I just knew as soon as I saw
it that I've gotta do that.

Now, prior to that, I had an interest.

So somewhere in the last sort of year
and a half, for some reason I got

fascinated with out-of-body experiences.

So I started to read, and then I
found about the work that Robert

Monroe has done with the Monroe
Institute and so on and so forth.

And then, was successful one time
and that sort of then I thought,

okay it's one thing to read and hear
people talk about it, but you really

gotta have some experience yourself.

And once you've had that, then
a lot of doubt fades, right?

But until that's there,
there's always some doubt.

And then I thought there's just not
enough people that talk about it.

Obviously there are a lot of
people that talk about it.

Cause once you start to
look, you go there's loads of

people talking about it, but.

I thought as soon as I saw that, I
thought that's what I need to do.

Which is very different to what, my
usual sort of line of work in marketing.

Here I am and I thought that I was
gonna do it completely under the radar.

I wasn't.

I was just gonna interview people and say,
okay, talk to the camera and then I'll

do the edit later, and then that's it.

Nobody's gonna know.


That's what I'm trying.

You just know.

you just know.

So I know from that there was a source
that said we need him to educate

people and to bring, because all of
the people, it's amazing the comfort

they get from watching your videos

because there's all of, all of the things
that people talk of, it's not one, it's

thousands of people and you go to other
channels, it's thousands of people.

So these people are going,
ah, this is really real.

My dad really ask is in
heaven, I really can do this.

My soul really can travel,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

And so I feel that someone
nudged you to do that, and you

just knew you had to do it.

And it's like me, I don't have
to do anything really because

I've got a police pension.

I could live very well not with
many luxuries, but I could.

But I am driven, it's like a drug.

I cannot not do something for humankind.

I cannot not connect with them
and say, this is what I know.

It's just I have to do it.

I have to do it.

And it's the same with you.

So you are a light worker in your
own right, because you are showing

people the reality of our souls.

And the other thing is I didn't
realize as well that I thought people

would be more aware than they were.

But I've been, I'm so
aware of previous lives.

I remember when I was four or five
looking up, or every single night, I

would dream, I'd come out of my body
and every night I would be standing

at the bottom of my stairs and there
was a portal at the top of the stairs,

which I knew led to the spirit world.

But I'd used to walk a few steps and then
come back again because they'd say no,

you can't come through this door yet.

And then I used to fly, and I used
to go into the back garden and think,

why can't I fly when I'm awake?

And it really used to really,
and I used to say, mommy, why

can't I fly when I'm awake?

She's I dunno, I asked your dad
because it's on my dad's side

of the family and all the woo.

And my auntie would explain it to
me and I just couldn't understand

why I couldn't fly when I was
awake cuz I did it all the time.

And then I found that after my dad
died in a road accident, two days

after he died, I was only nine.

He went past me, said, it's
okay Nick, I'm all right.

And I was furious.

So I ran back to the house and
I was like, how dare you mommy?

How dare you say, my daddy's dead.

I've just seen him.

And it was like, everybody's the
family are there all, silent silently

talking and having their tea.

And I've just kicked off like little.

And so my granddad pulled me aside
and he goes, darling, I'm just

gonna have to tell you're special.

You're gonna see people
that have passed over.

You're gonna see things from heaven.

You're gonna see angels and things that
are not of this world, but it's okay.

And I'm like okay, then
that's absolutely fine.

And it went from there, really.

But I thought everybody could do that.

And I, I used to see things that
would happen the following day.

And again, it was,

and now I realize that everybody
else is a muggle and I'm,


and I should be a hogwarts
and not a mud blood either.

I can tell you,


oh God, wouldn't you just love
it if there was a real Hogwarts?

Do you like Harry Potter?


I do.

My wife is an absolute insane fan.

She must have watched each of the
movies up at least 20 times each.

For sure.

I literally decide if I, especially if
I'm on a bad day and I've got really

bad pain and I'm exhausted, you are.

You learn to know that your mind
says, nothing's happening today.


Nothing is happening and you get a block
emotionally, physically, where you cannot

do a thing apart from just lay there.

I still get those days and I think

I think,

Harry Potter Fest.

And I'm on it.

And I start the first one and
then I just watch the whole lot.

Sounds really sad, didn't it?

But I don't care.

I love it.

And when I was in, when I actually got to
Florida, right when I went to the Harry

Potter place and went to Hogwarts, I
just stood there and cried like a baby.

Do you know the moving pictures?

I was like, it's even Dawn French.

I'm like, oh my God.

And I just cried like a baby.

And one of the, one of the people you
know like that, Hey, how you doing?

He goes, are you okay?

I went, I'm just really happy to
be here because this is Hogwarts.

And she's yeah, she needs
to go in the nut bin.

The times are people have gone.

Yeah, okay.

And I, oh my goodness.

I went to Olivanders to get my wand.

It was Dumbledore's.

Get in.

I literally was more excited, I
was like throwing kids out the way

so I could get through the queue.

Not really, it's my, I want my wand.

Get out the way child.

Absolutely love it cuz it's
the magic of it, isn't it?

And I, we have the Arthur Finley College,
I dunno if you've ever heard of it.

It's like a psychic development place in
the near Stanford airport here in Essex.

And people come from all
over the world to study.

It's all different courses there.

And I call that Hogwarts, but it's
nothing like the real Hogwarts.

What a shame.

But, oh God, I love it.

Could you imagine going on
a train to just pure magic?

So to a certain essence, I think that's
why I love doing what I do, because I'm

showing people a bit magic, a bit of
escapism a bit, but it's actually reality.

It's just a different,
it's a parallel reality.


And that's why I love it so much.

And people say to me, how do
you stay so positive when you've

got such a disabling condition?

Because my mind's, my mind
I've sorted my mind out.

I've sorted how I want to
choose to live my life.

And my guide once said to me,
what is wrong with you humans?


He said, why is it that you all choose
to drag yourself through a desert when

you can actually consciously put yourself
in Oasis with every part of your life?

Why do you have to martyr yourself and
walk through the desert without any

water, any food, sustenance and suffer?

He goes, I just, he goes, I
just don't know sometimes.

And he is right.

You know, we choose, oh,
I'm gonna be rubbish today.

Then you'll be rubbish, won't you?

But then if you think, yes,
I'm gonna be really good today.

I'm gonna be happy.

I'm gonna play my favorite song.

I'm gonna burn my favorite essential oils.

I'm gonna do whatever I do that I love.

And then your day is completely different.

And we can all choose that.

We can.

We all have the choice to
live a happy or sad life.

And then lots of people
say, it's all right for you.

This has happened to me.

That's happened to me.


It's happened.

So it depends on how you deal with it as
to how you get away from it, heal from

it, and what you've learned from it.

What did you learn from that situation,
and so we all have to naturally grieve.

Loss is part of our life down here.

Part of our human experience
and the older our soul is, the

harder the experiences become.

Because when we get up there,
this is all in my new book.

When you get up there, it's
like my mom, oh my goodness.

She was just literally no filter, my mom.

She was worse than me, believe it or not.

And when I went up there and spoke
to her, she's I said, you alright?

She goes, yeah, it's all right.

She goes, it's all cuz you, you
see everybody you're really excited

for like the first day or so she
goes, and then it's a bit boring.

So I said, what do you
mean, It's a bit boring?.

She goes you can do what you want.

So she goes, so yeah, gets a bit boring.

I'm like, oh my God.

So she goes, I like coming
down here to see all the drama.

And I'm like, okay.

And it's true.

And I've seen it where you've been,
it's normally they say it's three

generations before you reincarnate so
that you are not bumping into someone

that you know on the earth plane.

That's something how they
set when you incarnate.

And she, so what they do is when I went
up there and said how does it all work?

When I went into the halls of
learning, it's like we do get bored.

Everything is a utopia.

With our soulmates, with our soul cluster,
we can create whatever reality we want.

There's no challenges, there's no
pain, there's no hurt, there's nothing.

And so when it's our time to reincarnate,
I think we get really sick sense

of humor because we go in, right?

And our guide's there,
our soul guide's there.

That's with Metatron.

Right, what do you wanna
experience this time around?


What should we do this time?

Let's have a really tough one, shall we?

You can leave me, you can turn
up there and this'll happen.

And we crave human experience
and challenge and obstacles.

The older we get.

So a young soul for instance, so much
you've got loads of money and everything's

easy for them and they, oh, this just
happened and I opened a company here.

Now I'm multimillionaire.

They're the old young souls
that still crave the material.

Whereas as you get older, the older
souls crave a human experience.

So they're the sort of people that,
give up their whole lives to open

an animal shelter and they just
wear the clothes that have got on

their back and they don't care, and
they're just giving themselves to the

planet or to, to the animal kingdom.

And they're the old souls.

You always know an old soul
because their life is rubbish.

Mine's been rubbish.

My life has been so rubbish.

It's unbelievable until the awakening, the
proper awakening during those five years.

And and people say, oh, so you
are saying that it's my fault

that I've had a hard life?

I said, no.

But if you look at the bigger picture
of an eternal soul, you've chosen one

tiny little incarnation and you've
added some obstacles in it and some

pain in there so that you can experience
it, cuz when you get back up there,

It's back to per perfect like utopia.

So that's why.

But some, most people can't handle
it when I say that though, they

will not accept which I get.

They will not accept that they've
chosen, what they're going through.

But we do.

And people get angry with it.

How dare you say that?

I didn't ask for my mum
to die when I was five.

No, I didn't ask my dad to die
when I was nine, but apparently

we agreed it when we was up there.

And he's even confirmed it.

He's even confirmed it when he has been up
there and said, yeah, it was part of me.

He goes, I did have he said,
I did have a subparagraph.

I'm right, what are you talking about?

He said, I actually did have the
choice this time, which I must have

put in there at some point in the life
plan to come down, but be completely

disabled, completely paralyzed.

And he goes, Nick, I couldn't
do that cause I couldn't dance.

My dad was real right
darling, beautifully handsome.

He reminds me of you.

He had this beautiful blue eyes, dark
hair, and everybody loved my dad.

And my mum was this most beautiful,
she was a model and she was like,

in her years, she'd done modeling.

She was beautifully lady and
everybody was quite jealous of them.

Perfect couple, and he said, I couldn't
come down here and be a veggie.

And I said, you can't call them that.

He goes, no, I don't care.

I didn't, I couldn't
come down and be that.

He said to stay up here, love.

He goes, I'm sorry, but you know what?

I see him more now than I most really
would've back, if he was alive now?

It's just, he's always there for me.

He's always there and it's like things
like I think it's in Rise and Fall as

well where I say about the TV going off.

And it started in November and the
TV kept going off in the lounge.

Now my partner, he was skeptical
to begin with and used to take the

Mickey out on me, but over the years
he's oh no, it's totally right.

I'm never ever gonna argue with it again.

So he's saying to me, maybe the TV keeps
turning cause there's an internal alarm.

I said there's quite a few alarms
then because it goes like between

three and a half past three.

So he goes, oh, there's
an electrical fault.

There's an electrical fault.

And I went, there isn't.

I said, I'm telling you it's my dad,
but he won't tell me what it's about.

This went on for three months.

And then he basically, Darren goes, no,
there's definitely a fault with the telly.

We'll have to get a new telly.

And as he said it, the TV on the
bedroom came on as well, which is

fantastic cause it's like a TV bed.

That was one of my luxuries because
I thought if I'm gonna spend a load

of time in bed, I'm having a TV bed.

So it rises up, at the bottom of the bed.

So you have to press the button for it to
rise up, press the sound tube for that to

come on and press the TV to turn it on.

Then press the sky button.

So that's all different remotes
that you got to press, and it

just came up and turned on and
everything turned on the sound.

He's whoa.

He said, that's good.

That's the, and I went, exactly.

So both TVs were playing.

Three o'clock in the morning.

And then after three nights of
that I was like, do you know

what this is getting a joke.

So I just walked into the lounge and went,
what do you want me to do for God's sake?

I'm so tired.

What is it?

You won't tell me?

And then my phone come on and
there was a TikTok thing playing.

I'm like, oh hell no.

I don't wanna do that.


But I did go on it because
the TV wouldn't stop.

So the day I did my first
video, the TV stopped.

And so it was him.

And for some reason, he
wanted me to go on TikTok.

And I suppose it's just to reach a
different genre of people if you like.

I prefer YouTube.

I love YouTube because you have the
most beautiful community, don't you?

And they're so supportive and
wonderful, and I think they're great.

And as right at the beginning when
we said about me having a big boost,

I'm so pleased for that because I
can put more attention on YouTube

now because TikTok I find, I dunno
if you do anything on there, or put

anything on there, but I find it very.

There's a lot of negativeness in that app.

There's a lot of people that
are the keyboard warriors.

I call them, oh, I wake up and
I'll just create hate everywhere.


in the mornings.

I no, go on.

it ex it exists on different platforms.

I think it's, it's on all
the platforms and I suppose


I feel like I've only got so, so
many resources to spread around and

there's way more eyeballs on YouTube.

Absolutely, yeah.

That's where I'm gonna concentrate
on mine because they are beautiful

people and they really, they
respect what you do, don't they?

And they've got ultimate respect
and listen to what you have to say.

No, I love it here.

I do love it and I love doing
these interviews as well, cuz

most of the time, most especially
regular hosts, they're just go.

Okay, record.

And off you go, Nikki.

And then they're like, yeah, I'll have
a cup of tea, go out and do my shopping.

Come back and go, yep, okay.

I'm just gonna go and do, I just talk
for England and Australia and America.

For the world basically.

I remember when I was training in the
police and people said, oh my God,

we've gotta do this exercise tomorrow.

And you had to talk about the most
ridiculous things for 10 minutes.

So it just gave you communicative
skills and, confidence in

speaking in front of a crowd.

And I had to talk 10 minutes on
the inside of a ping pong ball.

Piece of cake.

And another one was a gorilla's armpit.

That would be more interesting at least.


But it's e it's easy.

I just, I'm just a natural talker.


As I said to you, looking in the
oven reflection, I can just talk for

England, which is good because you need
good communicators if they're gonna.

Not sell, but if you are going to talk
about the things that we do in respect

of heaven after life, incarnation, all
that you have to have a bit of humor.

You have to be down to earth, not be
too spooky dooky people, the people

that wear like cobwebby stuff and have
all like weird stuff going on and all

this weird stuff in the background.

You're like, really?

Just keep it real.

And that's what I like to do.

And that came about keeping it real.

That was just, people watching me
saying, you really keep it real.

Didn't, I said, yeah, I
don't do airs and graces.

This is it.

This is how it happens.

And I suppose I've had more
credibility over the years because

I was a police officer before
as well, because some, there are

some, oh, I can feel your energy.

I'm not that person at all.

So by being down to Earth, I think it,
it makes you more credible, when you're

actually talking about this stuff.

But then again, how could you, I,
what do you think after reading

Rise and Fall, how could, I dunno
how skeptic could get around all

of those stories I've got in there.

What do you think?


I think that you just, I went in there
full believer already, but you you

can't not read something like that
and go, just can't make that stuff up.

You just can't possibly make it up.



And that's why that's so
glad I did my Soul Journal.

I'm actually just in the, I'm just,
funny enough, she's from Australia,

Trish, oh my God, she's amazing.

I've got I've found her again through
synchronicity, a graphic designer and

I'm gonna create my own soul journal
because, If it wasn't for me doing the

Soul journals, I never would've had book
one, me, myself and I, because that was

me when I could write, writing my feelings
out and writing what I was going through.

And I thought it was a
bit too, to begin with.

There are lots of people said,
no, we are in the same boat.

We get it.

There's millions of us.

Exactly the same as you, Nicky.

So that was okay.

And then the second one, again, I've
literally just got a whole box full

of my journals and I just went through
them and marked, that's a good story.

I've got hun thousands most probably
that I could do about another six

books with all the stories I've got.

And so soul journals are just so
precious to me, writing out your

meditations, your dreams, your feelings,
your emotions, writing to perhaps

people you're grieving and writing
out all your spiritual experiences.

And thank goodness I did that because.

Because half of the stories I forgot.

But then they're all written
time and dated at the time.

I suppose that goes back to me being
a police officer time and dating

everything as I put it in there.

And so it's good to, literally
record everything and then be

able to put it into a book.

It's just amazing.

I've got, see the thing is I've got
so many books here and it's just

getting the time and the energy to
write them on top of everything else.

I've just got so many to do, so many.

But they'll all come, they'll
all come as I go along.

It's just finding the time.

I need an extra day put in.

But I think all during that the angels
aren't gonna be able to pull that one off.

I want an eight day.

You've inspired me to keep
a diary more regularly.

I've started with just dreams,
like trying to remember dreams.

Cuz one thing I noticed was that the more
that you tried to remember them and write

them down, the better you get at it.

And if you can acquire a habit for it.

I think it's really very useful.

I'm conscious of the time, Nicky.

Oh, is

What I wanted to do was to ask what's
the best way for people to, to follow

your work and get in contact with
you if they want to these days?


My website is, it's,
so I work in my dad's name.

In his memory it says a l a n,, which is my

website, which has got everything
there in including the shop

and all my contact details.

I also am on YouTube, obviously,
please come and join me on YouTube.

I do lots of questions for people and
readings and all sorts of things on there.

Just TikTok, any of the, Instagram or
all of those kind of sites, if you need

to speak to me though, but I'm gonna
tell you now though, that because of my

condition at the moment, I haven't got
the energy to do one-to-one readings.

So I get, normally after I, something
like this goes out, I get hundreds

of people say, can I have a reading?

I can refer you to my brother
who's an amazing medium.

But I haven't got the energy to
dedicate an hour to just one person

a few times a day at the moment.

I need to spread it out.

So just to let you know, don't email
me about asking for a reading unless

you want my brother's details.

But apart from that, there's any
questions you have or anything that

you know you want need to know.

Then it's

But to be honest with you, the
website has got absolutely everything.

That's got all of the
information you'll possibly need.

And as I say, come join us on YouTube.

Let's create a big ethereal party with
all that's wonderful people on it.

And have loads of followers.

I'm gonna say thank you so much
for coming on the channel Nicky.

I knew that this was gonna be
fun and I wish I could like,

talk for a whole lot longer.

Hopefully we can organize you to
come back for a live stream as

I'd love to,


I'm, I've been running a couple
of those, so we'll organize that.

Do you have any, any kind of
a message that you want people

to hear before we wrap it up?

I think the main message I wanna
do is whatever situation you're in

that's causing you pain or trauma,

the major thing that you need
to get hold of is your mindset.

Because if your mindset can be as
positive as it can and as strong as it

can, then your experience what you're
going through is gonna be so much easier.

Be kind to yourself, love
yourself, and do everything you

can to be as positive as you can.

And I know that's hard.

I know that's hard.

I've been there and done it and got the
sweatshirt and the matching earrings.

But what I will say is the more you can be
focused on your mind and be more positive,

the easier your life will be during here.

And if you can't manage it, people
like me and Rod and other people

will show you the way forward.

Just keep watching all of these
brilliant inspirers on here.

Just keep watching them because
they'll fill you with so much

hope, knowledge, and comfort.

And that's all I wanna say.

But if you can't do that or you don't
wanna do that, work on your mind because

it will take you to places you've
never been if you just allow them in.

People say, how do you allow them in?

Walk in nature, send
your thoughts up to them.


You don't even have to sit there.

And meditation can be you
walking, gardening, swimming.

Any way that you can get your
mind quiet and just allow positive

things in, it's gonna be a whole
lot easier on this life term.

This time round.

That's what I got to say.

thank you so much for coming on, Nikki.

I can't wait to do this


for having me, sweetheart.

I can't wait either.

All right, now don't go away.

Retired Police Officer Reveals How She Caught Criminals With Psychic Visions - Nicky Alan
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