Surviving Brain Cancer: How My Tumor Vanished After a Near-Death Experience - Susie Pearl

For some reason I
just was not scared.

I was fine.

I sat on my bed and felt
that my spirit was coming

together and whooshing and
coming up and wanted to

be dragged out my body.

And this was the feeling I got
was that this, there's like

a suction pad on top of my
head, and it sucked my spirit,

if you will, out of my body.

My guest today is Susie
Pearl, a bestselling

author, and TEDx Speaker.

Susie is a brain cancer
survivor who outlived

predictions of having a
lifespan of just a few

weeks left to go, and
during this time, she had

a near death experience.

She's currently writing
another book about her

NDE and also writing a
film treatment for this to

become a Hollywood movie.

Susie, welcome and
thank you so much for

coming on the show.

Thanks so much.

Thanks for having me.

Susie would you like to
give us a little bit of

background on your life up
to the day of your NDE, and

then we can go from there?


I had a fast and colorful
life as a celebrity PR.

I was looking after
artists, big music artists.

And I had my own PR agency
in London and it had

offices around the world.

And I was looking after people
like Michael Jackson and

Madonna and the Spice Girls
and all, and people like this.

I was having a great
time running around.

Very busy running
my own thing.

Lots of pressure.

Lots of press and
deadlines and so on.

So I was living a stressed
life, but a fun life.

And previously to that, I'd
studied a lot about mind

technology, about hypnosis.

I was lucky enough to work
with Paul McKenna, Richard

Bandler, co-created NLP
neurolinguistic programming.

So I'd done a lot mind work
and I knew the power of the

mind and how we can work with
it to create extraordinary

things and healing.

I've done a lot of healing
work with Theta Healing and

various other modalities.

So I was a celebrity
running around fast person,

a kind of mind technology
expert, and had a lot of

techniques in my belt, thank
goodness as it turned out.

So tell us about
the day of your NDE.

Okay how I got to be in
hospital with a brain with

identified with brain cancer.

I started forgetting things.

I was losing my place
and not knowing where

I'd parked my car.

And I went to meet a friend
and I didn't know where I

was or how to get there,
and she was concerned.

So she took me into
hospital to get checked,

which I didn't wanna do.

But she made me do it.

She's very persuasive.

Serbian woman, my
neighbor, she's brilliant.

So she bundled me off and
told the doctors that I'd

been forgetting things.

They did me a brain scan
and found that I had this

humongous brain tumor in
my head and, it wasn't

looking good for me.

The doctor said I
can't dress this up.

You've only got a few weeks.

Write a will, get your affairs
together and get ready.

So I had this very strong,
intuitive voice speaking to

me going, your storyline,
is to stay, write books,

tell people, talk to people
about what happens and you're

gonna get through this.

So I believed that and not
really any except my son,

no one else believed that.

So I was in hospital.

Eventually I did agree to go
to hospital after my family

really pushed me to do it.

So I went to Cambridge
University Hospital.

I was in hospital and
one day I was on my bed

and I just knew this
day I was going to die.

I had this strong,
strong feeling.

I wasn't scared.

For some reason I
just was not scared.

I was fine.

I says, okay.

So I sat on my bed and
I began to meditate.

I've been a meditator
for about 15 years.

I work a lot with the
David Lynch Foundation.

I'm a big fan of TM
meditation, transcendental

meditation, and had
done it for many years.

I sat on my bed and felt
that my spirit was coming

together and whooshing and
coming up and wanted to

be dragged out my body.

And this was the feeling I got
was that this, there's like

a suction pad on top of my
head, and it sucked my spirit,

if you will, out of my body.

And I felt myself
leaving my body.

I knew this was a
spectacular event.

So I, I went with it,
you know, know, and I, I

felt my spirit leaving.

I then found myself outta my
body, looking down upon my

body, and I felt like I was
whizzing around the universe.

It was like I was being given
a tour of heaven and I was

very comfortable with this.

I wasn't scared.

Wasn't scary to me at all,
and it felt like floating

through an ocean of stars
and it was very peaceful,

very beautiful place to be,
and it was very expansive.

Obviously, being out of the
container, that is my body.

And as I went on this
journey, I don't know,

people say to me, how
long were you there for?

There is no time construct
in this place when we get

outta the body and modern
scientists talk about in the

quantum field that time and
space don't really exist.

It's more of a human
construct, and I

understand that now.

I got a message
telepathically, if you

will, or in my spirit
form, that I had the option

to go back into my body.

Did I wanna do this?

And this was a one
time choice point.

If it was yes, I
could go back in.

If it was no, I would stay
in this paradise place.

I'm a mom and I have a
young son to look after.

So for me, it
was a no-brainer.

I had to return.

I wanted to be
looking after my son.

So I instructed myself
to go back into my body.


White flash.


I was back in immediately,
like immediately.

And as I came back in, I
realized one, nothing would

be the same ever again.

Two, I have a new
operating system.

I see things differently.

Three, it's like I had a
relationship with myself, with

the world, with the universe,
which is completely different.

And I would have to
reintegrate in a different

way and deal with life
differently and have to deal

with all the repercussions of
that and the difficulties of

those people around me of how
they were gonna deal with me.

So it was the reintegration
was almost the most difficult

part of this journey.

As I came back in I felt
amazing and slightly

blasted let's say.

I just thought, woo,
what happened there?

Subsequently, I had
another M R I scan at the

hospital shortly after
this experience and the

doctor, wonderful doctor
at Cambridge came back in.

He's one of the world's
experts on oncology

and what I had.

And he walked in and he
said, how are you doing?

I said, I'm great.

And he was shaking his head.

He said, we don't understand
the results of this scan.

The previous scan
showed this huge tumor.

Now, the results are
quite extraordinary, and

I have no explanation.

He told me that the tumor
had gone, there was no

scarring, and it was like
it had never been there.


Just like that.

I got healed.

And I was trying to
process this information

and I didn't really, I'd
never heard of an NDE.

I didn't know what an NDE was.

I began to do research
later and found out about

near-death experience.

And what I found out was
that my experience was

very similar to what other
people experience as NDE's.

There are many common
denominators and there are

many great people including
scientists who have written

books on this and studied
this very carefully.

It's very interesting subject.

And now I've met many
people who've had, I

think they're more common
than we've realized.

Myself, in my normal
day-to-day life, met

many people now who have
had similar experiences

and I talk to them.

Very similar.

My experience was that I
healed from brain cancer

and I got a new operating
software and I now feel

compelled to tell this story
because it's a good one.

And it gives an insight
into what life is about,

what happens when we die,
what death is about, and

therefore it informs how
to live life and live life

in a way that is expansive.

That is using our
consciousness for the highest

good and learning how to use
our consciousness in ways

that perhaps in our small
frame of growing up in the

education system that, that
we are in on this planet.

It doesn't really allow
too much for learning

about consciousness and
the power of the mind.

I'm now going to reference
backwards to my time

studying mind technology,
studying hypnosis,

studying altered states of
reality that I did in my

pre-life, my pre NDE life.

So it all linked together.

It was like everything was
working towards this moment

of me popping out my body,
expanding my consciousness,

and coming back in.

As I was going in for the
scan in hospital, I was

told, telepathically, if
you will that - I said

what's going on here?

And they said, you've got a
very big storyline and you

will write about this and you
will inform many, many people

about what you're gonna learn.

And the power of the mind,
the power of consciousness,

and the power we have
as human beings to heal.

So I understood why
this had happened.

I wasn't confused about why.

I was stunned by how
it happened and the

actual event itself.

It was quite extraordinary
to experience this,

and I'm very grateful.

I'm grateful for
all of the story.

I'm grateful for having
this illness, healing from

this illness, coming back
in and having a platform

to be able to convey it
to others in a way that

will be helpful I hope.

It's comforting to know
that there is beautiful

land or a beautiful realm
on the other side of life.

When people come to me
now and say, oh, I've

lost someone dear to me,
I can no longer say, oh,

that's so sad, I'm so sorry
because I don't feel sad.

Because I know that they
have gone to this most

beautiful place where there
is no illness, there is no

grief, there's no strife.

It's literally heavenly.

So I can no longer

I can congratulate
but not commiserate.

And I feel now that
every day is precious.

Every day is a gift.

And that we have
to honor our gifts.

Stop the complaining, stop
the gossiping, stopping

seeing the grubby bits of
life, the underbelly of

life and stop worrying.

Stop, really stop complaining.

And what I learned was
the importance of our

thoughts, our words,
our emotions need to be

strong, positive emotions.

All of this drives
reality, drives

experience that we have.

So we're not really taught
this as young people, but

it's important that we must
remember that everything

we speak is like a spell.

You know we talk about
writing and spelling.

It's a spell.

We are telling the universe,
instructing the universe

on the cosmic level what we
wish to experience in life.

Now, there's a lot of
talk these days about

law of attraction.

All of these physics,
brilliant people

speaking about it.


Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden,
all these kind of expert

scientists are reflecting
on how modern day science

is informing us about
consciousness and about

reality, and about how
we create our reality.

For many people I understand
that's a step too far.


I can't get to grips with
this, say many people.

Understandable, because
we're not taught it.

It's not in mainstream
pilots, but boy, are we

getting very, very clear now.

And there's what, that's why
we have platforms like this

where we can discuss with
each other beyond the science

territory about the power of
consciousness, the power of

your mind, and how to conduct
life at the mind level in a

way that will create a better
life for you and the planet.

And the more we become aware
of our powers and how to use

and manipulate our mind power
only still using these three,

four things, how we use words,
how we use ideas, and what

we vision and focus on, how
we feel and our emotions,

and importantly intentions
when we set an intention.

The universe conspires
to bring that to us.

I like coffee and I go to
a lot of coffee bars and I

listen, and I'm a writer, so
my job is listen and observe.

Since all of this happened,
I've learned a lot of

big stuff about life.

I love to share it.

I listen to people's
conversations and I hear,

blah, blah, blah, blah.

How are you doing?

Hi, how are you doing?

Oh and I'll come a load of
like, dreadful explanations

about what's going on in
life and very few people.

I I saw a guy this morning
at my coffee shop and

I know him really well.

He is a nice guy and he said,
Hey, Susie, how you doing?

I said, no.

I said to him,
Hey, how you doing?

He said, I'm doing great.

How are you doing?

And I said, you know what?

I'm also doing great.

And it occurred to me
as we were having this

exchange, it's rare.

Sadly, for people to
say things like this to

each other, I'm great.

I'm really great.

Things are going good.

Quite rare.

We've learned to swap
stories and share terrible

tales with each other.

The woes and the glooms
and the, oh, he did this,

she did that or misery, or
haven't got enough of this.

I haven't got enough of that.


Because then you are
instructing your powerful

mind, the most powerful
computer in the universe

to create that reality.

Now, I know many people go,
man, this is like crazy.

It's not.

I have been to the other side.

I've been out of my body.

I've seen how it works, and
I'll give you an example.

When I set the intention
to come back into my

body, It happened.


Just like this really fast
because I set the intention.

I was asked if I wanted
to, I was given the option.

I said, yeah, but I was, when
I decided I did wanna come

back, it was instantaneous.

And this is how
the world can work.

Things can happen
instantaneously in

the quantum field.

Believe it.

If you doubt it, have a
look at some of the science

that's being put out in
layman's terms by these

great people, these great
psychologists, scientists,

modern day people, looking
at the philosophy of life.

And you'll see that the
science backs up the

concept that we create
everything in our worlds

through this consciousness.

So let's get good at it.

Let's do it better.

And my mission now for
the rest of my life,

I'm not a young
spring chicken.

Well, I feel it actually.

My mission now is to
have a wonderful, great

life that I feel is
the best I can make it.

And uh, for me, there
are no edges to that.

I have all sorts of adventures
planned for this year.

The reason you had
trouble getting me in

the diary is because I
plan a lot of adventures.

I have a lot of adventures
now because every day is a

gift and I wanna live, I wanna
experience life, don't wanna

stay in a little tiny box.

And I'm a simple person.

I don't have a big hedge fund.

I don't have tons of
money in the bank.

I am a simple person.

I live very simply.


In nature, in Ibiza actually,
which is a, a place of

joy and celebration,
dancing, laughter.

People make a habit of it
and people come here on

holiday to absorb that energy.

I made a choice to move from
London, the city, to live here

10 years ago because I felt
I wanted to be in the energy

Of life and enjoying life.

So I, I'm making it my
business to make sure that I

have a really good life and
teach my family my child as

well about the importance
of what we can do to live

a happy and contented life.

Thanks for that, Susie.

I'm glad I stayed up to
listen to this story.

It's quite inspirational.

I've got a few
questions for you.

The first one is, so when
you initially, I'll just go

back to your NDE and when
you initially left your body

and you said you were shown
the universe, was there

some transition between,
okay, I can see my body and

then I'm being shown the
universe, or was that pretty

much instantaneous in one
place and then the other?

This concept of time is,
it's like everything is

happening at the same time.

It's very hard for us to
understand that as humans, but

this is what a lot of these
modern scientists are talking

about, that there is only now.

People like Eckhart Toll and
so on speak about be present.

Show up in the now because
yesterday and tomorrow

don't really exist.

In the same way, when I
went up, everything was

happening as a continuum.

There wasn't a kind of
before, after middle,

and this happened.

It was all just one thing.

And it's very hard for us to
understand that because we

are linear in our thinking,
in our constructs, the way

we construct the world.

We are little, we go to
school, we grow up and

our journey of follows
through and we see it

on a linear timeline.

It's in reality in the
cosmic world, it, there

isn't a linear timeline.

So I can't really give
you a specific on that

cuz there isn't one.


That's interesting.

I had another one of my
guests who had an NDE where

he, you mentioned this sea
of soul, ocean of stars, I

think you used that term.

He used the term
a sea of souls.

Do you think the stars
that you saw were souls

or were they literally
stars or not sure.

In this cosmic place, it's
very hard to be factual or

to know or to understand
what these illustrations.

Metaphors are.

The stars that I felt, I saw
they, it was, the feeling

I got was like a night
sky or a bright sky, let's

say with lots of galaxies.

It looked a bit like that.

Those images we see when
we look at galaxies being

shown by people like Brian
Cooks who looks at the

universe on a big scale.

I love that.

And I, that's the kind
of feeling I got is

there's just lots.

We aren't the only galaxy.

There's a lot going on
here, and we are tiny little

specs in the universe.

And one of the things, for
example, if I was feeling sad

or worried about life, I can
look at one of these images

which says, you are here.

This tiny little speck.

Our galaxy's a tiny little
speck in this big plethora

of amazing infinite
sense of stars and space.

And the space that we occupy
here on planet Earth is

minuscule in the big story
of the whole of existence.

We are a tiny speck, a
pinhead in the big scheme.

So why worry frankly,
you are on a pinhead.

You're spinning
around on a planet.

It's part of a massive galaxy.

You are worried about
your gas bill, or you are

worried about the woman
next door won't cut her

hedge properly or whatever.

Forget it.

Grow up, expand.

Relax and enjoy.

Stop worrying or getting
upset by things or getting

annoyed by other people.

It's really not a
good use of your life.

Think more carefully.

This is my life.

How do I wish to spend it?

What was that
Monty Python film?

Was it The Meaning of Life?



I forget the song, that was
my first introduction as a

a teenager, I think, to the
idea of the infiniteness of,

that's a good reference.

I must dig that out.

I'm gonna watch that later.

That's fun.

Really, if you are worried
about what someone's done

at school today or work
today, or they looked

at you sideways and you
felt rotten, forget it.

You're spinning around
in this massive galaxy

and billions of stars.

No one cares, so
forget it and move on.

We're here I believe we
are here with a goal and

we are here to experience
life as a human being.

We have joy, happiness,
harmony, and we are here

to really live life well.

We've got it wrong
in so many ways and

this point in history.

And looking back in history,
it's been wars fighting,

people killing each other.

It is crazy when
you think about it.

How on earth can we think it's
okay to kill another life?

It makes no sense.

We are here to explore
the joy of being human.

To have consciousness, to
have awareness, to have

understanding, to learn,
to grow, to be kind, to be

compassionate to each other.

Stop the wars,
stop the arguing.

Stop the falling out.

Stop the judgment and
begin being in your

heart, expanding into that
meditating, realizing that

your consciousness and how
you run your brain dictates

how your life will unfold.

So get good at running your
mind because it's the most

powerful thing you have.

Get really good at it.

Learn how to do it.

Get some good techniques.

Learn meditation.

Learn how to go into
deep relaxed states.

Hypnosis is good.

Get in there and you can
play with programs and

resources that you have
built in and conditioned.

We're heavily conditioned.

You can recondition your
belief systems in a way

that supports health,
happiness, friendship,

connection, lifestyle.

Connection is
really important.

I wanna speak about that.

Connection is why we are here.

We've lost connection.

People are going around
with their phones.

I can see people in
restaurants going out for

dinner and they're not looking
at each other or speaking.

They're on their phones check.

I've just gotta check this.

No, let's connect in a
more real way with others.

And when we get into proper
connection, building proper

community, proper friendships,
family, partners, communities.

Where we live this, and then
take it further and further.

Let's begin to love
everybody and get connected

more deeply and more
authentically with others.

Stop the disconnection.

You know when we were wearing
plastic shoes with plastic

rubber souls, you know we lost
our connection with the earth.

Walk around at least
half an hour every day

with your shoes off.

Connect with the land.

Walk on soil.

Go bathe in a forest, go
to the sea, whatever it

is, get in with nature
because this will affect

your brainwave state.

And your frequency.

We are all radio
transmitters running around

on a certain frequency,
transmitting to each other.

I'm transmitting to you.

You are transmitting
to me, and we are

swapping frequencies.

And these frequencies
affect the nature of our

thoughts and our reality
and how good life turns out.

And our job is to
raise our frequency.

We can do it through food,
thoughts, environment.

Be in nature is really
good because then you get

onto the harmonic frequency
of the earth and then

you get aligned with the
frequency of the earth.

Everything gets easier.

Things can flow to you,
abundance can flow to you.

Happiness, good connections,
all of these things can flow.

It's a frequency based
concept, so I think it's

very important that we
realize that connecting

with others, Connecting with
ourselves through meditation

is a good way, for example
connecting with the planet,

not being mean to the planet,
but rather understanding

that it's our home.

Let's look after it.

It's very important that
we become way more aware

of our environment and
the people around us

and get kinder with it.

I like to go for walks in
nature and I started doing

this about a year ago.

I live near a big natural
reserve and I go for a

walk every lunchtime.

And I've gotten to the point
now where I can't not go.

I have to actually go,
I'll skip other things so

that I can go, it does
something and I can't

really put my finger on it.

What you said then helps
make a little more sense.

Now aligning with

the vibration of the earth.

Very much.

I'm not as diligent
with meditation.

As soon as I wake up, if I
meditate then I can get into

it for about 10 or 15 minutes.

But then after I've,
it's all, it's like I've

left it too late and



mind Takes over.


And from a brainwave
point of view, it's best

meditation is great for
us when you first wake up.

Don't even, don't
do anything before.

Just use those, even if, and
it's better to do it in short

periods of time, then think
you have to have an extensive

half hour or hours meditate.

You don't need that.

Very simply, the power
of doing it even for 10,

15 minutes when you first
wake up or when you're

just going to sleep.

They're both really
powerful brainwave states,

which you can use for
manifesting more profoundly.

So don't get stuck into the
day, cuz once you start and

you go out, that's the thing.

I like to exercise, I
like to meditate, exercise

and then begin my day.

Because if I've done those two
things, life is much better.

It just is.

I can create a
much better world.

Yeah, get into good
habits, good routine.

And a good routine is doing
the essential stuff first

so it doesn't get nudged.

The exercise is one thing I
always do in the morning, but

the meditation I'll keep doing
that as soon as I wake up.

Cause I've never really heard
anyone mention the timing.

I thought, is it better be
more, a little more conscious?

But, and

When you wake

going to sleep

Yeah, both those times
we're in this alpha

wave brainwave state.

It is easy when we are in
Thetas, get very creative,

just waking up and going in.

We are in this heightened
brainwave state, which

makes it really powerful.

And also from a habits and
routine like help coach

people how to create routines
and habits that are gonna

give you a better life.

And one solid way is to have
a structure in your day, a

framework to get things done.

So make a list of
things you really wanna

get done in your day.

Put them first, not last.

With meditation, when you
wake up, when you go to sleep,

and then you've had two hits.


Life will change,
I promise you.


Now there was something
I forgot to ask you about

when you had the scans.

I'm cheating a little bit
cuz I've heard you mention

this on another interview,

but I think it's interesting
that you had three scans

and at some point you had
an awareness of what those

scans were going to be.

Can you just tell us a bit
about that and what the

reaction of the doctor was?

I think it's a good story.



So I, the first scan I had
I, my friend, my neighbor

took me to the hospital and
as soon as I described my

symptoms of loss of memory

and being confused and
so on, or, I dunno what

else I said, but something
made them go, you need a

brain scan straight away.

So I got the first brain
scan and the results

came back and the doctor
told me to write a will.

And get my family
here immediately.

Don't wait a week.

They need to come immediately
and get your affairs together.

He showed me the scan,
this gigantic tumor, on

this black and white image.


That's in my head.

And I was in a good mood.

I was feeling great.

I was taking a lot of CBD oil.

Which was very useful and
I still take it today.

And yeah, it showed a
really bad situation.

And as I was going in for
this first scan, that was

when I had this golden orb
around me of angels who

came in and said, you're
gonna have three scans.

This is the storyline.

One's terrible.

Don't worry.

The second one shrunk,
the third one clear.

That's your storyline.

Believe it.

And, that's hard for people
to say you had angels, you

had golden things around you.

Yeah, I did.

And I'm a, a grounded
down to earth character.

I'm not a hippie, even
though I live in Ibiza,

and I would quite like
that hippie lifestyle.

I, you know, I've been
running businesses, I've

been working, I've had a
stellar career and been a

very grounded individual.

I would not be
talking about angels.

I am now, this happened to me.

So the second time I had
the scan I went in there and

then the doctor came back
with the results very quickly

and he went it's promising.

It's well, I dunno if he
used the word promising,

but certainly it went from
disaster zone to improved.

And they were quite
surprised cuz this was

quite a short space of time.

Then I had the third scan
very soon after my NDE and

that was clear and they were
saying, There's no scarring.

That makes no sense.

I've been a doctor in
this area for 20 years,

and I've never seen this.

So it was extraordinary.

The three scans, terrible,
better, clear, full,

they put on my notes.

I remember seeing
it full remission.

I didn't even know what
full remission meant.

I looked it up, completely
healed, and I was given the

okay to go back to my house
and see my friends in Ibiza.

Hadn't seen for seven
or eight months.

So I left the hospital.

I was very excited to plan.

I had been focusing on
what my future looked like

and what, even though I'm
talking about, there is no

future, in my mind's eye,
I had been visualizing.


Cause that's another thing
that's really powerful

with our minds and our
consciousness is the

power of visualization.

I'm gonna write a book about
that cause it's so brilliant.

When we visualize, we are
instructing and telling our

brain what it is we wish to
create and the brain -I had

learned this from my days with
Paul McKenna and hypnosis.

When you imagine something,
the brain has not got the

capability to know whether
it's imagined or real.

So the trick is imagine
what you want powerfully,

regularly, in detail.

I was imagining all the
time what I was gonna do

when I got well, and I
got out of this hospital.

I was gonna go sit on
the beach, be with my

friends, dance, have
laughter, have lovely

lunches around a table, da.

I kept visualizing.

I ordered the clothes.

I ordered some beautiful
beach gear that I was gonna

wear, and a nice hat that I
was gonna wear on the beach

because I wanted to really
bring this into my reality.

It worked.

So I was let out and they
said, okay, full remission,

really surprising.

Scan, you are off.

You can go.

You have to come back every
six months and get checked.

I said, okay, fine.

I immediately, the first
thing I did when I got out

was book a flight to Ibiza,
where I had been living.

And I went to Ibiza
and I saw some friends.

The first day I got back,
we went out for a drink.

It was around christmas time.

We went for a drink and I
came back with my friend

to the house, my house.

I looked at it and I saw smoke
coming out my front door.

I thought, wow,
what's going on?

And I lived in a forest,
beautiful house in the

forest, smoke billowing
at this point coming out.

And we opened the door and
there was the bright deep

red flames coming out.

The whole house was engulfed
in thick, black smoke.

Major fire.

So much so we couldn't
get in the house.

And the person I was with
called the fire brigade.

I went and got them and
brought them into the forest

where we lived, and they began
trying to put the fire out.

They managed to do this.

We were living all around
with trees and wood.

There was gas cylinders there
for use with the cooking.

Very dangerous situation.

We had flames, dry wood
all over and gas bottles.

Any moment it could
ignite and blow.

That night, and this was
literally the day I got

back from hospital and
I got back to my home.

That night I lost everything
in this house fire.

All my books, all my
notes, all the books I

was working on, all my
clothes, all my photographs.

Everything went up in flames.

There was one thing
that was left.

When I went back the next
morning with my friends,

there was a group of us went
back and they were like, oh

my gosh, this is devastating.

I'm so sorry.

There was a big pile of soot
where the kitchen had been

and there was one tarot card.

My tarot card deck sitting
on top of the soot.

This card was called,
was the rebirth card.

If I didn't already know
what this was about, this

was telling me, this card was
telling me, this is rebirth.

We've taken you right down.

We've stripped all your
memories because that I lost

all my memory when I got ill.

And now we've taken everything
and you've gotta start again.

So I was homeless and this
is a day after I got back.

That was a rebirth on a
major level, and I had

to start from scratch.

I had very little money.

I had no home.

My son was due to arrive
back at any point and I

didn't know what to do.

So that was when I learned
about the power of community.

My community, the gorgeous
people around who lived

around me, who I was very
good friends with, they

all got together and helped
and got me some stuff, some

clothes and some things and
found out whose house would

be free and we could move in.

And so I of house
hopping for a while.

Completely homeless.

And I had to rebuild my life
and it was very difficult

cuz I saw the world very
differently now after my NDE.

Now I was not the
person I was before.

I couldn't take, I
was very sensitive.

I couldn't take negativity or
gossip and all these things,

I just couldn't handle it.

And then I had to go and
live in other people's houses

that they kindly lent me.

And it very difficult.

Eventually I said, look, I
have to have my own home.

And some very kind
wealthy people in my

community got together
and and made that happen.

And I'm still here today.

You mentioned you had
a new operating system.


And I've had other guests talk
about this sudden increase

in empathic abilities like
you feel other people feel,

and that takes a while to
be able rebuild and block

that off when you need to.

Yeah, because it, it's a gift.

part of your upgrade?

Yeah, it's a gift to
be that sensitive.

But of course, also
it's a challenge.

I can't be around
drunk people, people in

altered states and who
are in low frequency.

I find that very difficult and
it pulls my frequency down.

I can't do it.

So I've learned, I have
to eat very well fresh,

organic, clean food.

I have to be in a
good environment.

I'm very sensitive.

I'm ultra-sensitive now.

And that is
difficult sometimes.

I, it's been a very difficult
transition back to life

because then we had pandemic.

I was homeless and then I
had to get a new place and

I hadn't got big reserves
to work with, so I it had

become a very difficult
flight after this NDE to

get back to life with this
new operating software, with

this new awareness, with
this new sensitivity, and

without her home and all my
stuff, I had no, nothing left.

So it was a strip back
of the highest order

that I went through.

So I had to get philosophical
about this and realize

that this has happened
to me for a reason.

One thing I learned was that
everything that happens to

us in life has trace elements
of things we need to learn

and our big lessons, and
this was a massive lesson

to me and I've learned
massively, and I know that

this storyline was given
to me because I'm a writer.

I have great contacts
and a really great

platform of people who
wanna hear what I say.

So I know I was given
it because I need to be

talking about it and sharing
this wisdom with other

people so they can help
other people in some ways.

And to have this
level of sensitivity.

It has to be carefully
handled and I have to really

carefully handle where I go,
my environment I go to and I'm

saying no a lot more than I'm
saying yes it's the things I

will show up to these days.

Very carefully curate my
environment and my inputs.


For example, I had a look
at Netflix last night.

And I was with a friend
wanting to watch films.

I, there were most of it I
couldn't watch drama, action,

shooting guns, terrorizing,
killing each other.

I don't want that as an input.

I don't, however, I
am very interested.

I'm a writer.

I'm artistic.

I'm a creative.

I like good storytelling.

I love it.

I love great films,
but I have to be really

careful what I watch.

And most of the Hollywood
stuff is a no-go for me.

It's too terrifying.

I don't wanna terrify myself.

I know that we shouldn't
terrify ourselves.

It's not good for the
physiology of your

beautifully balanced system.


So I have to now
be very careful and

curate very carefully.

Your story reminds
me of Anita.

Anita Mok

Anita Moorjani, she's
a Hay House author.


Anita Moorjani.

She's written a
book, dying to Be Me



That was actually one
of the first books about

NDE's that I read, but I
just, there's definitely

parallels, obviously,
between her story and yours.

Have you met her in person?

I'm in touch with her.

In fact, her office kindly
got me I was looking for

a lit new literary agent
because my literary agent

was unwell and wasn't had
to leave the business.

So I wrote to Anita's team,
and they very kindly put me

in touch with the guy who's
now my literary agent, who's

wonderful, and he, he looks
after Deepak Chopra, really

fantastic names in my genre.

So I'm very grateful to her
and she does great work.

Her style and position
is quite different to me.

We say similar stuff, but
in very different ways.

As do a lot the NDE authors,
we're a tribe and we are

getting the message out in
different and good ways.

As someone who's spoken
to and you are like the

11th or 12th person.


Everyone's got a, their
stories have similarities,

but everyone's got a
different way of telling it.

Everyone's got their own
history, and some people

have become authors.

Some are very reluctant
to talk about it.

The some have only just
started coming out.

Some had happened
40 years ago and


And just started I learned
not to talk about mine when

it first happened because
I, when I was in hospital

and I wanted to get out of
hospital and they already

thought I was pretty crazy
because I wouldn't allow

people, doctors, and anyone
coming in, including family

visitors to talk negatively.

Talk about the likelihood
of me dying, the likelihood

of me not getting through.

No, I do not want to hear
negative because the brain

will take it as a, a.

Take it without the negatives,
encoding it and take it

as real, like, you will
die or this will happen.


So even doctors, I
said, I don't wanna

hear your negative chat.

Any negativity.

Don't want it.

If you wanna tell me how
well I'm doing great.

If you wanna tell me
how likely I'm to die,

I don't want to hear it.

And so I forced others
around me to talk positively.

I was already a very
positive person.

I'd learned the
power of positive

conversation and output.

I've learned that already
through my days with Paul

McKenna and neurolinguistic
programming where the

language informs the
cells what's going on.

We wanna tell the cells
a really good story

and uplift and keep
them good and healthy.

And you do that by good
storytelling, not negative

stuff, scary stuff.

No, you want to talk
a positive story,

so very important.

I've got one other
question for you.

How do you feel within
yourself now that you're

sharing this story more,
at least from an online

perspective I can see
that you've started



And the reason I was reluctant
to say while I was still ill,

because I thought everyone
thought I was be so crazy

and they might just medicate
me and not let me out.

And When I did get out and
I started talking about it,

I realized people didn't
know how to handle this.

This is too big.

And they weren't
engaging with it.

And some people whose
belief systems wouldn't

allow this kind of story.

So I learned to zip it and
just not share because I

didn't wanna be, I didn't want
people to think I was mad and

crazy for talking like this.

But now I've got over that and
know, I, for which I'm lucky

cuz I've got books out, I
wrote a book while I was ill.

The Art of Creativity,
which did really well.

David Lynch, the
film director.

He he was kind enough to
give me a really brilliant

testimonial and backed it.

So I couldn't have been this
crazy woman because I was a

high class creative luckily.

But had I not have
been, had I just been.

Not with these
kind of accolades.

People would just
say she's mad.

She's just mad.

She's talking about
this crazy story.

She went off to heaven.

It is cra.

She's just crazy.

Fortunately, I've got
enough in my life, in my

career to show that I'm
not an insane person.

I'm intelligent person
who doesn't, who tells

the truth fortunately.

So I've been able now to
build an established platform

to be able to speak about
this without fearing how

other people are gonna react.

And now I've realized
it is my mission.

And the reason I went through
this is to communicate

and share with others this
more expansive side of life

that we are all, if we are
humans, we all have access

to this incredible power.

Power for healing, power
for accessing other

dimensions if we wish.

I'm looking a lot about what
happens with the dream world,

lucid dreaming and that's
a very interesting area.

I'm very inter, I've
done a lot of work with.

Helping the Beckley Foundation
who are researching at the

John Hopkins University
on psychedelics and how

that might help people in
situations of all sorts of

things from ADHD to all sorts
of things and how powerful

and how much it's been
squashed by the pharmaceutical

industry over the years.

The power of it for healing.

I was very, always, very
interested in looking at

this and supporting the
use of very powerful plant

medicines to heal people.

I believe that's a good thing.

I don't believe that
plants will can be

growing that are bad.

I believe that their their
power and capabilities have

been squashed over the years
because of the billion dollar

industry of pharmaceuticals.

That makes sense.

And they have absolutely
prevented and tried to

stop the communication
of the power of plants.

But fortunately now with
the internet and with

the global communication,
it's become increasingly

hard to hold that down.

But psychedelics are a
powerful force for good that

we can use in mental health.

Mental health has
become such an important

topic in this world.

We're at crisis point.

People are fearful, people are
upset, people are terrorized

with things going on in
their lives around the world

in war zones and outside of
war zones, kids in school.

The problems with being over
connected with technology.

Terrible impact.

So we need to have really
good tools in our toolbox

for recovery, for readjusting
mental health, for helping

people get back on track,
for helping kids to get

off their devices and start
playing and being kind to each

other and establishing good
relationships in real life.

And know, now there's this
thing of in, in real life,

IRL l I'll see you IRL.

So the kids are talking about,
I will see you in real life.

Like it's an
extraordinary thing.

No, we are meant
to be together.

We're meant to be having
fun and outdoors and

connecting with other humans.

We've gotta get back to
that, and when we do,

we'll get healthy again.

I'm glad you found a community
that allows you to speak

openly about your experience,
and I'm also glad that you

that's what I'm doing as well.

So I'm glad that you could
be here and helping expand

that for me as well.

So we're getting close
to running outta time,

but I wanted to ask you
how people are gonna

have questions, right?

Is that something
that you are open to?

And what's the best
way for people to get

in touch with you?

I am here to share
whatever I've got that's

worth sharing, and I'm
really happy to do that.

I love it if people
get in touch.

It is all from my website,
which is and

if you go there, you can find
out where I am on social.

You can get a contact email
for me and you you can get

in touch and do get in touch.

I love answering things
and I do a lot of online

stuff where I open it up,
take questions and talk.

So whatever I can do to
connect with others and to

help and to communicate,
I'm really happy to do

okay, great.

And have you got any final
message that you wanted

to leave people with
before we wrap things up?

I think you've got a belief
in yourself, your life,

and believe that we are
meant to be here having

fun and having a good time.

I recently done a TEDx talk
I mentioned there are four,

five things that I I learned
when I went through this.

Things that are fundamental
to living a good life

and it's like life
hacks, ways to live life.

I didn't get a chance cuz I
had a very short time in my

TED Talk, so I only covered a
few things, but I have written

it all down in an ebook.

Get it on my website.

It's things I learned when
I had three weeks to live.

And there I have details,
all the things that I

will learnt that are big
things to make life better.

Have a look at that
and I think be kind,

be compassionate and
live your best life

are my parting words.

Thanks for that message,
Susie, and thank you

for coming on the
show to be my guest.

I really appreciate it.

Thank you for having me.

It's been a real
pleasure talking to you.

Surviving Brain Cancer: How My Tumor Vanished After a Near-Death Experience - Susie Pearl
Broadcast by