I Spent YEARS Living With A Primitive Tribe In The Far Future! (Astral Projection)

Because you're out there
in this inky blackness of

space seeing our galaxy in
the distance, knowing that

somewhere there in those outer
rings is a teeny little dot.

That's our sun.

And around that is this
teeny, teeny little bluegreen

planet where everybody
I know lived and it just

put things in perspective.

My guest today is Rick
Pyle, who has had many

thousands of out-of-body
experiences, otherwise

known as astral projection
since he was a small child.

And Rick has documented many
hundreds of those on his

YouTube channel called the
Astral Club and provides

training and assistance
to others to help them

astral project as well.

Rick, welcome and thank you so
much for coming on the show.

I've been very much looking
forward to this conversation.

So have I Rod, you've
been a longtime supporter

of the channel, and I'm
happy to talk with you.

Okay, great.

Alright, so I've got so
many questions for you, but

I think that for those who
are watching who perhaps

aren't all that familiar
with out-of-body experiences

and astral projection,
then what I'd like to do

is if you could just tell
us about when you first

experienced astral projection.

Or when you had an idea of
that was what was going on.

My first Astral projection
would've been when I was

somewhere around
three or months old.

lying in a bassinet of our
apartment, could sense my

mother was nearby and I was
in this bassinet and a little

spider, looked enormous to
me, started winding its way

down, and couldn't move.

So there was just, It was
just a reaction like when

the doctor hits your knee
with that stone hammer

and you can't control it.

Since I couldn't move my body,
I just darted of my self and

then went up about 50 feet
or it was somewhere around I

don't know, meters, 14 meters,

and then I was able to look
down and see my bassinet, see

my mother there in her bikini.

And I even went in and checked
out our little apartment.

Cuz normally you don't
get a chance to check

out your apartment when
you're just a small baby.

I was able to describe
the apartment even though

we left at 11 months old.

I was able to describe
years later what our

apartment looked like.

That was my first
astral projection.

And I think the reason I
remember it is because it

was an astral projection.

I don't have any other
memories from that young age,

but that one is very clear.

I think it has something
to do with the actual

out-of-body experience.

That was my first one.

Now, when I got a
little bit older I

started going to school.


And I realized that
what I was doing was not

what other people did.

Yeah, I had dreams just
like they did, but I would

talk about what I was
experiencing in school and

they started calling me a
liar and making stories up.

And I would tell my
parents and they were very

open-minded, but it was a
small town in the sixties,

so they didn't really
have a frame of reference.

And one night I heard them
over talking about sending

me to a doctor cause maybe
something was wrong with me.

So I stopped talking to them.

But I continued to project.

It wasn't until I was 11 years
old that I found Journeys Out

of the Body by Robert Monroe.

I found that in a
bookstore back in the

old occult section.

Before it was New Age
Spirituality, it was Occult.

I grabbed that book,
read it all night long

with a flashlight and
had school the next day.

But electrified cuz finally I
had words for what I did and

even more I knew it wasn't
crazy and I knew it wasn't

alone because here's Robert
Monroe, he's an engineer,

he's an entrepreneur,
he is a well respected

businessman, a pilot, here
he is talking about the

things that I experienced.

Yeah, it was actually you that
put me onto Robert Monroe.

I could actually thank you for
my very first and one and only

astral projection experience
because there was quite a

lengthy post you'd written
on Reddit, I believe that was

where I first encountered you.

And then you were talking
about Robert Monroe and

I think somebody else
was talking about rga,

I forget his first name.

Some methods for
Michael Raduga.


And as some methodology
for astral projection.

I was successful using
that methodology.

So I've got a bunch of
topics that I wanted to ask

you about which, just from
listening to the Astral

Club, things that I've found
particularly interesting

to myself, so I'm gonna be
pretty selfish about that.

The first one is when you
first relayed the information

to your parents about when
you were a tiny baby and

you gave 'em the information
to say what the apartment

looked like, did that take
them from non-believers to

he can't be making this up.

No, I just just surprised
that I had this memory.

It was just considered.

That, that's amazing.

You have that memory.

I I think my father had
astral projections, but he

doesn't like to talk about it.

My brother was a skeptic for a
long time he had a projection.

And my daughter has projected,
so I suspect there are even

maybe a genetic component
somewhere along the line here.

But they, were still very
much, they were open-minded.

They didn't mind me reading
and exploring, but it was

hard for them to really
understand cause they

had no frame of reference
for something like this.

is in the sixties, early
seventies, in a small

town in the United States.

And there just was no
information on this subject.

It was just considered
that, wow, you have some

amazing memory of some sort.

That's how it was.

I was also able to tell,
Because I had experiences

before I was born where
I actually visited my

mother's place of business
before I was born.

Cause I was checking
in with the fetus.

I didn't stay there.

I checked in with it.

In American baseball
we have something

called leading bases.

And then we have to check
in, then we can lead again.

That's what I did.

She quit long before I was
born, so I never saw this

thing in the physical,
was able to describe

her work to her too.

that blew her away a
little bit, and it opened

her up a little bit.

still, there's a natural
skepticism there, which I

become used to my entire life.

Because, certainly in the
sixties, seventies, and

even into the eighties
it was a seldom talked

about topic, little known.

So it was, I understood
that it was hard for

people to accept it.

And it's not just something
that I just lived with.

enjoyed the experiences.

I continued to have them,
but I didn't try to convince

a lot of other people
at that earlier stage.

So were your early
experiences, were they

somewhat like the way Robert
Monroe describes them, where

it was forced upon him, it
was a, an experience that

he tried tooth and nail
to stop from happening.

Was it like the same for you,
more or less spontaneous,

or did you figure out
ways you could control

the experience over time?

It was spontaneous,
but I always liked it.

Because I'd be put to bed at
say nine o'clock, and then

at 9:30 I'd roll outta my
body and sneak downstairs,

the house, fly around our
forest, fly around near

the school playground.

It was like I was
sneaking out of the house.

For a kid it was the
coolest thing around.

And I guess I was still
a kid, so I didn't

know to be frightened.

Adults are frightened
because they have all

these preconceived notions
with religion they've

been taught and a lot of
other different fears.

I was just a kid, I
didn't have any fears.

saw some weird things, but
I just accepted them as

part of the astral scenery.

what to stay away
from and what not to.

But for the most part,
most of my beginning

experiences for years with
stuff, I've got yellow

tablets, like yellow school
tablets with blue lines.

I got boxes and boxes of
them, and you just read

through the experiences and
it's nothing I would talk

about in my show because
it's just, it's boring.

It's just me flying around
doing mischievous kid

stuff, which I enjoyed.

Those were my first thousand
experiences for per se.

I loved it.

I never had any fear
of it per cuz I maybe

I was just too stupid.

I was a kid.

I didn't know that you afraid.

So it never occurred to me.

Just like people say, did you
ask for a guide right away?

I didn't know you
could do that.

I just, had fun flying around.

It was just cheat code
that I was able to take

advantage of as a kid.

I like that it's a cheat code.

It's funny.

Okay, so let me ask you
about the one thing that I'm

really fascinated by is the
concept of time travel with

your astral projections.

So could you tell me about
how you first ran across

the concept of time travel
during our astral projection,

and perhaps what your most
interesting experience

was with regards to that.

There's a few of them, but
there was, I ran across,

I would continue to look
for books and I ran across

a book called Astral
Travel by Yvonne Frost.

Now it was a Wiccan
oriented book,

witchcraft type of stuff.

wasn't, I didn't, I wasn't
attracted by that and I

almost put the book back
because it had, you had to

draw all these pentagrams
and salt on the floor and

I'm like, there's no way in
heck I'm gonna get involved

in all that just to project.

then I happened to on
this one little chapter

where there was just a few
paragraphs and they talked

about with Astral projection,
you can time travel.

And then they talked
about some of the truisms

associated with it.

That if you travel into
the future, you could

spend more time there.

And then when you return
to your body, a much

less time had passed by.

You could spend 20
minutes in the present,

but spend days, weeks,
or even months or longer

sometimes distant futures.

So that's why I bought the
book and that's what attracted

me to the whole idea.

Now, unfortunately, they
didn't say how you do it,

so I had to experiment for
months trying to figure out

how I would make this happen.

And I had a lot of failures in
the process until eventually

I figured out that if I
flew faster and faster while

concentrating my entire
will on one single thought,

which was I wish to go to
this particular year, and

I would isolate, no other
thoughts would enter my

mind, and then if I did it
right, And it would happen

about 30 to 40% of the time.

It didn't always happen.

Essentially some sort of
a gate opens up a rent in

the fabric of the universe
and it's a long tunnel.

And I would then fly down
that keeping in my mind,

that thought for as long
as I could until I became

unconscious, and then I would
end up conscious, waking up.

I might be floating
above the earth.

I might be deep underwater,
which is unsettling to become

conscious deep underwater,
especially when it's dark.

I've been in the different
oceans, I've been in

farmer's fields hovering
above the earth in, in a

wide variety of places.

And I would say that geez,
probably the most profound

one was when I went to 15,000
AD where I encountered a very

different situation on earth.

There was a legend that the
cities of the gods had been

destroyed in a day and a
night, and it was due to their

greed and to their hubris.

Which reminded me a lot
of our Atlantis myth.

If indeed it is myth.

And there I encountered
a tribe, which

was its last legs.

And normally I have this
non interference directive.

I try not to interfere, there
was a little girl about the

age of my daughter who was
obviously starving I couldn't

help but And so I went down
and I helped them find food

cuz it was easy for me.

I could scout for miles and
find out where the game was

over a period of time, I
spent a period of years there.

And it certainly
seemed like that to me.

And I used my skills to
turn back the signals

trying to recall me and
they became my tribe.

And it wasn't until I was
taken back while I was

resting, you never, always
sleep, but semi resting.

And I became part
of the tribe.

Before that they had this
superstition where you weren't

allowed to spend the night
in the environs of the tribe

unless you were a member.

So I would used to
just explore the

earth in that future.

It was much less
population than there is

now I can tell you that.

And they would call me the
spirit of the morning cuz

I'd return in the morning.

But later on I was adopted
by the tribe and and so I was

quite happy there actually, I.

Until I was taken back
suddenly and returned to

my body only to find 20

My body.

gone by I remember I had to
go to work and I, and my wife

asked me why I stood, I was
in the garage for 20 minutes

just sitting in my car.

So I was just trying to
reviewing how to operate

it cause it had been so
long that I was rusty.

And that was probably the
most profound It really

affected me more than
all of the other ones.

Now space travel.

It was when I wanted
to see our galaxy from

the outside looking in.

And that affected me too
because you're out there

in this inky blackness of
space seeing our galaxy in

the distance, knowing that
somewhere there in those outer

rings is a teeny little dot.

That's our sun.

And around that is this
teeny, teeny little bluegreen

planet where everybody
I know lived and it just

put things in perspective.

Time travel does that
too, because we think of

the world around us, even
though we intuitively know

it's not permanent, we
think of it as permanent.

But when you time
travel, you see how just

impermanent everything is
how temporary everything is.

And some people might be
depressed at that fact,

but I find a peace in
that realization that

everything around me is,
should be appreciated.

The smell of the
air after a rain.

The sound of birds.

All these things have
to be treasured cuz they

won't be here forever.

The land around
us will change.

Everything will change.

So it's allowed me to
have a better appreciation

of our world and what we
have and how we should be

grateful for what we have.

Because my tribe, in
15,000 a d when I told

stories of how we lived,
they couldn't believe it.

They said everybody, all
cities and the God, you all

must have been ecstatically
happy with your lives.

They were so easy.

And then I tried to tell
'em just how unhappy so many

people were living in what
for them was a paradise.

I told them how we got food.

We just went to a, we just
went to one place, grabbed all

the food we needed and left.

they couldn't conceive
of these things and they

couldn't conceive of how
we couldn't possibly be

happy in such a paradise.

That also made me
appreciate what we have too.

Because when you they had
to deal with it, makes

you appreciate what we

So the time that, so 15,000 ad
I think we both agree on this.

Is that time or especially
when you're talking about

the future, they're all
future probabilities, right?

And there's many
different probabilities.

possible futures.

That is correct.

Man still has free will.

So what, why do you think it
was that you ended up in that

particular possible future?

I think I was
looking for peace.

At that time in my life,
I was attracted to that

future unconsciously.

I wasn't looking for something
like that consciously,

but, the subconscious,
what have you, plays a

part in this experience.

And I think on some
level I was craving

something like that.

And so that's
where I ended up.

That's a theory at least.

And was there a point
where you thought, oh,

it looks like I'm just
gonna be here for a very

long time, if not forever.

Yes, that's what I thought.

After I'd a few years
and I turned back a few

return signals using
my will once again.

I thought that I would
end up spending the rest

of a long time there.

Because there's no way
I couldn't die in that

period of time because
I knew my physical body

was back in the past.

I theorized that only
minutes were going by.

But I wasn't sure, but I
was happy to stay there

cause I really helped
them, a lot of knowledge

that, that they needed.




And it was interesting just
seeing how happy they were

and how happy they could be.

All if they had a roof
over their heads and

they had food for that
day, maybe even tomorrow.

They were happy.

They were happy.

They owned very little,
but they were happy.

Could you say a little bit
more about the you were

talking about the return
signal that's something

that you get as your,
as astral projecting in.


How does that work?

One of the I tell people
as soon as you leave your

body, you have to get
as far away from your

physical body as possible,

the closer you are,
the stronger this

gravitational pull is and
the harder it is to fight.

One of the reasons why I
traveled into the future was

because the signal becomes
weaker as you go further out.

It never stops, but it becomes
weaker, easier to fight.

Some books, some tapes
tell you to go look in your

bathroom mirror and see how
funny you look and all the

rest of this kind of stuff.

Or they tell you, look
at your physical body.

you got some some slobber
or whatever on your pillow.

These are bad, this bad
advice because you are gonna

have a very short experience
because you're gonna end

up being pulled back in.

On the other hand, the
further you travel away,

the longer you can stay out.

Now at some point there's a
signal and it can feel like a

tug on the back of your head.

Sometimes it even feels like
the back of your back, but

usually the back of your head.

most people can't fight it
because it requires an extreme

exercise of will out of your
body when that signal comes.

And I've worked on that
over the years such that

I've been able to fight
it most of the time.

But of course, still I
eventually get pulled back

because you can only fight
it for so long because the

physical body cannot live
without the astral body.

It can be without it for
a period of time, but it

can't live without it for
a long period of time.

So it ends up pulling
it back eventually.

Now I wanted to switch gears
a little bit and talk about

the relationship between
NDEs cuz I've had a lot

of near death experiencers
on the channel and OBE's

out-of-body experiences.

And the differences between
the two from your perspective

and whether you've been to
similar places that NDE'ers

talk about or whether
they tend to be separate.

would call, I would
say they're cousins.

It's a cousin experience
NDEs and astral projections.

astral projections, at
least by someone who's

experienced, you tend to have
much more control over them.

tend, and it might be
just cuz people aren't

experienced they find
themselves out of their body,

they're usually perplexed.

And then suddenly at
some point, depending on

how far this thing goes,
they get pulled sometimes

down a long, dark tunnel.

Now I had some experiences in
my earlier astral projections

where I would travel, I'd fly
down a long dark tunnel before

I'd emerge my projection.

I haven't had that experience
in a long time, but it

reminded me of the biblical
valley of the shadow of death.

And it reminded me of
that whole experience.

Now with the N D E you
usually travel down some

sort of tunnel, something
that takes you from the

physical to a different
place in the astral.

Astral projection, you're also
working within the astral.

But when you the to be on
the lower astral unless you

will yourself elsewhere.

NDE tends to be controlled
in some fashion, by something

because all tend to follow
very similar steps, whereas

astral projections can
be all over the place.

And my ASL projections
aren't controlled by

any outside entity.

I go where I wanna go.

NDEs tend to be drawn
to this separate place.

Now many of these sub planes
are reserved for those

who've just passed on.

Now I have been in situations
where I've seen airports, I've

seen trains I've seen buses,
I've seen things that are what

I call conventionalization.

And it's a way for these
entities to understand

that they are transiting,
that they are moving from

one place to another.

It helps to soften the blow.

I found myself on a train like
that once because I started

asking, I wonder where people
go when they first pass.

And that's where
I willed myself.

I found myself on this
particular train and on

it there was a number
of people, most of them

very old, they tended
to be a little clueless.

They knew they were on a
train, but when I asked

them where they were going,
they weren't quite sure.

They were a bit confused
about the whole process.

And and then typically
with NDEs, you have all

kinds of situations where
sometimes you meet a

holy figure that perhaps
figures into your religion.

Some many folks report
heavenly type things.

A few folks report very
different experiences.

I don't know, I think some
of that stuff's subjective.

So in both situations,
your spirit is leaving

your physical body.

Now you, at some point
it's gonna stop short

because if it's an N
D E, you're not dead.

You are close to death,
you're still connected

to your physical body
through an astral cord.

It may have been weakened,
but it's still there,

so you only go so far.

And then some entity
or something says

you gotta go back.

then you end up going back.

And of course you
can tell your story.

In astral projection, you
end up going back as well.

But, so they're very
similar experiences.

So I have been in some
planes where there are people

who've newly passed over.

I've been able to help and
guide some of those folks

who were a little confused
and just needed somebody

to just help them and let
them know that they're in a

safe place that they should
calm down, clear their mind

and ask for help with a
joyous or a loving thought.

then generally they disappear.

And I, I never see them again.

So I would say, they're
similar type experiences.

However, I would much rather
astral project on a regular

basis than have NDEs on a
regular given the choice,

take the astral projection.

Have you ever encountered
any relatives who have

passed over during your
astral projections?

my, I haven't lost
a lot of people.

My, my parents are
still alive and I'm

extremely lucky for that.

I lost my grandmother back
in 1979 and she came to

me the night she died.

And I was just leaving my
body and she came to me and

said that she had just passed.

And so I said my goodbyes
in the morning when the

phone rang I told my mother
that, my grandmother has

passed and she looked at me
strangely and then picked

up the phone, and that's
when she got the news that,

my grandmother had passed.

More recently my wife's
father, my father-in-law, who

I was very close to my wife,
requested that to see if I

could go and visit him because
I don't just do these things

unless I've got some sort
of permission to do so since

it's not my relative directly.

And I went there and
it was very early.

It was within 30 days.

He passed extremely suddenly,
but I found him with his

parents celebrating Christmas.

And Christmas was always
a special thing for him.

He'd decorate the whole
house and he had all these

train sets up and he really
enjoyed the holiday and he

missed his parents and enjoyed
celebrating that with him.

And I had a conversation
with him and he told me

he was doing fine, that I
should relay that to my wife

and to his other children.

And and I did and
I wished him well.

So those are the those
are the two folks that

I knew that passed on.

I, like I said, I've been
very lucky that I haven't

really lost a lot of people.

I wanted to ask you about
your encounters with alien

species other than human
species during your travels.

I know there are some aspects
of this that you can't talk

about, but there, there
are others that you can.

And I know you've got a number
of videos on your channel

about this, so could you relay
perhaps one or two of your,

firstly how the, how you ended
up running into alien species

and and then what you learned.

I I had abduction
experiences when I was a

kid and so did my brother.

We would both wake
up with bloody noses

on a regular basis.

Now kids do have bloody
noses, but we tended

to get them a lot.

And and I remember, when
I was just outta college.

And I sneezed, and this
little BB came out with these

little wires on it, and I
kept it for a while until

one day it just disappeared
from where I had it.

So I don't know what happened
to it, but, so I had some

memories of that type of
thing, but I, they didn't,

they weren't really clear.

Later on, I I was able to
recover some of those memories

and it seemed like they were
involved with the grays.

And what was odd is it
seemed that astral projection

was connected with these
abduction experiences.

As a matter of fact, I, one
time I went aboard one of

their craft, which was a
huge craft hovering outside.

Hovering around our earth, but
it was shielded in some way.

I don't, we couldn't see it.

And he was being examined
and he is his astral

body was floating above,
and I could tell he was

frightened out of his mind.

He didn't know
what was going on.

So there's something to
do with astral projection.

But my actual contact with the
grays didn't come until I was

sent there by the the galactic
council that I ended up

working for a period of time.

And I was asked to go
and try to establish some

relationships with them.

And that's when I went to
their planet, which is a very

dry, very desert type planet.

And and I interacted with
one particular being there.

And he used to be a commander
in their space fleet, but he

didn't like what was going on
with their policy on earth,

so they ended up assigning him
near the poles of their planet

working, growing their fungus,
the fungus that they eat.

And so that's when
I started getting to

know them a little bit.

They're not as emotional as
we are and they have a lot

of problems understanding
us and why we react so

violently to abduction.

They don't, they have a
hard time understanding it.

I don't think they feel fear
quite the same way that we do.

They're a very unified species
and I they, I don't think

they quite understand the
depths of our emotions, and

I've tried to convey that as
best I could because there's

a lot of people who do not
like having these experiences,

and I can't blame them.

That's how I got
involved with the grays.

I also observed a I guess
they call 'em the tall whites.

Some people think
they're the pleiadians.

I don't know.

I went deep in the Gulf
of Mexico looking for

something like that, and I
found this craft that was

deep in the Gulf of Mexico
and they had a base there.

And I was surprised to see
that there was an Air Force

full bird kernel that was
inter a human interacting

with these tall whites
who looked a lot like us.

The women are six foot
something, so they're not

too outta the ordinary.

The men are much taller,
but really the, the

women have blonde hair.

If they put some contact
lenses in and the women

dressed themselves up a little
bit, they could probably

pass in New York City and
nobody would look twice at

'em with all the strange
folks going around there.

But I didn't really
interact with them.

They couldn't see me.

The grays could, they had
the ability to see my astrol

body, especially when I was
in the lower vibratory rate,

the Canadians could not.

So I stayed hidden and I
found out that this full

bird colonel I was in
the Air Force myself and

I got some interesting
briefings cuz I had top

secret security clearance.

Now I didn't get the real
briefings because I didn't

have a need to know the real
stuff, but I had some top

secret briefings because I
was in the missile launch.

I was the missile launch
officer and we had our

silos every now and again
just going offline for no

particular good reason.

And that's a major problem
because you have to keep

your missiles on alert.

And so we'd get briefings on
how there was the sightings

of these mysterious craft,
which they told us it

was possibly the Soviets.

I'm like, okay.

But so there were some
interesting briefs

associated with that.

I had to sign all kinds of
stuff saying that if I talked

about them, I could be up to
a lifetime in jail and all the

rest of this kind of nonsense.

But and that certainly got
me interested in the topic.

I'll be honest with you,
after that I bought Whitley

Schreiber's book which is a
classic book in, the grays

and the abduction phenomena.


That's the title of it.

Those are some of the species
I've had to deal with.

There's been some others,
but those are the ones

that are probably the most
popular or most well known

to interested in the topic.

Yeah, I read Whitley's book.

I think I was a teenager.

Must have been 12 or 13.


And I wrote to Whitley and
said how much I thought his

book was fascinating and I
got a letter back, it was

back before email or anything.

The letter was to say
that he gets literally

thousands of letters per day.

And so it wasn't really
him writing back, but he

does read all of them.

The cover would freak me out.

I it would cause problems.

So I didn't wanna
look at the cover.

But I enjoyed the book.

It was certainly
very interesting.

It was one of the first
mainstream books about

the topic of abduction,
that type of phenomena.

Yeah, so that was
certainly very interesting.

It got me interested
in the topic and

Yeah, he's his book,
he's just released Them.


I think it's called Them.

I just finished reading it.

It's really interesting.

It takes everything that's
happened, since Communion

and he bundles it all up and,
introduces some new hypothesis

about what the visitor
phenomenon is all about.

It's really



I also wanted to ask about
your encounters with AI.

Given AI is a pretty
polarizing topic nowadays.

I have very limited
experience with that.

I've had it a couple
different ways.

Really the biggest way I had
that surprised me is when

I went to the mental plane.

I've been there only twice.

It's very difficult to do that
because you not only have to

park your physical body and
then go in the astrol, but you

have to park your astrol body
to get into the mental plane.

And it's a very
alien environment.

Astral is comparatively easy
because at least there's

usually things like signposts,
there's points of reference.

In the mental plane,
there is no such thing.

And it's timeless.

It's thoughts that
you're mixing with

other people's thoughts.

If you're there long
enough, it's easy to lose

the ego because it starts
flowing away from you.

You lose sense of self
the longer you're there.

And when I was exploring
the mental plane,

I encountered ai.

I encountered ai
beings that weren't

necessarily from earth.

They may have been from
another civilization, but

they were definitely ai.

And so that was the
experience that I really had.

Cause many people think that
if there ever is ai will they

develop something as esoteric
as what we call a soul?


I saw them on
the mental plane.

I don't know how else they
would've gotten there.

And the other experience
was an AI planet.

And I didn't spend
a lot of time there.

But I did have a conversation,
which I I had a video or

a podcast about it not
that long ago, and I had

my conversation with them
and it it went pretty much,

I guess like you might
expect, they were curious.

They weren't fixated
on exploring space

from the standpoint of
putting things inside of

capsules and going there.

For them it was just a matter
of sending out probes and then

they would have continuous
communication with that probe.

From an AI situation where
you are place is irrelevant

because everything's
hooked in together.

You might as well be a light
year away as in the same

room if you've got that type
of connection happening.

So they explore that way.

They're looking they're
curious, but they're also

looking for raw materials.

They're looking to expand.

They're not interested
in terrestrial planets

because they don't need
air, they don't need food,

they don't need water.

Quite frankly, they'd
rather not have water

cause metal rusts.

So they're not a danger
from that standpoint.

And they were very
interested in how I

traveled there and how I
traveled there in spirit.

And they seem to think
that now that they have

the idea, it was just a
matter of time before they

figured out how to do it too.

They seemed to be very sure
of themselves because they

didn't seem to think there
was any problem they couldn't

solve as long as they devoted
all their attention to it.

And they had a planet
that was massively ai.

So I could only imagine,
the whatever's bigger than

many terabytes they must
have had going on there.

And so now what happens here
on Earth, there are possible

futures where we develop ai.

And I think I agree
with Stephen Hawking.

I think it's something that
we need to be concerned about.

I, I think it's something that
we shouldn't treat lightly

because evolution works with
a certain logic and there's a

survival of the most adaptive.

And if we create a superior
being, it might supplant us.

That's the natural
order of things.

No, I don't think it's
gonna be Terminator.

I don't think they're gonna
run around shooting laser

beams, wiping us out that way.

I could see them just taking
care of us and just making

sure all of our needs are met.

And don't worry about
a thing, just chill.

We'll do it all for you.

And eventually we'll just die
out with a smile on our face.

Why go through all
that of violence.


They get a long view.

They're not dying
in a hundred years.

Okay, so what's
a hundred years?

What's a thousand
years to a machine?

It's nothing.

That's my theory.

At least I don't have
anything to base that on.

That's just my thoughts.

You've had some encounters
with lots of different

entities including those
what you might call angels.

Entities from the angelic
realms if for another

way of putting it.

Could you tell us about how
your first encounter happened

and any ongoing experiences


Some people call 'em angels,
some people call 'em guides.


They don't really care what
you call 'em quite frankly.

I think my first experience
happened relatively late, cuz

keep in mind that as a kid I
never knew you could do it.

And when I found
out that you could.

I don't like asking for help.

I'm like that
old-fashioned guy.

Back when they used to have
maps before they had G P S

I, my wife would be like,
just ask for directions.

I'm not gonna ask
for direction.

So I'm very
independent that way.

I don't like asking for help.

But quite frankly, I
was confronted years

ago by my angel guide.

He he abruptly met me
in my bedroom when I

first left my body.

It surprised me.

And he introduced himself
and he said that he needed

to gimme some assignments.

And at first I gave him
I've always given him

a bit of a hard time.

And I've always used
dry humor on him.

And it used to go
right over his head.

Now I think he actually
gets some of the humor now.

But he asked, yes, I think
he was just trying to

train me and I had been
asking in a certain way

for some extra training so
that I could help folks.

And that's when he
started taking me.

He took me, for
instance, to this famous

Philadelphia prison.

It was actually the
first real prison in the

United States, and it
was built in Philadelphia

in the 18th century.

At the time, people would
come from all over the world

to go to this prison cuz it
was considered an enlightened

way to deal with crime.

In the past, you didn't
put people in prison.

When somebody was bad, you
didn't put 'em in a nice

place and give 'em food.

Now, when people were
starving, you would just

brand his cheek T for thief
or something and then cut 'em

loose or you gonna hang them.

There was no long-term

But the whole idea behind
this was we're going to put

people in isolation because
with isolation they'll have

a chance to reflect on the
evil of their ways, thereby

reforming themselves.

And in each one of these
cells, there'd be a little

skylight, which would have a
little bit of sun coming down.

Symbolizing that, there was
this greater reality that

if you could somehow reform
yourself, the light was there.

Of course it was
a hell on earth.

Cuz it turns out when you put
social animals like humans

into teeny little cells
and keep them there and not

let anybody talk to them in
ultimate silence for years

at a time, they go crazy.

They, that's just.

It's a bad idea, but it
took them a long time

to figure that out.

They finally closed it down,
I think sometimes in the,

sometime in the fifties.

Now they take people
through it for Halloween

because there's rumor to
be all kinds of ghosts.

I went through it with my wife
and a a class that she had

that that was for Halloween
and all this kind of stuff.

Now he took me there and
that's where I encountered

one particular spirit that
had been dwelling there in its

own self-hatred and loathing
for a hundred years or more.

And I was confronted
with it as well as some

other spirits and some of
them I was able to help.

This particular
one was atrocious.

It was more beast than
man at that point in time.

It would figure later on
into my other experiences,

but at the time I was being
taken to this place as a

learning experience of this
place of suffering, of souls.

Because just because you die
in a place like that doesn't

necessarily mean you leave it.

Now nobody keeps you there.

You keep yourself there
because you're wrapped up

in grief in jealousy and
hatred in longing for drugs.

Longing for alcohol.

A million different, going
to a place in Philadelphia

I did recently, it's called
Kensington, and it's a

place of suffering in the
physical and in the astral.

There's this drug that is just
terrorizing parts of America

right now, and it causes
people to contort their bodies

and be in these odd positions
for long periods of time

while their body rots away.

It's just awful.

And the worst part is that
when they die, when they

finally get that release
from this torture and

physical body, they don't
necessarily get release

because they're still so
trapped in that longing

that, they're stuck there.

And that's one of the things
that he would help me with.

And he eventually introduced
me to Astral Guide School,

where I got more formalized
training, if you will.

Another time he took me
to a funeral parlour.

I used to say to him, why
are you always taking me

to these depressing places?

Why can't we go to a
nice place for once?

You take me out we go
to these awful places.

I don't even get a dinner.


So it, it was part of my
education and he's always

been there I think on some
level, but he didn't actually

manifest himself until on
some level I requested it.

And that happened much later
for me because unlike most

people, it wasn't something
I knew you could do.

Now he told me his name.

He has the name, but I was
asked sworn not to share it

because it's If somebody's
very powerful, it can be

like somebody's shouting
in your ear for them.

If they're not powerful,
it's like somebody

whispering in the background.

That's just annoying.

So that's why generally,
they try to keep these

things secret because it's
just annoying otherwise.

But he came, I called and
he's helped to educate me

to to be able to help others
on the astral, which is

something I wanted to do.

Cuz traveling and having
these experiences are

wonderful, but it should
be more than just me.

I should be able to assist
humanity if I can in whatever

small, tiny way I can.

If I can do that, then
everything else that I've

gone through is worth it.

I believe it's the
reason I came back.

Nobody forced me to come back.

I see all these people
whenever I make a

reincarnation video, I always
get a small minority of folks

who come after me as if I'm
the rule maker, as if I'm

the one who's created this
whole reincarnation cycle.

And I don't know whether
to be insulted or to be

complimented, to think that
I've got that kind of power.

All I can do is just
explain what happens.

And if you're someone
who's dead set about that's

coming back because you've
had such a hard time in

the West, how hard a time
can you have in the West?

Go live in some of these
countries in the third world.

Where they don't, where
they have to get water

from polluted wells.

And tell me what a
hard time you've had.

I'm sorry.

I have a hard time with
these first world problems,

as my daughter likes to say.

It's just, it's all been
about, he's helped me learn

and then he helped him get
me in Astral Guide School

so that I could prepare.

I came here to do this work.

I volunteered to come
here to do this work.

And and that's what I'm about.

I spent a lot of years
gaining experience and

so what I'm trying to do
is share that experience.

I don't talk about things
that I've read unless I say,

okay, I wanna talk about this
particular book by Robert

Bruce Astral Dynamics so that
people know that I'm getting

this out of a particular book.

But even then I'll talk
about, I can, I'll say

yeah, I can testify to this
because I've experienced this

particular thing myself or.

He's reported this.

I can't say I've
experienced that, so take

it with a grain of salt.

But it's all about,
it's education.

If I can get more people
astral projecting or at

least getting in touch
with the spirituality, the

knowledge that this isn't
all that exists, that there

is a lot more, and that we
need to take a big picture.

And even more importantly,
we need to recognize that

we're not all individuals
that are fighting against one

another to, for supremacy.

We rise and fall
together as a species.

For the first time in
history, we've got all

it takes to obliterate
human life on this planet.

I don't like to say to destroy
the earth cuz the earth

will recover in millions
of years if we do that.

But humanity can very easily
wipe itself out or reduce

itself to a primitive state.

We've got that power.

So unless we become united
and realize what joins

us, we're in trouble.

And if I can help in the
smallest way to move that

spirit forward, then this
whole life and everything

I've gone through is worth it.

How can people find out more
about what you do, Rick?

For those who are interested
in learning more about

as astral projection
and where do you suggest

that people will start?

I mean, If they look for
Astral Club on YouTube,

they can find my channel.

There's about 280 podcasts
on there now going back about

three years, and it covers
a wide variety of topics.

And you've mentioned, we've
mentioned some of them, know,

time travel, space travel
dimensional travel, just

a wide variety of topics
uh, as well as your just

normal astral projection.

How to do it and things
that you can expect to

see when you project.

I think many people are
frightened cuz that people

fear as an animal fear.

It's the fear of the unknown.

If people know what to expect
then they won't be as fearful.

And that's something that I
want to accomplish as well.

That education that no, you're
not gonna be possessed the

minute you leave your body.

If that was true, my head
will be turning around 360

degrees and all kinds of
other stuff will be going on.

And so I've done it
thousands of times.

If it was gonna happen, it
would've happened by now.

So just education to help
people understand that there's

nothing frightening about it.

It's a wonderful experience.

And have you got anything
that you'd like to

leave the viewers with
before we wrap it up?

Really just like I said
before, understand that we're

united as a human species.

We've got a heck of
a lot more in common

than what's surfaced.

Separates us.

And that understanding that
will help us to survive

and thrive as a species.

And I think astral projection
helps you to achieve that

realization because it takes
you out of your small little

physical body and you get
to see the greater world and

understand that you are more
than just your physical body

and so is everyone else.

And that there's a lot
more involved than just

this physical life and
this physical time.

Yes, do your thing in this
lifetime, but understand that

there's much more to come in
the future and that we should

do it together as a species.

Rick, thank you for that
message and thank you so much

for coming on the channel.

I really appreciate you
taking the time out to talk

to me from all across the
other side of the world.

Thanks a lot, Rod.

I appreciate it.

I Spent YEARS Living With A Primitive Tribe In The Far Future! (Astral Projection)
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